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    1. 4/5/2024 - Third (low level) Lucid

      by , 04-13-2024 at 11:50 PM
      This was about a week ago, but I've been meaning to post this anyway.

      The dream starts with me playing Rainbow Six Siege, and I'm on the operator selection screen, I believe for attacking. I hover my mouse on an operator in the first column and about the middle row to the left. I saw an operator named "Siev" and got confused because I am very familiar with most of these operators and I know that one does not exist. Since I was practicing reality checks for about two weeks up to this point, I decided to count my fingers starting with my left hand, then I saw I had about 6-8 fingers. While the vividness was very low, I was aware that I was dreaming. I got very excited and tried to stabilize, however, the dream ended regardless.
    2. CN13- sky lights, filthy bathroom, tree mission, etc

      by , 01-20-2024 at 03:55 AM
      I was on some floating platform with my father, a sheet of ice I think. There were some of those pretty aura things in the sky and he was pointing them out to me, but I fell off the ice. It had drifted away a bit so I started swimming for it. I noticed my boots were really loose on my feet, one of them fell off, but it floated up to the surface. I grabbed it and thought about how awesome it was.

      I was in some sort of hotel like place, I went into a room which turned out to be a bathroom. I was assaulted by a piss smell so strong I almost fell over. I looked at the floor, it was plain cement almost completely covered with puddles, some fresh, most had dried into a crust. My father just walked in and used it like normal, I hesitantly walked into the room. My foot slipped forward and I fell on my back. The only thing worse than the liquid soaking my whole back was the crust I could feel with my hands, it was sticky and oily. I got up and started going to the sink to rinse out my clothes.

      I was in a dark warehouse like building, there was a hole in the ceiling and a few feet of water on the floor. I was on a sort of mission, I had to go into a room. I felt a slight sense of danger so I went under the surface and hid behind a box. I watched around the corner, and when I decided it was safe I made my way to the hall. It had a warm relaxing lighting and a luxurious red carpet. There were a couple robots at the end guarding a plastic door like the ones in the back of a grocery store. I was trying to come up with some complicated plan to get past them, and I decided to just make a run for it. I ran down the hall, they didn't shoot, but there was another set of doors to my left so I dove in. I then saw a giant ball fall and start rolling towards me. Fortunately there was a cement pole thing like the ones in front of walmart, so I flattened myself behind it and the ball rolled past me. I went back into the hall and just walked into the main doors. I walked down a giant mansion room. I then realized I passed my target. I pulled up a map of the room. I was a pink arrow and there were a bunch of yellow dots behind me, one smaller than the others. I walked back to look for who it could be, I noticed a ring of light on the ground. I stepped on it, and trees sprouted out of the floor which I thought I was measuring for some reason, I then saw pillars of light flash over them once.

      I was in a suburb with red rocky mountains in the distance. There was a small boy with me and he started playing with a wolf, so some guy with a clipboard started scribbling things down and muttering to himself. I looked at one of the mountains which had a bunch of houses carved into it and tried to remember when I had seen it before. I came to the conclusion that it was one of the mountains on the road to flagstaff. There was a helicopter noise, I looked behind me and there was a white and red helicopter, but it looked wrong, It was more rectangular than it should have been, and a lot of the parts looked like inflatable pool toys. I was right, as it touched the ground, the helicopter parts deflated and disappeared, leaving some camo print rv. I went to investigate, the back was open and there was some middle aged guy with a bunch of kids lined up in the vehicle. He cheerfully greeted me,"I got ten drunk kids in here!" I decided that the best response was 'Make that eleven!' and I walked into the back and he handed me what appeared to be a white gatorade. I forgot about my drink and punched the ceiling in excitement, leaving a small dent. He told me I'd get something special if I did some real damage, so I punched harder and left a hole. I was then standing in the center, and water pushed me up like some sort of park ride. I failed to punch the ceiling a third time, and was then slowly let to the ground. I then stood in a group at the back and watched another kid get shoved into the air. I walked outside where they had two picnic tables. There was a bunch of food on them, I saw a box of french fries, so I grabbed one and the bottom was covered in black grease. After I ate the worst fry of my life, I walked to the other side of the table and started eating off a plate that had refried beans and some green stuff I assumed was spinich. My grandfather sat next to me and we started a conversation on some service or something to do with housing and why it wasn't communism.

