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    1. 30 Apr: Visiting an hospice in Romenia and falling for an irresistible doctor

      by , 04-30-2021 at 10:12 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In Romenia, visiting some hospice with a couple friends. We are on a mission to retrieve something that was left behind or kept there in a specific room. We are welcomed by some people who look like retired Hogwart teachers and not doctors. They guide us through a labyrinthic sequence of corridors and strangely low ceiling rooms full of old books and show us a large map on a table, pointing to where the room we are looking for is located. Apparently it is not marked on the map so the mystery persists. We stay for a while until they figure it out. I get bored so I go explore a bit on my own. I take a path that leads me to an exterior passage to another section of the building. It has a wall to my left and 30 mt below is an inner patio with some trees and the access gate from the outside. I enter the next section of the building and start climbing some stairs but there is literally a trap door on the floor in a platform between 2 flights of stairs and I see a greenish light coming through the gaps of the door and I hear growls and bangs on the door. I run away with fear.
      I then meet my colleagues at a cafeteria on the patio below but then I sit at one table while they sit at another, because they are meeting some other person and need an available seat. They welcome a fascinating young guy who works there, maybe a doctor or an intern. I watch as they talk and then they point to me and he comes to join me at my table. I see immediately by his style that he is narcissistic and thinks I will fall for his charms right away. I can tell he is used to have the girls at his feet. I am indeed very attracted to him but I play a different game: when he sits and says hello, I just give him a nod and a slight smile of acknowledgement and keep on drinking my coffee kinda ignoring him. While he talks I pretend not to be interested or impressed at all. And I feel like he is actually getting aroused by me being a challenge and also that he suspects that I am playing with him and he is enjoying. He then invites me to go with him inside the halls of the hospice again to show me something and I feel like I will ruin my strategy the minute we walk alone through those corridors. I feel like either him or me will throw the other against the wall and start kissing and neither one will offer resistance.
    2. 18 Mar: Lucid through the mirror, walking maybe in Belgium and rural place

      by , 03-18-2021 at 02:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a shower in what looks like my maternal grandparents kitchen in VFX. The shower is on an elevated platform with a very lose curtain in front of it, just by the left side of the door. I don't feel uncomfortable though and I am feeling a bit horny.
      I see the direction this dream is going and for that reason I get half lucid and decide to dry up and dress. Right in front there is another door leading to a proper WC. It has a large mirror on the wall. When I see it, I get fully lucid and I sink in it. Unlike other times, it just expands like a bubble and becomes transparent, letting me see that there are people working in an office behind it. I burst the bubble and join them. They look scared and some run away. One dude seems like he might attack me, so I manifest a bunch of money on his desk trying to distract him. Then everyone else goes crazy and I think I need to make more money to calm them down. So with some difficulty, I make it rain - there's notes falling out of thin air. Unfortunately, some just look like notes but are random pieces of paper, which again seems to enrage people. I decide to leave before they turn on me. I levitate towards upper floor and then go through a couple doors and I am outside. I feel the fresh air and find the sensation amazing. I also enjoy the view. Seems like I am in Belgium, the architecture looks familiar. I walk down a street looking for references and see a big sign saying Badesee or Badesek. Seems like an entrance to a station or a park. I almost lose lucidity in here, so I rub my hands. I am enjoying beautiful surreal things like trees with african pottery hanging from branches, a stained glass sky with beautiful sunset hues shining though it. Then I notice some weird guy kinda stalking me and I decide to fly over a wall to the other side. It's a more rural landscape on the other side and I see a huge snake in pastel yellow and green designs sliding through some wooden houses ad then turning into a girl in clothes of those colors. I find that lovely but also seems like she is a sign of caution from here on. Then I catch a glimpse in between houses, of some black guys running and I am not sure what they are running for or from, so I hide to see what's up. I hide between two very close walls of a couple ruined houses and I peek over a wall to see if they came my way. They didn't, they disappeared inside some other house or down the road. Then I see a man guiding a bunch of scared black women and children into a barn and other people hiding wherever they can in these old rural houses and barns. I don't know what they are hiding from but I am absolutely sure they will be found very easily when whomever is looking for them swipes the area. I want to help them so I plan to hover the place and shoot fire or whatever to their attackers, but I am distracted by my dog Lady who comes out of nowhere and joins me in that tiny space between walls where I am at. I hug her and all of a sudden I am in my farm and notice that all my dogs are outside the fence. Some idiot girl was passing by and when my mom arrived in her car, the girl leaned against the fence to get out of the road and she damaged the fence, and the dogs found a way to pass under it. Pissed of, I ask her to help me fix it while trying to bring my dogs inside.
    3. 9 Mar: Lucid experimentations and sensuous feelings

