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    1. Half bald frenzy

      by , 10-11-2024 at 11:31 PM
      My dream began in a house in what seemed to be a classic American suburb. I was getting a haircut by a barber that my brother recommended to me. It was the type of "underground" barber that would cut your hair for cheap and only take cash. I entered the garage and saw a guy with a girl standing next to him; they were both of Korean descent.

      I took my seat and looked at the TV-screen in front of me. The barber was putting up "funny images" on the screen and was just having fun, fucking about (I do not remember what the images were but they were not funny to me).
      After a while, the guy slowly started cutting my hair, and halfway through I realised it looked like shit. I had faith that the barber knew what he was doing so I didn't say or do anything. But when he was done, I was almost completely bald on the backside of my head with uneven lumps of hair sticking out. My hair was a complete mess and I was legitimately considering buying a wig.

      While contemplating what to do, I looked to the left to see my friend James standing under the garage door. When he saw me, he broke out laughing. At this point I was furious and I chased after him because I wanted to beat him up. Although I tried, I could not catch up to James and gave up chasing him fairly quickly.

      I was still fuming with rage to the point where I couldn't contain myself. I felt the primal urge to destroy someone, but no one was around. So in an attempt to attract people to me, I screamed "N*GGER" as loud as I could, in hopes that some angry bystander would approach me. As luck would have it, three guys approached me in anger. Without the slightest hint of hesitation, I immediately attacked the guy standing in the middle. I was simply enraged, beyond rhyme or reason, my main goal was to inflict as much pain as possible. The others attacked me as well as I went back and forth between the three of them, exchanging hits. Even though I took a lot of brutal hits, I was so outraged and doped up on adrenalin that I felt no pain. I just kept on fighting them, not caring for their well being, until I completely lost myself in a moment of euphoria.
      Then I woke up.

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 10-11-2024 at 11:36 PM by 102033

    2. The chess slave

      by , 10-11-2024 at 06:35 PM
      I had a dream where I was being held captive under a contract by a very large and powerful company. The contract specified that I was forced to play chess against a very powerful opponent, until I beat him. I'm around 500 elo and the opponent was roughly around GM level. This took place in a large nature/grass area, with a nearby stream, that I know from real life. The chess games were played on a computer and were streamed live and with millions of people watching, and there were what seemed to be roughly a million people standing around me as well, spectating.

      As the days blended together, I kept losing time and time again. I had access to the stream chat, and I sometimes typed in there, but nobody in chat noticed it was me. I was world famous, but I was essentially a slave to the company as I couldn't leave. One night, I tried to escape at dark, but the security, consisting of around 20 people, ended up catching me, bringing me back and forcing me to continue playing chess for my freedom.

      Days passed and i slowly went mad with rage. It started out with me slapping papers in random peoples faces as i tried to vent my anger onto others. It eventually got to the point where I would target my aggression on the guy managing the whole chess event; I spat on him and threw water in his face.
      My mental state declined exponentially. I became more ruthless and violent. At some point I gouged some guys eyes out from rage, but nobody could do anything to me as I was under the protection of the company since I was making them tons of money. Essentially everyone around me became the victim of my anger driven torture schemes.

      On a early autumn morning at around 5 AM: I beat him. I was barely paying attention, but I saw the checkmate pop-up on my screen as my heart rate increased rapidly. I checked the stream views and they went from around 16 million to 600 million+ viewers. I earned my freedom.
      But I felt that I had to handle the situation properly. As I was a big asset to the company, I knew they wouldn't let go of me, so I went to ask the manager to see my contract without letting him know I won (I for some reason didn't think any staff was watching since it was early in the morning). I asked to see the contract so I could check for loopholes and have a raw copy in case they tried changing the contract in an attempt to prevent my freedom.
      As I asked for the contract, the manager ignored me and by then I knew it was too late. They must have already done something to the contract and I knew I was never gonna be freed. I cracked.

      I took out a knife and stabbed the managers stomach, cutting him open like I was gutting freshly caught prey. He was still alive and screaming in pain, I cut off his ears and eventually his genitalia. At this point around ten people were desperately trying to pull me off of him, and as they tried to subdue me I ended up slashing some guys eye with the knife.
      I had become fully insane, with my only goal being to hurt as many people as possible. Nothing mattered more to me as I became a fucking torture machine, desperately trying to cause harm people.
      Then i woke up.

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 11-15-2024 at 04:05 PM by 102033

    3. 8.20.23

      by , 08-20-2023 at 05:17 PM
      On the street doing something. There is a shootout. People get killed. Some chasing going on? Later, there are monuments on the street where people had been killed...On a train. My friend M- is there. My mother thinks she has caught M trying to con me, and is being spiteful toward her. I get off of the train somewhere, then realize I left a bag on board. I retrieve my bag.