      total -5
      comp total-69.5[/COLOR]
    3. CN8- mario level and a dild

      by , 01-15-2024 at 01:58 AM
      I was playing some airship level in one of the 3d mario games. I jumped across some platforms, and I fell off, I tried to save it with a spin jump, but I couldn't go through the platforms so I started at the beginning again. I accidentally walked off the edge of the large block before the moving platforms and discovered a secret area. I hit some ? blocks an d a couple invisible blocks that didn't give me anything cause they were meant for Luigi. I then somehow changed the camera angle, and there was a hole in the block to crawl into. I was suddenly the one crawling into the hole, which felt like crawling under a chair.

      I was sitting on the couch spacing out [COLOR="#008000"]I caught myself and paid enough attention to my surroundings to become lucid. I got up and walked down the hall and tried to remember what to do. I remembered that becoming a giant would get me the most points, but the ceiling was a few feet above my head and I didn't want to get stuck, my father pulled me out of thought by telling me "It's time to go to the house." I followed him, and I remembered that one of my tasks was banishment. He was talking or getting his keys or something, so I decided to banish the screwdriver that was on the counter. I looked away and imagined it gone, it was still there when I looked back. I was going to try again, [/COLOR][COLOR="#EE82EE"]but it was blackening and I could feel my body in my bed more than my dream body. I kept my eyes closed to do a DEILD but my cats somehow noticed I was awake and walked on my face.

      comp total-38.5[/COLOR]
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    4. Discord call, and tasted drywall

      by , 01-06-2024 at 01:00 AM
      I was playing some animal crossing game, and I was at Isabels counter, and she starts explaining about how I could go to some town just to eat some food she already gave me, and that I could eat it here but it's better in friend's towns. I made my villager walk away from the counter and wished that my 3ds friends would play with me.

      I was in my kitchen, there were pieces of liver sausage on a plate fresh from the oven, so I start to eat them all. I enjoy the nice livery flavor, [COLOR="#008000"]I realize I should be more full. I decided to finish the plate, it was very crunchy, but had no flavor. I looked around my kitchen, and remembered that I've wanted to bite into the wall for some time now. I found a corner that looked easy to bite, so I ripped a huge chunk off. The paint was flavorless and rubbery, and the drywall felt like cardboard but chalk at the same time so I spit it out. I then started looking for a parrot from a dream I forgot to write here. I looked in my parents room, but it wasn't there so I was going to the laundry room next when I started to feel the fading.[/COLOR]

      I was walking down the sidewalk in some ghetto late at night. There was a man sitting on the road right next to the sidewalk. He looked up, and asked me if I had gotten my blanket from prison. This started a long conversation I forgot about, and I was suddenly next to a lakeside house on a discord call with him or maybe a different guy who rambled on and on and the call suddenly switched from my laptop to my phone, and he told me to call him on his channel if I needed help.
      Tags: food, lake, video game
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Night of Monday 9/25/23

      by , 09-27-2023 at 06:39 AM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:00PM.
      All recorded at around 4:45AM. I lost a lot because life was busy today and had to wait until the evening to write this.
      Plus, my nightstand notes were not very detailed and I underestimated how dark my room would be in the early morning.

      I'm at home sitting on the couch with my girlfriend S.
      My neck is killing me. She comes over and reveals a red neck pillow she has made for me.
      It feels godly when she puts it behind my head.

      I'm playing a 2D video game that resembles something from the SNES era.
      Point of view is from overhead, like The Legend of Zelda.
      There is a plot-line that involves time-travel, and when the player traverses eras, the 'future' has a blue-purple styling compared to the standard green-grass look in the present time.

      Something about World of Warcraft.
      I might be playing a new expansion.
      My friend Z is there.

      Something about my Grandma P and Uncle J.

