Pre-WBTB Dream Fragment I'm back at J's playing board games. We're playing a tabletop RPG and my character's background is similar to Harry Potter's. Car Coyotes I'm driving down Joy road back at my hometown. There is a huge traffic jam, cars lined up, with police lights blaring in the distance. Not sure why. Maybe a crash? There's a barricade up further and, through the way the lines of cars have aligned, I can't help but driving directly to the barricade. I'm wondering what this is about when two coyotes start jumping and snarling up toward my window. I have my windows down about halfway because of my A/C problems, so the coyotes are just barely out of biting range. The police up ahead pay me no attention. I notice I have passengers. One small coyote manages to squeeze through the window crack and enter the car. My body has frozen up, so I can't react to the coyote or try to close the window so more don't get in. More get in. I start to worry about rabies. The other passengers are trying to get the coyotes out, but they are small and hard to track. Post-WBTB Dogfight in the City I'm in a space dogfight in the city. My brother and I are on the same team. We are flying Arwings from the Starfox series. Sky is purple and dark. Might have been some green lightning. Epic type of scene. I need to fly into the repair bay to get fixed up after finishing the battle. Maybe it was the Great Fox. When I get in, I get radioed that the enemy has another sneak attack and they need me. They tell me I need to get into a different Arwing. I find one and start to takeoff. My view changes to 3rd person and now I'm flying the Millennium Falcon. Next thing I know the combat is completed and I'm chilling with my team in the foyer area of the main ship. I'm searching the fridge for some food. There is a couch opposite the fridge, and some friends are noting that they may have messed up where things are in there. While scrolling through the futuristic interface to get food, I see some raunchy art photos. I don't say anything and just scroll past them. I eventually move some shelves around and find some cheese stick and pretzel snacks. Image generated with Nightcafe AI.
Updated 03-15-2023 at 04:10 AM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my mom's neighborhood, behind her apartment building. I watch as a bunch of big rats climb each tree at the hill behind the building and destroy them in seconds. I make noise trying to disperse them, but I just delay the process. Someone starts screaming and I see rats trying climbing all over her. These rats are really dangerous. I get inside my car worrried about it, but I leave as I am heading to my old univeristy. My former colleagues are all there studying math for an exam and they wonder why I left the university. I wonder to. I go talk to a former teacher and bring some papers with me. I try to explain what I have been working on and that I left university in part due to my autism diagnostic. I expect some understanding but instead I get some some ugly remarks from her. and so I decide to leave. But she trigerred my stims and I am feeling uncomfortable that others might notice it. A friend joins me and we get in the car together. We notice more situations with rats out of control. We get home, which is a kind of loft with an attic that we share with a bunch of people. From the window we see absolute madness of rats everywhere attacking people and invading houses. I remember that the windows in the attic are open, I go close them. We all stay really quiet and silent, waiting for something to happen. One of the girls comes in with a bite in her arm. She later becomes rabid and attacks another girl. Meanwhile, outside people are starting to bit other people. I realize we have a zombie attack going on and we must leave the city now. But I am really concerned that it might be too late.
