non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am invited (more like kidnapped) by a Russian criminal whom I have a history with. I think I am an hacker, I did some work for him once and he fell in love with me, but now I'm not sure if he is trying to help me for old time sake or using me as a scapegoat for his dirty work. He says he'll release a virus in the world that will wreak havoc on all systems and asks me if I have any old PC with a floppy disk drive and I say I do. So he hands me a floppy disk which he says contains the antivirus. He tells me to use it on my computer and then I'll be safe. I find it really suspicious, because it will make no damn difference to have a working computer if the whole society collapses. There might not even be electricity if his plan works. But I'm scared for my life and I just wanna leave and go home. I know my face will be everywhere on CIA screens for being here, so he is probably setting me up or using me as a decoy. I hide the disk the best I can, so that any camera that might film me outside doesn't see it. When I reach my flat, I turn on the news and chaos starts unraveling in the world. Banks crash and other services start failing, people flock to the roads trying to go somewhere safe. I just wanna go meet my parents and ensure they're fine, but it's still a bit far and there is almost no way to get through the traffic jams. I wait a bit and go out by foot to get some stuff and prepare my trip. When I return my house has been searched. They tried to be discreet as not to denounce themselves, but I can tell that a lot of things are misplaced. I still have the disk with me and don't know what to do with it. I manage to go out of town through a road that most people are taking in the opposite direction. I fear I might not have enough fuel, but I manage most of the way, then need to walk the final bit. My dad is worried with the chaos and showing me how they reinforced the front door and windows of the house, but when I go into the backyard to hang something to dry I notice there is one door from the outside to the corridor / garage leading to the yard that doesn't have any lock. We have our dogs there, who are like different incarnations of my RL dogs Hachi and Bernardo, and are also kept separate because they also don't like each other here (my parents here also look like my RL parents, but we are totally different people and live in a totally different world). I rush to tell my dad that door needs to have a lock asap as outside people are starting to loot.
20th November 2021 Fragment: Somewhat adventure-like dream. (left recall too long) Something about turning some huge metal wheels in a couple of buildings at a sea side quay. This makes the clocks of a large nearby church work again. (I have vague recall even now of the dream, visually. I think at one point I was on some rafters in the church, but I also recall it was a bit of an overcast and yellow-ish day outside.) 21st November 2021 Dream: I'm with mom in a kitchen of sorts. There's a weird gas oven of some kind that mom is using. I'm just doing some cutlery things with a cupboard. I had just been talking to H and asking if he wasn't going to eat his egg soup thing. Also something about "chef John". Mom is trying to get the gas thing going and has some rice and sausages which will be getting cooked. I tell her some wicks (?) have gone out. She increases the flow, nothing happens at first and then big flames from those wicks. I tell her she should back it down and she does. Then the food she was cooking seems to have become overdone for her liking. The sausages have supposedly gone sour, and the rice stodgy. I taste a slice of sausage and it tastes bland but not sour, although I did smell something sour. Then I'm checking my phone. Something weird is going on and I conclude it's a virus on my phone. Messages I'd received are FUBAR on a UI-level and I can't dismiss anything. Pressing home just takes me to some sort of gallery, which has pictures of beaches and of naked female porn stars or something to that effect. 22nd November 2021 Fragment: (recall left too late) Something about being on a highway or the like. Traffic direction orientation is not as I would expect for where I live. At one point I do not perceive myself as being in a vehicle and am somehow pulling myself along fast enough to at speed, but it feels like I'm struggling a bit. There's a T-junction that's more like a corner and I want to go left where the road curves more naturally.
