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    1. SA2 And Roaming In The Sewers

      by , 09-06-2017 at 03:33 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      For some reason I'm playing Pyramid Cave with Knuckles on my Wii (With a GameCube controller). The stage is essentially a large halo around two bottomless pits. One in the center and one surrounding the outer perimeter of the ring.

      I'm gliding around the stage, and this one gust of wind keeps knocking me into the bottomless pit as I attempt to speedrun the stage. I eventually get fed up and hop into a yellow toilet with Knuckles still being in control.

      The perspective then changes to first person as I (In my dumb, dreamy state) am holding a GameCube controller in my hand; now controlling Gamma from Sonic Adventure. I'm in a yellow, empty sewage pipe and I'm walking from one side to the other.

      After reaching a dead end, I then decide to turn back where I came from. An air of uneasyness bestows upon me as I look around every corner, as if I was imagining something was gonna jump out and scare me. Gamma disappeared at that point and I was there, alone, in the sewer pipe.

      I make it to the end of the pipe (Where for some reason there is a broken down toilet inside a stall and an unused sink next to it.

      My mom and her 'friend' (Who didn't exist in real life but was just a DC) then open a door. I then breathe a sigh of relief. They start talking to me about something, but I go back out through the door, where the dream then ended.


      1. I seemed to have a dreamlike acknowledgement of the dreamscape. As I feared something would pop out at me because it was a dream and all part of my imagination.

      2. The color yellow was very much prevalent in the dream. Everything in the sewer was yellow, except for the one puddle of water I stepped in.
    2. superhero mainia

      by , 08-13-2017 at 05:55 PM
      (before I start I must say that the quantity of dreams I'm remembering is getting higher and higher and the most dreams I've remembered was 4 = a false awakening)also the quality of what I remember is getting lower so I have something I'm going to start doing I am going to write in my dream journal first than later in the day I'm going to type it out starting tomorrow)
      1st dream- (It was a pretty big dream but I don't remember to much) - I am somewhere, I am in a building, I don't recognize this place It is kind of like an office. I am a super hero. I have a move list, literary a move list that pops up when I want it to the whole thing is blue but the words and symbol's are black. After that I'm at the next scene that I for sure remember. I am fighting a villain his looks? All I remember is blue, but we start fighting before I do that I look at my move list and I use the first move I see. All It was is that I flew In and punched him in the face. Surprisingly It knocks him out. Next scene I'm in school I don't remember the rest
      2nd dream - fragment - I remember a music in the background I can't describe it well but oh well.
      3rd dream - not remembered (have you ever know for a 100% fact you have had another dream but you can't remember anything)also can someone please explain the quality quantity situation and how to fix it if not then I will probably do the dream journal than computer thing but I need help)
    3. Skylander Horse Malfunction

      by , 05-31-2017 at 11:52 AM
      Morning of May 31, 2017. Wednesday.

      I am sitting on the floor in the lounge room in our present home on W Street (though it is bigger yet with less features). My wife Zsuzsanna and our youngest son are present. He is playing a Skylanders game though is ready to play a new one with a new figure which Zsuzsanna had apparently just bought for seventy dollars. The game is also new.

      The toy figure that fits onto a joystick-like device is a horse of mostly yellow and brown tones. The figure is rendered into the game. At first, I thought it was going to be a human or at least an anthropomorphic character. Instead, I eventually see that the toy figure and the rendered video game image looks like a horseshoe-shaped horse facing left in profile. (It also reminds me somewhat of an arched Halloween cat.)

      Our son plays for a short time before the joystick falls apart. There is some sort of small rod from it that goes through the top of the head of the Skylander figure and falls out, causing the rest of the entire game controller and figure to fall apart. He is upset. I think about trying to fix it, but notice tiny screws on the floor mixed in with pieces that I am not sure are even part of the game controller. I think about taking it back for a refund, though this idea quickly fades. I get annoyed and decide to just discard it. I also decide to get rid of the game as well, but this part is unusual in that I start to dismantle the whole works (thus subliminally initiating the biological waking mechanism) like a three-dimensional setup rather than just taking out the cartridge.

