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    1. Some good dreams.

      by , 03-29-2024 at 07:03 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Steady Jamie dreams. Holy.

      Tuesday night: Asuka spoke up as a voice in my head (she's been quiet for years, except for occasionally grumbling at Jamie.) , asking if she should double check on Jamie. I'm like, "Ya! Do something funny so we both remember something."


      A flash of being in a living room. Asuka walks Jamie in and Jamie has this crazy 80's hair with the messy waves and big hairspray. They are both smiling like it's funny.


      I'm in the black space, Jamie is holding me tightly and talking all serious with me but loving. It sounds like she is saying she wants something really serious with me, but I can't remember the exact words. Is that so? Well, I'm all for it. I just hope she's clear with me next time on, Goals, Labels, and intentions.

      Wed night:

      Various flashes of Jamie but the are so quick, not even a fraction of a second long.


      Somewhat vivid non lucid. It's night time and outside, I'm by my dream house. There's a funny slide I fly up to and go down. One time I came off the slide and there's these Giant black frogs with black spots. They are HUGE, like medium sized dogs. I go on the slide a bunch of times and the dream fades.


      A love-making dream with Jamie. It was really tender is all I'll say. I both felt it and had a 3rd person perspective on it.


      I walk into a garage where Jamie is she is sorting recycling and looks grossed out. Dream fades right away. Is Asuka making her do chores again?

      Last night:


      I'm going to a group meetup of people that worked at Wal-Mart when Jamie was there. There's an open field. Jessica and Tanner are there. They kind of ignore me. Jamie walks up and says, "Hey everybody." While sort of looking around at us, but she never makes eye contact with me. They freeze her out too and then she storms off. I spend the rest of the dream wandering around and wondering why Jamie never said , "Hello," to me directly and why did she storm off? I took it too personally and I started getting intense feelings and almost started crying.

      I woke up and realized, it was her intense feelings of getting fozen out that transferred to me, causing myself to not properly asses the situation, making it all about her. In the dream, since I wasn't really saying anything (I always get nervous around her unless she says something to me) so she was seeing me as part of the group that was freezing her out. I guess I have to be prepared for situations like these. My goal would be to listen to her and validate her feelings about the situation, but since being seen as part of the group I wasn't even given a chance to. I know all too well how feelings of worthlessness can EDIT what you are seeing in reality. I have posts on this forum from years ago, where I'm intensely arguing with someone over what I think they said. and I go back and read and they didn't say it at all. That's why I liked working Mcdonald's is because it forced me to really work with people. I used to get upset at someone if they looked at me the wrong way, or said something mean. And I would either rage at them or rage in my mind. But then I started stepping out of that mentally and really looking at things and thinking, "Maybe they are just being sarcastic," or, "Maybe they are just having a bad day. Then after a while, I become the sarcastic, funny guy that doesn't take things too seriously.

      Still upset

      I go back to Jamie's house and find she's locked herself in a bathroom with a giant fancy door. I can't get in to talk to her, then the dream ends. I hope she's okay.
      Tags: frogs, jamie, wal-mart
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. She's back

      by , 03-14-2024 at 02:32 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Let's see if I remember all the dreams from the past 3 days.

      Jamie 1

      Just a flash of being in a store like Wal-Mart I walk up to a counter where Jamie is working. But she's freezing me out. If she comes to know me again in person, I hope she instructs me properly on how to deal with her when and if she still gets like that.

      Jamie 2

      Just her standing in the black space again. She is standing expectantly of me. But the dream fades fast.


      pure audio HH dream where it almost sounds like Jamie speaking to me. But now it's gibberish and it's not her voice at all. I force myself to wake up.


      Something about being in a car or van with my dog.