Updated 01-22-2022 at 02:41 AM by 95293
5th August 2021 Fragment: (mostly the second half of a dream) I'm arriving at an airport, supposedly in L. I'm with H. We walk in through a tunnel I think, like from a subway. We're approaching a check-in queue area. It's packed and it doesn't seem to be moving at all. There's a covid context but with relaxed rules, making me feel generally apprehensive. This is on one of those upper tiers, though this dream location doesn't quite relate to any specific bit from waking life. There's sunlight at an angle, brightness and colour that makes it feel as implied early morning, just after sunrise. Seems like it would be hot but in the dream I have no recall/sensation of temperature. Mom and dad are here at the queue. Mom is impatient and suggests to dad that he might use his airport credentials to hurry them through this. Dad doesn't want to, but he does start a conversation with the woman at the desk. She says that the airport suffered a virus attack a while ago and all the flight schedules are therefore inaccessible (among other problems?). Dad says something about how she could use pen and paper? I think to myself that they really should have an on-site IT crew to deal with this sort of thing and that they should restore a physical backup to the system. (gap and recall is fuzzy) A few things happen while waiting around. At some point H isn't with me anymore. Then I'm outside, it's night time now and I'm walking along some hangars, on a typical road that has a stone wall and forested area to the left. I feel I am going away from the airport. Three 1950s-ish cars, all black and kind of sportsy, go past. I make note of their headlights as they go past, with a pretty circular shape. The ground is wet? I end up walking through a residential area of sorts. It's more like overcast daytime now. After a short climb of cobble stairs or something, in a parking/loading area in front of a warehouse, I see three police officers and a police vehicle of some kind (a van?). They are fighting, two against on. Those two aren't real police officers, I feel, but I am not certain. They're restraining the third officer, a woman with black hair and pony tail. All their outfits are completely blue apart from a bit on the back with POLICE written in English, in white letters. Uncertain that I'm doing the right thing, I spot a serrated knife with a wooden handle (like one from our WL kitchen) and I pick it up and sneak up to the officer restraining the woman. I stab the restrainer in the back, with a lot of force to be sure I can get through the body vest. He falls over forwards and the woman gets away to the right, taking cover behind the police vehicle. The other fake policeman draws a gun and I hide/take cover behind the body. He shoots at me but hits the body a couple of times. On the ground is a Beretta, which I pick up. I wait for a moment and then come out of hiding from behind the body and shoot the fake police officer in the head, he looks surprised as he dies. The woman urges me to get in the car with her. I do and we drive a short distance back to the residential bit. We talk and I tell her about the dodgy cars I saw earlier. I tell her the drivers had white racing helmets and seemed to be up to no good. We drive over two oncoming cars on a descending ramp bit. It was accidental but it all seemed fine actually. In the car, I'm trying to find more ammo, because I think that I only have eight bullets left. She can't manage to tell me where more ammo might be, but I get the impression there is none. At a certain point we need to get out of the car. It's still wet, and raining now. There's a lot of water flowing through some cobbled part of the path and it looks like there's a bit that's in disrepair where the water is flowing into. Eventually I start running, toward the airport area I'd originally come from. I pass the hangars. I see SWAT police reinforcements ahead of me. I get to a more open area and there are implied signs of a massive explosion (but not really) under a huge commercial jet. Some music like "New York" plays but New is replaced with Zoo. I look for survivors and am told by someone (a narrator?) that these two people on a corner, a mother and daughter are the only survivors, supposedly because they were under a blanket together at the time of the explosion. The mother and daughter were implied to have been victims of incredibly horrible burns but when the blanket is removed they just look like those wooden mannequins artists use for reference, but they have stylised (and real somehow) eyes that move. The spherical and cubical wooden blocks that make up their bodies seem pristine. I realise something about barrels and explosive atmosphere mixture and how nobody should have used firearms. I fall to my knees crying (and wake up shortly after, with leftover emotion). Notes: - In the dream I did not realise how odd it was that the mother and daughter looked like wooden mannequins but still felt like real people. After waking and recalling the dream, I think about how this could have something to do with how trauma is processed, but I find myself unable to relate to this specific experience in that sense. -- This is one of several dreams recently where hard and pure geometric shapes have made an apperance. I am not certain why this is, though a week or two ago I returned to practising basic shape drawing, something I'd been lacking in and on the other hand, I recently read up on Platonic solids and something else related to that subject. - Essentially there were two viruses in the dream context, Covid, and the computer virus.
