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    1. Meeting a Lucid Dreamer -- Summer Competition Night 8

      by , 07-13-2024 at 06:26 AM
      I wake up in bed, move a bit and think "Oh, I woke up and the blanket is loose... Or actually, let me make this a dream!". So I stop moving with my body and start moving with my mind and expect the blanket to be stuck and show resistance. Sure enough that works, and I roll out of bed and am standing in my room in a dream.

      I walk a bit in direction of my living room, but stop for a moment to do a hand RC and breathe and calm down to stabilize. It actually works quite well. I go into my living room and there's something going on with my PC. I largely ignore it but look under my keyboard to try to summon a DV coin. No luck... I go to the window and exit my house.

      The scenery is different than last dream I did this, closer to IRL but still different. The street I live on is much wider, with two lanes, and there's no houses on the other side. My landlord's house seems to have disappeared as well. It's early in the morning and the air is cool. There's not a lot of people around. Some joggers, older people and some cars pass by. I take it easy since I know the dream is relatively new and the longer I give it to form, the better it'll be.

      Since the first step of my 3-step task is talking with someone, I see an older lady walking and decide to approach here to try to talk to here. However, I get the feeling she really doesn't want that so I back off. I walk a bit and decide to use super speed to get somewhere more interesting fast. I run very fast at first but feel stability slipping, so I decide to go at moderate super speed instead. That works much better.

      I am now in a large, wide street with tall building to either side. As I'm walking down, I notice that on the other side of the street there's a homeless-looking man asking for coins. Too people pass him by and ignore him. I try to look for some DV coins on the floor, but can't find any. I move on.

      Suddenly I hear music from a flute-like instrument. It's coming from a building that looks like a church, but is more square. I fly in through a window and I see, in a corner a group of people. There's an older man, in his 50s or 60s sitting in a sofa. He's clearly the boss. There's a bunch of girls surrounding him and 2-3 musicians playing that delightful music. As I land, everyone goes away except the man. I try to make one of the girls stay by controlling here mind, but that doesn't work out. In any case, there's still a person there, so this is my chance to complete the task.

      The man is looking at me with a smile and curious eyes. I approach and introduce myseflname, sitting next to him on the sofa.

      He thinks for a bit and says, "I'm the only other real person here.".
      "Oh really?", I ask.
      "Yes, this is a dream and only me and you are LDers."
      "How do we know there's not a third person around."
      He smiles and shrugs, "We don't!"
      I think for a bit and ask, "Well, since you're an LDer and seemed to have such a big group of people around you, can you give me some tips?" (my second step of the 3-step task).
      "Hmm, you should try to talk to everyone you encounter" he says. Seems like good advice.

      We go on a bit longer about quitting social media, but I don't remember that conversation quite well. The final step of my 3-step task is flying and I know I have already done it in the dream, but it was out of order. So I decide to fly away and as I do that the dream ends and I "wake up" in front of my computer, to write down the dream.
    2. Spring Competition 2024 Night 7

      by , 04-05-2024 at 04:47 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I had two long semi-lucids. I did my best to get points but I waited over an hour before journaling so I hope I didn't forget about any tasks I completed.

      Spring Competition 2024 Night 7 (DILD) 04.05.2024

      I am in school and I open my textbook to find notes from a prior student that are all about some sort of fantasy world parallel to our own.I become lucid from this and start reading the notes. The teacher tells me to focus on the class but I don't. (I could have gone with my goal to get a good grade in dream school but I wasn't lucid enough to remember that.) The dream transitions to me being part of a super hero team. I show them the notes and they dismiss it as unimportant.

      I feel a bit more lucid and feel like doing a reality check so I use telekinesis on a rock and make it fly into my right hand. It is a shiny red stone. I learn from the text book a bunch of new powers that I want to try. I summon a star wars speader and the dream transitions to that one Mos Eisley map from the original Star Wars Battlefront 2. The other super heros are disagreeing with me using my new powers. I wake up.

      I laid in bed trying to remmeber my dream form about half an hour before WILDing back into the dream in Mos Eisley.

      After the dream forms I teleport to the parallel world. At some point I summoned a lightsaber. Man I wish I could remember more but that's all I got!
    3. WILD night

      by , 02-04-2024 at 08:34 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      Notable day substances: No caffeine, Decaf, phosphatidyl choline, 5mg Benedryl 7:30pm
      WBTB substances: 6mg Galantamine ~4:00AM

      I wanted to have my first lucid this time around since my last break to be without Galantamine, but I'm impatient so I threw it into the mix tonight.

      WBTB with Galantamine and WILD

      I woke up at 3:45 am after 4 and a half hours of sleep. I read some Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming until I felt like my mind was awake, which took 10 minutes. Then I took 6mg of Galantamine and went back to bed.

      I normally try to fall asleep as fast as possible after taking Galantamine because it works pretty fast and it’s difficult to sleep after it starts working. After about half an hour with no luck of going back to sleep on my right side, and attempts of laying very still for WILD - I turn over to my left side to try to WILD there.

      Over 10 mins I made less and less movements until I was very comfortable and still. After a while I couldn’t really feel my body and that’s when the transition from waking into sleeping consciously began.

      I had no visuals but I felt like I was sitting on a rollercoaster. I could feel when I was traveling up the tracks and the momentum and speed when I was going downward, I could feel myself lifting out of my seat. This went on for a while and was really fun, it felt very realistic. I also started to get some slight visuals of the track which was going around a ski-lift over and over again.
      Typical "Need girl help"-1.jpg

      Then the visuals started. A colorful background appeared and there was some nonsense text in the middle that looked AI generated. The text made no sense but when I pretended to ‘read it’ it would transform into a new gibberish text. The text was only ever between 1 to 4 words long. Each time I ‘read’ one of these it felt like I was doing something right and getting deeper into something and the visuals got brighter.*

      Now a ‘loading screen’ appeared, it was 16-bit SNES graphics scrolling from right to left of a brick wall. It was very stable and I would pick a piece of grouting and watch it go from one side of my vision to the other - the clarity and detail in lucid dreams always amazes me.

      After maybe 10 seconds of this the loading is finished and I’m playing a SNES-style beat em’ up genre game**. It looked like Super Double-Dragon - the very basic track ‘Train Ride’ from this game was playing as well, which I haven’t heard in probably over 10 years.
      Typical "Need girl help"-2.jpg

      So now I’m playing this game, the graphics are very bright and vivid - enemies are coming at my character which I’m controlling. But I don’t have a real body, it’s like I’m looking at a screen with blackness all around it and that’s it.

      I told myself before going to bed that if I had a lucid I was going to go with whatever the dream was, for stability and practice sake. But I didn’t want the dream to be about playing some SNES game, I at least wanted it to be based in a reality-like setting.

      So I test out transforming one of the enemies I’m looking at, which begins to work but the contrast and brightness of the dream begins to dim. I figure I’ve only been in here for less than a minute so I should slow down, so I stop doing that and the contrast and brightness return.

      I still don’t want to be having this experience so I close my eyes and now I feel my body in bed. I decide to do a reality check and reach over and plug my nose - I can still breathe just fine! Also I’m seemingly on my back, but I know I’m on my left side in reality. So I decide to try to get out of bed to get out of this gaming situation.

      But as I start to move I feel like my left arm is still not totally asleep and that if I move it I will wake up, it feels really heavy compared to the rest of my body. So I close my eyes and enter the video game again, just to see a enemy hit my character and die. The game over screen says ‘YOU FAILED!’ with a big fat purple weasel laughing with a high pitched voice as the dream collapses and I return to feeling my actual body in bed laying on my left side, awake. (5:08am)

      I think I just tried too much too fast and needed to let the dream develop more and become more involved. I’ve had plenty of close call WILD’s but normally I get to a point where my body feels like it’s humming with electricity as the visuals begin and the dreams collapse very early. I’ll count this as my first successful WILD! Even though I used Galantamine and ruined it pretty fast.