Found myself getting out of bed and walking to the door as I could hear someone knocking. I check the peep hole and see no one. Once I open the door there was two men with construction apparel with something in their hands. I tried to shut the door on them and eventually succeeded. Only for one of them to saw the door down with unusual ease. I began running to the window and thought "oh well, rather a few broken bones than to die" I jump out the window and hit the ground hard. I was stunned to find out I had taken no damage. I then became lucid and started running fast, I could see I was in a different country. I could sense the two men as they were harassing another person who was living in the apartment complex. I then found myself waking up in my bed. I assume I lost my lucidity and began to start my day. As I went to put my shirt on there was a knock on the front door. I immediately felt tense, I felt a feeling of familiarity. I went to the door in the same motion I did in the dream. I check the peep hole and again saw no one. The door open by itself and I said "No! Deja Vu" I became lucid again and got tired of this and decided I wanted to wake up. I wasn't much a fan for false awakenings and this would usually kill my excitement for LD's. I close my eyes and jump out the window with the intent to wake up. I felt my body hit the concrete and then my consciousness disappeared. I then woke up in my bed , feeling paranoid. "Am I awake?" I told my self. I look around and I could sense the environment. I knew I was still in a dream. I began to worry why I couldn't wake up. I knew my physical body was very exhausted from yesterday so may be I am in deeper sleep than I thought. But at this point all I wanted was to wake up. I jump out the window one more time and kept saying wake up. I spin and went to the ground. It was difficult to open my eyes, but I woke up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Staying at school for several days without going home. But then a storm is coming and I decide to get on the 1st transportation home not to get stuck even more days. My animals are home alone and I am not sure they have sufficient food or water of it the storm won't cause damage in my home. On the way, I go buy some more food and water for everybody and somehow end up debating with some lady with a baby, who has a bigger load of work of the two of us: her with the baby or me with all my pets. We agree to disagree. Riverstone's brother calls me, insists I have to come to his place and taste something he is brewing in the pantry. I say better not but I do taste some sort of nachos on a sauce that he prepared. He insists I taste the other thing so I go look for it at the pantry. From a window I see a couple dudes touching an unresponsive cat at a café entrance. They seem to want to pick him up but does not seem like they have something good in their mind. So I go there and push them aside and pet the cat. He reacts and slowly gets up. The guys get pissed at me for interfering and I get defensive and literally fight the smaller one. They back off a bit but come back again. All of a sudden I start feeling weird, reality perception altered and I think they drugged me somehow. I look at them and they become whiter and whiter, like beings made of porcelain with perfect white bodies, no hair and no clothes. I am apparently going through a similar transformation. They drag me to my home. The feeling is very harmonious and loving and everything looks beautiful, but I haven't forgot who they are and what the situation was before so I become defensive when they both grab me and I realize they want to rape me and drugged me so I let my barriers down. I struggle and I become wrathful. I growl and spit fire and climb walls to get out of their range. They admit they expected me to cooperate and that now they will have to be rough with me. But I grow bigger and stronger and I resist and lock myself in the kitchen. They talk to me through the door trying to reason me out. Once the drug effect is gone we actually have a conversation and they seem to become aware of their actions and apologize and say they want us to become friends. I explain we ain't friends. They say they have time. Diogo Faro (a comedian) is in my house. We're both in bath robes like we're very intimate, but actually we're still strangers to each other and I am trying to break the ice while I cook something in the kitchen. We talk and we become friends. He invites me to come to his next shows 5 days in a row. I ask if I can go to only one or if are they all different. He says they're different. I complain it's probably too costly for me but I'll try to go to at least one. Then he asks what other comedians I like and I say I love Jon Stewart but no way he is coming to our country and I hope someday to see a show with Jon Oliver. Then a friend of his comes to pick up Diogo. While they talk I notice one of my windows is not well fit in the framework and I try to fix it. I explain to them I already had a problem with a window falling to the ground floor once and that luckily nobody was hit by it. Then his stupid friend knocks the window down just for fun. It falls down several floors. We hear screams at the ground floor and I think the worst just happened. I kick the guy out from my home and Diogo is a gentleman and takes my side and tells his friend what an asshole he is. He stays in my apartment as I go downstairs to check it out, not without first grabbing the other guy by the neck and tell him he needs to pay damages and take responsibility for injuries on likely victims. But he scrambles. I reach the street level and there is a beach party going on at the entrance of the building, which is an apartment tower by the sea. I look for any sign of someone hurt and nobody is complaining, all looks normal. I check cars in the park and none seems broken. There is an abandoned dog in the park which breaks my heart but some ladies seem to take an interest and do not leave his side, so I believe they'll help him. I move on and go a bit more to the side where there is a garden and apparently the window fell there. No person was harmed but little elves live on that garden and one of them got scared when the window fell near him and he accidentally cast a spell on a lady nearby. He gave her the body of a fat beaver but kept her human head. Everybody freaks out when they see her. I am with Riverstone at DMV or something, dealing with some documentation. He