      Jamie 3

      Audio HH dream again. Jamie is speaking a love poem she seems to have written to me. I believe she sent me a poem back when I knew her. But I couldn't tell if it was written for me or the guy she was after at the time. So naturally I was standoffish about it, which resulted in a slight argument. This time however, I have learned my lesson. "Aw that's sweet! Is it about me? are you trying to tell me something?". Is that better? And no I don't remember what the words were. This happens to me when I hear music in HH as well. I know guitar, some piano, and a little violin. But, Adulting work life always takes over and makes me forget.


      I was in an abandoned house or something. I felt demons entering my mind. My dog was dragging me by the arm away from the place.

      Jamie 4

      Brief flash, she is in a dimly lit room with another man about to have sex with him. I.. really don't wish to dream about this. I know in previous dreams her tone seems to indicate she might reach out, (Or we encounter one another by happenstance,) for a very specific goal. I just hope she has her house in order when doing so. I feel I am expected to as well. It goes both ways.

      Jamie 5

      I am in a convenience store, and Jamie is there. She seems to have that darkness in her again. She's dressed strangely, almost like a hobo. She seems very seductive towards me. I'm just playing along. She peels a small smiley face sticker from a paper, kind of like the Wal-Mart ones that the door greeters use to have. She asks "Where should I put it?", "On your bum." I say. She reaches behind her as if doing so. I raise my hand in the the air and make a twirling motion and I say, "Now turn around." She turns around almost dancing and stick her butt out to my groin and starts grinding. I say, "What? your booty shrunk! I coulda swore it was bigger." "Shut up." She says and throws me on the ground and starts kissing me as she mounts me. We seem to be in a bedroom and on a bed now.

      Instantly the dream transitions, and I instantly forget where I was previously. Me and my dog are in a dark parking lot trying to get a ride from some woman. But she says she's driving someone else and drives away to a stall a ways away. now I'm in a warehouse with my dog. People are working. I forget the rest.

      I always notice latley that when Jamie is being strange in a dream I always dream about my dog. Like it's a warning. Can't argue with kisses and a booty grind tho.
      Tags: dog, jamie, wal-mart
    3. Short dreams

      by , 02-26-2024 at 03:29 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Spotty recall these past couple days, due to unusual sleep schedule at home.

      Had a couple NLDS but can't remember the details.

      Jamie dreams

      1. A flash of her laying in bed, wearing a white bed dress. She's showing me something. I won't say what.

      2. Me and Jamie are working at a Wal-Mart. But it's the overnight shift. Everyone gets the same half hour break on late night s so on our break I start walking to my car to eat and smoke. Jamie joins me while walking to my car and she asks if she could sit with me in my car.

      3. While slightly dosing I had an HH image of Jamie encased in a strange device. She was in a glass orb and a giant wooden thing was connected to it which operated a door. An angel with large wings stood outside of it and operated the door. A man approached the glass, but he was really a lustful demon. Jamie saw the demon and began to get undressed for it. But it couldn't get it because the angel kept the door shut. Ok... Not sure what to make of that.
    4. more dreams, some explanation. Yes, I am certifiable.

      by , 02-08-2024 at 11:20 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Some people have messaged me and/or left comments asking "Who is Jamie?" I understand my journal entries must seem like the ravings of a madman, I can assure you, I consider it a possibility every single day. Jamie is someone I use to work with in 2011, We were friends (the vocal pretext we had both agreed upon- the subtext however... slightly different story). Long complicated story I'm not going into. to the layman, (Someone who is completely atheist and is a scoffer at anything spiritual, or having anything like a god in the universe, supernatural, paranormal. etc) I suffer from a bizarre form of Limerence, and "Spiritual psychosis", and Jamie is the Idealized object of this. In more spiritual terms it is also known as "Twin Flame," or "Alien Love bite", Neither term I agree with, however I have read experiences from many people that I can relate to ( I watched a long youtube of a panel of people from the ALB community and listened to a couple explain how they were having mutual or shared dreams). Scoffers will scoff, fine. I define it simply as: Seemingly paranormal facilitation and interference in human relationships. There's also a psychosis in the mix as well, BPD, Both of us have levels of such a disorder. In my case I love bomb someone who shows interest in me and when I feel they are going to abandon me, I promptly dump them or cut them out of my life, and then horrifyingly try to "Win them back,". I was not even aware of this "Cycle," until I met Jamie and analyzed our friendship years later, and reading what BPD is.

