Morning of May 2, 2021. Sunday. Dream #: 19,858-02. 3 min 40 sec read. This dream begins with the same premise as a March 4, 2021 dream, though with different details and an unrelated outcome. In the previous dreaming experience, my mother gave me two American fifty-dollar bills and her bankbook. In this dream, she gives me one fifty-dollar note. I consider asking her for an additional ten dollars (imagining it as an American ten-dollar bill), but I do not. In both instances, I want the cash to pay some of what I owe my landlady. I had considered getting the additional ten dollars in this dream for food. Neither dream self version has any level of waking-life identity or recall, including any memory that my mother and landlady had died or that I have lived in Australia since 1994. Because I am sixty years old in real life, the supraliminal association with wanting sixty dollars may be the correlation in this case even though my dream self is only about twenty-five years old here. (I had established that because paper money is associated with being carried in a wallet that contains an identification card, it is a potential indicator of my imaginary dream self seeking my real-life identity to resolve the duality of the dream state. It is different with coins that I mainly summon to increase somatosensory awareness.) I teleport to the King Street mansion (boarding house) to give my landlady the fifty-dollar note. My metacognitive vestibular phasing response predictably corresponds with my dream's ongoing narrative. The staircase does not reach the second floor. Even so, I can maneuver to the door of my apartment that in this dream is the northeast corner room. An unknown male is living in the adjacent room. My dream, for a short time, becomes a typical haunting scenario. I summon an unseen ghost to move objects around for amusement. There are three responses with furniture moving on its own as my landlady watches. (Ghosts most often represent my metacognitive state, where my conscious self is incomplete and "haunts" the dream state, the fundamental reason why I summon hauntings other than for entertainment.) Eventually, I realize I need to get to my technical institute class. However, I do not have a good pair of pants. The blue jeans I am wearing now have large mustard stains on each leg. I try to come up with a way to wear my pants without the legs being visible, warping my physicality as a result. I float around above the missing part of the staircase, using my belt in different ways, and having my pants only come up to my knees. I then recall I may have clothes at my brother's house. I teleport to where Dennis (half-brother on my mother's side) lives. (The bedroom does not resemble anywhere either he or I ever lived in real life.) Another male, unknown, is present (though he vaguely reminds me of a man who lived in the King Street house for a time). I see about four pairs of my blue jeans, one on the bed and the others on the floor. I wonder if Dennis minds if I had left them here. He seems cheerful. As I try to put my pants on, I repeatedly cheerfully sing, "Red red wine goes to my head, red red wine goes to my head." I sway about in amusement. The other male, sitting on the left side of the bed, starts to sing a different line, but Dennis puts his finger to his lips to shush him. I soon wake. At least one dream from each sleep cycle for over 50 years has included my metacognitive concurrence with being asleep in a literal response (though my dreams are not symbolic in a conventional sense anyway). In this instance, it also has the anticipation of waking and putting on my blue jeans. The difference is that, in real life, my jeans were near the foot of our bed on the floor. In my dream, there were some on the right side of the bed on the floor. (As I have pointed out in thousands of previous entries, dreaming features are like this to avoid associations with waking life, the opposite of the majority of people, including "dream eperts," who are not metacognitive dreamers and consequently cannot ever understand why dreaming narratives are as they are.) The wakefulness simulacrum is sitting on the left side of the bed, and in reality, I sleep on the left side (though this is more about the metacognitive catalyst of the dream state above typical errors). Even so, Dennis shushes him as one does when someone is sleeping in the same room. This event has occurred in many past dreams since childhood with different narratives. So why "Red Red Wine?" There are several reasons, the first being the association with how dreams lack cognizance (and absence of intellect) and mind-body connectivity (REM atonia) as when drunk. The line "goes to my head" is a reference to dreaming. There is also a subliminal reference to the unsung line "Makes me forget that I still need her so" (the virtual amnesia of dreaming and how my waking-life identity is otherwise absent in this dream). Red is also a reference to the predominant waking-alert factor as well as blood. Additionally, Zsuzsanna had been focusing on a post on Facebook without me knowing. It was about wine (in a thread of enigmatic space that most people deny, yet is how I dreamt of Zsuzsanna long before we met in the first place).
