Day 3 (Tuesday 31.10) is not one I'm comfortable sharing, and I also remember very little of it. I experienced the dream as an invisible observer and played no part in it. Today's I remember a little better, but it is still two fragments. I believe I unexpectedly became lucid at the end. A white, pink and grey house. It's a modern bungalow. A relative (grandfather?) of mine lives here. In the large kitchen-living room is a counter, black granite on top, pink sides. A variety of kitchen utensils on top of it include a shiny silver, tall teapot. Full-length windows wrap the side of the room that faces outside. It's snowy out there, some shrubs and spiky winter plants peeking through the snow under a blank white sky. I see that there are two small steps down from the glass door in pale beige stone. I remember running in and out of the house, hiding some objects or my own self in black and grey halls and behind doors. However the dream was overall a calm one. I remember sitting curled on the floor, reading. I remember modern white metal baskets and filing cabinets, supermarket bags full of clothes, and some piles of clothes on the floor. I remember conversation and a casually dressed man with longish dark brown hair and a small beard on his chin. I remember cooking, walking on a snowy road to get here. All the other recollections are too vague to be put into words. Faint fragments of emotions, flashes of images and indecipherable, tenth-of-a-second beeps of sound and glimpses of movement. I feel sorry to have forgotten what I feel was an eventful and interesting dream. Later. A white box room, no windows or doors. Someone is in here with me. Suddenly I become aware that I am dreaming. Elated to have achieved lucidity, I want to test the limits of the dream and see what I can do. I think: 'how about flying?' and move my arms a little away from my sides. Then I am spiralling up into the air towards the ceiling of the small square. I can look down at the same time as I see myself from above, looking upwards to the ceiling. I feel an incredible rush of joy and lightness while my companion is looking up at me. But it's short lived. As I'm about to go through the ceiling I feel the dream slipping away from me. The scene itself seems to break away from my consciousness and spiral downwards into blackness until it disappears. While losing my dream I saw my bedroom, with lights on, appearing. I don't know now if I woke up or fell into a deeper sleep. I remember waking up later, to the sound of my alarm, in darkness.
Sleep: I had a crazy weekend, it started with me waking up around 7:30 am on Friday, going to work, then have a dope project I can't disclose yet afterwards until midnight, then with an hour and a half worth of sleep I go to the airport and travel to Manchester, didn't sleep in the plane even though I tried. I stay awake in Manchester for the full 24 hours as I go drinking with my intrrnet friends, and go to an ambient festival from 7 pm until 4 am. I have a few moments where I put on sunglasses and sit down, closing my eyes for a bit. After the festival, without any accomodation, I just stay awake, getting to that hypnagogic hallucination stage, getting to the airport, having some brief 5-10 minute naps followed by some sleep in the plane, to arriving home and sleeping for 13 hours My friends from high school are sitting outside ln a bench in the snow, arguing about a New Year's themed film featuring Timmy Turner's parents where the dad has an argument with the mom and he replaces the mom with a robot clone and it starts a discussion between my friends about what would be a great ending until one of the friends tells that the discussion is pointless saying it's not possible to have an ending that would please everyone for a story like that. I ask my friends about their new year's plans, and they told me Tinder date now became Tinder dates because Tinder added a group chat function. Dream was in Dutch.
I'm coming off of about 2 months break from journaling to record this dream and more moving forward, since Summer Comp is about to begin Cold Visit I'm at my sister's apartment, but I'm not welcome. There is a party happening with video games on the main living room TV. There are a lot of people there easily crowding the tiny apartment. Nobody explicitly tells me so, but I know that I've shown up uninvited. Some time later I'm walking outside to see N. It's night and winter-time. The scene reminds me of my brother's college campus from years ago. Snow is falling and it looks pretty against the street lamps. I don't feel cold, though. He's upset with me which reminds me of the last time we spoke in waking life. He seems to have cooled a bit since that discussion, but the result of the discussion is the same as before. Progress isn't made.