      Years after, the "Discarding" of one another. I began experiencing paranormal events all over again. Seeing annoying "Angel signs," regarding her. As well as a sudden influx of dreams about her. I have a long history on this forum being able to share dreams with people. And i Still experience this to this day, the sharing of dreams. I began to wonder if it was a possibility, that we were somehow reaching one another in dreams. Such phenomena increased with such intensity (and things jamie was doing and saying in dreams) It became such a great concern to me that I was compelled to send her a handful of messages over a period of a few months. I told her from as many angles as I could what stuff I was experiencing. Just being open and relaying messages that I had learned. After the first message, In the dreams of her, she began to first act repulsed by me in the dreams and then began to be more okay with it. And after my last long explanatory message the dream her seemed fine. I did relay in my message that this dream journal exists, and that she can read it. These dream journals have a subscribe button, (I don't get notified of subscribers) and such people get an email every time I post an entry. It's likely I gave her a link to my dream journal when we were friends in 2011, and she has been subscribed since then. Or a few years ago she did. I'm not going to speculate. But it definitely seems like she reads my dream journal and then in later dreams she will react to what I dreamed about. She has never messaged me back however, But did mark my message as, "Read." sometimes she would leave a message, "Unread" So I take it as a sign of minimal respect for my efforts. In the end she has a disorder, where various people are discarded, and most of those people will never be in touch again. so no, I am not expecting a message back, or for her to be friends again. We both have some severe emotional problems that would probably end in complete disaster, or worse, all over again, if not handled EXTREMELY carefully.

      Unfortunately, I have had to move back to the area where I met her. and it's possible I may have run into her when I first arrived here, at a convenience store. The person, had to turn around and leave the store, after their purchase and I was standing in. She didn't look me in the eye at all, seemed slightly aware that it was me. but looked really pissed or at least annoyed that I was there. I was not surprised at this reaction at all, I even expected it, given what I know about the disorder. and then a few times over a few months. she had driven by me at least once or twice and was stealing glances at me. No, I don't imagine she is stalking me. This IS a series of small towns where you are bound to run into anyone you ever known in this area at any given day.

      This journal then is for Jamie to read as she sees fit. As long as I dream about her, I will keep posting entries.


      1. Jamie, is tied to a wall in a hotel room... she is naked. and some guy is standing near her. He had glasses, hair poorly bleached with brown hair at the part.

      that's all I remember. I wake up and The voice says,, "Why was I naked?"

      2. I dream my dog is getting really angry at me because I am playing with a cat. His mouth looked really strange and scary.

      3. I was in bed with someone, But it was this other girl, from Wal-mart. She is pregnant I start kissing her and she kisses me back. A strange thought of doubt runs through my head.

      I wake up. and fall back asleep.

      Note: it seems the past few weeks, I have been unable to meet Jamie in the dreams lately just have dreams about her. We both seem to have been dreaming about people who are "Distractions". The goal: to prevent us dreaming the same dream. I will pray and/or meditate on this.
    5. Splendid Competition Night #13, and a false awakening.

      by , 01-29-2017 at 06:28 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Dream Fragment 1: I was in a creepy house. I could sense a ghost, and it scared the crap out of me. I woke up and was still freaked for a second before I realized that it was just a dream. o_o

      Full Non-Lucid Dream 2: Warning, this is a bit nsfw, but it's what happened and I was not in control. :p I was getting some groceries and talking with the cashier at Walmart, and we both agreed that everyone should just get free membership cards. Does Walmart even offer membership cards? xD There were a few people behind me -- an African American lady, an invisible lady (I could sense her presence, or something), and I think a few other women. One of them -- can't remember who precisely -- started doing something physical to me that would be rather inappropriate to mention on a public forum and which would most certainly not happen in a public setting, and my dream self rather enjoyed it. Wasn't enough to make me lucid though. The weird thing is, I doubt that I would have been attracted to any of those people in real life. They were pretty generic, standard Wally World people. THE PEOPLE OF WALMART! Dreams can make you horny, I suppose. o____O