goes somewhere else while I wait in line, so we don't waste so much time, but he takes my backpack to put in a locker nearby. Unfortunately I leave my phone inside. Then I meet 3 girls who seem to want to bond with me, they want to exchange contacts and I don't have my phone. I tell them to wait that I'll get it but they leave anyway and for a second I feel sad like "I thought we had connected". Anyway, I start looking for those lockers and realize I am in a gigantic hub of services and transportation, an endless maze of corridors with access to trains and subways, with counters of different services along the way. I become mesmerized by an ecosystem of tiny crustaceans that seem to inhabit some old carpet under a counter of some public service and I lay on the ground just admiring how they attract flies on silky sticky strings and then eat them and communicate with one another through the strings. But I need to move on and I go randomly in the direction I think is the correct one. I reach some escalators. There is a normal one to the right, one coming down on the left and one in the center with strange smaller steps and colors. I take that one. On reaching the top there is a guy that looks out of Street Fight and a cage where I am supposed to get in as he yells that I have taken the challenge and now I must compete. I am scared about what kind of competition it is. If I'll be dropped in an arena to fight. So I skip it and jump to a sidewalk exiting the place. Then I see the competition was a life size Mario Kart race and I regret so much having skipped it. I then chose to explore what other games are there and step into an interior amusement park. Each room is home to a game or arcade and there are kids and adults playing. I spot a friend going into a room so I follow her but then lose sight of her. I see another entrance to a darker room, seems like a movie theater, but people sit relaxed in groups around tables and they are eating. There is popcorn and candies everywhere and apparently one can eat all it wants. I grab popcorns to the left and right, there are levels and levels of shelves with displays full of sweets. It's truly the dream for any kid or glutton. Then I spot some employee looking at me and making me signs to leave and I realize I had to pay an extra ticket to be there and be able to eat. I just leave with some kind of sweet on a stick. I hear beautiful music inside a room that looks like the palace of Versailles and I dance happily until I hear some voice saying "take that girl outta there". I notice I am behind an orchestra playing to a select audience and I get out from there discreetly. Then I am busted by some Arabs who apparently are with my dad on some lunch meeting. He had spotted me and they felt compelled to meet me. They make fun of my previous fail and invite me to join them just to upset my dad. They ask me what's that I have on a stick and I say some kind of marshmallow, not sure. But they turn it around and becomes evident that it is a pigs head on the stick. I am horrified and they are disgusted. They take it away from my hands. At my farm and a bunch of family members is there. My grandpa is there and my mom and my aunt are taking care of him. My dad, my cousin Sara and maybe her brother are also there. An ambulance is coming with the sirens on and we all think it can only be a mistake because everybody is ok. But they still park the ambulance and the nurses come out in the direction of the gate.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I have a broken window and my cat Yéti escapes to outside. I go get him. A storm is coming and my mom screams when a thunder bangs at distance. I go back inside. Besides my actual cats, we have dozens more weird cats in the house. One is purple. Two black ones look like alien pigs. Also there is a nasty dog growling at mom. I growl back at him and he goes away. I put everybody and the cats on a bus and we go on a trip. A yellow cat gets out of the bus at some stop we make and doesn't want to come back inside. Seems to adopt a service station we stopped at. He finds other cats there he connects to. I accept him wanting to stay there. When I am ready to go away, I find a strange vase in the bus, with a message and a flower bouquet. I open the paper to read the message and the bouquet starts beeping and smoking. I tell everyone to run as it seems to be a bomb. It kind of explodes, but not a deadly blast, instead, it releases a swarm of tiny drones that first form a heart shape, but then start hunting us down. Most of them are locked on me. Others disperse and shoot at everyone else. I run into a building nearby, seems like a mall. The door is made of glass and does not lock on the inside. I managed to take cover inside and close it behind me, but someone else comes in and the drones take advantage of it and come inside too. I ask a Japanese girl where is the bathroom and she points me to a cabin on a corridor to the left. It's one of those Japanese public restrooms with glass walls that get opaque when we lock them from the inside. But it has some malfunction and the wall confining to the next toilet does not get opaque. A Japanese man comes in to the next stall and also realizes it. We try several things, then he says he is there just to nap anyway and clicks some button that pops out a small bed from a cabinet. I say I also just want to hide for a while, so I pull down the bed too and plan on staying there for some time. But the door keeps unlocking and opening, so at some point, I decide to get out and keep moving. I spot some drones looking for me, one comes face to face with me, identifies me and calls for backup. I open another door, it's a pediatrics clinic and a lady there finds weird that I have no baby with me, but I push my way in. I can watch through a window that outside one drone catches some dude that was not even part of my group and injects something on him. Then a kind of larvae comes out of his eye and soon his entire head is ripped apart by growing tentacles that attach to the wall with suckers, leaving his body hanging in there while being engulfed by the alien being. I decide again to face the drones outside and gather all my Jedi skills to avoid all their hits and knock them all down. I even rip them apart with my bare hands. Then I call for my friends and tell them to come out from their hiding places, because I've disarmed the swarm. They come and we gather around dozens of destroyed drones on the floor.