      Dream 2

      I’m on the phone with JohnF, a guy I only met very briefly maybe 10 years ago. He’s severely depressed and I’m trying to make him feel better but it wasn’t working. I suddenly had the random thought that he hired a hitman to kill someone. I asked him if he had done something irreversible. He said ‘yeah…’

      I don’t know what he actually did but I said he should try to forgive himself and maybe do something that feels like he’s giving back to the world in some way.

      I heard super Mario RPG music coming through the phone and asked him if he was playing it. He lit up a bit and said he was, the remastered version. And that he had plans to swap if for another game when he was done.

      Then an unknown friend of mine comes by the room I'm in (PA house, bedroom at the end of the hall on the left). He says he got a purple coat and a mustache and he's really excited about it. He doesn't want to show me though because he doesn't know the guy I'm talking to, who is now in the room with me.

      JohnF and I both say we wanna see it so he shows us. 'It's not purple at all!' I say upon seeing it, it’s a deep mustard yellow. He says 'oh yeah? Well look at THIS!' He opens it up to reveal a mustache on the hanging loop/tag on the jacket. He takes it off and clips it to his nose, it's a really convincing mustache. We both applaud him.
      Typical "Need girl help"-3.jpg

      This dream started out serious and dark and ended feeling funny and relaxed.

      Dream 3

      I’m deep underground in some sort of mine. To demonstrate how extremely deep a hole is, a man/woman pair toss a raccoon down into it. Immediately it sounds like it hit pipes or something and there are lots of scrambling sounds. The man then throws a basketball down which hits something, and then it's silent.

      The woman explains that the raccoon was so relaxed when it fell with its limbs stretched out, that when it made contact with the only pipe exposed it quickly grabbed on. Then the basketball was thrown to hit the raccoon and send it all the way down..

      We spoke about something but I forget what. I vomited up a strange pufferfish looking like creature into a nearby basin with water in it, which freaked the lady out and she ran off.

      This dream just had all around gross vibes.

      Dream 4

      A gust of wind blows the front door open slightly, Mogmi makes a run for it! He gets outside and I chase after him. He goes right across the street into the backyard of the neighbors (which is unlike IWL).

      A man with a large beard is smoking a cigarette on his phone and there is another guy standing there with him.

      Mogmi is hopping up like a dog trying to smell the cigarette. I grab him and apologize, then take him back to the house.

      *I suspect this was REM starting, reading these short sentences were making my eyes dart back and forth a lot.

      **At this point I became aware of NPT (nocturnal erection), which happens during REM.

      Updated 02-05-2024 at 02:35 AM by 106

      Tags: wild
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    4. Mutants (ear infection dream)

      by , 09-19-2023 at 06:24 PM
      Had an ear infection on the same side I like to sleep on.

      I used the throbbing pain as a gauge for WILD. After laying in bed relaxed for a few minutes, I paused my thoughts, abiding in present moment awareness. In a couple seconds, I felt the sensation of falling asleep. With it, the pain in my ear vanished.

      So I dislodged myself from my body and flew over to my spouse, reaching through her and calling her name just to see what happened. She was asleep. I turned into my dragon while I was bothering her (in preparation for adventures to come).

      My spouse and I have been doing little experiments like this off and on for months to test potential dream sharing.

      Later, when I woke up, she told me that she had a dream in which I hovered over her in a video call saying something (in her dream). Apparently I interrupted something she was doing in her dream.

      Anyway, in my dream, after bothering her, I flew out the room. My house had some warped spots. Rooms turned in wrong directions mainly.

      I eventually flew out the window. It was night and our yard was bigger, full of dead trees, and one living tree (which we don’t have in waking reality). Our fence was gone, but the property was more isolated—away from any other homes.

      I had to go to the bathroom in that moment, so I spring back to my body and woke up, went to the bathroom, and went back in with another identical WILD.

      I flew back out again (dragon form) to the nearest neighborhood with lights on and snuck into a house. In the house, a creature was hiding and didn’t want me to see it. Apparently it used to live in the house, but it had been living outside since a recent incident that turned it into a mutant.

      There were a couple of other mutants living with it, but this house only belonged to one of the mutants (the one with large fangs who’s body was chopped up into pieces, and crudely stitched together). Sometimes his body fell apart and he had to stitch it back up.

      The mutants were visiting the house (the one I snuck into), wishing to live there again. It was a cute little modern house. Nothing too fancy, but just a bit upscale. Small home with tall ceilings.

      The creature hesitated to stay here because it didn’t want to be seen by its community as a mutant. It used to be a higher status member of society. Beautiful, well off, and respected in the community.

      I don’t know what happened, but the creature deeply bemoaned its fall from grace and seemed quite preoccupied by this, so it didn’t notice me lurking around at first.

      I hid in the cupboards.

      I ended up being spotted eventually though. When it saw me, I flew into one of the other mutants and combined with it. There were no words spoken, but a sudden consensual possession.

      This being had crab-like mutations. While I possessed it, I worked on trying to shape shift it back into its original form (more human) since I’m good at shapeshifting myself. Didn’t really work, but I tried.

      In the meantime, I befriended the other mutants and explored the house, tinkering around with all their cool stuff.

      After I woke up in the morning, my spouse told me that she had a dream about beings that didn’t want to be seen. She caught a glimpse of mutated parts of them.

      Updated 09-19-2023 at 06:55 PM by 99032

    5. Dream Fragments 07/03 - 07/4 2023

      by , 07-04-2023 at 08:55 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      My dreams have been pretty fragmented lately so I don't have any full dreams but I thought I should share anyways.

      Teen Titans 10
      I remember yesterday dreaming that I was Dick Grayson as Nightwing again. Jason Todd was killed so I agreed to team up with Batman again and return to the mantel of Robin and go back in time to save Jason.

      Star Wars Battlefront VR
      I put on my VR headset and am totally imersed in the Metaverse. There is a new Star Wars Battlefront game where you get to be different characters from the movies and I go on an adventure playing through the game. When you choose your character you walk up to these statues of the characters to choose. There are all sorts of characters to choose from both sides. I start out as a rebel and save Princess Leia. Then I am her and I am starting to help organize the rebelion. Then I switch to a Jedi in a bar. There is a place for target practice with blasters but three Sith women notice me use the force to pick up a blaster. Their leader has a bow and arrow and I duck under a table only to find someone else is already hiding there. The Sith come down to find me and I try shooting the blaster at them but the trigger is nearly impossible to pull. There was a lot more to this dream but it is so fragmented now from sleeping in.

      Almost WILD
      At about 11:45 AM my partner K starts moving around and I realize I am half awake and I feel that the arms of my dream body are in a differnt position than I left my real arms were when I left them last which is a sign I'm about to get a WILD. I can't maintain it because my K is moving around so my WILD fails. I get short bit of dream I am in a Runescape trying to sell some stuff on the Grand Exchange. I see people wearing adamantine armor before I wake up.
    6. Comp Night 4 - A Very Confusing Lucid

      by , 06-06-2023 at 02:55 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Y'know, I really love these podcasts with CanisLucidus and OpheliaBlue. They always seem to say the most useful things right when I need to hear it... even if they said it years ago.
      Anyway, on to the dreams

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A girl was on the subway, heading for Japan. She was confused about Chinese versus Japanese pronunciation. Someone abruptly stopped her at 3:30 to ask a question.

      That's all. Ironically, I woke up at 3:30. Logged the entry and went to sleep, attempting WILD as usual. I used CanisLucidus's "99, I'm dreaming, 98, I'm dreaming" method this time.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Spoiler for suicide:

      There was an immediate scene change. Now I was not even in the dream, but the "camera" was on a guy wearing a turtle shell, and he said to me, "So, you're trying to WILD? Just give it up." We both became simultaneously alarmed by his words. "I mean, no, no, never mind.... I don't know anymore, you schmuck."