      Oh, and in that dream, I actually had a false awakening. Inside of my dream, I woke up, and thought "Hey, I remembered a dream!" and immediately began writing it down in my dream journal. I also have a vague memory of there being a Nutri Grain wrapper beside me, when in actuality I hardly ever eat inside of my room (too messy). And then I woke up for real, and was confused because I thought that I had already written it down in my journal, yet there was nothing on the page.

      Dream Fragment 3 (NOT COUNTING): My last note reads "Idk I think a 3rd one but got lost on the Z" I don't know what this means. xD But it was definitely one of those moments where you know you almost remembered the dream, but it just narrowly escapes you. D: Hence, I'm not counting this for the sake of honesty.

      I haven't had an LD in a while. Hopefully tonight will change that. But then again, this is first and foremost a process that requires time and hard work to achieve. So we will see how this all plays out. I'm really going to make the effort to make sleep more of a priority in my life, but we'll see if I can pull it off...
    6. Yesterday & today's journal: 2 non's & 1 lucid

      by , 01-09-2017 at 11:45 PM
      Non-lucid: I was a part of an oddly large family. We were moving from boat to boat to live. A male was helping to load the boat w/ clothes that he had put in some kind of order. He had to dive into & under the water to retrieve them. Later we all were put into groups. Grouping by male & female & put into separate boats. I didn't recognize anyone, even the ones that were supposed to be my family. I was now the person who had to dive under the water to retrieve the females clothes.
      I am so not sure what this dream means.

      Today: Dream 1/Non-lucid: I'm in a house w/ an incredible amount of rooms which is a common dream sign for me. My grown daughters & their kids live there also. My daughters keep telling me to get the ceilings fixed because there are holes in some places & I keep telling them that it requires money that we don't have. Some person I don't know tells me to at least get an estimate but I persist & saying that they will call social services & take the kids away because I can't afford to have it fixed & it will cause unnecessary troubles for us. IRL Meesha wakes me up & I pull my covers over my head & chain the same dream scene but I'm lucid now & the scene changes. (D2: Lucid) I'm in a store that looks like a big box warehouse like a Sam's Club. A man appears & I'm behind him & we seem to be waiting in line like you would be at a Wal-Mart Pharmacy. I just bumped right into him as I fell into the scene. I apologize & explain that I am deaf in my left ear. IRL this happens a lot because of my hearing loss so naturally I automatically say this. I'm confused that I just got dropped into the scene this way & turn around to take in my surroundings. I see rows & rows of these absurdly large bins are there. It reminds me of another dream I had about Christmas, when it wasn't remotely Christmas season. The bins just go on & on w/ discount items in these big bins. Meesha is relentless & pounces on me IRL & wakes me from this. How annoying. I would've just got up & shut the door but Josh is still here from Christmas break so I can't shut my door incase he needs to use our bathroom.

      Mike & I have been making changes in our house to make the lighting low & calming. But right now my son is home from college & has interrupted what has been our only time off for a long period like this. I'm still waiting for the clips to come in to keep our lights in place. We also changed the lighting in our bedroom & only watch TV in the living room which is liberating but unfortunately disturbed by our son being here. He yells into his damn headset while we are watching tv & sleeping but Mike never says anything to him. I just come off as been irrational which is insane. I just want to hear what we are watching. Hence me dropping into the lucid scene. I do not want to be forced back into my bedroom. It was the whole point of getting a new TV & system for Christmas. We are finally at a place in our lives that we need to be alone & can't be. So I guess my dreams actually make sense if I look at it in that respect. He is in his 5th yr of college so that means about a year & a half before we are actually alone unless he gets an internship that isn't here in our town. But even then he will come back for his breaks to see his friends.
    7. Wal-Mart Rpg

      by , 04-12-2014 at 07:20 AM (Inside the Mind of Mattlantis)