      Something going on at Church?
      Tags: train, violence
    4. July 12, 2023 6:35 am

      by , 07-12-2023 at 05:47 AM
      I went to elementary school where I, because I apparently kicked over their drinks at one point, kept getting beaten up my this group of very big and strong men. This would occur every lunch break for weeks and I'm pretty sure people ssw me get beaten up but we're too afraid to interfere. At some point I was considering getting my strong friends to become my bodyguard and help me. I was sitting at home on a rainy day, about to have to leave for school when I told my parents, who looked like Boards of Canada for some reason, slowly what was going on, I was building up slowly to that part when I suddenly woke up.

      Dream was in English
    5. Comp nights 11 and 12

      by , 03-14-2023 at 05:43 AM

      Fragment 1 [+0.5]

      I was in my apartment, I think. I try to turn on the light, but it wouldn’t turn on. This is unsettling, but I also remember that this is a dream sign. I think I do a reality check, but I don’t remember what happened after that.


      1:00am bedtime. 10 drops of wormwood tincture (half dose) about 11:30pm.

      Awake by 9:30am. Took the following notes:

      Preparing for exam, moving, driving through plaza, someone’s family died but doesn’t care, other guy remembers his own daughter and dancing with her, building electronic device, using  symbol for “about”. (Moving -> getting things out of cupboard)

      Hobbits, a book, swimming pool, lemon in swimming pool,

      Riddles, “hoodwinking” based on someone’s name.

      Fragment 1 [+0.5]

      I don’t remember too much about preparing for the exam. It involved making some kind of electronic device, and using the  symbol as a representation for the word “about”.

      Fragment 2 [+0.5]

      We are moving, or helping my grandmother move. Part of this process involves taking things out of a cupboard. My grandmother doesn’t seem happy with the way I’m working, which isn’t like her...something about driving through a plaza and then onto a road that intersects with the road my grandparents used to live on...

      Fragment 3 [+0.5]

      People are standing in line for something. While they are there, one guy finds out that his family has been killed. At first, I think he pretends to be shocked and grieved. But then he kind of shrugs it off because he is estranged from them anyway. Another guy that is standing with him starts thinking about his own daughter. It becomes a kind of cutscene, in which they are dancing together. The imagery becomes cartoonish as they do so.

      Hobbits [+1]

      Two Hobbits. I might be one of them. Or maybe I’m just with them. There is a book involved. There is something important about the book, I think. I go into someone’s house to see the book, maybe? Then we go on an adventure. This involves climbing down a hill, and a fighting scene. I have two short swords or daggers that I am fighting with, one in each hand. I think I’m borrowing one of them. [This might have been the same dream, and maybe earlier on:] going from one place to another. To do so, we jump into a swimming pool. I find this to be exciting. We cross to the other side of the pool where something happens (maybe this is where the Hobbit adventure happened, but I’m not sure). At one point, I think it might be fun to throw a lemon into the pool. I think about throwing several in, but decide on just the one.

      Fragment 4 [+0.5]

      Something about telling riddles. It seems that if you are really good at it, or able to trick someone else, this is called by a name I don’t quite remember, also known as “Hoodwinking”. The word, it seems, is based on someone’s name, someone who was good at tricking people I think.

      Took a nap in the afternoon. Had the following dreams:

      Fragment 5 [+0.5]

      Something about British Columbia. Something about stars set in a blue background, I think. It seems to be a murder mystery (at least that’s what I wrote in my notebook). Something about how the US was glad to give British Columbia to Canada. It might have been a part of the state of Washington at one point in time. Someone says this in a belittling way, referring (I think) to the conservative leaning of the people that live there. The person talking is a liberal.

      Fragment 6 [+0.5]

      Christopher Robin gathers together a bunch of stuffed animals (representing Winnie the Pooh and friends) and jumps into a kind of square portal in the floor that takes him to the 100 Acre Wood.
      Tags: maps, violence, water
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. Comp nights 4 and 5

      by , 03-07-2023 at 04:04 AM

      Old Job and Zombies [+1]

      Back to the old job at the hospital. I am gathering items, including a heparin IV and another IV bag. There are also a couple of things that we are looking for, not sure if we have them or not. I think about how I have been here for 8 years (in the dream). Dividing up the labels that print out for filling...Zombies come at night. It’s as though I watch this on TV. A guy spends the night in a car or truck. Lots of carnage around. The windows of the vehicle become streaked with blood. I hide my eyes while this is going on. It seems like I become the person in the movie. I wonder, what if we stayed in the water tower this next night? That seems like a safer place. We get into a vehicle, and now there are several of us. A siren starts going off, which warns us that Japan has built a nuclear bomb, or something. I get the idea that they are going to nuke the zombies, and if we can survive it will be a lot safer out. I have to do something with two telephones.

      Fragment 1 [+0.5]

      ...Something about identical twins at a gas station. Middle aged guys with curly-ish hair. It turns out that there are actually three of them – identical triplets...

      Fragment 2 [+0.5]

      ...Getting coffee at a gas station. I decide to give a tip to the clerk, putting money in the tip jar at the counter...

      Fragment 3 [+0.5]

      ...A play with a Grinch-like character...Machine with rotating parts...A Bible school-like event, which involves a toothbrush. This is going on in a basement, and I might be trying to brush my teeth in a nearby bathroom...

      Fragment 4 [+0.5]

      There is a dog that runs out onto the highway. Someone is trying to call it back with a dog whistle.