      Updated 09-27-2023 at 06:47 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Night of Wednesday 6/21/23

      by , 06-22-2023 at 07:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      Donkey Kong Country Returns 3
      I'm seeing a Nintendo Direct reveal for a new Donkey Kong Country game.
      They are showing off gameplay where, based on your score, Cranky Kong will be angry or less angry.
      Angry Cranky had red-colored skin and 'anger clouds' coming out of him. Typical styling.
      When he is angry, you get negative modifiers, and vice versa when he is less angry.
      Mechanics would be locked behind Cranky's current rating of you.
      There is a level selection screen and a "Visit Cranky" option on a menu.

      Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:25 PM by 99808

    7. 08.06.23 early in the morning - SC2023 Fragments

      by , 06-08-2023 at 06:36 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      This time a ensured to have the voice recorder set to start using it with one touch right after waking up. I woke up minutes before the alarms. Had some struggle setting them off before they start and lost most of the dream. Although I was able to recall the last fragments of it.

      First recalled fragment:

      …/I see two tanks maneuvering on a cross street. One of them belongs to A. who passed away last year. I see his tank turning on the street/…

      Second recalled fragment: (happened early in the same dream)

      …/I see the field as an 80’s arcade game of war from above. I’m shooting bombs wherever I see barricades with enemy soldiers. They look like a video game I played sometimes during high school/…

      While closing my eyes trying to remember the dream, some HA start to form but cannot go on because of had to get out of bed

      …/I see a train station on the distance/…
    8. April 27, 2023 6:00 am

      by , 04-27-2023 at 05:20 AM
      I was at the train station bridge behind my house, a bunch of people had a menu floating above their heads with plans or "quests", it became overwhelming to pursue everyone's plans at some point.

      Dream was in English.

      This scenario was most likely influenced by this Mega Man Star Force gameplay I was watching where they did all the side quests:
    9. The Problem with Open Mics

      by , 03-20-2022 at 10:49 PM (Night Vision)
      The dream seems to be set within some kind of video game world, and as part of the game, I have to go out swimming in the sea and do something with the various fish swimming below the surface (I am no longer sure precisely what the point was supposed to be). One particularly large shape seems a little too interested in me, and it’s only after repeatedly beating it off that it gets the message that I’m not dinner and comes to the surface.

      It is a shark, and it proceeds to tell me a story – one that I can already tell is unlikely to have a happy ending from a human point of view, although the shark itself is completely oblivious to these implications. I am annoyed with the game for making me come all the way out here and do this. I do not enjoy punching sharks. I do not especially like being buttonholed by them, either. But, I reflect, that is always the problem with open mics.

    10. Reflect; Poke

      by , 01-22-2022 at 04:53 AM (Night Vision)

      Part of a longer series of events involving travel from one place to another. The only part I remember well was towards the end, where I’m being chased by a young woman in a rather video game-ish setting. As I run, a handful of parallel memories arise, showing various outcomes to this event, which are all variations on her catching up. Looks like this is a mandatory fight. I also notice that something is different from the memories, something important: I know who she really is.

      I make sure she doesn’t catch up until an open area up ahead, and then we’re both standing there, facing one another. She initially has brown skin and straight, dark, shoulder-length hair, but the image dissolves, and she changes to a shorter figure with grayish skin, rather like Zimmy from Gunnerkrigg Court.

      There’s a short conversation here, which I can no longer remember, and then she attacks, throwing some sort of enormous summoning spell at me. I raise an arm and deflect it back at her with a gesture. What happens next is rather like a lengthy animation playing out, temporarily turning both of us into passive observers as it takes over the screen/dream and practically defeats my opponent all on its own. Moreover, at the end of it, the nature of the encounter seems to have changed, so that now I just have to complete three small, easy puzzles to win. My opponent actually contributes to solving one, in sort of a “yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with” way.


      Another vaguely video game-ish one of which I can only remember the later part. In this one, I’m with a small group of people in a town, and there is a man there we have to fight, although it isn’t clear why, and he doesn’t actually seem to be an enemy. I can’t remember his appearance (or, really, the specific visuals of the dream in general), but something about him was reminiscent of Zorro somehow.