Not a lucid but two nights ago I had a nightmare, I was in my room at my dad's old house, and I was lying upside down and when I looked up there was a scary girl with dark hair like in the ring. This morning, I had SP, I kept thinking I was going to imagine something scary into my room but nothing came, I was struggling to lift my arms, I could feel them detaching slightly. Random note, I'm starting to think it's messed up that when I'm caught in those situations, the immediate thought isn't "it's hard to breathe" but it's "please don't imagine something scary coming into the room." I had a chain of lucids as well, I'm having trouble recalling all of them though. It seemed like in each one there wasn't a dream sign that made my realize I was dreaming, the first one I was kinda just like 'oh wait this is a dream' and then went into a lucid, and then the rest were me going back into dreams with a slight awareness that turned into a lucid. In one of the lucids I was in what looked like a diner but was a bit bigger, the floor was checkered black and white. There was a person behind a circular counter. I turned to them and said "tell me a joke" and then they just started saying "plane crash plane crash plane crash" over and over, I shrugged and turned to another guy and said the exact same thing and then he said "plane crash plane crash plane crash." I turned to a guy and asked him to tell me a joke and he starts explaining a joke but it was like the words were rearranged in the sentences and it sounded really strange like he was saying random words out of order. I turned to a waitress walking by (it actually may have been a robot waitress) and asked her to tell me a joke, and she explodes into this really intricate joke that sounds more like an elaborate story but the dream faded. In another lucid I'm inside my friend Will's old house, I start thinking "okay this is a dream" and rubbing my hands together to feel the friction. I then start doing math, 1+1 =2, 2+2 = 4 etc. There are people in the house walking around and I'm like "hey guys this is a dream" and people are kinda just looking at me and then going about their business, it feels like if you tell somebody something and it should elicit a reaction but they aren't really listening but instead are nodding and smiling. I turn towards a window overlooking a lake. I decide I'd like to go through it, so I put my hand up to the glass and I merge through the glass and out to the backyard. At some point I'm in a parking lot and it's dark outside. I start rubbing my hands together to feel friction. I then think that it's too dark out and I'd like to make it day time. There are giant trees in front of me over a moonlit sky in my view. I shout 'ILLUMINATE!' but it doesn't turn to day, it just gets a little bit brighter. I shout "CLARITY NOW!" and it gets a little bit brighter but it almost was like a strange filter got put on my sight, like it was still nighttime but there was now a purple and green hue on the outlines of trees and clouds in the sky. I take note of the weird colors and then look around. There are a bunch of random people from different directions running together into a single path. I jump over a row of bushes and down a set of concrete steps with railings next to them and bushes. I see people running on a concrete/brick path which takes a left and then curves right next to a row of buildings. Thinking back this was probably inspired by the quad at my university. I think to myself I wonder if I could imagine Liz into the lucid. I see someone in the pack of runners who looks like her from behind. I start running and weave in between people, I start doing math out loud to try to stabilize the dream 3x3=9. When I get near her I grab her shoulder and she turns around but instead of her it's vic g. from my high school and she's wearing pink and blue makeup. I stand there in confusion as runners shove past us up the path.