      Sadly, most details from this dream I had Wednesday morning are gone, but it gets worse as the week progresses. I vaguely remember seeing some cowboys in a Wal-Mart that looked more like a glorified gas station, and there was something about two teams, one of which I was on, who were competing. We had some kind of rpg setup and leveling system, and apparently one of the ways we could gain experience was by destroying things in the Wal-Mart. I remember wandering the aisles with some kind of lightsaber and breaking a few things, turning to fight the people on the other team periodically.

      Updated 04-12-2014 at 07:23 AM by 23113

      Tags: cowboys, rpg, wal-mart
    8. Shopping *LUCID*

      by , 07-22-2012 at 07:36 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Technique(s): WILD - Failed, DILD - Success, DIELD - Failed, Awareness (Sageous)

      Thoughts:I am happy with this dream. It was short but it was still progress. I don't remember all of it clearly because I tried other methods after waking. Plus it was a really boring and mundane dream until I was lucid. I think the biggest contributor to becoming lucid was the fact that I really concentrated on Sageous' idea of self-awareness all day. And my wife and I did in fact go grocery shopping that night and I practiced awareness all much as I could.

      WBTB. Up for 5 - 10 min thinking about dreams and lucidity. Fall asleep during WILD. Turns instead into DILD

      Shopping *LUCID* - 7:00AM
      I am shopping with my wife. (The store reminds of a store in other dreams) It is supposed to be Wal-Mart we are in (the store seems darker or dimly light) I am doing the normal check out thing. Waiting for the cashier and then put the sacks in the cart. My wife forgets something and runs off.

      The next thing I remember, I am pushing the cart in the parking lot to my car. It is night time outside. Then I remember my self-awareness. Then suddenly I realize. "Hey I AM dreaming!" I quickly think about what I wanted to do. TOTM. I reach into my pocket and pull out a glowing florescent green potion with carbonation bubbles in a clear glass bottle with a cork on top. (I have imagined this prior) But at that very instant the world goes black and I feel my waking body lying in bed. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

      DEILD - I enter SP and feel the vibrations. Then they fade and I move (or I think I move) because I feel uncomfortable and I wake up for good.

      Updated 07-22-2012 at 08:08 PM by 5967

      lucid , task of the month
    9. Medical Paddling, I Eat Monsters, Winner?, Work Sucks, Wal-Mart

      by , 07-01-2012 at 04:28 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      1)Medical Paddling

      I was having restless legs and i think thats what triggered the dream. There was a method to paddle your feet. Sort of alternate moving your toes. It was medically beneficial. I watched as some people worked out toxin build up. They had gray spots on their feet. A doctor had me try it.

      2)I Eat Monsters

      I see a floor vent appear on the foot of my bed. I am alone and in a different house. I mentally see the duct run under ground to a empty house across the street. Then, an evil clown doll (it looks a lot like the It clown) comes out to kill me. But I am ready. I swing at it and it goes back in.

      I am afraid but I'm really pissed it is bothering me. Then I am screaming at it. "Hey! Come one you little bitch! Let's go little bitch! I'm waiiiitiinnnng! What's a matter? You fucking bitch! Little pussy run and hide? Come on! Come on! Piece of shit!"

      Then it pops out and I have a pair of orange handled scissors. I try to chop its head off but it has the same pair and blocks me. We snip our scissors at each other for a bit before he ducts back down. I take the vent cover and slam it on.

      Then I see a little claw like a bears pushing the vent off. It comes out and crawls onto my bed. It is detached and moving on its own. I just watch and wait. It looks really odd like its made of a nutty bar. But I know it is the clown in disguise.

