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    1. Still not much.

      by , 11-30-2024 at 05:42 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Hardly sensing Jamie at all in these dreams. I miss last February when it was multiple dreams per night.

      Jamie 1

      I was with Jamie in a fortnite game... Ugh. Just remember us by a bridge and talking.

      Jamie 2

      Just remember Jamie hanging with me and my brother? Not sure. We were walking through some woods and I saw shape of smoke in the form of an old lady. It was just frozen there. We went into a cave or something to retrieve something. When we got out. The smoke form was still there. It actually changed into an old lady who looked like a witch. We all got startled and ran. The man argued with me saying the old woman wasn't there before we entered the cave. I said I clearly saw her smoke shape before we entered.


      I was in a giant house with the Donna character in the From show. I was exploring a basement which was huge. It was like another in the basement. I go through many rooms and hallways. Donna enters through a hidden door. I comment on how big the basement is. She says, Yes that the upstairs is gigantic as well. There's so much there that Dale has never been downstairs.


      Another dream where I break into someone's house that is a previous customer of my dad's. They don't seem to mind however. I see they have a piano, but the woman went with another piano tuner.

      I've been doing 1-2 piano's a month now. Wish it was several a week.

      I hope the Jamie dreams increase.
    2. low recall.

      by , 04-13-2024 at 01:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First off. I wanna backtrack on what I said about soul ties. I did some research and the term is not biblical. That crazy stuff about sex may not be true.

      second: I was doing my prayers yesterday. Jesus kept pressing on me to give Jamie things to pray about... and I'm like: I get that, but could you be more specific? I was not expecting an answer but Galatians 4:3 screamed into my head. I actually never read all of the bible yet... So I wasn't particularly familiar with that book. I was skeptical but looked it up on bible gateway website. and the NIV translation really shocked me: So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world of course you always have to go with context. the next verses describe going into Jesus as a son or daughter, and onward it says 9 But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces ? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? So what I gather is: pray against your vices and keep them in check. And spiritual forces. I pray all that over her.

      third: To Jamie, try not to feel worried or pressured that you must do anything towards me soon or right away. Take your time. If you know Jesus now, get to know him and rest in him - Lay your worries at his feet. I was on tikTok yesterday and occasionally i get BPD related videos and one said something that seemed to reflect what she said in a dream, when she said, "Please be very patient with me." It said: be patient and let them open up to you. I know it can be dangerous to you to jump into something if you're not ready or careful. I still have some issues to work on myself - Trauma over memories and stuff, which the head voice helps with (I ask: what did it mean when you did/said this or that sort of thing. Her voice does answer even sometimes reluctantly. I get answers that seem to make sense - not going to rely on this completely, the only answers i can really trust is yours.) I wanna work on making myself a safe place for you.

      Dreams: only 2 from last night.


      I was in a grassy hill area. I was flying around in the air or something. Jamie was walking on a hill all zoned out doing her glass eye thing. A bunch of people were fighting on another hill. A big witch was wielding a sceptor shooting electricity. Raven was there. I can't remember much.


      Another sex dream.. This time in a bunch of sheets.

      honestly I kind of miss the dreams where we seem to be talking - negotiating, asking questions.
      Tags: jamie, witch
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. 17 Feb: Shadowy witch, robotic snake and meeting my teacher lucid

      by , 02-17-2023 at 08:47 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some victorian house, sort of half asleep and seeing the scenario fade away, but I realize it is actually a dream and that it is the dream itself that is fading. I hold on to it, but the darkness doesn't go away and I know this is when sometimes the monsters come up. And then I see a woman coming over and whenever she crosses a more shadowy area, her face becomes monstruous. I warn a friend that is also sleeping nearby to wake up. She doesn't know what I am talking about and she looks at the woman. The woman says in a hypnotic tone "look into my eyes". I grab my friend and say "don't look, it will kill you". I get in front of the woman and I say assertively "Now, you look into my eyes!" at the side of her face that is not disfigured. She looks puzzled and loses a bit of her power temporarily, so I open some curtains to let light in and I drag my friend to the outside. The woman still tries to reach me, but she can't stand the light. I decide to lift off and that's when I go fully lucid. I don't know what to do, so I decide to just watch the dream. Below me it now looks like some big american city. I also see a huge roller-coaster in the distance. There is some retro vibe to it. I just amuse myself by flying over people and watching their dramas. I feel very melancholic thinking how all these people are just DCs. I sing and dance in the sky above them.