Really bad headache last night, but had some semi-lucid dream as I fell asleep. Haven't been making note of dreams very much in the last few days on account of going through a phase of being too tired on waking and too many mornings having their routines disrupted. Edit: Somehow nearly forgot an important detail here; While I was in bed trying to fall asleep I did try to incubate dreams about working on my paintings again, my thoughts on this passed fairly early on and I got distracted with other thoughts, getting somewhat vivid music and other sleep cues instead but I suppose the lucid dream did relate directly to the incubation intent. I thought I'd try working on the incubation anyway because of my headache, and it did help to distract me from it. Lucid fragment (on falling asleep): I didn't notice the transition from wakefulness to dream imagery but I was in a bigger version of our front room. It was day time, my paints and the table I keep them on were there and I remember the big window. I don't think the canvas I've been working on was there. I half realised I was dreaming and walked or ran forward into the room, towards the opposite wall, which is a corner where I keep a bunch of my stuff for painting, but in the dream context it's like there would be a door there or something, even though I couldn't see it yet; I carried out some hand checks as I moved even though I was already in a type of lucidity but the stability started to go pretty quickly and I lost my half-lucid state. Sort of faded away in terms of recall after that. The only thing I remember after that is a gap of nothingness and then some dreams from the morning, that again I didn't turn into notes.
Updated 03-21-2020 at 02:15 PM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening It's the 30s or 40s. I am in a family that is part of some resistance. We are at a central station trying to get a train to somewhere and some policeman recognizes us. We are at some subterranean level and we find some stairs going up. I push my family members upstairs and try to block the stairs with something to gain time, then follow them. I hear shots but fortunately no bullet hits me. At the most upper floor there is a library or office with a large framed window with access to outside (it is actually ground floor). The window is very high and we need to climb bookshelves to get there. There are no doors connecting elsewhere and the window has no possibility of opening. I look for something heavy and I can only find a rotary phone that I pull and take with me. Our chasers are already inside the office but I manage to break a corner of the window, 2 or 3 framed squares, enough for us to glide outside. It's almost a one floor high but we manage. Some passersby see us but seem not to care. I spot some police or military not so far away but we mingle with other people and they don't seem to be looking for us. We need to turn at a nearby street but we walk instead of running to avoid attracting attention. We look for shelter as soon as possible to get out of the street. Meanwhile, throughout our several hideout attempts there are several tornados forming and we run from them through the streets and look for hideouts that can resist the winds. Most of the places we enter are modern buildings full of glass walls and glass ceilings, open spaces that offer no protection and no underground levels. It is frustrating. Then we find at some kind of terminal a small concrete cubicle at a corner, where an old very poor couple lives, with no roof or windows, just a concrete box and we kinda invade their home and try to explain to them why and hope they don't get too mad.
Updated 10-09-2019 at 10:04 PM by 34880
I am with Dad at his house. I think it looks mostly the same, but the view out of the front window is different. Instead, there is a view of a slight desert ravine or at least some fairly steep desert hills. There is nothing but sand, rock, and sagebrush until a very tiny patch of what looks like buildings on the very far horizon. In a corner of the house opposite the window there is some machine, no bigger than a small couch, that apparently launches missiles/bombs. I think there is an atom bomb, a hydrogen bomb, and a magnet bomb? The last is the smallest, but still a very serious bomb. One of the larger bombs, still a long, thin cylindrical shape that fits on the device, is loaded and ready to be sent to Russia. I think this must have been Dad’s idea, and it is all very nonchalant. It has been launched out through the open front window now, and I am waiting. After a while, I see dark clouds forming on the horizon. They aren’t really black, but look more like storm clouds. After these clouds form, I see dense, white smoke. It is coming this way, slowly, from my vantage point. The sunlight seems to dim here now, and I look again at the approaching white smoke. The mass is travelling up the hills, and I know it won’t stop for us. The ravine’s length is quickly becoming consumed; it is moving a bit faster than I thought possible at this distance. I fear it might break the window, so I turn away and move towards the kitchen. In an instant, the light is drained, looking like there is an eclipse or total, dark cloud cover. It is only the smoke though, as I hear it pass over the house with an airy impact, like a plane passing through clouds. I see it cover the far windows and pass seemingly slower than it came. I wonder what Russia looks right now, what city had the most impact, what history has been completely erased or rewritten. I then wonder who will retaliate and send a bomb to the US, thinking it inevitable. I think about dying like that, and it is not something I want. It all feels too real.