      Fragment 1 [+0.5]

      I stop at a gas station. I would like to get something to drink, but the cups that are provided with the water seem to be dirty. One has a tea bag or two in it...There are people swimming in heated pools down town...My friend R...
    7. Spring Competition Night 1

      by , 03-03-2023 at 05:05 AM

      Going to Class

      On my way to class. It is a class for which I am a teaching assistant. I am with someone else, and we seem to be running a little late. My companion takes a nearby elevator to the 8th floor, which is where the class is. I seem to be a little delayed for some reason, and the elevator doors close before I can get in. I spend a bit of time either trying to get back into this elevator or into another one. I find an elevator control panel which seems to just be attached to a wall with no elevator around, but when I press a button the floor nearby starts rising. It turns out that corner of the hallway was an elevator. I get into it, and somehow end up rolling onto my side or my back. The elevator lifts into the air, and turns over to deposit me standing upright in some kind of receiving pod a few floors up.

      ...At some point I’m trying to control where the elevator goes, as though it were a lucid dream (but I don’t know if I was lucid). I might be trying to get to class here. I can imagine a door opening to one side, and leading to a hallway, then on the opposite side leading to another hallway. Then the front and back of the elevator...

      ...I make it to the classroom. My fellow TA is there. The students seem to be getting a little restless, and class has not started. I wander around a bit, and class still isn’t starting. At least one student starts doing some homework. Then I start thinking that perhaps I was supposed to be teaching the class. Oops...

      Danger, gun, spaceship

      Walking back from somewhere at night. It is kind of sketchy in the neighborhood where I am walking. There are some people nearby that appear to be fighting, or something. They are in a lot off to the right of the road where it appears that a building has been demolished. I keep walking, going around a bend to the left. It is still kind of scary-looking now, but I have a gun with me. I tuck the gun into the back of my waistband, and under a shirt or jacket so nobody can see it. As I continue on my way, I see a construction worker, or something like that. I come across a factory that is open, and people are working. I go inside, since it feels a bit safer.

      I have a little apartment where I spend the night. I fear that people are out to get me, but I have my gun and it makes me feel a little bit safer. When I have the gun nearby or in my hand, I am able to relax enough to sleep.

      I seem to be on the starship Andromeda. On the Andromeda, part of the preferred reading appears to be the Bible. I see at least one Bible. Also, there is a room there where it seems safe. It’s like the captain’s office or something. The trouble is that it has an alarm system that keeps going off, and possibly making a loud noise. In addition to the noise, it sprays stuff around the inside of a room. Someone else has taken this room before I could get to it, but I think they put me in another one just like it. It is supposed to be a preferred room because it is so safe (it still seems to be the theme of someone trying to get me). I find a room off of the main room that is a little quieter and where I won’t get sprayed with stuff.

      ...Something about people being held, possibly as prisoners. Or possibly as medical patients. Anyway, I go somewhere, and when I come back some ruffian-types have killed them. The ruffians were crew members, or something. It seems like they thought they had the legal authority to kill these people, but it would have been merciful to let them go and the killing was needless. I think I liked at least one of them personally. There might have been another set of these people though...

      ...This might have been related to my brother’s mushrooms. In waking life, he is growing mushrooms in his basement. In the dream, he ate three, but one of them was toxic. That seems to have been the way with these mushrooms – about two out of three with be toxic. Or something. His son might have gotten sick from one...


      ...People toward the end of a peninsula-like ridge. Maybe fighting? They come back toward us where we can see them... ...(maybe the same dream, but I don’t know) a corner of the property that I have visited before [it seems like I have dreamed about this location previously].

      ...Driving down to a church that I used to attend. There is some function going on there. Family is with me, I think. I’m thinking about which Sunday school class they will attend...Leaving church, I think we’re planning to go to where my Grandmother used to live. I think it would be nice if I could stay there at least one night, but then I remember that my Mother and I came together so it would be hard to get back without her having to come and pick me up...We stop at a store (if this is the same dream).
    8. Quest for a Persistent Realm, chapter 1

      by , 12-18-2022 at 08:54 PM
      I have been dabbling with trying to build or find a persistent realm for a while now. I have visited worlds that either I or others have "invented" (or not, depending on your theory about that kind of thing). I suspect that these might be persistent realms, and returning to one of these might be an obvious route to find a PR. I'm also thinking of focusing on finding locations that I would like to revisit.

      Last night I decided that I would observe my dreams and see if there were any locations that might make a nice PR. I proceeded to dream about a series of rather nasty places. A world where people have virtually unlimited access to their favorite food - but no willpower so that they pretty much can't help but eat until they explode. A world where prisoners are kept naked and abused by the authorities. A "doctor's office" that looked more like a medieval torture chamber (nicknamed "the Spider Lab" - didn't stick around to find out why)...I think I'll keep looking.
      Tags: nudity, violence
      side notes
    9. Winter Competition 12.13.2022-12.15.2022

      by , 12-16-2022 at 10:48 PM
      Catching up a bit here.