5th September 2020 Dream: One of several long ones. At a version of the clinic I'm registered with. I see a receptionist in a narrow hall and ask about whether they are still doing appointments. She said that appointments have to be booked nine days in advance, at least. Then I proceed to the waiting room anyway. It's different from how it should be and a whole lot bigger. The room is packed, reminds me of an airport. It's well lit with natural light. I try to find somewhere to wait and become aware that I'm wearing a dust cover mask. it feels like it keeps slipping down and uncovering my nose, which bothers me. Only a few other people are wearing masks of any kind at all. The vast majority is not, I don't feel that this is right but I feel there's nothing to be done about it and carry on. Eventually I find a little corner around a pillar. I think of sitting down at a chair but I remember thinking I don't want to be as close as everyone else is to each other. So I just lean back against the pillar. At some point I realise I'm wearing one of my black t-shirts and the trousers I have typically been wearing lately. My mask slips off again, and I adjust it again. This time I try to make the upper strap stay in place better. I simple consider this recurring thing to be the fault of my choice of wearing a second version I found of the mask at home. (This would have been a good RC moment) I see people come and go, in and out of appointments and the hall. I have thoughts about whether I'll be able to hear my name called from here. Then as I'm waiting, around the corner I spot two black guys are having an argument with each other, they are at opposite ends of the area. Something about a game, but not? One of them is more calm than the other but is also upset. He's chunkier and nerdier in some sense. He has a cap, dark navy colour. His skin is about as dark as the cap, reminds me of Franklin from GTA5 but darker. The angrier guy is taller and is much closer to where I am, he is well built and again partly reminds me of Lamar, but no cap? I forget their words to each other. I become curious if the angrier guy is going to get physical or not in his anger, he does a little, gesticulating violently but seemingly out of frustration, then letting go of the subject and simply walking away. Then when he's left a large number of people follow behind him. For some reason, I eventually leave too. I'm outside, it's an unknown street. I remember a sandstone bridge over the road, it's daytime. Eventually a very full bus goes past, after I'd already crossed the road. There's a white girl, with curly hair (what colour?). She's on the other side of the road, I feel I know her somehow in the dream. I forget exactly what happens next but then I'm going around on the back of a bike or something. Streets remind me of native country. Eventually I/we arrive somewhere. It's a house along a row of impressive houses with a typical local look with sandstone features. There's an open courtyard. Reminds me of Hei's place. Then I'm on foot and it seems to be on a hill/cliff, overlooking a semi-populated area. That girl from before is now sitting on a bench here, naked? She gets up and walks toward a ledge wall and I walk up close. Then, looking down from over the low-ish wall, I see a baby cat trying to climb a tree from lower down to get to us. Fragment: At a beach place, overcast day. There's a big bridge over this bit, really high up. Some rocks at the base of one of the support pillars. It's like a highway overpass? There's writing in Arabic and maybe Hebrew, but also a third language which glyphs I don't recognise or recall. Notes: - I remember the dispute between the two guys was interesting to watch. Looking back at it now, it seems like it was some kind of metaphor for internal debate and the fact that many of the other vague dream characters left with the angry guy kind of reinforces this idea for me. - The mask slipping off on its own is something that I found was happening with some face coverings I tried to wear because of the virus situation. It doesn't happen at all with dust cover masks but this seemed to have slipped by me in the dream. - The second fragment may have been because we recently re-watched Prince of Egypt, a film I didn't remember very well at all anymore.
30th August 2020 7:20 Dream: Last part mostly. Not too interested in full recall. Was walking around somewhere with someone, an old schoolmate, maybe C? We're talking about buildings for some reason and then there's no transition but we're in "China" and I see Chinese soldiers in what looks to be a kind of ceremonial uniform. Covid times in the dream. But nobody is wearing a mask, not even myself or who I'm with. We're at some exhibit building and it involves going down a long set of stairs underground. People don't seem to be respecting distancing rules and through all of this I'm getting casual contact with random people and I'm touching my face, for some reason. I become concerned, but feel that because there's nothing I can do now, I just carry on. Eventually we leave back up the stairs. Even the soldier and the attendants don't care about distancing and contact, this bothers me on a very basic level. My dad then appears at some point and complains about it all. Some transition and then Deus Ex themes and fighting Paul Denton, but I'm still myself? Before all of this, I remember