Updated 05-31-2023 at 09:44 PM by 99808 (Color code)
12/2/20 Elon is giving some kind of presentation. I am in the audience. I win a contest allowing me to play the guitar to accompany his band. When they play I still sit in the audience but my guitar is wired into the sound system. It sounds really good and I play better than I have ever played before. There are lead plucking parts and van Halen style taping at one point. The crowd enjoys the show and I can tell Elon was pleasantly surprised at my performance as well. We talk after the show while walking out onto a runway and to his car. His entourage is behind him and we walk side by side. I am starstruck but maintain my composure. I make a joke he likes about how people usually treat him when they meet him "omg I know right! That's totally true, like seriously people!" he responds laughing. We arrive at his car and he says we should totally do this again sometime soon. I assume he is just being nice. But later in the dream I am at another function sitting at a roundtable with some friends and Elon asks me to play along with them again. He is on stage rocking his heart out, he is obviously showing off playing a large drum and the band is just generally jamming. I start playing my guitar along with them only at some point it becomes a bass guitar in my hands. I can't play the bass as well IRL, but in the dream it sounds really good, I remember some of the chord progressions and the accompanyment meshes really well. The crowd enjoys the jam, Elon is in full performer mode sweating up a storm. At a certain point I think he has his shirt off wearing black wrist cuffs and a black headband. My friends around the table are flabbergasted that I am playing with the band from the audience. This time I scoot my chair over in front of the sound guys table who has some lights on his table projecting onto the stage. I sit in front of the light and my silhouette is outlined on the stage. The song goes really well and people clap at the end. I don't get to conversate with him after this time. But I still brag to my friends that I got to hang out with Elon in person 2 times in one week. I am still beside myself. There is another performance this time I don't know who is on stage but I have an oversized midi controller in the shape of a larger misformed original grey nintendo gameboy. It has several lines on it with options on each line like a mad lib. But when I press them they play different sampled sounds that are all in the same key. It is hard to describe but I am pretty much head banging mashing buttons and it sounds like trip hop techno. I see an old friend from highschool and he throws me the rock on horns while smiling devilishly. He asks about the controller after the performance and I attempt to explain it. People around me are generally impressed at the show. I played from the audience again but only the people around me knew I was coming through the speakers. Vr headset playing in a room. Don't recognize the game but it is somewhat surreal. My cat comes and lays down next to me while I am playing and the game sees her and puts her in the game as a dog with a cat's face. I walk into a table in the room I am in while walking around in vr. (I've never tried vr irl) I am looking for G and gather she is at some trump fundraiser, or has been kidnapped to go there or something. I drive my car to a rich neighborhood that I think the place is at and for some reason I keep looking for the place called "Goat Barn" I am unsure if it's a street or location. I park my car and begin walking around the neighborhood. It is very cold and snowy out. I wonder why I got out to walk as none of the street names match what I am looking for. I have a flyer in my hand that is for the fundraiser in typical propaganda style but there is no address on the flyer. I try googling Goat Barn on my phone but come up with nothing. I am standing in front of one of the large houses and for some reason I pull their mailbox off the post. No one is home but I am still cautious someone might have seen me mess up the mailbox. I start to walk away and see the person pull into their driveway. I cut through some yards and smaller walkways between houses to get to the other side of the neighborhood. The Goat Barn is no where to be seen.
I am standing in the living room of my home. My mother is sitting on the couch next to the window playing on the tablet while my father is sitting behind me on his chair in the bedroom. I talk to someone or something which reminds me that it's snowing really heavily outside. I look towards the window and see large amount of snow masses falling.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Kidnapped with a bunch of other people by some unknown entity we never see. We wake up in a kind of well or shaft, hanging dangerously from the wall. It seems that at the slightest movement this well might start to break and fall apart, so we are all very still, except one guy who seems determined to break it. The entity assumes human forms and we are removed one by one in an elimination process that seems like a contest looking for the winner. And the winner is me and another person, who apparently have something they look for or want. They examine us, I see now I have needles still in my arm that they remove and big bruises. I am with a friend (maybe Riverstone) and we go to a shopping mall. Although I feel heat and I think it's summer, the decorations are all about winter, snow and Xmas. At the mall with some friends, some weird situation with someone stealing my jacket and then leaving it hanged in a place I pass by and it has something in a pocket, that sends a video message to a screen nearby when we walk past it. In the video, there is a warning, a bit cryptic, about some girls robbing something and we conclude it is the Mango store. We go there to warn but actually the robbery is happening right as we enter. First we pretend we didn't notice, then they threaten us, but I signal to my friends to attack. I take down the one with the gun and they help take down the rest, but I am the one that knocks them unconscious. We then look for materials we can use to tie their hands and feet and wait for the cops. The cops bring us bread.