      by , 03-09-2021 at 03:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am in the middle of narrow old streets, like in Lisbon. I become lucid and decide to climb to a rooftop and see what's up there. I feel a bit of vertigo but tell myself that it's a dream and I can do anything and won't die, so why fear? I see distant rooftops lined up and decide to jump from one to the next and at the end try a bigger jump to a mountain top that is peeking in the back.
      But when I land on the 3rd or 4th building, I go through the roof and end up at some storage room in a cellar. I can't see a door so I climb a wall full of shelves to swing from a rope hanging in the ceiling, so I go against the wall to break it. I end up in a back storage full of fruits, veggies and cake deliciousness. I gobble up a bunch of yummy stuff and then taste some exotic fruits. It becomes a sensuous experience, so I end up rubbing a papaya in my body and the sensation of the fleshy pulp in my nether regions makes me orgasm. Then I wake up.
      I fall asleep again and go back to same cellar. This time I meet a familiar face but can't really point out whom. He complains about all the destruction I caused and I argue we're dreaming so it doesn't matter. But this person is not convinced and complains he will have to do all the work once I leave. I wonder out loud if dream characters go on living in their universes after we exit the dream and then I feel compassion for him if he really has to go through cleaning my mess. He asks me to follow him and he crosses a wall like a dreamer would. I am surprised by don't want to follow him. Instead I cross it to the street and meet two other characters outside, but when try to engage with them I wake up again.
    4. ccxix.

      by , 01-29-2021 at 12:40 PM
      Recall could have been better yesterday and today I was unable to retain it anyway, mostly due to how nights/mornings have been going I think.

      28th January 2021


      At home, following a diagonal run of cabling in the wall around the stairs or the first landing. I notice wet patches in parts of the cable runs, as if there's water leaking into those areas or a pipe is also running there and is burst.
      Tags: cable, damp, home, stairs, wall, wet
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Water Skating

      by , 03-31-2020 at 09:40 PM (Night Vision)
      In the earliest part of the dream I remember, I'm stepping into an elevator. I seem to be able to see through its walls, into the shaft and the mechanism it runs on, and the rough, dark area around it. I want to go up a floor, but after getting about halfway there, the elevator stops. Then it goes back down, past the floor I got in on – down and at an angle as it follows the track. It seems to be headed down to the basement floors, which annoys me. I hate it when this happens.

      I think it must have dawned on me around then that the earlier experience I was thinking of took place in a dream, and that this too was a dream. But it’s hard to remember exactly because once I’m out, the dream turns out to be one of those lucid ones where my senses don’t seem to be working properly. I can’t control the dream; even moving around is laborious. But, knowing that these are problems that often goes away on their own, and that I rarely experience them in outdoor areas, I keep going, trying to make my way up to the surface.

      Eventually, I do make it up. I’m in an unfamiliar house with large, light rooms, including a sunporch, visible through a glass window. Since the problems from before don’t seem to be affecting me anymore, I step straight through the glass to the sunporch, then through that glass to the area outside, where there’s a small lake.

      There’s ice on the lake, which gives me an idea: I could try ice skating in a dream. But the ice is breaking up and thawing even as I watch, and it doesn’t seem quite right to freeze it again. But this is a dream, after all, so why shouldn’t I be able to skate on liquid water?

      I step out onto the lake, surrounding my bare feet with a slippery layer of air, and kick off. It works perfectly, a bit like self-propelled jet-skiing. It’s an exhilarating experience.

      The lake is long and irregularly shaped, with small, rocky islands, purple and green with lichens, and beds of rushes and lily pads. It’s bounded by a stone wall too tall for me to be able to see over, not far past the lake’s edge in some places. And there now seem to be a number of cats around, sitting on the rocks – watching me, perhaps. Near one of the wall’s corners, I see one that looks like the feral cat my household took in but who died of cancer the previous week. I reach out and pet him – something he would never allow a human to do – and he responds affectionately.