roaming cobble pavements late at night? I make note of the fact that it's the past, I just have this knowledge in the dream somehow, something like the 60s? Don't know exactly but some cars have unusual UV headlights or something, because everything that's got white on it lights up bright because of the UV headlights when cars go past sometimes. I distinctly remember old-styled cars and lorries. There's a dog walker at some point while I'm walking along the pavements; we try to avoid each other and I'm on the grass. Notes: - There was a very loose and casual link, I think, between the Chinese soldiers and Deus Ex, since there are several levels in the game that take place in China. It was also a game that I played back when I knew C. - Dad's appearance seems to just be a reflection of some of my own thoughts but besides that his behaviour was mostly as I might expect it to be. - The covid themes in this dream I think were mostly part of a subconscious digestion of my own processing of certain situations in waking life.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Something about russians and some test. Something on a public swimming pool, with a couple of ladies, crossing the locker room to avoid or meet someone, but then getting excited about a swim in the pool. A friend says he invented a simulation of a nuclear bomb, but without radiation and the blast is harmless so wants to test it. I'm not feeling sure about that, but he insists on blowing it up and says we can hide in an underground shelter nearby. Strangely enough, he sets it off in the middle of a town, so I wonder about all other people if the test goes wrong. Anyway, he is not going to stop for anything and he blasts the thing off. The shock wave is strangely slow, so we can run ahead of it and seek the shelter. He doesn't go, but me and Alex and Zilla we run to it. Zilla is the only one who knows where it is. Alex trips when we cross a bridge and he grabs a piece of my clothing asking for help. But I tell him "it's ok, the bomb is harmless, you'll be fine." And I shrug him off and keep going (watch a bitch I can be). I look back a few steps later and ask him if he'll be ok? He ain't sure, but he doesn't complain and gets up to keep running. Zilla finally stops behind a building with a garden and I ask if the bunker is there. She says no and that she also wants to experience the blast on the surface, but she is taking cover behind the building She finds a hose on a wall and takes an improvised shower. Recommends me to do the same, in case the blast is hot. I feel pretty upset with all this and think these guys are just fucking insane. The blast is coming. I am a at a supermarket with Riverstone, shopping for food. Some troll just put 200€ of frozen fish on our trolley. We're vegetarian, I ask the cashier to keep it and take it away, but Riverstone is looking at all the codfish and saying maybe we should buy it for special occasions. I am pissed he is even considering that and say "absolutely no". Everyone seems to be losing his/her voice. I am also starting to loose mine. It's some virus that's going around and infecting more and more people. It's afflictive.
Oi, oi, I'm back from the shadows of a five day slump of upset emotions and sadness. Things have cooled down now though, and I've brought two dreams with me for this entry! This first one was from the morning before this morning. I was in a school (who would've thunk it), or more specifically, a choir class. We were all singing some song, and for some reason, all the kids around me were 5th graders, while I was the only young adult in the room, aside from the teachers standing around watching our performance. Suddenly, alarms blared! Doctors came in from every which way! What was going on? The answer to that question appeared in the form of the head of the doctors, a nurse with a demanding presence but kind demeanor. She strolled her way in, feet clacking on the floor as we all stared in a mixture of confusion and horror. She stopped walking, waited a moment, and explained to us that a virus was going through the school. Not just any virus though; it was a lethal, fast-spreading virus, and all of the kids had to be quarantined immediately. With a snap of her fingers, the doctors began rounding up the kids and escorting them out of the choir room. For some reason, nobody came up to me, making me the last one in the room, along with the teachers and the head nurse. There was some more to this dream involving me questioning the nurse about the outbreak, but I don't remember it. Next is my fragment from this morning. And it's real sparse one at that; only specific scenes and characters remembered. A school was involved. (this may as well be a dream sign at this point along with K and my ex). My ex was there. For some reason I was viewing the dream as an observer, but another me was in the dream, or rather, my middle-school-aged self, as one of the participating DCs. My dad was in the dream too, and he was running for president, campaigning through the school. Lately I've noticed a trend that whenever my emotions get upset or sad, it tends to dip my recall the following mornings, whereas if I'm feeling happier and more clear-headed, I tend to have more consistent recall. Don't really know if there's anything to that, but it's been an observable enough pattern that there may be something to it, at least for me.