I am returning some wine to Total Wine. It is a red wine, but it looks just like a six pack of bottles with a white film over them (like on a Guinness). I walk up to the large counter and hand them over, asking him if I can just tell him the ‘last four’ of my phone number. He says no, he needs the receipt, which is no problem; I take it from my pocket. It’s a long receipt, neatly folded. I notice that the name of the wine happens to be right along a crease. I think he doesn’t see it for a second because of this. He also makes a comment about the wine as he processes the return. He kind of looks like Kevin from work. I am wearing my black mask but notice that many aren’t wearing one, which makes me want to take mine off. Bailey is in the garage at Mom’s barking incessantly with no reason. Makayla and I both hear it and go out there. The garage is full of stuff. Makayla grabs Bailey by the snout, telling her she’s annoying and that she hates her. I tell Makayla that I just had a dream that Bailey was talking, which I am taking to mean that my dreaming mind knew Bailey was barking. I am outside with some others. It seems to be a class, and there is a projector and screen. It’s showing two rows of lockers, each against a wall in a hallway. The very first on the right side has some type of structural bolt on top of it. We are all drawing this. It is a video though, and I suggest we pause it on the scene we need, instead of letting it play like they’re doing. We pause it a few different times, none exactly where we need it. I then have the idea to hit the fast forward button while it is paused so that it’ll move one frame ahead. Now, I’m by a small concrete bridge. There is a steel bolt protruding from the side that has two wide, flat prongs so it can be turned. Melissa is here and either she or someone else asks me what it does. I say “I have no idea” but feel bad about myself because I think I really should know. I go ahead and tighten it a bit. Nothing bad happens, but I feel like it had the potential to make it collapse. I see Melissa adjusting the waist of her jeans and think that what I did somehow made her jeans get tighter. I awaken on what seems to be the bottom bunk bed in a boat. I’m on my back and facing a window. Through the blinds I can see the pre-dawn light. I know it is or is close to 5:30 am. I notice Dad walking past, getting things ready, probably for fishing. I feel fairly awake, possibly contributed to by his being up and around. He’s now asking if I want to come with him. Part of me wants to and part of me thinks I should say yes instead of my usual no. he says they’re exploring some cove? and that on the boat I can use the seat called ‘angel’s rest’? This is a tradition, I think. There is a middle aged man and his son, probably around four, sitting on a couch; they are coming also. I notice how similar the boy looks to his dad. I imagine us on a boat and him talking to me the most since I’m closest to his age. For some reason I also imagine him starting to drown and me being the one to save him. I now grab a plastic water bottle from a fridge and start to get ready.
Updated 07-04-2020 at 11:36 PM by 95084
I am in a garage (it kind of looks like the old house’s garage). On top of a shelf on the right side of the garage is a box that I think has two bottles of red wine in it. They are a generic, cheap kind (I think the two bottles were the price of one regular, decent bottle). I reach up and take the box down. I am trying to open one of the bottles, but whatever I’m doing causes the cork to crumble. I initially try to save it, but then just give in and let it crumble. I figure I will pour it slowly or even strain it to prevent the chunks of cork. Now, either in the bottle or the box there are what look like pumpkin seeds. I think I am scraping them away? Andrea from high school art class is here now, talking to me about the wine.