      I woke up at 4:21. After recording the dream, I lay awake for at least 35 minutes, doubting if I would be able to get back to sleep at all. But I was thinking of LDing and WILD the whole time, and eventually I drifted off.


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      Where do I even start? The order of this dream is so scrambled... I'll try my best.

      I was on a spaceship, in a small room with my mom and a cabinet of spices. Lucid from the get-go, I remembered my first three-step task: flying! I jumped up and hovered in the air, being careful not to fly through the ceiling in case the dream blacked out.

      Wriggling in midair, I bragged to my mom, "This is a dream! This is a dream!"

      She clapped and praised me
      , yet at the same time, I heard her shrieking at me to do my work. It was weird, but the image of her in that room was super vivid. I remember being amazed and hoping I didn't wake up.
      Then I had a false awakening.

      I attempted WILD by imagining my mom as she was before, and she kind of "booted up," but in the end it failed. So I went to sleep normally
      and the next thing I remember is being in my living room, lucid again. I pushed my brother aside and jumped into and through the front door, trying to teleport. I emerged in total blackness.*

      At first I assumed I had woken up, but then I thought,
      Wait, what if this is the "void" CanisLucidus mentioned? Remembering how he hailed it as an effective teleportation tool, I tried to summon up a scenery. Grainy graphics resembling the ATNRPG logo popped up.** (I started playing it yesterday.) There were four letters instead of six, and they kept changing, most of them somewhat Greek-looking. I wasn't surprised; I was glad for the typical dream sign.

      I entered what I for some reason believed to be a WILD transition. I was in the woods in front of a stream, mentally comparing it to its real life counterpart. This one had more greenery, and the trees were packed more densely. A kid from my ESS class appeared, floating face-down in the river. (I was reminded of Dazai from BSD.) But he wasn't completely limp, rather suspending his waist over the water while keeping his head submerged.

      My friend A was with me and we pulled him out, despite his struggles. "Can't you see I'm trying to die here?" he snapped.

      "You should do a better job of it then," I said coldly. "Besides, we'll get in big trouble if we're caught turning a blind eye."

      He pushed us away and even started throwing punches. A was distressed but I figured it was a good opportunity to solidify the dream. Unfortunately, I couldn't feel anything.

      Don't remember the end of the scene, maybe it was another FA+false DEILD.

      I was on a spaceship again, literally on top of it, mostly non-lucid. My body was a mechanical bunny, and making it walk was quite difficult. A little astronaut was with me, and we had to avoid these moving concrete traffic barriers; touching them would be fatal. (On some level it was a video game.)

      He opened a door for us but I somehow entered the wrong one. I came across a device with the ability to change the background of my alarm clock. I was like, "Oh wow, I never knew that my alarm clock background could change!" (I was a little bit lucid since I assumed it would change it in real life.)

      A selection of anime-style backgrounds filled the screen. I scrolled through the various themes, among them Irisu Syndrome, Yume Nikki, generic night skies, et cetera. I was going to choose the first, but I couldn't buy it because I needed 30 "tickets" and owned none.

      How am I supposed to get tickets? Never heard of 'em, I thought grumpily. I accidentally pressed a button but canceled it by hitting "esc." I think it also teleported me to the correct door and sent me through.

      I was lucid again, more than before, walking through the spaceship's hallway with a bunch of people. I decided to go with the flow and follow them, wondering if they would take me anywhere important. We went through one of those futuristic, automatic, semi-circle-shaped doors into a room I didn't pay enough attention to to remember.

      I thought of the competition, under the impression that this was its own separate dream, unaware of the false DEILDs. I said hello to a reporter lady and she happily greeted me back. Then I tried to push my finger through my palm but it didn't work at all, so I looked at my hands instead. Totally normal. For a moment I assumed it was because the dream was so stable, but perhaps I was just being cocky. I looked closer and bam, suddenly I only had three short fingers on each hand! It was so creepy I actually said "Eek!" and shook them out. I looked away and in my peripheral vision saw them return to normal.

      I worried the repulsion would wake me up, so I distracted myself by flying. It was unusually difficult; I had to kick myself into the air and flail around to stay afloat.

      "Stop that," the reporter scolded. I did, and she led me over to a marked circle on the ground, asking me some questions I didn't listen to nor answer.

      I wracked my brain for the memory of my next three-step task, but nothing came up. Again I worried about waking up, and maybe the dream dissolved, or I had an FA, but this is the next scene I remember:

      My memories of this part are particularly fuzzy, and I wasn't even in it. There was a play going on (in the same spaceship I believe) but a couple actors had been abducted—a gay boy and a pretty blond girl. An image of the latter flashed across the screen, anime style, of course. Short wavy hair, long eyelashes, a floppy hat, and a white sundress.

      Someone said, "Oh, I knew that gay guy was going to get abducted someday."

      "Well, I knew that girl was going to get abducted someday," someone else put in. [The visuals were very bad.] "[Name], you should have watched her better."

      [Name] was a teenage boy who probably had a crush on the blond girl. "I thought it would be creepy to watch her too much..." he mumbled.

      They were about to set out on a rescue mission, but before they did, I woke up for real at 5:36. There was a sort of hypnopompic transition into wakening, similar to the turtle guy but less vivid. A monk was facing the "camera" and talking about lucid dreaming. I don't remember what he said.


      The reason the order of everything is so confused in my brain is because I didn't write it down right away. When I first awoke, I still believed all those false awakenings were actual DEILDs, and I tried to do another one. But after a while I realized that this time was different than the others and I needed to hurry and write down the dream, or I would forget.

      Anyway, this is my first LD of the competition! YAY! Maybe I'll draw some pics for it tomorrow.

      Edit: Pics!

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      WILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      *Does this count as Fully Phase through Big Solid Object if I lost lucidity afterwards? - TBD (Edit: Yep, 10 points)
      **Is this Advanced Summoning? - TBD (Edit: Nope)
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 26.5 (Edit: 36.5)
      Previous sum: 25 points

      Comp total: 51.5 points (Edit: 61.5 points)

      Updated 06-07-2023 at 01:56 AM by 99938

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    7. WILD Transition and Teleportation!

      by , 05-27-2023 at 02:00 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I was complaining yesterday, but today I rejoice, for I had an EPIC lucid dream! I reached the 30-minute mark of this podcast, right in the middle of their teleportation discussion. Slept at 11:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I wanted to refresh myself on the major and minor chords of piano for a summer program I'm enrolled in. I searched it up and found a forum similar to Dreamviews. Someone had posted a YouTube video explaining the chords, and other people were sharing their own specialties below.


      The way I woke up was very interesting. I was mostly unconscious, in a half-dream state, when I thought, No wait, I need to wake up! and my eyes flew open. Not sure if I checked the time before or after writing down this fragment, but it was 4:58. I lay back down and after 5-10 minutes of getting comfortable, I started a WILD transition.

      Now, I am not sure when it went from lucid daydreaming to actually being in the dream. Luckily I use the same green for both LDDing and semi-lucids, so it works out. But up until the blue, I really thought I was just daydreaming! (I now believe I was fully dreaming the majority of the time.)


      Dream #2 (Lucid Daydream/Semi-Lucid; Lucid):
      This is a dream.

      That is the mantra I repeated each time I caught myself daydreaming. The first concrete scene I remember is someone explaining how every time Kagome from Inuyasha returns to the modern era, the feudal era ends! Rather than them existing simultaneously, she travels through time to the future, where everyone from the feudal era is long dead. As proof, they mentioned the episode where a Shikon Jewel shard was embedded in a tree in the modern era. The jewel only shattered into shards after Kagome's first visit, so clearly what happens there is the direct past of the modern era.