      A woman in the group demonstrates to me how to attack via a menu. There’s a list of attacks, most of which seem to be elementally based, but the woman indicates the one that he is apparently weak to, which is color-coded purple and labeled “Quiet”. Oddly, all the attacks just seem to be summoning various ensembles of musicians, who then play music. I select the most powerful option, which summons three of them. I then poke him in the back, which takes a small chunk out of his remaining HP. He’s just standing there and not responding in any way, so I poke him a few more times until he is defeated – or maybe just until I’ve got his attention, which seems as if it might be what this whole thing is actually about.
    11. Log 1: 359 Days Later...And onto a new format.

      by , 05-16-2021 at 06:22 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Seeing as I cannot maintain a self-imposed schedule for more than a couple days at a time, I have decided to move onto a new format. Because adding the number of days I missed to the day counter takes too long and actually requires me to use my brain (Or a calculator). I will post a new 'log' whenever I feel like, just to make things easier on myself. The dream counter will stay the same however.

      Fell asleep at: 2:00 PM

      Woke up at: 3:15 PM

      Dream 121: Magical Mutant Madhouse

      I'm in a place resembling the interior of the Spencer Mansion from RE1 mixed with a cheap Rio Grande Valley home. The lighting is both yellow and white, presumably coming from different sources. The dream is in the first person, and I believe that I'm actually playing Resident Evil 8, and that I can pause the game, save, and load a previous save whenever I can.

      I "spawn" in what I believe is the entrance of the house. An L-shaped counter towers over me as I crouch down behind it. A dog is prowling around behind me, and a whole bunch of crazy mutated residents (A la RE7) are wandering around in front of me. I believe that this spawn point is needlessly unfair and try to reload the save numerous times. On one of these attempts I try to sneak around the evil residents when one of them, the mother (Resembling Lady Dimitrescu AKA 'tall vampire lady') spots me. I manage to reload the save before I die.

      On my final attempt, I decide to just bum rush my way towards a steel door to the rightmost corner of the room. I accidentally tumble into one of the Lady's daughters (None of the family members resemble the characters from the game, by the way), a college age girl with a black t-shirt and long black hair. As she falls forward, I see that she "melts" into a puddle of gray goo as she hits the ground, and I nearly fall face-first into the puddle. I assume that this is her "power." Behind me, another one of the Lady's daughters uses what I assume to be magic to 'hulk up' as she notices my presence. I pick myself up and keep running whilst crouched as she barrels towards me. I manage to open the steel door and shut it behind me, locking it from my side.

      Before I say anything, I spot three more young women behind me, huddled around a steel desk (In fact, everything in these corridors seems to be made of steel). They seem to be talking amongst each other about the other members of their family. I hurriedly sneak past them, further heading into the unlit steel hallways.

      I take a left, and as I reach the end of this hallway, a mysterious person grabs and restrains me from behind. They claim that they're going to set the both of us on fire using the two exposed wires in their hand. I struggle and try to turn the sparking wires back on my assailant, while also trying to reload my save (Apparently, in the dream, reloading saves is a manual process, and having both my arms restrained was interfering with the process).

      My attacker manages to set my jacket sleeve on fire, which I shove into their face, managing to break free of the grab. I turn the wires back on them, and they are now completely wreathed in flame. I barrel through the door leading outside. I immediately throw my jacket off and lock the door behind me, and only then do I notice I'm on the roof of the building.

      It looks like the roof of a school or office, not a house or a castle. The sky is cloudy and pouring rain. I find myself walking up a spiral staircase leading to another roof while being accompanied by two police officers. I explain to them what happened in the house. I get an overpowering sense of dread, as I'm being reminded of Ethan Winters' interactions with the police during RE7.

      A while after getting to the roof of yet another building, open another door, and we see that we are inside of a schoolyard. It is here where I see a kid expend purple energy whilst throwing a baseball to another kid. I panic as I think the kid is another one of those psychotic magical mutants, and that he was going to murder the other kid. The other kid catches the ball, though, and continues playing. I ponder this, "Why is this kid not a raging psychopath like the other 'Magic Mutants?' Maybe not ALL of them are evil after all."