I am doing an escape room with Melissa, Brooke, and possibly Breezy. This place looks like an actual house, with a few rooms that we can go into. The house seems very tidy and sort of minimalistic, though not without adornments, and has an antiquated feeling to it, as if lived in by an older person. I get the sense of some sort of travel theme, aided by a huge map of the world taking up almost a whole wall. We are trying to escape now, and it seems like I’m doing a lot of it. It’s not that they aren’t or can’t, it’s just that I can excel in a small group of familiar people. I end up moving a bunch of hanging paintings. One has a clue written in red ink on its back side. Many reveal a tiny, circular light bulb protruding from the wall behind. I imagine that these will all light up later and serve as a clue one way or another. I like that the clues flow easily, even if somewhat too easily, and aren’t disjointed. I had moved a small realistic painting of a brown bear (the bear on a slight incline, seemingly in motion, very realistic, and cropped fairly close). One clue mentioned something ‘dreary’, which we noticed with some excitement was referencing a very large and impressionistic painting of people that looked dreary indeed. (*As I write this, I think it may have been moving this painting that revealed the map). I think we are supposed to place small pins in certain spots on the map. The map is now gone? and there are just little holes in the white/tan wall. There seems to be three different clusters of holes, and I think the pin needs to be placed in the correct hole. Melissa guesses the first placement correctly, after which a recorded voice from a speaker tells us we’ve gotten it correct. We try the other ones but never get a response. I end up telling our situation the female employee on the other end of the radio. She’s quiet for a second and then I hear her say to someone else “I have no idea.” I also don’t really know what there is for them to do when a piece of the game simply isn’t working. At this point, I’m thinking we’ll just have them tell us the answers to this part. I also notice that Melissa and Brooke seem to be off doing something else. I hear them talking and laughing in another room. Then it becomes more quiet, and I go look. Melissa is laying in a small bed in an alcove in the wall just big enough for it. I notice a gap between the far and the wall along the head of the bed (which is reminiscent to me of the sleeping quarters on a boat). Melissa looks grumpy, her face sort of flushed and pouting, her gaze diverted. I go to kiss her but she moves so that we kiss each other on the cheek instead. At this point, I notice that her eyes are a little misty. I was what’s wrong and she keeps saying nothing, etc. I finally get it out of her that she’s upset that the puzzle room is not working as it’s supposed to. It irritates me because it’s such a trivial thing to let yourself get upset over. I go back into the other room now, and I don’t think we even have radio contact with this girl. She said she was going to call the shoe room? This room is behind the other. There’s a writing desk and an old corded phone that I see but never hear. While waiting, I start opening drawers, but find nothing. I’m wondering how much further this puzzle room will go into the house. I notice a bathroom and a room or two off of this one. I never do hear the phone. Earlier, I noticed a timer with a green ‘70’. I thought that meant we were doing really well on time. I am at Walmart? with Melissa, buying only two things. We are at the end of what is apparently the only line, behind a family of four that looks nice enough but also a little privileged. The woman notices how we only have two items and offers for us to just throw it in with their stuff. I was going to use a gift card, and I’m not sure how much is on it exactly, so I’m not sure how that’d work. I am outside of a grocery store. I run up to the entrance, pushing a cart, and ask the younger looking boy employee if they do valet, with an absurd touch of humor. I then leave the cart and run inside to retrieve what I’ve forgotten. I am watching (on the news or some kind of video?) cars driving in both directions on a freeway through a snowstorm. Someone is commenting on how it’s almost been the worst winter when, sure enough, a car starts to drift and ends up impacting a school bus. Then school bus then takes out another vehicle and the whole thing exponentiates into an event that just made it the worst winter to date.
Dark lord It was by some cliff or volcano caldera. The sky was whole red and ominous. I was fighting with some strange monsters until the dark lord arrived and punched me, which made metal plates sprout out from whole my body in a painful manner. Suddenly I found myself again in that place, but earlier. Again I was fighting with monsters - all were humanoid with burnt skin, some of them used swords or long, steel claws. I dodged, parried and striked. I managed to beat a few of swordsmen, but one of claw slashing monster managed to slash through my chest. Then the dark lord arrived - a tall, extremely muscular man with long black hair. He was wearing armor made of bones of his opponents. I knew that if he hits me, metal plates would protrude from my body, so I was running all around, evading. He called me with some strange name and the plates of metal protruded out of my body anyway, quite painfully and splashing blood all around. I looked like an iron hedgehog. Burglars It was cold winter. Two burglars were after me because I had some diamond or emerald of enormous size that they wanted to steal. I got out of my house to a shed with random stuff, when suddenly they arrived. I quickly changed my clothes to snowboarding equipment that was in shed and started escaping to the road, crossing it and getting to snowdrifts leading to a pit in front of my house. They were really close all the time, I visualised that there's a hole in the snow that would make them fall inside and get stuck in this trap. And they immediately fell down the trap. Suddenly I was back at my house. Burglars arrived again, asking politely for the gem. I wanted to give them an armed mouse-trap instead, but haven't had any. I visualised that I have a purse with armed mouse-trap inside and it instantly appeared in my hands. I gave it to burglars then closed doors tightly. After a while I heard scream of pain and irritation.