      The scenery came into focus. Kagome was standing in the yard of her shrine-house, and a boy was explaining the above to her. He proposed that there might even be evidence of her from that time in this world. She quickly shot that idea down, but then he brought out a life-sized cardboard cutout of herself (apparently from the Feudal Era) and propped it in front of her.

      Kagome's jaw dropped to the floor in shock, and she circled around the cutout, holding its hands and straightening up so she would be taller than it. Then they forgot about it and went to a restaurant.

      I sat with them in a booth, thinking about telling someone how I distinguish between lucid daydreams and actual dreams. In a lucid daydream, I'm still aware of my WL body and can't see or feel anything clearly, but the plot is as random and elaborate as a proper dream... [Kind of ironic now that I can't tell.]

      Kagome was telling the boy that gakuran uniforms were required for everyone in her old middle school. (She was a high schooler in this dream, wearing her usual seifuku.) I had never heard of that before, and the guy was confused as well. "Required?" he asked.

      "Yeah," she confirmed, then stood up and left, presumably to get food.

      "Guess she likes wearing a skirt now, though," he said to me.

      "Yeah, well, it makes sense." I spoke with the affectionate tone one uses when they know a friend well. "I can just hear her voice in my head: 'I don't want to wear pants! A sailor uniform is way cuter!'"

      He asked what I would choose, and I replied, "Gakuran, obviously."

      "Huh," he said. I wasn't sure what to make of that, but then the "daydream" ended and moved on to the next.

      My brother Z, best friend S, and I were in a hotel room S had booked for us. I didn't question it because I was still repeating the "this is a dream" mantra in my head. It was a nice, expensive-looking room. A bunk bed was pressed against the wall, and although S and a bunch of bags were on the top bunk, it was apparently mine. Z got the bottom bunk (which was concealed by an intricately designed blanket-curtain), and S got the regular bed next to us.

      Eventually my brother and S left and I was alone in the room. I'm not sure about the order of events after this, but I'll try to arrange them in a way that makes sense.

      I went to the bathroom and did my business, for some reason deciding to throw my dirty toilet paper in the trash can. [IWL I find that disgusting.] For a moment I got confused over whether it was really a trash can, since there was soap(?) in it as well. But then I saw a pile of TP and pushed it aside to dispose of mine, revolted that I had to touch it. I hurried to the sink, wondering why they had to make it so confusing.

      Still, this place is so nice, I thought as I washed my hands. The faucet handles were the indented, circular type, and underneath the clear surface of the left knob was a casual pink color. Everything was so homey and comfortable, from the lighting to the furniture. There was even a couch in there! I wondered how S could possibly afford this, then reminded myself it was a dream.

      Suddenly Shippo, Miroku, and Inuyasha appeared. Shippo was talking about how weird it was when Inuyasha flirted with him (he was possessed by a flea in that episode), but the reason he found it weird was either because he was a fox or a boy. Both Miroku and I were thinking, It's weirder because you're a child...

      I told them it was okay because Inuyasha was brainwashed by a flea at the time and wasn't actually addressing Shippo. Some other stuff happened that I don't remember clearly; I think I touched Inuyasha's face and clothes to immerse myself/stabilize.

      I somehow ended up in a place that looked like my living room but was still part of the hotel. There was a really muscular guy sitting in my chair. When he leaned forward I sat down behind him, though I wasn't sure why. He got offended and grabbed me, body-slamming me on the couch. I struggled to escape, but it was hopeless.

      Luckily he transformed into a giant cob of corn. The weight on my chest reminded me of how some people describe sleep paralysis, and since I still thought I was daydreaming, I assumed the feeling originated from my physical body. I couldn't figure out why though, as I have been sleeping on my back for years and long gotten used to it. Nonetheless I tried to ignore it; I didn't want to give up the WILD.

      I managed to roll the corn off of me and fell to my knees on the floor. Everything had become dark and unclear, so I stared at the coffee table, the couch, and a tissue box to re-stabilize. I wanted to hurry and transition into a full-fledged lucid dream, so I held the tissue box in my hands and tried to make it three-dimensional. It only worked a little.

      Next thing I remember is sitting in the hotel lobby, clarity no longer an issue. There was a TV fixtured to the wall, displaying previews of Pinocchio-P songs. One of them was a creepy vampire-person bearing their fangs, and I worried it would seep into my dreams and give me my first nightmare in years. I turned away from the screen.

      Then I had a false awakening in my bed, the same painful pressure from before weighing on my chest. Actually, it was worse this time—I could hardly breathe.

      I struggled to sit up, telling myself without much hope, It's okay, this is a dream, this is still a dream.
      I did a nose-plug reality check and it worked effortlessly! It was so unambiguous that there was no question about it: I was (properly) dreaming!

      Wasting no time, I climbed down from my bed and left the room, glancing at N on my way out. I tried to immerse myself in the scene but my vision became patchy, so I focused instead on my destination. I had run through my goals very quickly in my head and settled on snowboarding. I went down the stairs and headed for the front door, gravity so light that I might as well have been walking on the moon! I grinned from ear to ear 'cause it felt so cool.

      I wrapped my hand around the handle and thought, Beyond this door is a snowy mountain, the same one I went snowboarding at in middle school. I remembered CanisLucidus's words and tried to imagine it in as much detail as possible. When I opened the door, though, it was only my neighborhood... except blanketed in snow and decorated with Christmas lights! Pretty awesome, but not what I wanted. (I wondered briefly if it would be cold but didn't want to waste time finding a jacket or boots.) I closed the door, intending to try again, but the wood had become glass. I doubted the technique would work if I could see what was outside, so I accepted my fate and exited the house.

      After walking a short distance, barefoot yet not cold at all, I looked to my left and saw the snowy mountain right there! Complete with a ski-lift and everything! I sprinted to the top oddly quickly and saw that there were a bunch of kids snowboarding already. It appeared to be a competition, and reminded me of the LDing comp in less than a week.

      The kids' stuff was scattered around in the snow, so I stole a snowboard out of a bag labeled "Olivia." It was light blue and on the small side but whatever. I looked around for socks and shoes, since I didn't think it was a good idea to strap myself in barefoot. I spotted a fuzzy pink pair of socks, but they were a bit thin and, frankly, ugly...

      A little blond girl ran up to me, eyes sparking with excitement. "We're making some awesome socks over there! Wanna see?"

      How useful, I thought. I smiled at her and said sure. She took me to her parents and I kind of forgot about the socks. The dad pointed to two other children and said, "This is her brother, and this is her identical twin sister."

      The twin was a lot darker-skinned than the first girl, I guess because the mom was white and the dad was black. [I know that's not how identical twins work… 99.9% of the time.]
      Without warning, I woke up.


      The clock read 5:28, so taking into account my time spent getting comfortable, I was only asleep for 20-ish minutes, same as yesterday. I was shocked because it felt like at least an hour! But I couldn't go back to sleep because I spent the rest of my time writing. (Wish I could use my phone... sigh.)

      Anyway, this does count as teleportation, right? It's similar to the closet method, after all. Either way, IT WAS SO COOL!!!

      Some sketches of the dream scenes:
      Why do you believe in God?-img_20230526_205130150.jpg
      (P.S. I have noticed when hovering over pics on my DJ, that they are named after random threads like "What is the nature of will?" and "The Unknown Dreamer" and "HALLOWE'EN". Does it appear that way for anyone else? I wonder what this one will be called.)
      (Edit: It's "Why do you believe in God?" LMAO)

      Updated 05-27-2023 at 02:08 AM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    8. Chain of Semi-Lucids and FAs

      by , 05-06-2023 at 06:50 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Yesterday when my friend J and I were walking home from school, I asked her what she would do if she could do anything she wanted, including supernatural things. Her answer was "teleport." This is relevant for later. Went to sleep at 11:30 as usual.