I walk up to a small bar counter in a small room. The room seems mainly to be for some standing space and the counter. I think there is a window with a view behind the counter or a little off to the side, adding some hazy sunlight. A few moments after I situate myself at the counter, a clean cut and conventionally attractive bartender turns his attention to me. He makes eye contact and lifts his chin as a way of asking what he can get for me. The menu seems to be hanging and is in two sections. Each option is a wine, but each is the name of a place. I tell him I see that the options are names of places and not varietals, and I ask what he would recommend given that. I am confident in what I am saying, but I’m still self conscious of my voice. There are people on either side of me, and it feels like their attention is on me and what I’m saying. The man asks what I’m looking for, and I say a white because of the hot weather. He asks what kind of flavors, and I say probably something more creamy than tart and something more sweet than not, but not cloyingly so. I end up saying quite a few flavors to where it still makes sense but is not very specific. He asks me to narrow it down, and I say ‘just not a red.’ he and the couple to my left start laughing. Self conscious, I ask what’s so funny. Amber from Sephora is here now and telling the man “babe, be nice.” I am in a smaller house that seems to only have basic furniture and no adornments. There is a couple that calls me (from the house across the street I think). The woman is describing a ‘medical emergency’ that really doesn’t sound like one. They want me to do something about it, but I’m trying to talk it down and get out of it. They still end up coming over here, into the bedroom I am in. the woman, with dark hair and eye makeup, starts reprimanding me about the nature of the ‘emergency’ and my reluctance to remedy it. It sounds like the guy, what is here but not saying anything, only scratched his finger, I think from the pin part on an EAS tag. I apologize, empathize, and just nicely tell her what she wants to hear. She’s fairly understanding but still comes off like she thinks she is so in the right. I let her think that but still think it’s puerile. They then leave, I think on good terms. I am in an unfamiliar city, on a bike. There are buildings either way I could go on this street. I know I need to go somewhere, but I’m not sure where and I’m not sure which way to go. I just follow my gut feeling and it turns out to be right. I am riding along the sidewalk, slightly downhill. It looks like the road is turning into a bridge over water. The sidewalk is divided down the middle by little white markers standing up. Everyone is to the right, and they all seem to be going slow. The bridge seems to be more of a flat expanse now, the road blending into the sidewalk, blending into a smaller barrier at the edge. We seem to be right at water level or just barely above it. The water is bright and clear, soft sunlight brilliantly reflecting upon it. The whole scene is beautiful and slightly surreal. For some reason, I think this is London.
I am pulling into a fast food drive through, I think a Del Taco. The curve is a little sharp, so I feel close to the curb, the menu, and the small table on the cement right by the menu. There is a lady sitting at the table, and I feel like she is looking at me. I pulled up too far past the first menu, but I can still mostly make it out; it has a list of red wines. I consider ordering a glass, but nothing seems too appealing. They all look to be $6 a glass, which I think is a good price. I now start speaking with the employee through the speaker box. She says something that I ask her to repeat, so she says it again - she’s telling me that she’s about to go home, I think implying that I should hurry up. I pull up to another speaker box? and quickly order instead of looking for something new, so I don’t hold her up. I order two of one thing and two chicken quesadillas.
I am outside, at what seems to be a beach, with Melissa, Brooke, and possibly Breezy. It is dark out, and there seems to be some sort of smaller event going on. There are some tables and bar counters, etc. I break off from them to go buy some shots, unannounced. I’m not really sure what to go; after talking to the bartender, I end up with two shots of ‘something fruity’. I can smell it, and it is fruity. I take them back to give to Melissa, but Brooke grabs them and takes them both at the same time. I’m now in a different area. There’s a nicely dressed guy here buying a bottle of something. I’m worried about money, but then remind myself to live a little. A bottle of fine German Riesling for only $126, he remarks, as if that’s a steal. I agree, but then start to think I’ve seen that for less.