      After making another round of the lake, I’m starting to get curious about that wall. What’s on the other side of it? I circle back, pick up speed, and jump towards it with the intention of going through – and suddenly find myself bodiless in empty space. I guess there was NREM on the other side.

      I prepare myself for maintaining awareness in this state – but it only lasts a minute or so before I wake up.

    6. Avericia

      by , 12-16-2019 at 02:22 AM
      It is an annoyance and a tragedy that the immediate recollections of our escapades within the kaleidoscopic realm of dreams should vacate our minds with such cruel transience upon our withdrawal therefrom. Indeed, there is nary a dreamer – even among the most deliberate and experienced – who is spared the frustration of awakening from the dream realm with only fragmentary evocations of the awesome experiences they had and the amazing things their half-conscious eyes beheld; and there are fewer still who are spared the woefully common tragedy of awakening to no such remembrances at all, vainly grasping in the darkness for memories already gone. And so, as many diligent dreamers do upon awakening, I set immediately to writing the details of my most recent venture through the dream realm, fervently recording as much as I could before the bulk those precious memories faded into the ether. However, regardless of my efforts, many of the important details surrounding this tale were still lost in memory, not least of which were the details of the inciting event from which this tale would otherwise commence.

      Because of this, all I can tell is that certain financial circumstances of an unfortunate sort had brought my mother, my sister, and me within the doleful residence of what is infamously known as a “Corporate City.” I cannot, however, tell the specific details of what forced us to settle into such a municipality. If I was ever made aware of the name of this place, I cannot remember it now and so, I will give it the name, “Avericia.” A fitting designation as you will soon tell.

      The city of Avericia would most certainly stand as the ultimate staple of Late Stage Capitalism for Avericia was a place ruled by men of power and relentless greed. The rulers were not politicians of any sort, but corporate elites who reside in high towers and look down upon the working masses with little empathy and cruel indifference. Surrounded by a great wall rivaling that of Jericho, Avericia was home to those unfortunate souls who were subjugated to the whims of those ruthless men by whom they were employed.

      At some undetermined point in time, I was treated to a panoramic view of the place. The panorama presented to me a deceptively pleasant skyline superimposed against the iridescent pulchritude of a twilight sky peopled by majestic cumuli decorated with calming shades of pink, orange, and mauve by the setting sun. The outer portion of the radial city boasted a suburban sprawl of asphalt roofs, clean-cut lawns, and lush trees for the viewing pleasure of the residents therein. Peering further towards the city center, I could see a lively metropolis of lights, never-ending festivities, and fanfare beyond imagination. And at the center of it all was a casino of impressive proportion. The exact details of that casino’s architecture are lost to me. All I can say is that its grand aspect had me entranced in a venerable state of awe. Upon initial examination, one would be hard-pressed to find anything wrong with such a beautiful sight and it is that very essence of synthetic beauty that draws wealthy tourists to the fantastical inner parts of that city every year.

      After a procession of events that managed to evade remembrance, I found myself driving through the suburbs towards our place of residence. I remember little save a stretch of road that curved slightly through a neighborhood area, and from this up-close perspective, I could see fully the state of dereliction in which this suburban area was left. Houses were run down and defaced with graffiti and lawns were flooded with the foul overflow of neglected septic tanks. I do not remember the specific condition our home was in; I only remember that the place was crowded as there were several families taking up residence there. I slept in that house, not looking forward to the next morning.

      I do not remember the events the following morning. I simply recall finding myself on an employee monorail tram towards the inner city where My sister and I were to begin our first shift at the casino. The specifics of our job duties were unclear, we only knew that we were to be doing grunt work with only meager compensation. The dereliction of the outer suburbs home to the impoverished employees contrasted with the pulchritude of the inner city which was home to the wealthy tourists. I do not remember the details of this inner-city; I simply remember being taken by the site of that massive casino at the center of it all, silhouetted in part against the rising sun.