      Dream #1: Non-Lucid
      I don't remember much of this dream. I was climbing a super tall tree, a popular one, so a bunch of other people were doing it as well. I was thinking about the different types of acrophobia (fear of heights), that mine was the type who doesn't get scared until they're really high up. [Actually, in real life I get scared just from being six feet off the ground.] I thought it was the most dangerous type because you would lead people to believe you could do more than you were truly capable of.

      We had to play videogames to progress, and each of them would fill the entire "screen." I specifically remember a racecar game but it's hard to explain, at first I was losing but then I put in more effort and managed to pass the few other people playing. At one point my car shoved aside someone else's and went down a narrow path, the other car pushing me from behind, unintentionally helping me out.

      Then we were back in the tree and there was a young man near me, he said he didn't know anyone his age who saw colors as badly as he did. (I guess he was colorblind.) My vision was messed up as well; I could see colors fine but my head was spinning from fear so I couldn't concentrate on anything. I kept looking down at the large patch of grass far, far below us.

      Eventually I couldn't stand to be in the tree any longer, so I forced my locked-up limbs to move and climbed down to a ledge, nearly falling to my death in the process. The way I pulled myself over a branch was so awkward and I was shaking horribly but I managed to get to the ledge. I breathed a huge sigh of relief
      and woke up at 3:25. Was extremely tired but jotted down the dream anyway, falling back asleep within seconds.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Remember even less from this dream, and I can barely read my own handwriting. I was on the bus, sitting between J and a girl named Sarah. It was really dark in there for some reason, and on my phone I was watching an animated version of Genshin Impact. The style reminded me of Animal Crossing, though at the time I couldn't remember the name and just settled on Animal Farm.

      When we got off, I asked the bus driver how to save (as in download) something. She explained it to me but was a little too helpful in my opinion. She kept talking and asking if I needed help and I started to feel awkward because my only responses were nods or shakes of the head.

      When she finally stopped I yelled, "J!" because she and our friend K were leaving me behind. I wondered if the driver was surprised by my sudden outburst since I didn't say a peep to her.

      J and K walked back to me, and I thought, It's as if I summoned them.
      Then I woke up at 4:50-ish.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      Another short one! I was with my childhood group of friends (as our current ages), but they had all ostracized this kid named Sam H. (He wasn't part of our group in real life but he was another childhood friend of mine.) He kinda reminded me of Yu Yang from Here U Are so maybe he was gay, but I don't think that was the reason they disliked him.

      I was the only one to take his side. I went up to one of the group members and told him off for being so mean. He threw a rock at me but I caught it one-handed and glared.

      Then there was a flashback to Sam H. and Sam G. (another member) talking. Their hair colors were switched for some reason. Sam H. asked who in the group the other Sam would want to get rid of [not exact wording], and Sam G. basically said that they were all too precious to him to choose. (Which was ironic considering his treatment of Sam H. in the future.)

      After a pause, he said sheepishly, "Maybe S though?" (I don't know how but this somehow implied something else, something romantic.) Then he added, "To get them off my back." (Which removed the implication.)

      I thought it was hilarious and texted S about in in the present, since they had a crush on him back then. But I kept stumbling on how I knew about their talk, since I wasn't there. My thoughts were all jumbled up: "Sam G. told me... no, Sam H. did... hm..."

      At some point I was with my dad and he was talking about Animal Crossing, but calling it Animal Farm. He searched it up and asked if that was the correct name. I saw the style and thought of my last dream, telling him yes, it was called Animal Farm. But I was still uncertain.


      Woke up at 6:05 and after writing down that dream, I tried to do WILD by staying focused on my breath and repeating "This is a dream" in my head. I also briefly thought of the conversation I had with J, but decided that "teleport" was too vague a mantra and I'd just have to remember to do it once I became lucid. [The reason I wanted to in the first place was so that I could report the dream to her, motivating her to put more effort into LDing.] Fell asleep around 6:20-ish.


      Dream #4 (Chain of Semi-Lucids+FAs):
      The WILD must have worked because next thing I knew, I was in a dream and semi-lucid. I was talking to S in Sarah's body, using my voice recorder to record what they were saying. [I had asked them a question but was more focused on the recorder and my thoughts than their response.] I was hoping that I could bring it back to the real world and show S what their dream self was like.

      But as I was "waking up," trying to stabilize by rubbing my hands together, I realized that since I had started recording in the dream, it wouldn't be able to come back with me in reality. I told S this and they wailed comically in despair.

      Then I had a false awakening and was disappointed. Went back to sleep, using the same WILD technique as before.

      Now I was outside of J and L's house, except it was actually S's house and neighborhood but functionally it was J and L's. They were both freaking out about something, maybe these silver flecks all across their collarbone areas. (In the dream I believed it was a skin condition they've always had.)

      They were trembling and whimpering and being really dramatic, and I asked, "Why are you guys freaking out? I mean, I get L, but why you, J?"

      I don't think they answered, but that's when I remembered the conversation J and I had yesterday. "Hey, stay here," I told them, and dashed off a little ways away.

      Apparently Laila followed because she was sitting on a doorstep nearby. I told her I was going to teleport into her house and doubtfully she asked, "Is that really possible?"

      "Anything is possible!" I declared, and flew into the air, spinning with my arms outstretched. I consciously made black lines trail from my fingers through the air. L seemed impressed. Then I thrust my hands downwards, imagining being in J's house, and yelled, "Teleport!"

      A golden glow engulfed me from below, but something went wrong. The dream started falling apart. I thought that I should've opened a portal on the ground in front of me, and another in front of Jude, then jumped into mine to appear before her.
      I had a false awakening in my bed; it was so realistic! I quickly went back to sleep to try again and ended up in the same place. This time both J and L were in the spot I'd told them to stay.

      Instead of instantly trying to teleport, I got on all fours and crawled on my stomach toward them to stabilize the dream On the way I passed by these guys throwing each other across the street. I figured I should question things so I asked what they were doing, but they didn't answer and I honestly didn't find it that strange in the first place. I picked up a green paper and threw it in their direction. The sound and sensation were very vivid.

      Alas, I woke up anyway (FA). Frustrated that my stability rates had become so low despite my best efforts, I went back to sleep once again.

      I was now at the top of some stairs in a basement area. It was part of my school in the dream but it doesn't exist in real life. There were a ton of students having a club meeting down there, circled around a teacher that was like a mix of my long-term Theatre sub last year and a young sub who always talks nonstop about gaming during class.

      He was telling them about LDs and I said, "I had three lucid dreams just now!"

      I crawled down the stairs on my stomach, but they didn't pay much attention to me. The students muttered amongst themselves about what a lucid dream was, if it was something demonic or a ritual or whatever. Mr. R didn't seem to know much either and was fumbling with his words.

      I went to his side, crouching for some reason, and said, "A lucid dream is when you're aware that you're dreaming while you're dreaming. That's it."

      "Ooh." They seemed more open to me now. I noticed this guy named Daniel in the back of the crowd, it's kinda funny that he was there because he's in a million different clubs in real life. I wondered if they all thought I was a natural lucid dreamer, and considered recommending that they form an LDing club, but decided against it.

      Later I was sitting on the couch with all of them
      when I suddenly realized something. "Hah... you all are talking about lucid dreaming—of course this is a dream."

      They seemed a little confused, so I got up and said, "Watch this. I've been wanting to try this."

      I held my hands close together and tried to summon a fireball in between them. I could only manage to impose a translucent flicker of realistic-looking flame, and only for a short time. The girl next to me made a biting remark, and I thought with some bitterness, You're only saying that because I'm thinking it.