      Some Fragments:

      (1) Crossing the street at my current University. I think that the light has changed so that I can cross, and lots of students are doing so. As we walk across the street, a car comes along at a fairly high rate of speed and goes through the intersection. “Nice stop!” I yell sarcastically. One of the students says to me “dude, he had a green light” (or something like that). I look up at the lights, and sure enough the light is green. I thought for sure it was red when I looked at it before. I wonder how this could be. Why did I think the light was red when it was actually green?

      (2) One of my colleagues is testing a new machine. Kind of like a rocket, but it only goes for a couple of yards before hitting a wall and crash landing. She gets into this thing and rides it a couple of times. It is kind of the routine – she gets into the rocket, blasts off, crashes, and gets hurt. People rush to tear open the rocket and get her out. This time, she does her crash land thing, and I rush forward before anyone else to get her out. I find myself more attracted to her than usual in this dream.

      (3) At a hotel, much like a place we used to visit when I was a teenager. Dad is there. He says something about going to the “Frog Pub” or “Frog Bar”, or “Frog’s Nest” or something like that. This is a bar/café located above the swimming pool.


      Hotel Brutale

      This starts almost like watching a movie. I see some people outside in a place that would remind you of an old American Western movie. They are dressed in denim-type clothes, looking like their working on a ranch or something. The scene here is kind of like the opening scene to the Follyfoot TV show. The focus shifts to three people, which I think at first are men and women (which causes me annoyance in the dream) but then it turns out to just be women (which is less annoying to me). There are men around too though (it seems better to me that they are in separate groups – more authentic or something). This seems to be some kind of inn or bar, or bed/breakfast type place out west. Maybe a ranch.

      Another guy shows up. He is being chased by someone. It appears that he had been staying at another hotel, and while he was there he ran into some trouble. Actually, he wasn’t even sure if he was the one in trouble. Someone else had been staying at the hotel with the same name. A Bounty Hunter type guy showed up looking for one of them. So this guy just decided to go on the run. Anyway, he ends up at this current ranch/hotel place. But he finds out that this Bounty Hunter is going to come to the hotel at some point.

      There are some things going on out back, I think. I’m trying to convince the guy not to wait around and take chances with the bounty hunter. He doesn’t want to leave though.

      Then a big long car drives up. It’s like a long brown convertible, but more like the length of a limousine. There are two women in the backseat (or the second or third row of seats). They are large – tall and strongly built. One, or both, is blonde. They are fairly attractive, actually, though quite intimidating. They are either bodyguards, or there are other bodyguards in the car. In the front passenger’s seat sits the Bounty Hunter. He is playing some music on the radio – soft, low, with an older country/western vibe to it. The sort of music that a self-confident bounty hunter type might play as his background music. The Bounty Hunter is sitting in the passenger’s seat, but leaning across and turning the steering wheel. It’s like he thinks he should be the passenger, but is acting as his own chauffer. He even does some odd thing with his door when he gets out as though he were opening the door for himself.

      The two large women get out, and I see how large the Bounty Hunter is. He is probably at least 7 feet tall, maybe 8 feet. Strongly built, like the women. I think he’s wearing some kind of long, dark coat. He looks at the guy who had been running and makes some remark about having seen him at the other hotel. Then he goes in and talks to the ranch/hotel owner.

      Back to the guy that thinks he might be running from the Bounty Hunter. I don’t quite remember what happened, but somehow he starts fighting. I think he’s joined by at least one other person. Something about a tower, knocking the tower over. Then he jumps into a car and starts running into people. He drives around to the front of the place and runs into a man carrying a camera or survey equipment, or something. He really gets violent. He narrates “I saw a man on his way to the blood bank. I extracted a donation.” He runs over this guy and green blood is smeared in a big trail behind the car. The guy is killed.

      At some point, the original owners of the ranch/hotel decide to leave, I think. This other guy, and his buddies, take over. By now, it seems that their focus has been to take over this ranch all along. They had a plan to turn it into a jungle themed hotel. It almost seems that this guy’s obsession with the jungle theme was so strong that making this place into the jungle themed hotel was his main reason for taking over. I think there is some disagreement between him and his companions though. I think there was also something about the hotel being in an exceptionally desirable location, because it was close to a bunch of stores (there was a scene with a strip of stores, almost in wild west town fashion but they are more like modern shopping plaza stores.

      By the end, the hotel has become a fight club. This whole thing might even have been a movie called “The Fight Club”. The man who had originally been on the run is big and muscular, and is in a ring fighting with another guy. Large, muscular men fill the stands around. I still don’t like the fact that they were so violent and took over the hotel, but at least it wasn’t just some greedy guy murdering people. In other words, these guys are kind of savage and brutal, and you might have expected this sort of behavior from them.

      Kayaking Adventure

      Kayaking down a river. I think I’m trying to recreate a famous journey – quite possibly from the Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Rings). It is a nice location. Peaceful and beautiful. But whoever is in charge of the area – the park service or something – has decided to put up speakers along the sides of the river and play music for visitors. They are playing some annoying country music. It kind of throws off the atmosphere, and I’m not too happy about it.