I am in some house’s fairly small kitchen. There are a few others here. There is a tablet on the white tile counter; it’s playing the same show that’s on the TV (not coincidentally, but rather as if the tablet is streaming to the TV). A middle aged man wants to change what’s on the TV. The show will still play on the tablet though, so that’s fine with me. Sara is now offering me red wine. I think her and another girl already have a glass. I think Sara finishes a glass and pours more, not remembering she already had one or something like that. I think I finish a glass as well. She gives me more wine now, but this ‘wine’ is in a frozen yogurt bowl and has the consistency of gelato. I eat it with a spoon, and it’s quite good. It’s huckleberry pink in color. I see the container it comes in - one of those four packs of mini wine bottles. I imagine Sara at a store buying them. I am now in the backyard of this house. Dad and Makayla are out here (it looks a lot like our old house’s backyard). We’re setting up short A-frame nets with openings in the top that one tries to throw a disc through. We set them not too far apart. I toss the disc a few times. Makayla is standing pretty much right in front of the net, which stresses me out a little. I am at a library? picking up some records. They look used but still nice. A Dio record is on top, and the rest are metal as well. I’m pretty excited about them. Ian is here; we talk. It’s nice enough, but he’s still too opinionated for me.
I am in a room with Melissa, Alex, and their aunt Janet. The room seems large, dim, and empty. The walls look black. Despite this description, it doesn’t really convey any negative emotion. The three of them are huddled around, each holding some type of nozzle. Alex tells me to hurry and come over; he’s also counting down from 3. I hesitate, but go over in just enough time. I am handed a tube with a white, square nozzle. Everyone has one and starts drinking from theirs. I start drinking (the liquid seems to come out of one of the corners), and it is red wine. I realize they’re chugging a wine cooler (I see the box that the bag’s in). I’d rather have a glass, but go along with it. I don’t drink a ton though, as I have no desire to get drunk. Janet doesn’t stop for quite some time.
I have gone into a building for some sort of surprise party for me. It seems like a restaurant that has been reserved, just one big room. There is a man guiding proceedings as people show up. Melissa and Makayla are here, seated at the long, wood tables, their coats draped over the back of their chairs. Now, about ten people are here, and everything has been moved back against the walls. At the front of the room is a smaller wooden stage. It is very plain. Everyone stands in a circle in the floor space in front of it. I get the impression that we’re going to be running in a circle and jumping/doing tricks off the stage, but we don’t. I think we’ve been waiting for food too, but it never came. The group now moves down a hallway, and the place looks like an elementary school. I pass inlets in the wall that have some windows and rows of desks. There are pictures and things on the hallway walls that are all Hawaiian themed, i.e. Hawaiian history, that makes me think this may be in Hawaii. We end up in a computer lab and seated again. I think we’re waiting for food, and again it never comes. A guy with light brown skin comments that this event is only a few hours and ending soon, not giving us time for everything. In my head I envision a three hour block? starting at 7pm and us being a majority of the way through it. I now go over to a sink in a counter against the wall (like high school science classrooms). There is a chunk of ice protruding from it. The ice doesn’t seem solid, but more so shaved but still compacted together. I run some water over the section under the faucet, inciting it to start to melt. I think Bird Song is playing from my phone during this. It then occurs to me that I’m pretty sure that this is our food thawing out. This room has now transitioned into an unfamiliar kitchen in a house. It looks pretty nice and clean, marbled earth tone counters, stainless steel, and darker wood cabinets, I think. (As I write this, it reminds me of Scott and Kelly’s old kitchen). Renee and Kelly are here, one seated and one milling around, and they tell me happy birthday. Renee says she can now get me a glass of wine (as if it’s my 21st). I nicely say “Oh… you don’t have to”, but I’m willing to let her just to be polite. I start looking for white wine (as if it’s my place) and look all over but do not find any. I’m thinking that they might also want to have some. I end up in a different room of the same house, by Linda, who’s seated at a dark wood table. She starts asking about my favorite red wine, isn’t it a blend? I recall what she’s talking about, another get together/celebration where I had/brought different wines. I offer a non committal reply of either ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I don’t remember’. I think that if my favorite was a blend that it isn’t now. I see she has a personal bottle - the dark label says it’s a Lodi Zinfandel. She’s now asking didn’t I throw