Feb. 8th 2017 Key Luicd NonLucid I quickly woke up feeling vibrations through out my body, my first thought was to try to astral project. My legs projected out first, and next thing I know I am hovering in my room. I looked at my body and I was on my stomach but that didn't make sense, because I was on my back. I went to go flew through my window but I had trouble moving into the right direction, I would move left and my body would go right. Eventually I got a hang of it and went through my window, and was flying in my back yard, I head down my road towards town. Now I'm in a new scenery, with my girlfriend going outside in my backyard, it is snowing. My girlfriend had my dog on a red leash, she opened the door and my dog ran outside and off. I started to scream, falling to my hands and knees. I went to my girlfriend and told her we needed to meditate, I told her we needed to go back in time 2 hours before my dog ran off. I started meditating and focused on what was happening 2 hours earlier. I'm inside my house, in the living room sitting on the couch, my mom is in her chair. I got up and started walking out of the room, where I saw my dog laying by the back door. She was laying on her back in an angle. I asked my mom when she let her inside, and she said about 2 hours ago. I feel like I'm inside of a video game, where a evil ghost puts a spell on my dog and I have to walk up to her and slash her, to remove the spell. It was frustrating because I didn't want to play this game, and the ghost was putting spells on my dog when I wasn't near by. This went on for 3 rounds. I'm back in an astral like body, and I formed a new body. I'm at my college, with very vivid vision, and stability doesn't seem to be a problem. The other dream characters seemed to be aware that I shouldn't be lucid, and they started to walk towards me. I tried changing the characters into different people but they didn't work. I went in an utility closet, 2 other characters got in, and I tried changing one, however the person I thought of came behind me and had a different hair color, and skin color. My body started vibrating, and I felt my astral body lift up. As it vibrated it slowly back into my real body.
It was a really dark early morning. It was during a winter, there were snowdrifts on the roadsides and there was some ice on the road. I left my house, but I wasn't wearing any jacket - I only had a gray shirt, black trousers and black shoes. I went towards my old school, there was something important I had to do. I had troubles with walking and breathing, I scrambled towards the school. On the way I saw some people going there too, I thought "Last year in technical, and now I have to get back to previous one for a year!". I finally reached the school and immediately saw some people I know that shouldn't be there. This made me realize that it's a dream. I left the building for a while and saw my car standing at the parking lot. I went to it and inside I found some paper sheet with strange calculations written on it. The handwriting was identical to mine. I got back to school and looked around. I thought about meeting with someone, but that wasn't enough to summon her. Instead I chosen to talk with someone else - a tall blonde haired woman wearing a white dress. I said that I have something to deliver to her and we went outside. As we were going to car, she got scared of me and ran away to school. I tried to chase her but I slipped on the ice. I got up and went back to the building, in search of that woman. I searched on the hallway, in toilets and then I found her on the corridor. I told her that I don't have time for such fooling around and I have to deliver that package. We got to my car, I showed her the paper sheet, folding it before so she wouldn't see calculations. I told her to sign it with an x and go Roth me towards warehouses. As we moved on, I noticed someone following us. I thought about removing that dude from my dream, but somehow he was resistant to my powers. However, he wasn't resistant to telekinesis. I gestured and thrown him far far away. Then we entered the warehouses. Instead of giving her that package, I persuaded her to make it out with me. I didn't knew that it was a military warehouse, and as we were doing it, soldiers appeared and surrounded us. Then a loading screen with warehouse appeared. I found myself in some corridor going to warehouse. Instead of entering I went through doorway that was behind me. A map appeared, there was some sunny valley. I chosen it and got teleported to some dark grove. I summoned that woman. She was a bit different, as she had brown hair this time. I saw myself from third . She was scared of me and the grove and started running away. I chased her, throwing fat monsters with long horns away using telekinesis. I got her and after a while oh talking we made it out again. I have lost lucidity. I found myself in my house with younger sister and that woman. We took out rc cars and drove around my room.