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am at an underground labyrinth looking for Dragon Balls. I spot a couple of them moving in different ways through corridors. I follow one direction, with a long corridor ending in huge stairs. It is very dark, so I imagine some lights illuminating the stairs, but not much light comes on. When I reach the top of the stars, I see a torch burning but it still is dark. Then a lady android, 2 meters tall, blocks my path and drags me down. I get rid of her, but she keeps going after me. I go around this place, which now looks like a vintage hotel. I find a kid and a guy, who are husband and daughter of the android lady (also androids). They also want to catch me, but I escape flying. I find a room with two human kids, surprised to see me. They ask me to hide, they are afraid the androids will come and see me. They suggest I go out the window and hang on the ledge outside. It's an old building with heavy wooden frames and it is possible to pass from window to window holding on to the wooden ledges. So I go watch other windows. I see other kids on other rooms. They are desperate to share messages. One girl delivers me a message, says some names and that I have to tell whomever that such and such must do whatever. At daylight I go back inside the building disguised as cleaning lady. It doesn't work so well. There is an android receptionist who is not fooled, but she is very slow reacting, so I run inside and hide under a table. Then I find a big hall where all the kids are sitting at round tables, cheerful. I deliver them the message from the girl before and they thank me. Then I have to hide again as androids join in. Later, when they leave, I sit with the kids and eat what seems fried fish. In front of me I see Trevor Noah and we have to share the same glass of water, because there is no other glass available. I joke about it and he seems to feel more awkward than gross.
I dreamed about using the magic system I'm currently designing for my novels. I used it to hide it from people who I knew that had betrayed me (not sure what the context was). I teleported behind a stage curtain using my visualization and logical sequencing that I've been working on; I can't remember if there was an incantation or not. But there should be once I finish it. I also flew. And I made windows in walls to escape from when they didn't previously exist. It was the night and very beautiful. At one point, when someone was trying to harm me, I used my magic and his hand went right through me. They were convinced that I was about to die, or possibly a ghost. It was super cool and pumped me up to keep working on it!
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Mom's windows of her front balcony are once again wrongly inserted and dangerously dangling. I try to fix it before any strong wind hits, but two of them drop from the 4th floor to the ground below. No one is hit but it falls on two cars, which strangely suffer no harm. I am sort of an exchange student abroad. Visit some cute kindergarten where a friend works, then later I attend some classes. It's around Xmas time. There is a sale of arts and crafts and I break a few pieces by accident. I try to fix it, until I give up and apparently no one around cares that much. People are discussing math and other subjects, I think there is exam season coming. There are some snacks at a table and I see a huge dried fig I pick to eat. But I open it and it is full of ticks inside. Gross! I pick up some stones to squash the bugs when I look up and see what looks like two rainbows in the sky. I forget the ticks and reach for my phone to take a photo. Then they move and I see they are actually iridescent antennas. What? People start running on the streets, I hear a big noise and I see an ants head through the clouds, which aren't clouds but dust from debris. The ant is crushing the buildings as it walks. I run away too and I see more ants in different directions. We run for our lives. I reach areas where people are not yet aware of what's going on. There is a concert of classical music at a park with lots of families with kids. We try to warn but they don't understand and I just use the chance to go ahead of all them before they also start running. There is a lake and a canal leading to a river. I think about getting on a boat, but the only one I can get into has no key to start the engine. Then I spot some playboy in his boat and I try to get on board with him, but he actually decides to get out of the boat and walk away, taking the key. Meanwhile the ants seem to be approaching and I decide to just keep running towards the coast, I cross a train track and a train is stopped and some people are coming out of the train and seem to have organized among themselves and have a plan. They head for some empty condos by the river to stay the night and plan the next step. Apparently one of them has the key to some of the apartments. I join them, think it is better to be with a group who has plans or at least is organized. But they all speak Swedish. The only other foreign people is Tony from the show "Who's the boss?" who says he is Italian and doesn't understand what everybody is saying. I say I am Portuguese and also don't understand so we all start talking in English. Talking to some people about lucid dreams, my dad doesn't see the point and interest. I say it is a second life we all have and it is better when we live it with awareness. I say once I recalled 10 full pages of dream details on one single night. He gets a bit more interested and I say who wouldn't want to consciously fly and experience fantasies? Someone asks if I tried being with a dragon or turning into a dragon and I say yes.