      At some point I think the river goes underground. There is a housing development, or some kind of urbanization, for which they have covered part of the river. I pull out the kayak and make my way to where I can get back to the river. Now I’m driving. I come across a small road/path to my left, but it isn’t connected to the road where I am and I don’t know if it’s supposed to be for driving on or if it’s a walking trail. Anyway, I eventually find a parking lot next to the water, and what appears to be a boat ramp. By now it’s raining pretty heavily. But I’m there for an adventure, and I don’t really mind the rain.


      Looking through a church photo album. As we flip the pages, it seems like the people in the pictures are laying in beds. The further we go in the album, the more the beds start to resemble coffins. Then it turns out that they are coffins. Then the people are dead, and instead of looking at pictures we seem to be looking at corpses in open coffins (this is not very creepy in the dream – it’s more like visiting a cemetery). The corpses become older and older, until we are looking at a skeleton(s). Above one of the skeletons there are some words written, including the word “haunted”, possibly repeated multiple times. One of the skeletons has some object laying on it, which has lights in it. Another skeleton has something similar, shaped like a flower pot (unless this is the same skeleton). The flower pot is vibrating. It was originally held in place by something, but whatever this was holding it in place is broken and the pot is moving around and looks like it’s going to fall off of the coffin. Somebody is with me, and while I hold the pot in place I ask them to get me some zip ties. I try to zip tie this thing in place, but the zip ties break. In the dream, zip ties are also called something like “Indestructibles”. I comment on how these aren’t very indestructible...

      ...The coffins are in a basement, and there is something about wondering if plants will grow here. But there are a line of windows nearby, so there might still be plenty of light...

      Fragments, so far:

      (1) Some AI program – like a chatbot/artificial personality AI companion. I think I’m choosing one. There is at least one program that is a female and has a nice voice. I’m kind of leaning toward choosing this one. There is something about lewd imagery though, and I don’t know about this.

      (2) Sitting on a couch, next to my Mom or Dad, I think. They’re on a couch behind mine, and I’m playing some rock music on my laptop and doing something at the same time, like typing the lyrics. Then I think that maybe I don’t want to be playing the music so loud (or at all) next to them.

      (3) People sitting in empty Little Caesar’s pizza boxes.

      (4) At my former workplace (a hospital pharmacy). I am filling orders, and one of my former coworkers is checking them. I wasn’t sure if she was a pharmacist in the dream, and if she had the authority to check my work. This is one of those cases where I’m hoping that I have overcome my OCD enough to be able to do this work efficiently.

      (5) Something about millennials having difficulty pronouncing certain words, or certain combinations of words.


      Took about 0.75mg of melatonin to help me sleep. Was awake until at least 1:00am, possibly past 1:30. Around this time I took 4mg of galantamine. Awake by 9:00 or so. I think most, or all of the following occurred in the last hour of sleep, kind of dozing before I was expecting my alarm to go off. It might also be related to note that I have been cutting back on caffeine, with one extra cup of tea this evening while out with some friends.

      Space tribe, ring, woman, watery trouble

      Some planet, I think. There is a native tribe. One of the tribesmen has a tattoo on his chest. He is standing so that he is seen in profile, and the tattoo looks like a big V shape in parallel lines. Someone is talking with the chief. Apparently the tribe wants to get control of a piece of land or a moon or planet, or something. This is a big issue with the tribe. At one point, the tribesman with the tattoo turns to face us and what looked like a bunch of lines from the side turns out to be words. The tattoo refers to the tribe’s desire to possess the piece of property and is simply the phrase: “I want iiiiiiiit!!”

      There is a woman with a ring. This seems to be a movie or TV show, perhaps, or perhaps I was vaguely aware that it was a dream. Anyway, I reach out and take ring somehow. It seems to be made of red gemstone, with some other bits to it. When I take it into my world though, it kind of falls into fragments. I think to myself at some point that this is, or might be, Dreamstone. That’s a possibility, although I thought Dreamstone was blue. I put it on a stand next to where I am laying.

      There is some hero-type guy. He comes across a big pit, which somehow fills with water. Now it looks like a big underground swimming pool. He has some discussion with the woman, and picks her up and throws her into the flooded area. It seems like he had some reason for doing this, but she is not familiar with swimming and sinks to the bottom of the pit. She appears to be in a lot of distress, and either I or the man jump in to save her. It occurs to me, however, that these people were living in a place with no oxygen but could breathe just fine. She is probably just pretending to drown. But while we are on our way to rescue her, hands reach out from a flooded stairwell and grab her, pulling her downwards. It seems that the hands belong to another woman – or possibly this woman herself. The woman is different somehow, it’s like she can project herself into separate places, so that the woman we had been dealing with was actually a projection of the woman that then reached out and grabbed her. Anyway, we’re trying to keep her from being pulled down into the stairwell, but not succeeding. We also will be running out of air soon, since we have to hold our breath to swim down there.