Fallen asleep at 00:46, woke up at 04:00. Tried WBTB, no lucid results. Fragment It was dark, I was sitting on my bed and thinking about methods of lucid dreaming and that it's possible that I'd have one this night. Dream It was winter evening, I was in my house. Brother arrived for a short while to take socks out of a drawer and drive back to his house. He asked me if I'm going with him. I accepted and entered the car. We drove to a city, he went out and I was waiting for him in the car, playing something on my phone. After a long while he came back with his wife, they were arguing about something. Brother didn't wanted to go anywhere with me, so he decided to drive me back home. I left his car and we went on foot to car of his wife, where my mother and my friend that just drove back from England were waiting. Suddenly a terrible flu got me, we entered the car and drove away.
D1 -Borrowing my sisters small white car to drive out to place in the countryside. A large house on many levels with a staircase running the length of the house. It is winter time and my brother is doing something with the heating, I am wearing winter gear indoors Oo. I have to phone my sister to explain about the car, shes kinda ok about it. D2- At school I have to deal with crazy new year ones. Boss complains about my handling of situation. Then it turns out he is partly to blame and could have forseen problems. I berate him angrily. I introduce a new system of rewards which works well and am congratulated by all. D3- In some kind of game world. I am talking with a team mate I have a blue background which is waving like a flag a projection. I am choosing to downgrade.
I recall walking down a path with my mom in a frozen, wintery environment. It's possible I was barefoot for some reason. The ground was snow at first, then ice. I ran, then suddenly stopped so I would keep on sliding for a few meters. I got to a clearing in the forest. While sliding around, I also started floating in a controllable way. I wasn't particularly surprised by this. My mom was still with me. We were in some ancient Egyptian ruins, along with a group of other people. One of them was an Egyptian god in human form. The others were dodgy types, definitely villains. Most of the ruins were partially buries in the sand. We got to a large hall. At some point it became clear the bad guys were... well, bad. They held my mother hostage. I saw light pouring in from openings in the ceiling, and realized I could fly out through there, but I think I didn't leave because they still had my mom. There was a bit of a battle. I flew towards one buff-looking baddie, grabbed him in mid-air and smashed him into a wall. I think I smashed him a few times with my "super fist" (I was half awake at this point, this bit was half fantasy-half actual dream). Still at the far wall, I looked at the group of villains in the distance and decided to blow them up. I took out a detonator, and pressed it. They blew up in a haze of blood. Sadly, I died too, as apparently this was a game and I "failed" by doing this. Maybe I had blown up the hostages as well? Once again, my mother was present. I was playing with our cats (Sylvester, Lotje and Fleurtje), who have obviously been dead/disappeared for almost a decade. Now, they *were* dead in this dream, but I was using some kind of trick that manifested memories into reality. My mom also saw the cats and happily petted one, I think (she loved our cats, too). I said that this 'memory' was almost as real as it was in reality. I was outside somewhere, in a place that had high grass. Maybe a primitive village? The place came under attack from Orcs (the kind from the Gothic games). In true Gothic style, I killed a few with a one-handed weapon. A lot of people were killed, though. Elsewhere in the area, there were "Dragon Moss" monsters from Guild Wars, and other beasties behind them. I was in danger of being overwhelmed, until I fired one arrow which somehow killed them all instantly. Vague scene involving my grandparents on father's side, including grandma (who has been dead for years). Last dream of the 'night'. Berlin at night. I 'knew' the war against Nazi Germany was going badly, very badly. In a last ditch effort to fix this, we'd flatten Berlin. I saw a "B2 Spirit" stealth bomber from behind. It was somehow somewhere on the ground in the middle of Berlin. I took off using only very little runway (= street), and started gaining altitude. The idea was to drop the bomb when I got high enough. I don't think I ever got to that point before I woke up.