Fragment -I was searching online on Amazon looking to find a nice bracelet that would go with my “Not all who wander are lost” bracelet. I Have A Deadly Ebola-Like Virus I went swimming to see this giant whale-like creature. Next to it was a tiny fish which I was told was carrying a deadly virus. I tried to stay away from it but of course I got bitten. I was working at a youtube show like Buzzfeed(I recently went on a Buzzfeed-watching youtube spree) and I had my own little office at the headquarters. I was standing in my office when I just sort of collapsed. Peope in white bio-hazard suits came to get me and take me to the hospital, where I ended up getting my own room. I stayed in that room for weeks or even months. At one point I was out of my room and people got so mad at me that they wanted to kill me to prevent spreading the virus. I got progressively sicker and could barely move. My family would come visit me frequently. Eventually I got better but… The dream repeated This time I was watching a lady with a black dress and brown hair going to her colonoscopy appointment. She was walking really weirdly and I realized it was because of her heels. Then, I WAS that lady. I went into this huge building and looked around to figure out what room my appointment would be in. I was in this large room and there were people sitting/standing forming a large circle. I was in the middle of the circle. People realized I was sick with the deadly virus and everyone stayed away from me, trying to avoid contact. I got shipped off to the hospital again and this time got a nicer room, where I recovered for a second time.
Updated 11-10-2015 at 06:32 PM by 23237
*I had great increase in dream recall because I abstained from drinking or smoking just before bed. I've also been watching a lot of LOST and Heroes on Netflix so there are some parallels* Dream #1 Dream #2 I was in this apartment complex with Dr. Mohinder Sharesh (heroes). We were running from these men in black who wanted to capture me and study me for my abilities of teleportation, telekinesis and time travel. My brother, who also can time travel, was already a couple years into the future, and he and I were communicating with this magical paper that I could write on and my brother years in the future could read it, and vice versa. He had told me that there had been a terrible virus spread throughout the world and many people were dead. Dr. Sharesh and I began working on an antidote immediately to prepare for this disaster. I began collecting samples and test tubes from this fridge like container for chemicals. I had told him that we need to work fast to prepare. Just then I looked outside to three floors below, men in black were at that moment getting out of their cars. I closed both doors leading to the room we were in from the hallway outside so that we had a bit more time before the men in black had apprehended us. The next few moments played out like a movie...the men in black busted through the door leading to our floor, guns drawn and ready to shoot at any moment. I close my eyes tight just as the break down the doors to our room. The men found only Dr. Sheresh alone in the room as I had time traveled. *Camera pans to the magical paper with my writing saying "I'm coming to you" and my brother's response, "What?"* The next thing I know I am in the same building, same floor, and I am in the hallway. The carpet was pulled up from the floor, and the walls beginning to crumble apart. I look around and realize that I had traveled years into the future. Just then, my brother comes running around the hall, with a big smile on his face, happy to see me. He takes my hands and says how happy he is to see me. He had a katana strapped to his back. He takes me into the same room I was in from the past, he sits on a couch, his back to the window. I look at him as we talk, and then I look past him to see the destruction of the city skyline. Towers and buildings were destroyed, reduced to nothing but shells of a once great society. I asked my brother if our parents had survived, his eyes welled up as he shook his head and began to cry. My brother then asked me what time I had come from, I looked him in the eye and said, "I think I came from the time when this all started, I think I came from where it began." I remember being in some sort of school that was holding a big conference or event. There were a lot of people. I remember being somewhat lucid as I mocked certain situations while still adhering to the dream plot. I was in this large girls' bathroom, remembering that I could do pretty much anything, I challenged every other girl in there to fight me. They kind of looked at me weird and didn't do anything at first. I had said something to the effect of "What, you bitches afraid you all can't take me? Come on! I'll let you all at me at once." That peaked their interest as they all started to attack me. Fighting all of them at once was easy. I blocked every kick and punch with ease, landing blows to them as I did. They quickly surrendered and I left the bathroom. I saw floods of people rushing in every hallway. The dream shifts and I am now looking out onto Lake Michigan witnessing one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. There are people playing in the lake as the golden orb of our star slowly lowered itself upon the water, a perfect reflection on the surface. I sat watching with school friends, old