      The following events can only be described with a vexing degree of vagueness for it is here that all faculties of my recollection begin to break down. The next thing I recall is standing with my sister and the other employees outside of the employee entrance. It was off to the side, hidden from the public eye, and yet it was impressive in size, up to thirty feet high, as though it were a door for giants! I remember the moments where my sister and I would lament our present situation as we were made to clean the bathrooms. Unfortunately, that is all that I remember about the job itself. Sometime later, I found my half-conscious self floating through a cylindrical chamber illuminated by the firey luminescence of an unknown light source far below which caused the walls of this infernal chamber to glow red. The walls were lined with cavities whose openings were barred, each housing a prisoner. There was little doubt in my mind that I was deep within the annals of Sheol, the abode of the damned whose point of entry was at the base of this casino. How I came to be in this place, I do not know.

      I do not remember the reasoning for the internment of the poor people imprisoned within those cavities, but I do recall being tasked with their emancipation. As it turned out, the rulers of this casino, as well as the city surrounding it, were demons and if I wanted to free the poor inmates of Sheol I had to go through the casino and kill each demon, bringing an end to their reign of wickedness and greed. What followed was a series of fantastical happenings of bravery, skill, danger, espionage, and camaraderie. The only demon that I specifically remember fighting was a green naga of tremendous size. One by one the demons fell and as they did, more people began to rise up and join the fight. It was a hard battle, but it was a battle that we were winning.

      I wish I could say that fought to the very end. I wish I could say that I was able to free those poor people trapped in Sheol. Alas, I awoke before I could complete my task and so, as far as I know, the captives still suffer and many of the demonic elites responsible for their imprisonment still live.
    7. 22 Mar: Flying naked inside a castle

      by , 03-22-2019 at 04:16 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Walking a street at night with some people. I am bored to go around a building block and tell all that I am taking a short cut, so I fly over it. I am half-lucid. The rooftop becomes the inside of a castle wall, with grass and trees. The night turns into day and I decide to just have fun with this dream. My shoes drop on the ground and I think "why do I care about all the stuff I am carrying? Just let go". So I drop everything, including clothes and I fly across the trees, feeling the branches, I fly close by the castle walls, having a lot of fun, then I sink into the ground and I get buried in the soil up to my waist. [Then I become more aware and fully lucid and remember to think of my guru, but as I do, I wake up.
    8. Dreams in the Heat

      by , 11-26-2018 at 11:21 AM
      Morning of November 26, 2018. Monday.

      Dreams #: 18,970-4, 18,970-3, and 18,970-2. Reading time: 1 min 45 sec. Readability score: 74.

      This entry contains content from three dreams.

      It is nighttime. I am living in La Crosse in an unknown part of town. It is freezing outside. I am aware of Marilyn (half-sister on my mother’s side), but I do not recall that she had died in 2014. She appears as she was in the 1960s. There is no factor of my conscious self identity present (other than my subliminal awareness of being asleep as evidenced by putting blankets around me) and no memory of ever having lived in Australia. (The non-lucid dream self, contrary to popular misconception, lacks viable contact with the unconscious mind.)

      I am uncertain of the living arrangement, but I am going for a long walk (without knowing the backstory). I make several attempts to wrap two blankets around my winter clothes but cannot cover all of my neck. One is the plaid one familiar to me in real life and which I presently have in my computer room. (I did have it over my shoulders when it was cold.) I go back into the unknown house (though familiar to my dream self) at least once. I can see my breath when I am walking outside.

      Although I have one blanket around my shoulders like a cape, I try to wrap the other one over the front of my body with less success.

      That dream was caused by being overheated before waking.

      In another dream, I see an outer view of the Starship Enterprise (in outer space), looking at it from the front. Soon, I see three Apollo astronauts coming out of a square trapdoor opening at the top of the saucer section, near the front. Their size is far too big to match the scale of the spaceship. Logically, they could not have come from the space inferred. There is only room for them to stand atop the saucer section. I am semi-lucid at this point.

      In my final dream, I am feeling too hot, and I am wholly aware of being in the dream state. At this point, I decide to wake.

      Trying to wake up is a bit slow. To do this, I absentmindedly become part cat. I have a cat’s tail and paws for hands, but a mostly human body. I try to climb a wall that represents achieving full consciousness, but instead, my legs and arms rapidly move in place with no results. At this point, I am virtually incorporeal but watching my other dream self still trying to climb the wall as part cat, part man in an exaggerated flurry of illusory physical movement, and I wake from here.