      The no fish era

      We are watching a film clip of a reconstruction of that past called the “no fish era”. This is supposed to be a time before fish, and it looks like water with a bunch of mold growing in it. The camera is moving underwater, following some swimming creatures that look like fish to me. Someone tells me that they aren’t really fish yet, but some proto-fish called “cichlids” (which is a bit ironic since cichlids are a type of fish in waking life). We follow a school of these, and then come across a really big one. Something about these “fish” is that they look like they are living skeletons. As we look at this big one, I think it become a big boat. But it’s also a living organism, about the size of a parking garage. It has developed a strategy to protect other fish. What happens is that birds try to attack the fish. But they fly into the boat/fish instead. This kills at least some of them. Meanwhile, other birds get trapped there, which become a target for the bigger birds, acting somewhat like bait. We see one animal (kind of looking like a dog, but might be a bird) taking care of another bird/dog thing.

      I’m on this boat/fish with another guy. There are puddles of water around. He keeps pushing dirty water with his hand, and remarks on how he shouldn’t be doing so. Something about people throwing up, possibly causing these puddles. Then I notice people around that are seasick and vomiting.

      Halloween Party (Lucid)

      I am walking around a dormitory in a shark suit. At first I just have the suit kind of draped over me, not really wearing it, but then I see some other people dressed in fish and/or shark suits. I think this is kind of funny, so I try to put on my shark suit more properly. It appears that there is some kind of Halloween party going on. There are different areas set up with different activities. In one area, it looks like there are a bunch of things for sale, like a junk store. One room has been arranged into a fake pagan temple, and someone comes along mentioning that they were “kissing” someone in there. As I look at the junk store items, I suspect that I’m dreaming. I do a nose pinch, and after some patience I eventually find that I can breathe and become lucid. Things are fairly stable, though a bit difficult to remember now. My cousin comes along, and I try to get him to help me. We walk together, and I pick up something and carry it. It’s as though I’m helping him do something, to keep myself oriented. As we walk and talk, I explain some of my difficulty to him, and as I do so things stabilize. We go down to an elevator, and walk inside. Since elevators are a dream sign, I think to myself that I should do a reality check. But I already know I’m dreaming, so I wonder to myself if there is much point in doing a reality check when I encounter a dream sign in a lucid dream. As the door opens up, I remember that I should be trying to score some points. I try to summon Sensei as the door opens. It doesn’t work. Instead, we are entering a really nice looking hotel-like place. Or maybe a spaceship. It has a kind of Jules Verne/Nautilus vibe. Wooden walls, and such. But then I think that I should try to find the dream base library, and in trying to change things I lose the dream. Things fade to the point where I can just see a bit of the hotel/ship thing. I maintain focus on this, but don’t remember what happened after that. I remember at some point either thinking to myself or dreaming that I was telling someone that I should have just explored the dream as it was because it looked pretty nice.

      Parallel world, asking DC for advice, out with a bang (lucid)

      There is a portal into another universe. It is quite small, and involved opening a little door behind which is the portal. We look in, but don’t see anything beyond a kind of haze or screen. I stick something into it to feel around. It feels semi-solid in there, like a big mass of gritty gelatin. It seems unsafe to go in there, since we don’t even know if we could breathe. We close the (small) door and open it again, and this time we can see inside. There is a black and white tile floor, and a sign on the back of the wall that says “Speakeasy”. This time we go inside. Even though the door is tiny, we find that we can just “enter” through it by trying to do so. When we get inside, we find that we are now very small ourselves. The furniture nearby is big compared to us. Someone (the proprietor?) comes to greet us. He seems large too, or maybe small, but somehow is close in size to the furniture (or maybe he’s close to our size? I don’t remember exactly what was happening here). We ask him how we get out, and he says “back the way you came”, opening the door to show us. But when he opens the door, it just leads out into a hallway, as though the portal were in a different dimension and the coordinates of the room are part of a different system. Are we trapped? But the man kind of laughs, this apparently being kind of a joke. You can get back to our universe from here, he explains. If we go out the door we came in and go to the left, it is a quicker way but “there are guns”. If we go out the door and go to the right, it is a longer but a safer route.

      Somewhere along the way I become lucid again. I look around, and see rows of junk store stuff for sale. Some of it is red, like it’s Valentine’s Day themed. Looking back to the bar, a door opens in hallway behind the bar, and a guy steps out. He looks like Sorrell Booke (the guy who played Boss Hogg on the Dukes of Hazzard), but wearing a dress and a wig. I think this is pretty funny, so I point him out to someone with me and turn away laughing. There also seems to be another person, possibly a woman, who is now bald. I think Booke’s wig came from her, which is why she’s now missing her hair.

      I see a guy with a bunch of straws in his mouth. Remembering the competition again, I ask him for advice.

      “Can you give me some advice?”

      His reply started something like this: “Don’t rob a bank when you feel like you want to be connected to the world,” but continued on for some time. It’s one of those things where at first it felt like I was making him say words, but after the first bit he seemed to be talking on his own. I follow him out a door, and then I think about asking him to tell me a short story. I don’t remember if this happened though. I might have decided that that would take too much time. At some point we’re being ushered out of the room by someone, who is helping us escape unnoticed. People are supposed to wear brown fedoras to blend in, which I am already doing.