and new, in these bleacher style seats, almost like an amphitheater. I sat with a friend of mine to my left, a cute girl that I have come to sort of develop a crush on. Next to her on her left sits one of my old friends from high school. I was peaceful, taking in the beautiful scene before me. Then, the cute girl next to me rests her head on my shoulder, and I instinctively put my arm around her waist. The cute girl was also holding the hand of the girl next to her which was my high school friend, but being polyamorous, I wasn't hurt or angry at that situation. Then I had realized something, I had been in another dream just before that, a different dimension with a dire fate. I hopped up and began putting some pieces together. I said to the cute girl "Are you my constant? Are you here to simply comfort me and distract me from my task, so that I may stay in this world and forget the world before?" The girl just hung her head and looked at her feet. I sat right in front of her, put my face next to hers so I could whisper in her ear, "Are you my constant?" to which she said "I can't say". I just nodded my head thinking 'I knew it'. Then I asked, "do you like me, do you love me?" She didn't respond. I just got up, said I was getting lunch and left the scene. I was back at the music building of my school, practicing my saxophone, and actually playing a scale I had been working on IRL. It was then that I remembered I was getting food. I woke up
What amazing recall I have...ugh. I know absolutely I dreamed last night, I just can't remember 90% of it! Here is what I DO remember - Some kind of mass disease situation going on, and alot of families driving to the local CVS and camping out there, waiting for a cure. The disease effected children, so everyone camping out had at least one child. I also remember a creepy guy there. I don't recall if he was trying to get the kids away from their parents to kidnap them, or if he was the one handing out the cure to the disease. In some way he was manipulating the parents or kids. The parents may have been hanging out in the parking lot in hopes of him releasing it. - In order for kids to be selected for the medicine, a match-up style game had to be played between two opponents. Kind of like a tournament. The game involved a shoebox sized wooden box with little wooden tiles inside. It was basically candy crush meets scrabble, I think. Matching up of different styles of the wood tiles was definitely part of it. Thats about it. Hopefully writing this down will cause my brain to leak out more detail on the next dream~! INSPIRATIONS: So obvious. I was talking to someone I call "semi-creepy guy" to myself, because he is..semi-creepy. So, as a result, I had a creepy stalker guy in my dream. Also, I have lately been addicted to the new Candycrush game, hence my certainty in the kind of game that was played in my dream.
12.01.2015Hellish brown beast after my cats (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was doing ET contact in the country, but I was doing this during the day when suddenly, I heard a huge noise of a plane crashing. There was no fire, no screams, no dead people, in fact, they walked out fine from the plane, despite the plain being broken in half. I wanted to assist injured people with healing energy until the dream changed a scenario. There was something involving a train accident and I was next to my car about to leave somewhere when other plane crashed the same way. I wanted to look at my bag, and ensure the police did not grab some of my stuff thinking I was to blame. The police seemed to not care from what it was in my bag. I wanted to call a friend and tell her what the heck was going on with the planes. I saw a plastic phone with a monochrome screen in my bag. Something like this one, but it was all white and had no camera: The phone made an odd noise I teleported to a house. The phone was larger, like an i-pad, but made out of plastic and still with the black and white monochrome screen. Now it had a camera also. I heard a noise and went to the bathroom, and I saw like a map on my "i-pad" and a red dot. Every time I clicked the red dot, I was moved to the rooms, until I clicked it twice and went to a small room that had a spiderweb. There was a tiny spider, and the app said, "Writing spider" It was an extremely extra rare find that if I photographed, I would get something mind blowing on a game. I could see the spider with a tiny pencil and a paper. When I took its photo, it started to grow and turned into a hellish brown beast. It was like a rat, but very slender, with long arms and very sharp claws... this is the closest I could find: I closed the door, but the door did not covered all the way up to the roof, as it was a wavy decor so the little beast came out from there. It turned in some sort of demon cat and I was afraid it would kill my cats. She went after both of my cats and I pushed it away. After this, and killing the beast (no idea how) a lot of nonsense started. I saw a show that looked like "The human body" where there were some viruses that turned into broccolies (of different colors) A voice said they needed to be eliminated, otherwise a big mess would happen. Sure enough it did. They turned into football players and these kept growing into demons, black shadows that were attacking some city hall and only using white light was good to defeat them, lucky me I could channel it.