      So I quickly grab it and start eating it. Want to kill it so I just take bites and chew it up real fine and spit it out. I am a little scared to actually eat it. It is soft but tough like beef jerky. I find a metallic piece in my mouth. It feels like a earphone jack. I just chew it up too and spit. Chew and spit until its gone. I see chewed up evil clown bits on my white blanket. Then I see my daughter telling me something when I wake up.


      I win like $150 playing pool with Richard. Then it get weird the game is like some sort of machine and the pool balls are on cup things. I am taking my final shot and I win again. The machine spits out my winnings. I see Richard and he is drunk. I look at what the machine gave me and it is vouchers and checks. I look at his checks and it is just signed and has the amounts. something like $43.37 and $69.15. But there is no other information so I ask him but he is drunk and useless. I head to the bank hoping to get my money.

      4)Work Sucks

      There is something about the mold shop. I don't remember why I'm there. Something about Frank. He said he want to bid out. We seem to be waiting to leave. Then, I am leaving work and walking outside to my car. But everything is messed up. There are new out building and we have more parking area. I see Jeremy and Jon and I tell them something about how I miss one day and everything changes.

      Then I am alone. I am walking on a gravel road. I parked way out there. So I start jogging. I hear car coming too fast behind my. I heard the pops and crunches the tires make and it is real close. I glance back and see I better move. It is a truck and it goes around me fish tales on the curve. I notice the truck is gray with a darker gray bed. There are some sort of red decals on the side. The hubcaps are odd. They are gray and solid with something like a spider decal in the center. The windows were tented. I didn't recognize the truck and I couldn't see who it was. I just gave them a dirty look and shrugged it off.

      I try to remember where I parked. I am still jogging. I see really tall grass where I was trying to go and a lot of mud puddles. My car isn't there. I look on the other side. I think I see it past the tall grass. I start to run in there but I hear a strange sound like a snake. So I pause and go down a little more. I see yellow tubs were the grass is growing out. I finally see a path and take it to my car. I wake up.


      Fragment about working at Wal-Mart. I was going something in the back employee area and cash registers.
    10. Wal-Mart

      by , 12-24-2011 at 04:36 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: December 24, 2011 – 6:30AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: • NON-DREAMNOTESDREAMLUCID

      I am in a Wal-Mart with a friend of mine, shopping for tires and some other auto parts. My friend is in the cart, and I’m pushing him around. We pick up a couple bottles of oil, and then I push the cart down the main pathway past the tire aisle. As I prepare to turn into the tire aisle, I see someone in the aisle that I don’t care to talk to. I skip the aisle and go over by the floor mats to wait for him to leave.

      I waste several minutes, and then I walk through a couple of other aisles and see if he is still there. As soon as I pop around the corner, he looks over and sees me, then approaches. I turn around and look at a display end cap that has lug wrenches and other tools on it. He walks up as I pick up a large tire iron, shoot him a nasty look, then turn and walk away. He turns around and goes off somewhere else in the store.
    11. A weird work day in Wal-Mart

      by , 11-10-2011 at 12:03 AM
      I was at work, Wal-Mart, on the toy aisle, with a female coworker. We were building a display that had toys from two separate movies, both pertaining to being directed by Steven Spielberg, Star Wars and Jurassic Park, and I mentioned how it would be nice if he were to suck my dick. I think it was a joke, but either way, at one point, she laughed and told me that Steven was coming for me. That he just got in the store and was on his way over. I don’t know if it was to fight or what, hope it wasn’t to suck my dick, but either way, she told me he was coming, for me.
    12. 02/15/2011 & 02/17/2011 - "Turtles in Time, Mudfish and Swine", Fragments

      by , 03-18-2011 at 11:10 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Turtles in Time, Mudfish and Swine"

      I was one of the Ninja Turtles, trekking through an enormous house. There was some kind of scenario going on, and I had to figure out how to get passed a certain point - though I can't remember exactly what the situation was. I remember going down an embankment, into a basement or something, and getting a phone call. The phone call was from us - the Ninja Turtles - from the future. We called back in time to ourselves to tell us how to gain some super-human powers. I believe that I was Leo, and Don was with me, while on the phone talking to ourselves. By the end of the conversation, I had 'learned' telekinesis and levitation. Don learned levitation and I think something else. That last part of that scenario I remember is rushing back into battle, with our new-found powers.