      I then turn to my right and see an already bulky guy in a tight red shirt and white shorts 'hulk up', and charge towards me. Just great.

      I nonchalantly walk into the gym (using the same door we used to get in the schoolyard, for the record) and see another kid use purple energy to throw baseballs.

      Then the dream ends.

      Spencer Mansion Interior: From the PS1 version because, as I said, the mansion in my dream looked incredibly cheap.
      Every living thing in the world dies alone-rd3e276df1b4b55fb07f42265f1b338a3.jpg

      Schoolyard: I swear the courtyard from my dream looked almost exactly like this, although not quite as JPEG-y.
      Every living thing in the world dies alone-danforth-collegiate.jpg
    12. Freaky subway nightmare | [11.05.2021]

      by , 05-12-2021 at 02:58 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Freaky subway nightmare
      I remember that the situation is like playing a video game again, although this time I feel like I am forced to play, despite my fear of seeing some gruesome image within it. Then I am in the game, physically, and it's regarded as real. There's something about being underground. There's something I don't remember, then I am in a sort of train with people, and I sort of have to save us by getting weird rubbery things on circular parts on a metal box that seems to be central to the function of the train. I notice nobody else is doing anything and that if we don't manage to do this, we will crash with full force into a sort of other chambers, which we are sort of falling into from the top, and to brake we have to get the rubber things on there. I also appear to be some female character relevant to the story, and she might have a name starting with A. I see that nobody else is trying to save us, so I animate them to help. But then, I struggle to do it, so we soon crash. But then suddenly, there's like a second try, so this time, the same things happen, except that this time, I manage to get most of the rubber things on. I think we will die again, but this time, the train brakes and stops in the chamber with no one hurt.

      This might not seem freaky, but there's some sort of deep fear associated with this gruesome image. There were some past dreams that were so horrible that I've supressed them, with a much stronger version of this fear associated with it that are still horrible to think about today. Not sure where this fear comes from, but I probably don't want to know, to be honest.
    13. Another Harry Potter-related dream | [04.05.2021]

      by , 05-05-2021 at 01:40 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Another Harry Potter-related dream
      There's something related to dumbledore. He might have warned me of something. The dream is set in a sort of town-ish location. It's rather rural, with only a few small densely populated areas and lots of hills so big that they're borderline mountains. I recall this having been the location from another dream from a long time ago. I seem to go from hill to hill for no particular reason. There is something rather concerning and sinister going on in the background, and it invokes a feeling of dread within me. Somebody else warns me again, and I think it has to do with the fact that I am quite visible on top of those hills. At some point, there might be something that really does suggest I should have heeded that warning, but I don't remember. Sometimes the dream also seemed to be a video game, but that wasn't consistent.

      I guess constantly watching Harry Potter nearly every day has infested my dreams. But I guess I should try to use that as a dream sign, since it's been in nearly every dream for the whole week now.
    14. Another Harry Potter-ish fragment | [01.05.2021]

      by , 05-01-2021 at 05:14 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Harry Potter fragment
      I just cast some sort of spell. At some point I also saved somebody, it appears. At some point, I violently crush some enemy of mine with powers, although this seems more related to some sort of random video game mechanic instead of magic.
    15. Survival with Lucifer and somebody else, and a dream about an entitled-feeling woman | [28.09.2020]

      by , 09-28-2020 at 08:23 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Survival with Lucifer Morningstar
      I am outside, and it's like a very realistic survival game that has mechanics like Rust, and you play it like real life. At some point it seems to be real life. We're outside, and there's cars and otherwise normal civilization but we, a group of me, Lucifer Morningstar from the series Lucifer and somebody else who might be my friend Steven. We go to a sort of tree house and start discussing in a heated argument what we need to survive.


      Entitled woman
      I am in a sort of special room with a roommate which is a chubby woman who feels entitled for some reason and with my mother. It might be a sort of asylum, or maybe even a sort of bunker or something. She complains constantly what kind of TV program I watch. At some point we seem to get along well, and my mother comments on that but I make a remark that suggests it's not going to be for long.

      That was weird.
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