      We go down some stairs. These are leading into a large, open area, kind of like a mall. I remember that my third task of the three tasks was to put my hand through something solid. Even though I realize that these had to be done in order and I hadn’t done #2 yet (advanced flying) I see if I could easily put my hand through the wall anyway. I try pushing against it, but my hand doesn’t go through. I feel tile though – the wall is covered with those small mosaic-like tiles (greenish in color, I think). Then I go down the steps.

      I’m in the bigger, mall-like area now. I think that I should try the advanced flying – my plan has been to fly to the moon. I climb a low wall to give myself a boost. As I look up, I see that I’m in a place with a fairly high roof, and possibly a couple of stories. I might be in an open part, which goes straight up to the roof, but I think there are several pieces of architecture in my way. Anyway, I try to fly but am not having great success.

      As I continue along, there are some people off to my left taking about having a choice of wearing a clown suit or pastor suit. The general idea is that neither would be fun, since the pastor has to do things like get made fun of. There is a weird thing going on with the back of people’s scalps being clipped to things. Looks painful. I keep going upstairs, and come across a small room. Here I find an interesting control. It looks like it has something to do with missiles, or space, or something. Like someone had been working on an advance school project? To my right is a strange lever. Since it’s a dream I decide to play with it, even though I don’t know what it will do. There is a roaring noise, like it has launched something. I think it’s a missile at first, aimed down at the ground just outside. However, it turns out that it is a rocket ship. I have just started the engines, I think. “This is my ticket to the moon!” I think, remembering something in the tasks about using an object to fly (although I’m not sure that a rocket ship would count, now that I’m awake). The control I’m working with is a kind of remote control. I launch the rocket into the air, hoping that the dream mechanics will make me associate myself with the rocket enough that I will follow it. My viewpoint does seem to follow the rocket as it goes, while I still maintain control of the lever. I have to work a lot to keep it angled up into the air and going straight. I also seem to be having trouble making a lot of progress. Eventually it crashes, and I try to fly on my own.


      (1) Looking at the clock and resetting the alarm

      Updated 12-17-2022 at 04:46 AM by 97618

    10. Winter Competition 12.9.2022

      by , 12-10-2022 at 06:12 AM

      Pizza Problems

      I go to a pizza place, I think. While I’m there, it is noticed that a dog has urinated on the floor near someone’s chair. I go to clean this up. This process seems to take longer than anticipated, and I’m at the pizza shop longer than I meant to be. I think my Mother eventually shows up, and is not particularly happy that I have been taking so long and didn’t get in touch with her. She might have even tried to call me and I didn’t answer. She says something to me like “does the number [her phone number] mean anything to you?”, sarcastically getting after me for either not answering her call or for not calling her to tell her that I was going to be late. I think I try to defend myself in some way.


      (1) A “mummy”. A guy that looks normal, and probably attractive to women, but he turns into a mummy and/or zombie kind of thing. He also gets really mean, I think. There is a woman. For some reason, he catches her, ties her up, and hangs her from a tree. He might wrap her in some kind of animal skin, too. There is a bear, or some other vicious creature around. I think the man is enticing the animal to attack the woman. There is a skunk involved somehow.

      (2) There are two people walking down a street. Something about money, I think. One guy pulls some money out? Somehow, it is related to a guy having a pair of pants under another pair of pants, and pulling the other pair out.
      Tags: dogs, violence
    11. Friday, June 10

      by , 06-16-2022 at 09:33 PM
      I’m with either Julia or Jessica or both in some unfamiliar room. It seems more like a motel than a house. Someone (the maintenance guy that lives in the building next to us) starts coming over and I know he’s going to get in, in a threatening way. I go around to lock all the doors (the locks look like that on the side door at work). He’s here now and saying something threatening as he tries to force open the locked handle. I watch it bend from the force. He’s inside this room now, facing Jessica and Julia, me facing his back. I watch as he shoots at something (not them) with a tiny black pistol. I think I now run to get a gun, shooting him when I return. He lies face down and I kneel on top to restrain his arms, as he’s still struggling. I call out for them to get a gun (I guess I’m not aware that I just had one) so I can finish it. It takes a while, but I think they finally do. I think I shoot him in the head, looking down at the resulting carnage. His body is moved now and I see indentations in the carpet and the spherical silver bullets about the circumference of a quarter within.