up at that event, but phrasing it more gently. Dad is here and inquiring the same thing. I again offer a dismissive reply, though I do remember throwing up then (*This event/scenario did not happen in real life). I pass some people what don’t have drinks and think that I should go to the store really quick for some wine. In another room now, there is a record playing on a smaller turntable on the brown-carpeted ground in the corner. The song sounds familiar. It then ends, and I go over to put it away, even though I think that was just side one. I think it’s the Cranberries or Zombies? (*Though I wake up with Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar stuck in my head). The cover is a dark green with the band name in large letters taking up a good amount of space. It’s at an angle. I think there’s a band photo on the back. I take the record off the platter; it’s a marbled dark green and very flimsy. I slip it into its anti-static sleeve. I now leave, driving to wherever I’m going. I end up at an elementary school that I think is right by another elementary school. I park and walk in the fairly large entry way. The foyer is filled with the black retractable crowd controllers that lead up to metal detectors. There’s a darker skinned younger lady at a counter beside the detectors. Two guys about my age are turning around willingly. I see they both are casually carrying handguns. One has slightly long and stringy dirty blond hair with a messy middle part and thin-rimmed glasses. I think his shirt is tucked, revealing a black holster on his belt. He is not attractive but not completely unattractive. He somehow seems genuine, yet aloof. He honestly looks the type to get unfairly made fun of. Seeing this causes me to pat my pockets. I feel some hard objects in the jean pockets, but nothing I’d get in trouble for. I continue on, past the metal detectors. The enormity of this place is revealed as I walk through this hallway. There is no way it can be a school it’s so big. I can’t see an end to the hallway. Besides the size, the appearance is not of a school either. Everything is ornate and looks more like an upscale shopping mall. The walls appear to be white marble or something similar, with subtle niches and rococo. There are vendor carts set up in the middle of the walkway as well. Even they seem classy and opulent. I think the places set into the walls are shops and restaurants. There are quite a few others walking through here. The place has now transitioned into outdoors. I am following a slight grassy ravine with surrounding grassy hills. There are smaller, wispy trees and grasses, all very green. There’s possibly a trickle of water running through here. Dad calls me now and asks where I went, his tone suggesting it rude that I just left. I tell him I’m picking something up from the store and will be right back. His tone then changes as he tells me that there’s some light or other activity going on in the night sky. I look up and can see it. I’m not sure if it’s exactly what he’s referencing, but I see brighter circles of light that are close together and moving. There’s also a splotch of a green hue higher up in the sky. I also notice the Milky Way, probably the densest I have ever seen it appear, and it is absolutely awe inspiring. I have to spend a few moments just staring. It’s so bright that it seems to illuminate the night sky. It’s also currently parallel with this ravine. Off to the right, there’s a group or two of people sitting on a taller hill, also looking to the sky. I start walking back now, and it’s daylight again. Dad is with me. I think a dog is with us as well, because I throw a toy. The toy hits and knocks over a small statue of a boy on a slightly overgrown pedestal. The 1-2 foot tall statue was in a row of other statue children, all in antiquated clothing.
I am outside somewhere - the slight incline, soil composition, array of granite stones, and surrounding pines suggest Lake Tahoe. I follow a trail down a moderately steep hill. It is not long at all before I reach the bottom and the sandy beach. The best beach spots are some yards away to my left and right. They both are filled with people. I’m looking for a space to pee, but this seems too close to the people, so I start back up. I’m now inside, walking up an enclosed stairway. It is carpeted in a maroon or similar color. I think the walls are wooden, making the place seem older. I still need to use a bathroom and, as I’m coming up another flight, I see one built into the wall right off the staircase. I step in and it’s very small, with just enough room for a toilet and sink. I think I use it and then continue on my way. The stairs end at the entrance to a fairly large room. The room is dim and home to a large, square, wooden dining table that takes up a fair amount of it’s space. Melissa’s family is seated around it, seemingly most of the way through a meal, as I join them. Melissa is across the table from me, but her mom is at the corner right next to me. I notice a few assorted, empty/near empty wine bottles. I also notice everyone, including myself, has a glass with about ¾ of an inch of red wine in it. I wonder why they’re all filled similarly.