      This dream is a result of my temporary dream self (unstable higher range personified subconscious) not being fully linked to the dream state because of slightly disrupted sleep. It is a metaphor for “not holding the dream together” (and my dream self subliminally wanting to “put the dream back together”). I have had hundreds of dreams of this nature since early childhood, always when my sleep has been slightly disrupted by an environmental factor. The horse represents the essence of physical energy (as in “horsepower”), similar to car symbolism in some states, symbolizing the potential for healing and rejuvenating energies in real time. It is not a real horse here as it is caught within the sleep disruption (and the disruption of a more viable rejuvenating state). On a secondary level, it possibly relates to our youngest son not being an adult in control of his life and still needing us to be in control, though I am certainly not annoyed in any way by that fact, though it does suggest he might need more vitamins (or a stronger immune system). Still, something “falling apart” (or falling in general) is just a very common dream cessation (waking) metaphor I have seen continuously all my life.

      Tags: horse, video game
    4. Quest for Knowledge

      by , 04-30-2017 at 08:49 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 04-28

      Quest for Knowledge

      I am playing a virtual reality video game, not giving any thought to the idea I might be dreaming. I look around to see where I am and I am wondering how I can check to see what the current quest objective is. My character is a sorceress / user of light magic and energy. I have the idea I have just started recently, however, so my level isn’t very high yet. I am hoping I won’t have to face any powerful enemies right away. I head down a long hall that looks like it might be a part of a castle. I have the idea I will find out my current quest goals when I find whoever is at the other end of the hall. I get there and find a man there who looks like he might be a captain of the guards. He says there is a sorcerer trying to gain access to the royal libraries, and that would be disastrous because some of the most powerful spells ever created are written there and if the sorcerer learns to use them there will be no way to stop him. The man leads me to a strange looking door that opens with a lever. He says there is a trick to it, but they have reason to believe the sorcerer knows the trick. I ask how it opens. He says he doesn’t know, and he couldn’t tell me even if he did. I wonder how I’m supposed to protect what I can’t access. The guard says he has to go do his rounds.

      Shortly after the guard leaves a creepy looking guy shows up. I have the idea he is the sorcerer who is trying to access the library. The room is large, and he hasn’t seen me yet. I am thinking it looks like he is too high a level for me to fight, but I have to try. He sees me and he attacks me with a fireball. I deflect that and hit him with a bolt of lightning. He wasn’t strong after all, and he dies, saying his master will avenge him. I am thinking if the boss comes I won’t be ready for that. How can I keep that guy out of the library when I can’t even get in? I go look at the lever and mess with it a bit, nothing happens. Then I get a thought and pull harder until the lever comes off in my hand. I chuckle, thinking I’d like to see the idiot open it without the doorknob. I hear someone coming and I hide. An evil looking man comes to the door and looks at the hole where the lever use to be, acting frustrated. He curses a couple times and then goes away. So I guess he wasn’t so smart after all. Everything fades out and I wake up.
    5. Yogurt puppies

      by , 02-11-2017 at 08:26 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I dreamed that I was in a convenience store in Thailand. They were selling small newborn puppies in yogurt cups.

      I also had another dream fragment where me and a girl got in a spat because we hate each other.

      I also dreamed about playing Team Fortress 2.
    6. Disjointed Fragments

      by , 12-04-2016 at 11:09 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      My dream recall had been in the shithouse lately, so here are just some things I remember:

      There was something about Pearl from Steven Universe not taking her meds.

      I was Barry B. Benson from Bee Movie, other people with me were... human? I think? Maybe some of them were Gems from Steven Universe. I flew up and tried to land back on the ground.