      Later on, I was no longer one of the Turtles (though I still get the feeling it was the same dream), but was myself again, tossing a football around with some friends, on an enormous field. While we were playing, the field turned to murky water, and we continued to play on, about waist-deep. (I've actually played mud volleyball, in a pit like this. I've played football in the mud, but this was actually in a water-filled pit, so I'm guessing the volleyball experience is what inspired this dream.) Apparently, with the water came the wildlife. There were these fish swimming around in the dark water, along-side us. At first, a few of us thought they might have been pirhana, but they weren't. I remember reaching down and grabbing one of the fish with my bare hands, and tossing it across the swampy field like a football. Someone on the other end caught it, and they tossed it to someone else. I remember G and G (V) being out in the crowd somewhere. I ended up talking to them, sometime after the game.

      More time passed, and I was now back at my house. Some girl had come by - either CC or R - looking for bud. I'd gotten her money and went to get some for her but, while I was waiting in the car, outside the dealer's house, an undercover cop car pulled up behind us. I was riding with someone else, and the cop went around to his (the driver) side first. When he went around in that direction, I tossed what bud I had out the window on my side. The cop saw me do it, and started taking pictures. I don't remember if he actually saw the bag or not. They brought a dog in, though, and the last thing I remember is being taken inside (I think just inside the house we were waiting at) for questioning.

      Dream Fragment One:
      I was walking around my high school, with two girls. Somehow, we'd gotten tipped off that there was a bomb in the building, which was going to detonate within a matter of seconds. Immediately panicked, I became lucid. Though I knew it was a dream, I really wasn't looking forward to getting caught in the upcoming explosion, so I grabbed the two girls' hands and flew up through the roof to escape the blast.

      That's all I remember.

      Dream Fragment Two:
      I was in a truck with Joe (At least, I think it was Joe), and we were in some high-speed chase. The only thing I remember is going way out into the sticks, on a muddy trail.

      Dream Fragment Three:
      I was chasing some guy who looked like Will Smith. We were both on bicycles, and I was tailing him all around town because he had stolen his from someone. I remember following him into a Wal-Mart parking lot, and then into the building. I never ended up catching him, though.

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 03:23 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. January 10 - Intelligent Zombie Apocalypse

      by , 01-10-2011 at 06:52 PM
      This time the dream starts off in the middle/near the end of a zombie apocalypse. Up until this point I have somehow survived, but I am suddenly trapped by two zombies. One I recognize as a friend of mine, and the other seems to be one of her friends. Strangely enough, my friend starts to speak about how she really doesn't want to kill me. Turns out some of the zombies have been able to retain all their previous memories and all human functions although they are dead and now crave flesh and blood. So, instead of killing me, my friend bites into the side of my wrist so that I will become one of them.

      Her zombie friend starts complaining, saying that he really wants a bite of me before I turn into one of them. He begins poking me in different spots, asking if he can bite a little of the flesh off in those areas. I give in and allow him to take a small munch of skin right above my hip bone and just below my belly. I turn into a zombie soon after, and am luckily also one retains all previous functions. Wanting to head out on my own for a while, I wave them goodbye and walk in another direction. Soon I come across what appears to be a cross between a Wal-Mart and a mall, and another of my friends is also standing outside. We can instantly tell that each other is a zombie, though our bites on our arms are hidden by the long sleeves we wear. The people barricading the compound don't know that some of the zombies still appear human and act human, and so they let us in.

      Once we're inside, we wait until the people we are following have turned their backs on us, and then we begin to ravage the inside. It turns out that there were other 'smart zombies' within, and my attack has encouraged this sort of rebellion to begin. In the dream, I can see my friend and I ripping out intestines and scarfing down flesh. Our entire group has started heading for the main communications building before I wake up from the dream.
    14. Homeless..?

      by , 07-30-2010 at 05:26 AM (Jessica's Dream Journal.)
      key: not a dream non-lucid lucid dream

      Okay well I have to write this down, but I didn't have it last night.