      I gave up and instead thrust my hands in front of me, trying to launch a line of fire from them. There was a girl in the way but I didn't really care. It didn't work at all though; I was trying to at least feel heat on my hands but nope.

      This is harder than I thought it would be, I thought. [I still think it would be pretty easy with full lucidity.]
      Then I had yet another false awakening!

      I woke up in the same basement, but this time it was in third person. I was an anime boy buried in a mound of plushies, my face flushed and my eyes literal spinning circles. There was a kid checking up on me but when I opened my eyes he retreated as if he'd been doing something wrong.

      "You okay there, Meiseki? Looking a little hot," someone said. It was a friendly, gym-teacher-like voice.

      "Yeah." I dug myself out of the plushies and the perspective returned to first person. "I had a dream about fire."

      I still kinda knew it was a dream, but at the same time thought I had to sleep to enter another one. So I buried myself in the plushies again, this time on the couch, and waited for sleep.

      Soon after, a delivery guy came in, trying to sell his own plushies and insulting a giraffe one near me. (It was made by a different brand or game or something.)

      "Hey!" I said in a jokingly offended tone. "Don't insult the giraffe!"

      He held up his hands and smiled. "It's part of my job, I have to say it. I don't actually hate it."

      Satisfied, I continued trying to fall asleep. In front of me there was a guy flipping through my DJ entries from tonight (all the ones previous to this one including the semi-lucids), comically horrified at their length. There were drawings at the end, one of which was of the club members and I sitting on the couch, me in the middle, smiling.

      My vision was fading out, and up until this point I believed I was drifting off, relieved that I wouldn't have to write all the previous dreams when I woke up since apparently I already did. But when I saw that drawing, so detailed and professional-looking, I realized that they were false entries and I would have to write everything "again."

      That's when I finally woke up for real at 6:45, actually remembering to do an RC. I now fully realize and appreciate the importance of RCing every time you wake up, no matter what... just one would have boosted my lucidity level so much... probably

      Anyway, it seems I have more luck with LDs after 6:15. Maybe because I can focus on WILDing better, idk. Too bad I have to get up early 5 days of the week... This was so interesting though, even if it took foreeever to write I'll be adding it to my LD count as a single lucid, since it all technically took place in the same dream.
    9. Rat Demon

      by , 05-06-2023 at 06:05 PM
      Type: WILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a brief false awakening that resulted from a non-WBTB WILD.
      I was lying on my side in bed, and the bedroom was very dark. I rolled onto my back with an uncannily small amount of effort that made me feel weightless, and then, I saw a shadowed figure sitting beside me, looking down at me. It was so cloaked in shadow that I couldn't see any details including its face; all I could see was a dark, person-shaped entity. It unsettled me and I didn't want the dream to go in a nightmare direction, so I reached out to put my hand on its shoulder and casually said, "hey, how's it going?". It smiled, revealing a mouth full of teeth that were very long and ratlike. Its teeth were the only thing I could see within the darkness of its face, and while the smile didn't seem malicious, the teeth made me even more unsettled than before. Despite my discomfort, the dream still felt like it couldn't decide whether it wanted to become a nightmare or stay neutral. The dream ended.

      NOTICE: this is my first dream journal entry upon returning to Dreamviews after an 11-year hiatus. All the dream journal entries earlier than this were published in 2012 and earlier, and will have markedly different writing quality and narrative style.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:30 PM by 28408

      lucid , false awakening
    10. Ten-Second Lucid

      by , 04-23-2023 at 06:01 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      FINALLY a lucidity-related dream after more than a week! Went to sleep at 11:30 as usual.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      I was swimming against an AI version of myself, not in a pool but in a flooded sidewalk-moat around my neighborhood. I think there was another AI watching us from the sidelines. AI-Me slowed down to compute something and I actually put in effort to win, swimming as hard as my tired body could and feeling the ache in my muscles.

      Eventually I reached the finish line (the parking lot in front of S's house) and celebrated with a little victory dance and whooping. I was well aware that it was out of character for me. The two AI bots watched in an almost friendly manner.

      Next thing I knew I was walking toward my house with S, when a ton of bees appeared in our path. I drew a chalk-shield like in The Secret of Kells to keep them out and took S in the opposite direction. But then a bunch of flying white worms appeared in our path, and this time S was scared.

      I hooked them under my arm and flew away, straight through the worms, but they were whimpering and squirming and freaking out so I said, "Can you calm down? I know what I'm doing, look," and showed them a decoy worm that I was apparently using to deceive the real ones. S finally relaxed and I looked around for a safe place to hide.

      We touched down at the gap between S's house and another, and I was thinking, Ah, this is where that dream tree is at, probably a safe place to be. [I've had two dreams about a magical tree in this area and I am SO MIFFED THAT I DIDN'T BECOME LUCID FROM THIS THOUGHT.]

      There were a bunch of people practicing gymnastics on either side of us and it made me a little uneasy. "Why are they doing gymnastics this late at night...?" I wondered aloud, but decided to brush off the feeling and dragged S to the group on our left.

      A coach came over and amiably challenged me, asking doubtfully whether I could do gymnastics or not. I played along, saying, "Of course I can, I was enrolled in gymnastics for two years when I was four years old, you know!" [I was actually around six or seven, just said four to make it sillier.] Then I turned to a girl named Avery who did swim team with me a long time ago and said, "Avery, we used to do cartwheels and handstands and stuff together on swim team, right?"

      She said, "Yeah, at swim team."

      "Oh yeah, 'at.'" [Even now I'm confused about which is correct...]

      Then I attempted a front walkover, telling them it had been years so as to lower expectations, and fell on my butt. They praised me for getting the first part right. I pumped myself up, getting back into position and telling someone to move because "I got a good feeling about this one." But as soon as I said that the good feeling went away and I regretted it.

      I managed to do a successful, albeit wobbly, front walkover and was a bit disappointed, but figured it was fine since they couldn't be expecting much anyway. They applauded me just as they did the first time and we all got along from that point forward, except for S.

      While I took pictures of the group, S sulked in a corner by themselves. I'm pretty sure this was a false memory, but I had the sense that this had happened before and I had gone back in time (as I do in some of my dreams). I told S to join us and they made it in for the last couple photographs. I said to them, "I'm relieved, because in the previous timeline I was looking at these pictures and found it unfortunate that you weren't in any of them."


      I actually don't know when this dream occurred because I kept waking up without writing it down, instead going over it in my head so that I would remember. This led to at least two dreams of recording it in my dream journal, and when I sat up to write it down at 8:30-ish I was annoyed that they hadn't been real.

      I was mad at myself for not trying harder to perform WILD during the night, frustrated that I hadn't had a lucid dream for a while. I was still a little tired, so I decided to give it one more go. I lay down and repeated "do a reality check" over and over in my head, trying to relax my body.

      Eventually some auditory hypnagogia kicked in, one of which was my brother's voice chanting along with me. My daydreams started to gain a life of their own, and I followed them, dropping the RC mantra and instead focusing on the fact that they were dreams.

      Dream #2 (Lucid Daydream+Lucid):

      In one of these daydreams, a bunch of people were sitting on a bed having a meeting of some sort. I focused on one guy and could sort of feel what he was feeling, but not really.

      In another, I was standing next to three or four teens and threw a rock in front of us. It changed into a boulder midair and flew into the sky. One kid had a camera and snapped a pic—I think he was a reporter of some sort.

      I flew in front of his camera and boasted, "Hahaha, you know why that's possible? Because this is a dream!"

      He or the maybe-nonexistent fourth kid mumbled, "And what are we supposed to do about that...?" Another said fearfully, "Is it like ChatGPT?!" [lmao] And the one farthest left asked, "Does that mean none of this matters?"

      "Of course not," I assured him. "It's still part of my mind and I can come back whenever I want (once I have the ability). All my dreams are one universe and that universe is just as real to my brain as reality itself, okay?"