    9. Was That the Fourth Wall Back There?

      by , 04-24-2018 at 02:10 PM (Night Vision)
      This dream was interesting: it was like I was playing out a role in a story, aware that it was a story (but not aware that it was a dream). It was being narrated—not by anybody present, but a voice that I could talk to and that seemed to be indicating what I should be doing as much as describing it.

      The setting was a building like an airport - at least, in the only part I can remember. But it only appeared that way from the standpoint of the people there: it was really two separate buildings, split by a wall they couldn’t see. Inside the wall were rooms where there were people—people who could see through the wall and observe what was happening on both sides, and people in offices who were presumably working to keep the place going. The camera—for lack of a better word—seemed to make a point of showing this area, even though nothing much was happening there. At one point, it slowly panned across it so that you could see all the people as well as a window showing an entire world outside that didn’t exist from the standpoint of the people in the building where I was.

      Right now, I’m concerned with getting into a special event that’s being held by people whose land borders mine. I approach a man I know—maybe in his late 30s, wearing some kind of complex, vaguely tribal outfit—and ask him if he can take me along. He’s happy to accept. He just seems to be a good-natured person who likes helping people get what they want. He probably thinks I just want to get in with a certain crowd, but I have other reasons for needing to be there (unfortunately, not ones I can remember after waking up).

      He’s going there now, and I’ll be coming along on a – well, I’m not entirely sure what it is. It has a special name (that I forgot) and seems to be a bit like a jet ski, but attached to a helicopter and with things like leather shields I’m supposed to hold onto. As I look it over, I’m glad this is going to be broadcast over the radio because that gives everyone in the audience a chance to imagine something less stupid-looking. But I get on it, and we head off.

      Tags: narration, story, wall
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Little to none DILD

      by , 04-19-2018 at 03:09 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      A dream ends and I am lying in my bed looking towards the ceiling, it is night with no lights. My eyes feel heavy and tired and I feel like I have little energy to get up. I am already lucid despite the fact that my room looks completely intact. I decided should I just stay in this bed and wake up eventually. Or should I get up and see what I could find. I eventually decide to get up because of curiosity. As I am up from the bed I notice a few things wrong that confirm my lucidity.

      My body feels deformed in some way as if I have a broken arm or one of my legs can not move so well. As I am walking in a sluggish manner I try to phase through my front door since opening the knob would be too difficult of a task. I am unsuccessful. I walk my way to the window and tried to phase through it but it smacks me like a solid rock. I look around and figure I should just go back to my bed.

      That's when my body started moving on it's own. I tried to resist the the uncontrollable movements my body was doing this but it's like it had a mind of it's own. That's when something made me lift up and thrown towards one of the walls in my room. I could feel a lot of pain as my body began to merge with the wall. My bones felt like they were being ripped out of my skin once in contact with the concrete of my room.

      I don't know if I had fully merge with the wall as I had woken up from the experience.
    11. Rebuilding Cubitis

      by , 03-27-2018 at 08:33 AM
      Morning of March 27, 2018. Tuesday.

      I am in Cubitis, but my old home is gone. On one level, it feels somewhat strange for me to be there and see the flat ground extending over what used to be a living area. Still, my dream becomes so abstract, only the basics can be relayed in text. The orange grove is still present. (In real life, the house is still there, but the orange grove is gone, thus this dream is of opposite implications.)

      There is the common ambiguous awareness of being indoors and outdoors at the same time (even though the house or its carport is not yet present).

      A backstory begins to form. An unfamiliar elderly lady is going to live in a new house where mine used to be. I decide that I will build it, or at least begin to build it. Curiously, I am somewhat aware of Zsuzsanna being in my life, but in my dream, there is little else of my conscious self identity present.