      I'm standing in the back of the church I went to for most of my life, I moved and never go there anymore, but I don't think about my presence at the church. I see one of my friends, Meaghan, in the church with us and she's wearing a knee-length light blue dress with a flower pattern. I think to myself that her being here is unusual, because she's an atheist. I wonder about it for a little while but don't become lucid. She goes to my dad and shakes hands with him as she starts a conversation that I can't hear.

      I can't remember any of that certain part, but I remember this next part in the same dream :

      I am standing at the top of a staircase at the church, not a very large one, but a staircase. I am with Meaghan again, but this time we are with our friend Jade. I sit down at the very top of the staircase, my feet on the first step going down. Then suddenly Jade is behind me with her hands on my shoulders, I feel her trying to push me down the staircase.
      "You've got to try this, Jesse!" she says, laughing.
      All the while both Meaghan & I are yelling "No! Jade stop! Stop!!". I'm grabbing the railing on both sides of the staircase, fighting against Jade, because I don't want to be pushed down the stairs. Then she succeeds, and as I am falling down the stairs the stairs turn into a large red slide, and the scenery around me changes from the church to a playground on the outside of the church. I come off the slide and Jade is standing near the side of the slide (LOL. SIDE OF THE SLIDE.), she's laughing and says "Now that wasn't too bad was it??" I start laughing and say, "No, it wasn't!"

      Another remembered part in the same dream:

      Me, Meaghan, and Jade are in Wal-Mart. It's nightttime. We pick up random objects although we have no money. We're homeless. I see Christmas objects all around, and I somehow know that it is dark and snowy outside. We run into a woman with a cart and a Wal-Mart vest -- she works there. We tell her we need these things from the store, but we have no money because we are homeless. She starts crying and says how it's only part of the Christmas feeling to help homeless children. She sets us up a large airmattress with warm blankets for us to sleep on in the backroom.

      I really enjoyed this dream, I'm not sure why. It was interesting, and memorable.
      Again, not sure why...

      Missed Dream Signs:
      -It's July, not December. The snow and Christmas merchandise made no sense.
      -Meaghan is atheist, and she's at church with me.
      -I am not homeless..
      -The staircase inside the church was not an actual part of the church.

      Oh I wish I would of become lucid....perhaps next time...
    15. Wal-Mart Damages and Two Fragments

      by , 07-15-2010 at 02:58 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I've taken the day off to go shopping with the parents. We go to a Wal-Mart, and as usual I start goofing off. However, I soon find myself in a section of the store I've never visited before. It's a "premium" section, one for the extremely rich, even though the prices are still advertised as rollback (Fuck me, another failed text RC). They're selling things like ultralight airplanes and antique cars, but in the back I find a couple of Tour de France level bicycles. The first one I try has the wheels attached backwards, making it impossible to use, but the second is allright. I take it and start riding around the store with the wind in my hair, and feel silly but happy.
      As I ride back to return the bike, my cell phone goes off (with the RL ringtone). I pull it out of my shorts, but with only one hand on the wheel I have no way to control what happens next. I crash through two panes of heavy glass in the back of the store, and stumbling from the wreckage fall over a plane! The manager comes up, angrily demanding that we pay, but my Dad only has $400 on him. I start to freak out.

      2. I'm answering questions on Twocansandstring.com (an awesome website), when someone asks about spinach and Popeye. I start to answer, but wander outside to underneath a tree at my research station. V and one of the grad students wander over to me. V makes awkward small talk as the grad student strokes her, and I feel extreme jealousy.

      3. Las Vegas has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland ruled by pop-punk style overlords. The streets, however, are filled with legions of metalhead zombies. Something happens to one of the rulers, and I see the teeming throngs rise up to take back control of the city.
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