I'm in my car with someone else driving it. I'm somewhat worried about the noise my car is making as it's moving as it sounds like the suspension is creaking. We are headed downtown to go to some kind of bar, but there is a lot of traffic. We squeeze through the tight street and weaving through the pedestrians crossing before finally getting to our destination and parking in a parking garage. We enter the building and make our way downstairs. There are checkpoints along the way that we're supposed to stop at and have barriers blocking the way, but we just hurdle them and keep going. Once we're downstairs, It feels more like a Biolife donation center than anything else. We are all waiting for a seat to be available, when people start bringing around drinks. Apparently, it's a sample of wine and it's brought out in a large chilled mug but very thick, so that the diameter of the actual volume to hold the wine is only an inch or so wide. It tastes really good though and I feel like having more. We leave the building soon after this, taking the same route back out. Later, I'm outside my house in the rain when I see a dog limping. It's soaked from the rain and looking for shelter. I run back home telling it to follow me so that I can grab a towel. I run to the garage to find an old towel and run back to find the dog sitting patiently at the front door. I let it in and start drying it off.
I have parked in a parking garage, in a spot either outlined in red or with a red sign. I think I am cognizant of the fact that I’m not able to park here without repercussions, but proceed to do so anyway. When I come back, there is a boot on the tire with a red wire that kind of looks like a bike lock. There is a middle aged man here who sees it and jokingly says he’ll clip it for me. I laugh along with him, silently wishing he actually would. Abby is here too, and she points out some damage on the front of my car. (For a moment, the car is a bike?) These little scrapes in the paint make me fairly angry, especially because they were done by whoever put the boot on. I think we discuss taking pictures, so we can negate my legal incurrence or reprimand the authority that placed the boot. Now I think I’m briefly in a movie theater - to see a Dead and Co show? Many have tie dye on; we’re all excited. Somehow, the band is ‘tied’ with someone else, 4 to 4, so whoever ‘wins’ tonight wins it all. This only increases the anticipation and excitation. I am now at what I think is Dad’s (though it looks different). The living room is long and low, cool and dim, feeling almost subterranean. There is seating and some pillars, almost maze-like. There are kids here, as well as a few guys my age. Those guys are in dark green and earth tone tie dyes that suit their look well - not over-the-top tie dye. We are here celebrating the concert and periodically checking the ‘score’ (on a TV?) There is food out on the counters. Alex is here, on a reclining chair. I go over and crouch down, propping my elbows on the armrest. I am going to express my excitement, but he’s talking with someone else, so I never get the chance. I now go outside and begin turning on many light switches. The lights that come on are small and not very bright, but are warm, with a nice effect on the dark yard (it feels like the side with the barbecues). I hear some people talking just up around the corner, and I think I hear Melissa’s voice. Sure enough, I catch a glimpse of her pale skin and kinky hair. She is sitting on a bench with a few other girls. Before she or they can see me, I sneak up around the corner and in front of Melissa. This is the first time I have seen her since I’ve been back, so I give her a big hug for a long time. I kiss her too, and sense some hesitation, probably because we’re in front of those others. I’m with Melissa, Alex, and one other in a car. We’re going to get chicken nuggets. Alex is wearing grey sweats and a brightly colored shirt/long sleeve. He’s asleep in the seat behind the driver’s. When he wakes up, we tell him what we’re doing. This causes him to become extremely angered, yelling, and red in the face. I begin to laugh as I find it comical, because I think he’s kidding, but quickly stop myself when I realize he is not. He wanted to use a coupon or something, it being the sole reason for wanting to go. It becomes very silent, intrusively so. Everyone looks shocked and almost a little sad. I see Melissa’s eyes in the rear view mirror (I think I’m in the back). I am in what I can only describe as some other land. The area is fairly wide open and brown. It doesn’t seem like a dry brown, but more of a muddy brown. There is a large, languid river and surrounding boulders. It has a prehistoric feeling to it. Some others are here with me. We climb up the brown rocks (mostly a scramble) that seem to be made of an odd material - rubbery but firm. Each rock is a different letter? and parts of the rock seem to be made of that letter. The rocks are also huge, ancient turtles? I think they’re speaking. Now, we have made it back and are approaching a house on a hill. It looks like twilight or just thereafter. I think we’re having a family dinner here, and I want to order a glass of wine with it for a change.