      An unfamiliar young girl and boy come from the north as I am “building the house”. So far, I only have one corner with two bottoms of walls, only a few inches high, yet I am also now aware of a part of the carport floor. Eventually, there is an argument relating to a new piece I am adding to the house. The piece is like a long narrow section of concrete with equadistant small spheres illogically attached. The girl makes the claim that a couple of the spheres are cracked as well as part of the concrete, but I see no such feature. I do not yet add it to the house, and I get very annoyed. The scenario makes no sense at all, though is not as wholly abstract as other dreams. The carport as in waking life seems to be present and yet not present (until the last part of this dream segment). I am thinking of how others will come in and complete the house, yet there is still the ambiguous focus that I will do it, though by mental will.

      I soon notice a cinder block wall behind the work I have so far done, oriented to the east. This seems problematic, because the house needs to take up the entire original area and there is otherwise not much room for the building. I consider if the house should be exactly like the original was, or if the unknown woman will need that much space.

      I go over to the gray wall, and after a little effort, push it over. It lands flat and even with the edge of the incomplete carport floor and I consider, and am satisfied, that this fallen wall will now serve as part of the carport surface. I move my hands over the area with an enhanced sense of touch and a clearer awareness, as the act of pushing the wall down vivified my dream (due to the fact that a wall is a liminal space divider between different levels of unconsciousness and in-dream perception).

      From here, as a result of having pushed over this in-dream “divider”, I wander off into a different dream state (though sometimes a wall as such is a more defined division between the distorted dream self identity and true conscious self identity).

      The rest is a meandering mess. I go into my teenage years mode for a short time, wandering about, then into an unfamiliar kitchen setting where one man seems somehow stuck under a table with his leg somehow caught around a chair leg. He is lying on his side on the floor, halfway out from under the table, and another male is trying to help him up. The man on the floor is someone I had only talked with once years ago in Clayfield (I think his surname was Papadopoulos and this is the first time he has ever appeared in a dream as far as I remember). Zsuzsanna is present. I walk around to another part of the room. As I shift into a different dream setting, I am attempting to read some sort of listings in a newspaper as I wake.

      The man on the floor is my emergent consciousness factor (the other unknown male, the preconscious personification), the typical distorted precursory autosymbolism for waking and getting up out of bed. The act of reading in the last scene validates this, as this signifies my thinking skills beginning to emerge as I wake. As dreams are autosymbolic, not symbolic of waking life or with nebulous “interpretations” as such (as literal prescience and autosymbolic waking life factors are far more obvious and discernible), there is nothing here that is new or unusual to me in the dreaming sense.

      In life, I will never stop dreaming about my Cubitis home in infinite unique forms, or in fact, of any place I have ever lived or been, or unique fictitious settings either. There is not a waking life reason for this; it just is what it is, the nature of unconsciousness.

    12. Little Fragments 12/30/2017

      by , 12-30-2017 at 01:11 PM
      Some Fragments
      - Something about telling somebody to give me the last two hot dogs?

      - It was my 26th birthday and was taking snapchat pictures with sister and friends. Found A gold dollar coin with my birth year on it in a pile of change from C's dresser.

      - Not sure if I was just flying or if I was an actual bird; but I was in the sky searching down below for a gas station.
      I saw an old timey one and flew down to it, complaining that it was old and probably didn't work etc..

      - I think I was near the gas pump but there was this odd wall made of small rectangular concrete blocks that I had to (for some reason) crack the code to them. There was a large beautiful tree behind me that seemed to glisten in the sun.Some male character was coming towards me.

      - In the hospital, had my left leg/knee on top of some ice. Sister says, "they must be getting you ready for surgery". I freak out a little and she yells asking the question. A person comes in (nurse I reckon) and puts a tube into my knee about an inch thick/around and pretty long, filled with cubes of ice. I guess the tube must have been through my knee/leg out on the other side because she began to 'Flush' my leg with ice. It went super fast through the tube and ice kept going through it really fast. It didn't hurt but I yelled out/groaned when it started because it startled me.
    13. Dream - Nature's Guide & The New Crash

      by , 08-05-2017 at 01:06 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 4 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 169 - Separated Sections

      Dream 169 A - Nature's Guide
      I don't remember all of the events in this dream. From where I do remember, there were a lot of walking tracks within local suburbs. At certain points, I'd feel like calling for Dreamy WB. There wouldn't necessarily be a response from her but at times, I would feel that there was some sort of energy relaxing me and making me feel at ease while I walked. I got to this strange looking jumping castle where people were supposed to do a wall climb. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 169 - The New Crash
      This dream was based around the suburbs surrounding Brandon Park Shopping Centre. Logan from SML was driving me around to the places that I needed to go to. First, I told him that we needed to go to the snow area to “catch them in time”. I thought that the snow area would represent the Crash 2 level, “Bear It”. I didn't end up getting out of the car though. Logan ended up driving me to the other side of Brandon Park and that's when I actually got out of the car.