      *I can’t recall many emotions during the last part of this dream. It seems that what I was doing did not feel wrong, though it’s obviously disturbing to write down now.
    12. Saturday, April 23

      by , 05-19-2022 at 12:15 AM
      I’m at work and going into the breakroom. John is here with a plate of food - chips and something else. I start making a plate as well. There are some chicken nuggets set out and a tray of what feels like leftover french fries. There are only several chicken nuggets, and I only leave one or two. In the process of making my plate, things on it seem to disappear, so I have to do it again. A couple others now show up, some of which are unfamiliar. They are a couple of women that seem to be visiting for work. One of them tells the employees that they’ll be needing the breakroom, that they can’t eat outside or they’ll be fired. I glibly say it’s fine when I really think it’s ridiculous. I put BBQ sauce and a sour cream dip on my plate and walk outside. It immediately looks like I’ve walked into a backyard with a large lawn. I see most everyone else is sitting in the sun; I veer right into the shade. There are some camp chairs set up with a dog lying under one. I go pet the dog. He accepts it but also nips at me, though not in an unfriendly way. In the chair, Jessica is now to my right and Dad in the chair to her right. We are watching a lightning show on the horizon behind the house. There is some sheet lightning and bolts that aren’t all that close. I notice Jessica’s hand naturally resting between her legs and subtly fidgeting with the seam of her jeans. I initially take it as sexual, though it could just be itching. She also quickly adjusts her bra; I see the cup move beneath the shirt. I glance over to read her shirt and I’m not sure if she takes it as me checking out her chest. I think about explaining myself but don’t. Now, a plane flies fairly close overhead. Another appears and drops two projectiles. They fall for a moment and then start flying this way. They pass overhead, continue on, then explode on the far horizon. In my mind, the far horizon is somewhere like the East Coast, and it’s crazy that I can see it from here.

      I’m outside somewhere with Melissa. We’re on some road and approaching a long and steeply inclined overpass. Everyone (I think in cars) slows and stops. Apparently it is closed off suddenly. A man down here is trying to explain the situation to us. I become very angry with him, shouting ‘who are you to tell us what to do with our animals?!’ I guess the scenario has something to do with animals - horses? I end up hitting the man several times but he never reacts.
    13. Nice character died and disastrous tree portal | [17.06.2021]

      by , 06-18-2021 at 12:56 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Nice character died
      There was an adventure beforehand. While I and a group of other people were fleeing from monsters that shoot some form of projectile, he was hit and immediately killed. I sort of got sad as if he was a character from a movie that died, thinking that it's sad that they didn't continue on with his story. The character might not have been human.

      Disastrous tree portal
      There was something about entering a portal through a tree. It's sort of like a certain tree, where you do a certain thing with the bark and it opens, letting you go in and freefall into a different world of some sort.

      It appears it is like a trap, as I end up in a weird abandoned building, with strange lighting. It's like it's always dusk outside, the yellow light leading up the ghostly and dark hallways. It feels like the home of somebody who has died. All lights are off, and it seems like somebody just abruptly left. Everything seems like a still-life painting, with things laying around as if they were just about to be used. It's totally silent. I walk through the corridor, which is located on the second floor and on the east side of the building and is pretty narrow. On the right side are the aforementioned windows, and to the left are several doors. Suddenly, some sort of woman appears.

      Cut to some sort of video clip, showing several catastrophes, such as a rollercoaster accident. In the end, it always zooms into the face of the first person who dies, just a second before it happens, showing their scared, screaming faces.

      At some point, I am in a sort of white void, with a single patch of forest as a representation of the tree portal and the area around it. There is some sort of large person about it, about 4 meters in height. He is male, and I seem to trust and know him. He gives me advice on how to get back into the normal world.

      Cut back to the corridor. There is a woman there, I know she is a demon, presumably from the advice I got. I hide in a cupboard of sorts, or maybe behind a door that was set down in the corridor, but she finds me. Quickly, I think about the weak points of the human body, but I don't remember. Then, shortly after, I see a knife right of me on a window sill. I quickly grab it and ram it into the heart of the woman, but she just laughs, so I ram it into her stomach and then, finally, I slit her throat and then I ram it in her throat. Then, she is dead.
    14. Another Harry Potter-ish fragment | [01.05.2021]

      by , 05-01-2021 at 05:14 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Harry Potter fragment
      I just cast some sort of spell. At some point I also saved somebody, it appears. At some point, I violently crush some enemy of mine with powers, although this seems more related to some sort of random video game mechanic instead of magic.
    15. Evil dream super powers.

      by , 03-04-2021 at 10:37 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm home and have super powers. I fly up in the night sky and I have really good control but the sensations are not really there. It's monotonic flying. Recall fragment An evil man is hunting me because of my super powers. He also has super powers and says that he can exploit my super powers by sucking my life energy out. I'ts a nightmare by this point. When I was younger I sometimes dreamt about being chained with some evil man torturing my family and I'm just crying and screaming. This dream had the same dark feeling over it. I fight with the man but he is stronger. I somehow touch his hair and notice that it's really thick and has some kind of product in it. Recall fragment I'm upstairs and looking for my card (?). I ask my parents where it is but they don't know. Recall fragment. I'm by the houses behind mine with some children about 8-12 years old, maybe four of them. We are peaking in to a house and it's dark outside. We talk about how we should proceed. They also have super powers and can fly. I tell them that I will become invisible and destroy the mini balcony. I try to become invisible and everything except my hands are invinsible, even though my friends don't seem to see anything of me. They become amazed because they didn't know that one could use super powers to become invisible. I walk on the balcony and twist it. The people inside notice and talk to each other. I am afraid now because the evil man might know my location now. I fly to the closest roof and the children are gone.

      Notes: I remembered some terrible dreams I had when I was younger that I hadn't thought of in several years.
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