      I was able to spawn objects from a floating meu.
    7. Watching a Youtube video

      by , 12-02-2016 at 05:33 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I didn't recall much today except that in my dream I watched a Youtube video of the LPer Muselk playing TF2 on Upward.
    8. Haunting Conspiracy

      by , 12-01-2016 at 08:28 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I was playing Fallen London, they had a big update that added a lot of premium content to all the areas of the game, and a major story that can be started in Mahogany Hall. I wanted to unlock all the content but it cost a king's ransom.

      Somehow I was able to do Mahogany Hall anyways, and I was on the track of some haunting mystery.

      I don't recall much, but at some point I was exploring a decrepit manor in side-scroller format. I ran into a man who claimed he owned this property, and he told me to leave under threat of violence.
    9. Horror Game

      by , 11-28-2016 at 04:56 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      My recall wasn't so great today, mostly because I was too tired in the morning to care about dream recall.

      I was drowning in a river at night, I had to drop my backpack and my valuables as I swam out. Fortunately, I still had my debit card with me as I bought new clothes so that I don't die from hypothermia in the winter. I was in a city that I never lived in. I returned to my home, which was in a condominium, on the seventh floor.

      My dream transitioned. I was hanging out with my dad and we had a gaming console, and he was playing a horror game on it (my dad doesn't game) and he got up to go to the toilet during a cutscene, and then the monster started going after the character so I had to take control of run around in circle in a dark house, because I didn't know the context of what I was supposed to do. The monster looked like a muscular necromorph.
    10. Muramasa

      by , 11-26-2016 at 01:30 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I did a morning nap today, but I wasn't really used to it and I was a bit sleepy, so I didn't recall much. I had a series of dream fragments which were pleasant, though.

      There was something about me and some people playing some kind of Gmod map, it was dark and we were roaming around a city at night. Presumably, it was a death match but we were all pretty chill about it until I climed up a wall and challenged everyone to mob me. I don't remember killing anyone but I don't remember anyone killing me either.

      The other fragment I remembered was that I was a... ninja? samurai? With a blade made by Muramasa, and of course it's evil etc. etc. My dream was set in the future, perhaps in Overwatch's setting. I have a romantic subplot with a girl, and I have several run-ins with the law.
    11. Casual Conversation With Polyphemus While Murdering Him

      by , 11-18-2016 at 07:25 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I must've fell asleep while recalling my dream, because I had a good memory of it one moment, and then I forgot it in the next.

      I was walking through a museum while I was apparently playing Skyrim, and the museum showed some kind of mod thing, such as replacing household decorations with food, and such.

      I fought a one-eyed ogre. He kept complaining and got a bit annoyed when I stabbed him in the eye. We had some conversation about human bone structure and I lied to him that all humans except ninjas have special bone structures, and the bones people think humans have are only possessed by ninjas and samurais. He didn't buy it.

      There was a bit about McCree from Overwatch.
    12. Life of a Monk, Virtual Wandering, Backpack Cat, and Duelyst

      by , 10-29-2016 at 01:37 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I felt like these were separate dreams, but since I didn't wake up I'll record them in a single entry.

      I was a monk, or something of sort. We were at war with another monastery. Me and another person infiltrated the rival monastery. There were nobody present, and we snooped around, and we found a cellar which had some broken things in there. As we looked around I doubled over in pain and thought that somebody teleported a tack into my stomach. Yikes.

      I don't quite remember how that situation was resolved, or it might have just transitioned, but I found myself going to sleep in the temple.

      My dream transitioned to me going on Mapcrunch and messing around on a random street in Germany. I find myself bodily transported there at night. It was cold, but I was undaunted and I explored.

      I found a coffee shop and drank coffee with somebody I thought I knew. My parent's orange shorthair exotic cat was with me all along and was following me. He was as shy and skittish as he was in waking life, though, even if he kept within the general vicinity of me. He kept wandering around the coffee shop and I was worried he'd get lost, so I put him inside my backpack. He did not seem to mind this, although he did tense and hiss if I tried to pet him.