Dream I'm travelling outside with a friend, there's sabretooth tiger cubs in the distance, 1 big snow white one. They're up a bit on the hill. It's turning into winter, a snow storm is coming from the mountains. They're getting closer now, they were playing together but they fought a bit with snow white sabre. We try moving in the opposite direction and come near a line of trees. There's a huge bear here, damn. I can sense a sabretooth tiger coming up behind me so I sprint at the bear, barrel roll as the tiger pounces and cause the bear and tiger to fight. Badass?? Absolutely. I arrive in place where my daughter is staying(?) or a shelter by a mountain. There's a room, I remember my friend Mat staying here and I had seen him on a video recording where he was splayed out on the couch super tired. I think I let him stay at the place since he was travelling. I can't remember when it happened but I'm a little gingerbread sized plastic man who has lost his memory as well, like some kind of evil curse. It's a really deep and sad story (in the dream plot) which I'm also watching. There's a loading bar that shows it's a movie which is halfway through, about 25 minutes. My daughter doesn't know where her uncle is (which is me, since we apparently lied and said I was her uncle and not her dad) and now she believes she doesn't have a dad.. It's because I'm away working and can't be with her to watch her grow up, so she doesn't really know what a is. I can't remember that I'm her dad though (because of the curse) and everything is sad. I remember thinking that I really wanted to watch until the end of the movie, because it's just such a beautiful story. I know how it ends, the father (me) manages to break the curse and turn back to normal, my daughter is super happy to finally have her uncle back, but I decide to tell her the truth that I'm her dad. It makes her so happy to have a dad, and we're both so happy to be together finally. I don't get to see the story unfold though, because I start becoming more aware. I'm lucid in a way, the dream visuals fade but I don't wake up. Then I'm back in the room with my mom, not really remembering the previous plot as I'm doing other stuff. At some point she leaves and I see my friend in these tight jeans, nice . I'm horny so I hook up with her. I try taking off her pants but there's dream lag, and my imagination is 'broken', like it can't remember how to materialize certain features and is in a state of buffering. I understood something at this point about dream lag too, that stability is linked to the rate at which we expand the dream world around us. In an unstable dream we can't load too much or it will crash, but the more stable the dream the greater the load it can handle. This sounds pretty obvious, but it wasn't something I'd ever truly practiced. I'm always moving in my lucids, never just stopping. Usually this is because if I stop then I lose lucidity >_<... Also, I've had a lot of intensely vivid dreams lately, probably because I've just started working.
Morning of May 4, 2016. Wednesday. There are warnings about the “great white wolf” but over time, it is understood that the term relates more (in a very unlikely sense) to aggressive man-eating sea creatures in icy water, including dolphins, penguins, and seals, which supposedly become more aggressive during the more extreme winter. There are areas where parts of the ocean are frozen over near shore. It seems unusual that people use the word “wolf” to refer to winter as well as animals that are not wolves or even wolf-like (no actual wolves are ever present). I am aware of a thick cluster of sea creatures, so close together that it seems they cannot move around much but still somehow are a danger for people who swim. (This makes little sense as who would swim in icy water in the first place?) I seem to be a member of a team making a documentary or special news report. I am in an unfamiliar town that may be in or near Alaska or Canada. An unknown male is throwing numerous cardboard boxes of various sizes into his open convertible (an odd choice for such cold weather). These boxes are supposedly filled with extra supplies to help get him through the winter. Not only does the idea of driving around in a convertible during a harsh winter seem illogical, the cardboard boxes fill the entire vehicle including the driver’s seat area. Still, I do not question how he is going to drive home as such. I get the strong inclination to ask him more questions as a “real” reporter would, even things which would be very obvious. I ask him if he is going to stuff blankets or at least cloth around the doors and windows to keep out the cold air. His response is “yes”. I ask him what sort of material he uses for blankets and to stuff around the windows and doors and he replies “hessian”. “Really? Hessian?” I say, for the benefit of anyone watching the broadcast. The idea of using hessian for blankets (which I would think to be very uncomfortable and possibly not very warm) during a harsh winter seems so odd and unlikely to me that it causes me to shift consciousness and wake up. Dream state indicators (in this case blankets and bedding) appearing near the end of a dream is a common event. It is not symbolic, but a literal factor of subliminal memory of having fallen asleep. Cars in a scenario such as this often symbolize the physical body and its status (or sometimes the dynamics of a bed in relationship to the body depending on the stage of sleep and other dream content). A convertible with the top down suggests I do not have or want blankets over my body, as this has been validated regarding a few other dreams. This was the case with this dream as well. The RAS mediation at the beginning, still linked to dream state induction (water), though with aggressive animals (though not a direct threat), inherently to prevent me from going back deeper into sleep, did not work so well, thus the preconscious makes a more passive appearance signifying his eventual leave-taking of the dream state, trying to bring my focus on blankets to remind me I am actually asleep and to realize my body is too warm.
Updated 01-25-2018 at 05:55 AM by 1390