Updated 01-31-2019 at 08:36 PM by 34880
Morning of October 24, 2018. Wednesday. Dream #: 18,937-01. Reading time (optimized): 1 min. Readability score (optimized): 60. My family and I (in my dream’s fictitious backstory), mostly as we appear now, had been living in Kampong Ayer, a Brunei water village, for about a year. Other than this fallacy, my conscious self identity is extant, though I am not lucid. There is a vague concern about my dream journals becoming damp, as there is a false memory that I keep them on the floor, where there are gaps in the floorboards directly over the water. However, I do not act upon these thoughts. While outside on the boardwalk, I notice that two of our curtains had moved out to the outside of the window and had become submerged in the water by about two inches. I also see a curved board on the outer wall, warped from dampness, about halfway up on the outer wall. The curved board is a literal, though indoor, real-life feature near our lounge room ceiling. It was caused by the indoor rainstorm when our roof was torn off in November of last year. Common strands: Melatonin mediation and circadian rhythm (The presence of water and its specific forms and dynamics is a temporal association with the sleep cycle) Literal dream space strand (Literal association with dreams while in the dream state, in this case, thinking about my dream journals) Curtains and window as a specific level of division between dreaming and waking (Common factor of subliminal awareness of being in the dream state, though I have often used curtains in lucidly and non-lucidly controlled dreams)
Night of September 22, 2018. Saturday. Reading time: 1 min 19 sec. Readability score: 66. I enter a typical sustained “preconscious as intruder” scenario within a dual dream. It is part of an atypical late evening nap. I am aware of where I am in bed, but not lucid. My youngest son is in the lounge room. An unfamiliar black boy (interconsciousness avatar of this dream) of about twelve is also present to his left, closer to the west window. They are watching television. An unknown man (preconscious avatar) is standing just outside the window (though I never see him). He is talking continuously. He seems to be bullying everyone in the lounge room as I watch from bed. The curtain covers much of the window, though not all of it. The boys move the curtain down more behind the bureau, and the man makes sarcastic comments about the act. I vaguely expect him to break the window, but there is no violence. Meanwhile, parts of another dream are unfolding. It is about a stick that ends up in various machines. Someone pulls a stick that was somehow stuck into the face of a DVD player (implied to be about where my wardrobe is, though the setting is ambiguous bilocation). When someone unknown pulls the stick out, the inside of the DVD player seems organic, with the essence of the inside of a human body. There is talk about the stick causing malfunctions in computers in part of a “Star Trek: Voyager” scenario. Robert Picardo’s head is atop a stack of motherboards in our kitchen and cheerfully looking at Tom Paris, who seems annoyed and puzzled. It seems the motherboards will eventually fuse and come together to form a human body. The last scene is my dream self trying to coalesce my thinking skills to become more aware, causing me to wake in this case. (I typically use reading text and technology features to augment dream self awareness, but I also used coins to do so in childhood.) Robert Picardo as my emerging consciousness avatar is pretty funny.
Night of September 1, 2018. Saturday. Dream #: 18,884-08. Reading time: 48 sec. I enter a light sleep, with the flu. I am sitting on our couch in reality. I hear knocking (three knocks each time) in two areas of my head over time. I remain aware of my liminal state. I am vaguely aware of the virtual division between the dream state and wakefulness, which forms as a sash window with no curtains. I am uncertain of the location. The room is mostly featureless. I get the impression of daylight through the window. I think about vestibular system correlation (and imaginary proprioception) and its role in waking starts. I sense preconscious activity and see Mary Poppins cheerfully looking in through the window. As I remain uncertain if I am on the first or second (or higher) floor, I do not know if she is hovering or standing. Vestibular personification is often associated with flight (when the discernment of my physical body is inviable or ambiguous). The instinctual anticipation of vestibular system correlation comes before the personification of it. In this case, I am aware of the process, though not deliberately creating the simulacrum’s identity. The relevance is that Zsuzsanna and I lived in Maryborough when we first met, where the author of “Mary Poppins” was born.
Updated 11-10-2019 at 06:57 AM by 1390