      Then I left, thinking to myself, Perhaps DCs' eyes should turn gold once they become lucid... but then so many would have the same eye color, and what about those with naturally golden eyes? Maybe they'll be naturally lucid as well... Hmm, maybe the eyes can be either black or gold? Ah, whatever.

      I climbed the trunk of a tree in front of my house, like I was just clinging onto the trunk with my legs and arms. It was at this point that I felt ready to "actively enter the dream," and focused on touching the bark with my fingers...
      'lo and behold, it worked! I had successfully entered my dream body and could now see and feel the tree as if it were real life.

      But I don't think my brain had properly formed the size of the trunk, because it kept changing and wobbling. I tried to adjust it, but I wasn't sure how big it should be either. [The problem was that if it was too big it would be unrealistic for me to be wrapped around it, but in real life it's a pretty big tree so I was confused.] I tried to stabilize the dream by focusing on sensations, making noises, paying attention to visuals, but I could feel it falling apart. I couldn't drop off the tree or make any sudden movements because I knew I would immediately wake up.

      Soon it was like my vision split in half, and a couple seconds later the trunk turned into my blanket. I realized my eyes were open in real life.
      I quickly closed them, seeing nothing but blackness. My body was numb, but I was sure I could move it if I wanted to. I tried to summon up the image of the tree again, and it kinda worked, booting up like a weird simulation, but it wasn't clear enough and I wasn't tired enough so I gave up.

      Well, I'm just glad I managed to have another lucid, no matter how short it was

      Here's a pic of the tree:
      Polyphasic sleep cycles (uberman sleep cycle)-unnamed-5-.jpg
    11. Attempting WILD Within a Dream

      by , 04-12-2023 at 10:59 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Okay sooo yesterday I saw that April 12th was National Lucid Dreaming day and wanted to do something special. But I don't know anyone here well enough to attend a party with them in a dream (like I saw people doing on the forum post), so I tried to wrap my friend J into it. I told her to meet up with me in a dream at either her house or the elementary school nearby. I don't thin I really believe in shared dreaming but I was curious what would happen.

      I went to sleep at 11:30, using MILD to imagine the scenario. Woke up at 3:50, had a very vague idea of a dream but didn't write anything down. Instead I closed my eyes, kinda trying to do WILD, repeating over and over in my head, "J's house, J's house..." and fell back asleep within minutes.

      Dream #1 (Regular):
      Next thing I knew I was sitting up in my bed and the lights were on. I was watching a 3DMV Project Sekai song featuring Mafuyu and Mizuki, focusing more on their voices than the models. Their singing was quite vivid, at first I mixed up their voices but soon was able to identify them. Mafuyu's was less soft than usual and vibrating quite a bit, while Mizuki's was deeper than usual. I thought they didn't sound as good as they normally do but oh well.

      My mom came into the room and startled me (my door was on the left instead of the right for some reason). She was wearing a pink wig and a Lolita dress though I didn't notice this in the dream. She was concerned and a bit annoyed by my scared reaction but eventually must have left because next thing I knew I was trying to do WILD to meet up with J in a dream, only for her to come in again and interrupt me! She started talking to me about something unimportant and I was like, "Can we talk about this later, I'm trying to meet up with J in a dream right now." She didn't really get it but eventually left me alone.

      I tried again, and this time some very intense auditory hypnagogic hallucinations kicked in right away. [It's worth noting that auditory HI is the main type I get, I even entered a lucid dream from it one time.] I could vividly hear in my head the hustle and bustle of a mall, a food court it seemed like, and voices talking behind me, that of a small child standing out. I even felt sleep paralysis setting in which excited me because I knew that meant I was close to sleep. (I also felt my face sink into my arm which bothered me, but I wasn't going to risk moving.) I hoped I would find myself in a mall when I drifted off, and then I'd go to J's house to meet up with her.

      Well, wouldn't you know it, when I opened my eyes, I was in a mall! Not a food court—I was lying down on some pool chair in front of an internal balcony—but still! Was I lucid though? No! Somehow I thought I had been attempting WILD in the mall and had stopped because a blond lady interrupted me before I fell asleep. She somewhat resembled my IB ESS teacher Mrs. B and was next to my chair, fiddling with something on a stand next to me.

      "My gosh!" I exclaimed in an exasperated yet excited tone. "I was so close just now, I had super loud hypnagogic hallucinations, I even got sleep paralysis for the first time- well, I noticed it for the first time."

      The blond lady had an abnormally large, gap-toothed smile and said something about never having experienced sleep paralysis either. There was an ant crawling out the side of her mouth onto her cheek and I stared at it but didn't say anything. She lifted her hand to her face and I don't know if she picked it up or if it just fell onto her hand, but it ended up in her palm somehow and transformed into an amalgam of a bee and a cockroach. I am terrified of bees in real life and it was only now that I got a little freaked out, pointing at it as if she weren't aware of it. She tossed it in my general direction and I immediately woke up.


      When I opened my eyes I had the sense that the beeroach was somewhere on my sheets and had a hypnopompic hallucination for the first time in years. I used to have them occasionally when I was younger and had a nightmare... for some reason they only seemed to happen when I had a bug nightmare. I don't consider this a nightmare but I saw a giant, brown, wispy ant crawling on the sheets in front of me nonetheless. I was a tiny bit afraid but knew it wasn't real. I closed my eyes until I knew it would be gone, then wrote down my dream.

      Funny thing is it was around 4:15 when I woke up, so I was only sleeping for about 20 minutes. When I finished writing down my dream it was 4:40 and I tried to sleep again even though I felt pretty alert... it took me an hour before I did. I know because I heard my mom getting ready for work downstairs, which she starts doing at 5:30-ish. During that time I was attempting SSILD but forgot what you're supposed to do after going through the cycles [turns out it's just "try to fall asleep"...], so as a last ditch-effort I tried WILD again, repeating "J's house, J's house" in my head and imagining us meeting up. Before I knew it, I was in a dream!


      Dream #2 (Regular):
      I was in fact in J's house, though I wasn't lucid. Visually it was a mix of my house, J's house, another friend's house, and some random house, but functionally it was just J's house.

      I entered a dark room and found J's twin sister L lying down on a mattress, a TV in front of her. She had "HELP ME" scrawled in blue ink all over her left arm and I (falsely) remembered J telling me that she'd done it because she was stressed out about the upcoming exams. On the TV was a video made by some History YouTuber. He was answering whether he was a pessimist or an optimist and said something along the lines of, "Well objectively from my content I may seem like a pessimist, but the answer's a bit more complicated if you take a deeper look into my complex psyche!"

      I sat on the mattress behind her and watched as the camera flipped up to the ceiling and a woman sobbing could be heard, as well as a screaming child in the background. I was very confused why he would upload his personal life on YouTube, wondering if he was abusive, or if she was abusive, or if she was being dramatic and scaring the kid, or if it was all some twist that he would clear up at the end. I never found out though because I left the room. I started to close the door but L didn't want me to, and besides the mattress was in the way.

      I was now walking through the living room and picked up a gray frog stuffed animal, which I think was S's (another friend), then threw it back on the floor. In the dream it was around 5:30 and I assumed my mom must have left for work because she wasn't there (I don't know why she would be at J's house anyway but whatever), and wondered where J&L's mom was. At this point I "remembered" a part of some dream and wanted to write it down, but my dream journal was upstairs so I decided to do it later. I also knew J was upstairs and thought about waking her up but knew she'd be mad.

      So instead I enjoyed being the only one up in an empty and quiet house in the early hours of the morning. I skipped into the kitchen area... and suddenly found it impossible to keep moving. I fell forward and immediately woke up.