I was sitting in my room, and coding something in C++ using my laptop. I went to check something on younger sisters PC, which had worse CPU, but better GPU. Suddenly I realised that it's brand new PC. It was full of random stuff, sisters files and games, although it worked worse than my laptop. I tried to check something on it, but then a weird, stupid cartoon about game developers appeared on my laptop. I closed it, but the sounds were still on. I used my flash memory to get some files, but I realise that I've got powerful virus on it. It was named KermitExt, and it was responsible for explosions of random devices. I also realised that I have a micro chip in my jacket, with the same virus. I went out of my home, and police came. Someone had the same trouble. They took him to the police station. A woman working with them come to me, and I told her what's going on. I went to the building where my friend was working. It was a skyscraper of big, global corporation. I entered it, and looked for my friend, a general programmer. I was searching for him. Whole building was new. Looking for my friend I mistakenly went through the wrong corridor. I entered the dining hall. It was full of antique, wooden furniture. I've came back to entrance, and asked where his office is. I went the right corridor, and went a little too far. I cam back, and entered his office. It was dark, the dim light of PC screen the room gave somehow moody feeling to this room. It was more like a house room, than the office. It was bedroom, kitchen and workplace in one. I saw him. Male, close to his thirties, black hair and grey eyes. He was laying in bed with a woman. Blonde, also close to her thirties, but stunningly beautiful. I showed him my jacket and flash memory. He started to work on some code, and told me that it's done, but after a while screen of his PC exploded. Alarm has turned on. We were running towards emergency exit on the rooftop, to wait of a helicopter. As we runned, the world startedd rolling and turning upside down. It was hard but I made it. When we opened the emergency exit doors, the world has already turned to the side. We've fallen and grabbed railings. We were hanging there. We couldn't see anything in the surroundings, just sky. I tried to climb, but after a while the rail I hold broke, and I've fallen into the other side of building. The woman that was with my friend did the same, and we both fallen into the skyscraper that hasn't turned to its side. I don't know what happened to the rest, asa the world was turning all the time. We ran through office areas. Everything was badly damaged, but we ran outside. There were two bikes, just waiting for us. We drove with them through the road in the middle nowhere. It was dark, cold and cloudy night. We were driving, but suddenly car appeared from the other side. I told her to stop, and turn the lamp in bike off. Someone went out of car, and started shooting. After they shot somebody, they drove away.
So I've recently joined this site, and thought I'd put up a few things I wrote down. I don't regularly maintain a DJ, but I have a notebook I keep random notes and stuff in, and I put a few dreams in there. No date on this one, by location in notebook, I estimate end of 2013: Stuck in cave with many other people, blast it open but water rushes in, have to swim out of the opening, but it's underneath the water. Most people not having any trouble, but I keep floating on top weakly instead of being able to dive down. Air is running out, I have to hurry. Finally swim out into an airport. (I remember this one had something to do with terrorists, but I guess I was too lazy to write down the rest of the dream. Also, I think the airport kind of looked like a mall for some reason.) No date on this one either, probably summer 2014: Anna (my name in this dream for some reason), have to save someone whose name starts with a D, Dom? Dido?Short bladeThere's some kind of virus, it grows out of love into violence (causing people to be violent to the ones they love)The virus spreads to her children (Anna's?) Some kind of enemy army nearby (set in a much older time, think around Mongolian era or older)Someone yelled 'Anna, no!'I (being Anna) stab myself in the stomach and fall on my back (This one I remember actually feeling the warmth of the blood and as I died (not instantly) I woke up. Weird stuff.) This one was written immediately after the last one in same pen, looks continuous. I think they happened in the same night: Jumped from ~20th floor, felt like all my organs and body hurt but I was mostly fine and walking around like normalWent back up in an elevatorNo intention of dying, I must have been locked out on the balcony by someone? I've got about 3 more in this notebook here, slightly longer ones. I'll post them later.