      The level I arrived at was Turtle Woods. Now Crash wasn't anywhere in this dream... Rather, it was actually me inside the level. Eventually, I qualified for the death route which was a series of horizontal pillars and platforms above the main path and instead, had a night time appearance. I only made it across a few platforms but then slipped and ended up back in Turtle Woods. I don't remember what happened next in the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - The Returning Fan (Have 2 interactions with anyone from SML)

      >> When I was asking Chilly about a gift for Logan (139 B)
      >> Getting Logan do drive me around to the levels I needed to access (169 B).
      - Enthusiastic (Have conversations with 5 DCs)
      >> 1. Spoke with NN's mum regarding the pencil (131 A).
      >> 2. Told EL, NBr and WB about Dreamy WB (142 B).
      >> 3. Tried to talk James out of taking drugs and committing suicide (147).
      >> 4. Discussing arrangements with the dog-napper (157 B).
      >> 5. Had a conversation with Logan while he was driving me around (169 B).

      Updated 08-13-2017 at 12:55 PM by 93119 (Incorrect quota of evidence for dream trophy)

    14. Dream - Crash Bandicoot Mayhem

      by , 08-05-2017 at 10:22 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 29 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 163 - Crash Bandicoot Mayhem

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. A Crash Bash arena was simulated into a real life appearance. It was Sky Balls but the maximum number of players was six rather than four. Then there was a Polar Push arena which had three players on it being Polar, Crash and Cortex. I had prompted for the characters to be changed into real life graphics because their original cartoon graphics, I thought, didn't seem to match the arena. Polar was barely manipulated with just his fur being fluffier and cute look overall. Then there was Crash who was made to look really stupid and dumb. Cortex was the worst, looking really creepy, looking like someone who had woken up out of their coffin.

      The dream then simulated the Crashball arena but not with the black surrounding but rather an environment at day time. The players were in the right space and rather, the six ships were scattered around the middle of the arena. As the first player was about to die, my mum came up and asked me why a ball would blow them up when hit. I explained that the player wasn't directly hit... The ball would program the player's ship to self-destruct on them. Afterwards, my mum followed me as we went away from all the arenas. I scaled this wall that had heaps of platforms on it, which I guessed to be simulation of Crash Twinsanity. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    15. Water From the Wall (into Mixer or Humidifier)?

      by , 05-28-2017 at 06:54 AM
      Morning of May 28, 2017. Sunday.

      My wife Zsuzsanna and our children and I are living where we are now in reality. It seems to be late at night. I eventually hear unusual gurgling sounds, like water being pumped through a pipe or sprinkler system. I am puzzled by the nature of the sound and what it could mean. I listen to the sounds for several minutes. At one point, it sounds somewhat like a coffeemaker (though we do not have one or ever drink coffee).

      On the far end of the counter, where the small oven is in reality, is some sort of machine that resembles a squarish mixer, though no bowl is present. I have a false memory that it is some sort of humidifier that keeps our house cool in summer. There is also the clear but false memory of having taped over the plug on the end of the electrical cord to keep it more secure in the outlet.

      I tell Zsuzsanna about the sound. Eventually, water sprays out of the “mixer” from the area where the wire whisk would be. It sprays down in a circular pattern (somewhat like a shower head). I am aware that there is a system of pipes behind the wall but that something has malfunctioned. I worry about water getting into the outlet. Even though I had taped over the plug to keep it secure, I decide to unplug it for now, which will supposedly stop the water spraying out.

      The water and water sounds within the wall (liminal space) are common dream state induction factors. The mix of water (sleep) and electricity (increased neural activity within the dream state) is a bit unusual, though still directly symbolizing the dreaming and waking process in real time. There have been a number of similar dreams throughout my life featuring these dynamics but in different ways.

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