      Here are some quick sketches of the dream scenes:
      Knowledge Base?-unnamed-1-.jpg

      It was 6:03 when I woke up so again, I couldn't have been asleep for very long. These dreams were more vivid than usual, maybe because they were so short, or because I was trying so hard to meet up with J. If you're wondering, J did not recall any dreams in the morning so I guess we can say the reason I never got to see her is because she didn't keep up her end of the deal

      P.S. I know I said a couple days ago that I wouldn't include my semi-lucid dream in my LD count, but I change my mind. The lucidity level was very low, even my awareness level was lower than in these dreams, but it was a lucid dream nonetheless so I will go back on my word and add it (I love that emoji.)

      Updated 04-12-2023 at 11:33 PM by 99938

      non-lucid , memorable
    12. 61 Points Relaxation Technique (Article by Howie)

      by , 03-16-2023 at 06:14 PM (Dreamlog)
      Original post taken from Howie in the Articles Section (https://www.dreamviews.com/wiki/The-...tion-Technique). Copying it here for my reference to improve meditation and WILD capabilities.

      1. 61 point relaxation technique

      This figure illustrates 61 points on the body. To do this exercise, you need to memorize the sequence of points. (This is not difficult, because the points are arranged in a simple pattern) They begin at the forehead, travel down and up your right arm, then across to your left arm, down to your torso, down and up your right legs, then back up your torso to the forehead.

      2. Focus your attention on one point at a time
      Begin at your forehead, focus your attention between your eyebrows and think of the number one. Keep your attention fixed at point one for several seconds until you feel that your awareness of the location is clear and distinct. Think of yourself being located at this point. Before moving on to the next point, you should feel a sense of warmth and heaviness at this spot.

      3. Move through each point in sequence
      In the same manner, successively focus your attention on each of the first thirty-one points. Proceed slowly, and imagine you self being located at each point as you reach it. Feel the sense of warmth and heaviness before moving on. Do not allow your mind to wander. At first you may find this difficult to do: you will find that at times you suddenly will forget that you are doing the exercise and start daydreaming or thinking about something else. IF you lose your place, return to the beginning or the last numbered point you attended to, and continue. Practice with thirty-one points until you can attend to them all in sequence without daydreaming or losing track.

      4.Extend your practice to include all sixty-one points
      When you can attend to thirty -one points in sequence, repeat steps 1 and 2 with all sixty-one points. Practice this until you can do all points without losing your focus. Now you are ready to use this exercise with lucid dreaming induction techniques.

      This technique was acquired from Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming, by Stephen Laberge and Howard Rheingold. ( Figure was adopted by Exercise without movement by Swami Rama [Himalyan Institute, Honesdale, PA.])
    13. WILD Attempt & Zelda Prediction: It's Bad

      by , 02-25-2023 at 06:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      Up at about 4:30AM for a WBTB. No recall from earlier in the night. I've just taken the supplements below for the first time. I'll be back to record later. First impression: Choline smells terrible. Like fishy terrible.

      Update: Laid in bed for a long time. GF's regular weekday alarm went off by mistake a couple times and messed up my rhythm. Eventually I relaxed enough to start feeling WILD vibrations. I got all the way through the process of "going through the wormhole", and I could see a dream in a tiny pinhole at the end. It was my childhood home. I could see my old PC monitor with Runescape on it, but the dream was black around the edges. I forgot that I needed to 'grab' the dream and I missed my opportunity.

      I find myself in my bed and I think to do a nose RC. I can breathe through my nose so I know I'm dreaming. I start to rub my hands together, spin, and demand that the dream stabilize. It doesn't do much, and it feels very unstable and groggy. I try to leave my bedroom but the dream fades. I have a few more false awakenings with similar results. At one point I did spin and see some marked improvement in quality, but not enough to try and pursue a dream goal. I was trying to go to a forest and explore the dream environment.

      I'm in something similar to a fast-food restaurant playscape. There is a pool resort nearby. Sunny day and all that. Looks like a dope vacation spot actually. I'm crawling through the tube tunnels, and eventually come out the other side. There is a group of people playing the upcoming Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom, on an outdoor TV setup. It is lagging really bad. I'm upset about it being this bad. I wake or otherwise recall nothing beyond this point.

      Regarding the supplements. I did notice a bit of a headache during the attempt (and now still), as well as some stomach discomfort. I felt my heart beating faster but that is most likely attributed to the WILD experience itself. Nothing earth-shattering but thought I should note it.

      Hoping for better results next time. I will say that this is the first time in a long time that I've actually felt the WILD vibrations, tiny victories I guess.

      Supplements: Primary Trigger Combination (1st Attempt)
      Galantamine: 8mg
      Choline Bitartrate: 250mg

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-25-2023 at 06:05 PM by 99808

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    14. Finally an LD!! - Winter Competition 2022 Night 11

      by , 12-12-2022 at 07:29 AM
      WILDed into my old bedroom and went to the window to check if it was indeed my old bedroom. "Oh yeah" I thought as soon as I saw the familiar scenary. I didn't remembre my tasks all that well, so I went with the piano playing which I knew was a thing but didn't remember wasn't the 3 step task anymore.

      So I went to the living room, sat at the piano and tried to play something cool. However, nothing good came out and I ended up quickly giving up. Then I went to the kitchen where my sister was playing on her computer. I asked her for some piano advice but she kind of avoided the question and asked me to help her install something on her PC. I helped a bit and then went to the kitchen balcony, which was significantly bigger than it is IWL.

      I looked at the sky and it was slightly cloudly, cool and humid and I thought it would be a perfect day to fly. However I wasn't feeling super confident, nor was I feeling like jumping out of the 7th floor, so I decided to test for super strength instead and started punching the wall. Nothing much happened to the wall itself but at the 2nd or 3rd punch it seemed like the wall "stepped back" slightly. I tried to do it again but to no avail.

      Next up I remembered the electronic device task, so I headed back to the living room, where my two versions of my cat were. I petted both of them for a bit and then grabbed my phone. Everything seemed normal I opened the music app which seemed to have every tune I have ever listened to. I played one of them, and it started playing an album I hear often, which coincidentaly I actually have on my phone IWL.

      Finally I decided to go the neighbours place to see if I could find the Unigine Valley there (going through their door has led to some weird places before). As I was leaving my house I remember the expression "the writing is on the wall" and try to think it would be cool if there was writing on the wall in the corridor when I went out through my front door. And sure enough, there it was. On the left wall of the corridor, in a very faint, light red color it was written "writing on the wall". Kinda neat, uh? (except for the part where it was written in red, I kinda felt like it was blood).

      Anyways, I knocked on my neighbours door, but before they had time to answer I noticed to my right a room which had two grand pianos and a smaller keyboard instrument which was clearly supposed to be a min church organ. I sat at the organ and started playing Toccata in D minor by Bach (I can't actually play this IWL, so this was all just me thinking the sound and moving my hands randomly, and the sounds came out). Then the neighbours came rushing into the room, slightly angry. I started playing Autumn Leaves and they apparently had no choice except to groove along. One sat down at a piano and the other pulled out a saxophone and we just jammed. Great fun! Worth noting that I had to purposely not look at the keys for otherwise the illusion that I actually could play would be broken.
      Tags: wild
    15. My Gals

      by , 10-12-2022 at 07:55 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      4:00 PM
      My Gals WILD

      I am half asleep during a nap and I realize I might be able to inter a dream. I feel like my eyes are closed and don't want to accidentally open my real eyes so I pull my eyelids open with my dream fingers and see a dark hallway.

      I am in my childhood home like I am at the start of most of my lucids even though I haven't lived there in a long time. I walk into the family room and see my girlfriend is laying on the couch! I decide to try summoning Juliana too so I reach my hand back behind me and feel her hand. I pull her forward and get a glimpse of Juliana before I get to excited and wake up.
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