      My dream transitioned to me playing a round of Duelyst, but instead of playing with my own deck and faction, I got backfilled for someone else. They were in a terrible position, my general was a young man in a lab coat, and my enemy's general was an armored woman (or she might just be Faie) and we both seemed pretty Vanar-themed. THe map is also pretty icy, and there was a blizzard filter. I had only one health left, but my enemy only got one minion that can reach me, and it can deal 2 damage, so I played a card that healed me for two damage. Then I replaced my useless spellcards for any minions to tip the balance. The next turn, some kind of event happened that gave us both 20 health on top. The game went on, I start summoning a bunch of minions and trying not to die. It must've been infuriating for my enemy.
    13. Death Eater's Panic

      by , 10-28-2016 at 01:32 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I dreamed that I was playing a Harry Potter video game. I control a party of characters, though excluding Harry everyone else wasn't a canon character. We stumble into a Death Eater in an underground dungeon who was forging something and can apparently deink and heal himself with molten metal. Approaching him result in a cutscene where he grabbed Harry and stuffed him into some cramped opening in the wall behind him, and everyone was magically required to answer his riddles or Harry would die. After we answered his riddles, the spell was broken and he lost his bargaining chip. He joked about it being a good time fro a Death Eater to panic before trying to attack us, but as he himself had expected we killed him quickly.

      We then walked around with a Dark Souls-like perspective in what appeared to be a mix between a castle, a fine dining restaurant, a temple, a tower, and a convention center. I have some difficulty describing it, yes. I think the best way to say it is that you just have to imagine the Floating Garden of Babylon, except that there were no plants, and the ceilings are extremely high. It was very beautiful but minimalistic, our sightseeing a bit marred by people screaming and running away from the Death Eater's blood on our shoes, so we sought a fountain to clean the blood off.

      My dream transitioned to me in a Team Fortress 2 match, except that it looked like real life. I was presumably the Pyro and the framing narrative was that I was in a VR, hence why I don't feel liek I'm in an asbestos suit or wearing a gas mask or holding a flamethrower. I have infiltrated the back lines of the map, and there was nobody around. I was going to go back to the front line to ambush the enemies but there were news reporters being filmed. The map looked like Upward, but the bit after the second spawn was replaced with the gate from Hollywood in Overwatch. The reporters didn't seem alarmed on seeing me. I try to edge my way past them without getting in the shot because I thought that'd be rude.

      Updated 10-28-2016 at 06:57 PM by 50816

    14. 10/18/16 - Kid Purses and Arcade Games

      by , 10-19-2016 at 05:25 AM
      I'm in some kind of hotel. I walk alone down a hall and enter an arcade room. It's small and there's about 5 or 6 games. Two of them are being played by two girls that i know. I walk up to them and try to talk, but they ignore me. I take a closer look at one of the games being played and it strikes me as odd. The character has the body of a steak. Suddenly the character changes and it has the head of deadpool, but the body is skinless and bloody. The boss character goes behind deadpool and starts stabbing him. With each stab, deadpool swells up and cries out in pain, louder and louder. After a minute or so the character completely explodes. I back up and walk to the other side of the room. I see and vending machine with iced coffee and decide that I want one. When I go to reach for money I notice a sofa with something under it. I get down on my hands and knees and find 3 child purses. I pull them out and dig in them. In each one I find a 5 dollar bill. I get excited. Then in the last purse I find pictures of kids and baby pictures as well. I think it's weird, so I get up and throw them away on a trash can. I then go back to the vending machine but then remember that I can't get coffee cause I'm vegan.
    15. A Very Short Lucidity

      by , 10-13-2016 at 08:59 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I am with some people, playing video games. My friend show me that I have a supernatural power to win at everything. I can't recall much. I recall there being news on the TV about King Rama VI giving up his throne. King Rama VI was already long dead IRL.

      I have a false awakening. I have trouble opening my eyes but I place my hand on my cheek and is surprised to count six fingers. I pinch my nose and find that I can breath through it. I get up and try to pry open my eyes, to no avail. I wake up.
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