Updated 12-09-2014 at 09:48 PM by 71799
A couple friends and I are working on a shared dreaming project. One which involves a still standing Castle in Europe and using it as a home base. 1. Visiting a place near a body of water. Looked like our Home Castle, yet different in certain ways. I never went inside, but there was water surrounding the property, clear water, fresh (didn't look like the pictures we viewed.) On the edges of the water had a lot of plants and vegetation, it actually could have passed for a luxury hotel. I'm with others. We board a medium sized water vessel with a group of people and visited a nearby island. Sen (?) and I went swimming underwater, think Wg was nearby too. I watched as someone transformed themselves into a barracuda type fish. Other fish swam away, haha. Then I changed too. Shortly after the island adventure I'm standing in front of a woman with another man. She tells him that it's too bad he's not taller with blonde hair. Odd. 2. When we were done we went back to the Castle. I was running around searching for something. Forgot what. Eventually I find a puppy and recall floods in. I realize I was at the Castle earlier in dreaming and now I'm trying to figure out a way to keep the recall (lol), thinking that none of this will be remembered (LOL). I'm also either trying to get a message from the puppy or I'm trying to give it a message for Wg and Sen. It was small, mostly white with brown spots. 3. Some point along the night I was in Egypt. There was a ceremony but also a disruption. I vaguely recall racing through corridors trying to escape something (come to think of it, that may have been the caves.) 4. Then at another point I'm driving and manage to crash about three vehicles, moving from one to the next. When I crashed the third I realized perhaps driving isn't the best thing for me to be doing. I seem to be having a bad string of luck with cars/motorcycles. The final vehicle I crash I'm able to move with my mind to get it out of the way of other traffic (I was in a one-lane area of a very busy highway.) 5. I'm on a stretch of road and climb into the back of a parked truck. There's something inside I'm going after. I find it, it's a clear large vial/jar. I read the label on it, it's a lethal virus (can't recall the name.) I'm careful as I open it, vapor streams from the opening. I hold my breath, thinking that might help. I remove the lid completely, invert it, insert a long tube then replace the lid. Hop out and run back to a waiting car (think Sen was driving). 6. I make my way inside a nearby university/Castle? I talk to a few people, then a male professor, then I find an Indian woman sitting in a large open room on the steps. I sit down near her and we speak respectfully. (Felt like the Priestess). She's heavy-set, older, tan skin (first time I've seen her in human form, usually it's whispy ethereal forms.) She shows me something, she takes a piece of what looks like coal and ingests it. It enters her body and I can see the reaction in her, smoke begins pouring from skin, it's eating her flesh from the looks of it. I'm concerned at this point, standing up about to try and assist, when she stands up and then shits out the piece of coal. Her body returns to the prior healthy appearance and she smiles at me. Again, I think this was another lesson for me but again, the lesson is difficult to grasp. A woman of very few, if any, words.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening (...) I'm at a hostel in an old factory brick building. There's an outbreak of some nasty disease which is killing a lot of people and we stay mostly indoors in self-quarantine, hoping for the best. But some people who get infected don't die and simply get very sick, lose their minds and become zombie-like, attacking everybody else. We keep moving to upper levels in the building, until we're barricated on the last one with access to a terrace. The food is becoming scarce. We're on the terrace trying to evaluate how are things outside. We don't see or hear anything for a long time. Maybe even the zombies are gone for good, we don't know. That's when a van parks on the street in front and a lday comes out. She sees her and engages in conversation with us. Says she and others are looking for groups of survivors like us to join them in a place surrounded by high walls, where they want to start a community. She says there are still zombies out there, they are just weaker and more scattered, so it's ok if we get down and go with her, as long as we limit the time we stay outside. So we join the community. Groups of people keep flocking to it. They had planned a certain population, but the word seems to have passed on, and more people are still coming. This community is quite organized, there's equipment for our basic needs, we're somewhat safe inside the perimeter, with the occasional breach being quickly controlled, some people work on crafts, others cultivate food, others provide medical care. But at some point it starts collapsing due to excessive population, famine and sickness. I walk around the premise and I go check the "food area": there's only cactus and other plants we wouldn't normally eat and I can see most of it are plants that grow spontaneously but not abundantly and are also not very nutritious and will run out fast. I pass by the "medical area" and it's concerning the ammount of people who are sick and undernourished and nobody can help them, because there's no more drugs or possibility to treat them. And just by the side of this area is the morgue/cemetery and that's where things get really depressing. Due to the hopeless situation, people have decided not to bury the dead anymore, but to skin and cut the bodies and use their meat to feed the living. So this cemetery now resembles a slaughterhouse, there's even a kind of (dis)assembly line where the bodies go sequentially through the different stages: undressed, washed, skinned and chopped. I have the thought that this is very much the idea of a tibetan-buddhist charnel ground, but instead of the meat being fed to the vultures, it feeds other people. I am filled with an immense sadness. I wonder why. Is it the people dying? They've been dying for some time already. No, it's to see them dying and immediately becoming meat. It strips them from having had any meaningful existence, they become nobody, they are just heaps of flesh. People have done it to other beings for so long, now karma is doing its work.
Updated 11-03-2013 at 10:28 PM by 34880