Non-dream stuff - only a couple of non-lucid fragments, have vague memories of more but can't put them to words. Fragment 1: Remember being at a rustic village or inner area of a castle with my partner. It was a popular tourist attraction in the dream's context and it was day time. We walked a path until we were at a place with shops, and one shop we stopped by was a wine shop. They showed us some special packs we could buy, and for whatever reason we were interested. The wine "bottles" were odd though, because they were the shape of a drinking flask, even though they were still made of glass. They even had paper labels like normal bottles. Some of the wines were unusual; one was made from peas. I remember the lady at the counter asking if we wanted other specific ones like "homosexual (something?)" wine. Most of the wines made no sense, even in the dream. We still ended up buying 2 packs of 9 flask bottles each... Fragment 2: Was playing some sort of old real-time-strategy game. Remember getting annoyed by the fact that some interactions simply didn't work at all like expected.
Dream 1 - Elf + giant? Elf + giant, transform during drought. They're farmers, the giant is a blonde girl. Moving out, building dream lake house (future). Some kind of dark evil re-awakens.. Okay so this directly what I wrote down during the night. I think it was night time in the dream with a grassy landscape dotted with some trees. I moved out towards a lake area and began constructing a 'dream house' in my mind, thinking about how I'd like it. But this occurs more than once hence the 'future' remark, indicating that the scene occurred twice. Once was when I visited and saw the house, the other happened after when I returned to the present tense to imagine the dream house that would be there in the future. I can't recall anything about the elf and giant though... Dream 2 - Rocky Balboa Rocky training, wine? Okay so this was pretty vague... I watched the first Rocky movie and the dream was influenced by it, I had a 'training montage' where I was seeing Rocky Balboa training or something. Then I think I was drinking wine? I think this was 3 days ago?
Shopping with brother I was in a supermarket with my older brother. He was wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans trousers. He was much more slim than I remembered him. We bought some food and a bottle of wine, then we went outside. The shop was surrounded by beautiful primeval forests. He drank the whole bottle of wine, and we entered a car. It was a red sports car, but I can't recall what kind of car it was. Kidnapping I was inside a car with my younger sister and a strange couple - a dark haired man with a moustache wearing clothes in shade between green and gray. I can't quite recall the woman, though she had long, dark hair, and she was wearing black clothes. She used a dark red lipstick. We were driving through the city, and then we stopped near a bank. They took masks and entered the building. After a while I heard alarm, the two run out of building and entered the car quickly. We drove forward, to another city. We stopped near a value exchange office. They took their guns and masks. I wanted to take control of car, but he spotted me and I had to stop. I heard shots and saw counter-terrorists running towards the office. I ran inside, and saw the moment when woman was shot dead, and the man was using someone as meatshield. He got shot down, and with counter-terrorists we entered the car. I told them that I can drive on my own, but he told me to take a passenger seat. We were talking about my family, which got killed by that thieving couple. Then we drove through a huge forest. Suddenly I found myself riding a bicycle in front of the car I was previously inside.