      Visiting my mom at her old job at the Union. They are at some warehouse with piles of boxes with files and lots of stickers, calendars and other stuff I used to steal from them and collect as a child. I am mesmerized by all the retro things they have, not fully aware that I am dreaming, but aware I am seeing something gone from the past. I grab a box with some stickers to take with me as mementos. For some reason my dog Hachi appears and all is fine until someone else also comes in with 2 dogs and a baby. I grab Hachi immediately and try to take him somewhere where I can keep him isolated. Unfortunately there is only a small room with no windows and I don't want to lock him there. So when the other dogs follow us and we get cornered there, I close them inside instead and take Hachi away.
      We go to my mom's and he roams around the house free. After a while I am looking for him and find him in the balcony injured with a bad open wound in his front right leg. Nearby is a robotic snake I keep as a toy, also severely "hurt". Turns out she can bite and it is a powerful metallic bite. I try getting close to him, but he cowers and hides his leg. I go get hydrogen peroxide and throw copious amounts on his wound. He ends up accepting my treatment and even puts his front legs over mine to thank me, I guess. Then I also want to help the snake but need something to grab it safely. I didn't know she had such a dangerous self defense mechanism.

      At my childhood home, alone, and I become lucid. I go into my room, honestly just wanting again to dwell on the melancholic feeling of seeing things from my past. But then I feel crazy horny and feel the urge to remove my pants. I look around for objects I might use creatively, but all I see is a wooden spoon over the bed for no good reason. So I give up on objects. Instead I decide to experiment what it would feel like if my clitoris grew to become a very long penis. Long enough that it reaches my mouth. And then I suck it. I almost wake up with the sensation but I manage to come back to the dream. Then I jump scare when through the balcony door I see 3 Rinpoches sitting outside. They are not looking at me, they are to right side, almost out of sight. I can only see a bit of their faces but I recognize them ckearly. They are facing forward as if listening or watching someone to my left side. I pull my pants up quickly, deeply embarassed, hoping they didn't see that. I get up and walk slowly towards the balcony sliding doors. Then they turn their heads towards me and nod at me wtth a smile. As I approach, I see many more of them and recognize almost all of them. Then some more pass by from my left side and disappear behind the ones sitting. The balcony is no longer a balcony, but some room somewhere else. They all aknowledge my presence, nod and smile, but none says a word. Then I walk forward a few more steps and I see my teacher to my left. He is standing there and he is the one all others were looking at or listening. They hint that I should come in and I do. Rinpoche comes to me and we immediately hug. Then we kiss. It is a shy confused kiss, because I want to kiss him on the lips but I am not sure if it is ok, so I kinda go for the cheek but still touch his lips. He seems surprised but pleased. We continue hugging. Then he kisses me on the lips properly. It feels incredible and totally real. We continue hugging tight and saying how much we missed each other, while I caress his back and head. I can even feel the smooth edges of his robe on his back and do my autistic thing of stimming by feeling the calming texture of the seam.
      Then he moves on and we are in some kind of library or classroom and I realize we need to get out because a class or lecture is about to start.
      Lucidity fades a bit from here. Outside he is with his entourage and they are heading to some place to lunch with, but he specifically says to his attendant that I am to have lunch with the more private group and sit by his side in the upper room. The restaurant is asian, but I can't tell from which country. Rinpoche and the private group disappear upstairs as I am distracted looking at the food they have on display. Then I am not allowed to come up. When finally that is cleared up, I arrive there, but Rinpoche has disappeared again, maybe to go to the bathroom or something, I think. The people there look me sideways and want me to sit me at the "kids" table. I see three empty seats and figure that's where Rinpoche will sit so I say I think I am supposed to sit there to, but they mock me and bully me. Some lady is being incredibly rude and gets into my nerves, so I bang my hand on the table, wanting to punch her, and say "one of these seats is for me, just wait and see". But I feel bad for my ego outburst, so I just go and sit at a bench near the window, at the far end of the table, but where Rinpoche can see me when he returns. Then we hear his voice on loud speakers, interviewing some indian fella and it is about Russia and some allegory with volcanos and people wonder what is this about.
    4. Zombies. Island conqueror. Witch

      by , 02-18-2021 at 09:18 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I've dreamt about zombies hunting me the two last nights. I got eaten alive once which always hurts. A dark coulor theme in the city with survivors following me. I have a gun and shoot a zombie that is about to eat my shoulder from behind but my gun turns into a toy gun and doesn't have any effect.

      I'm on an island with some people. My family is there and we are about to explore. A man says that he claims this part of the island and that we have to go away. I feel bad because he is the boss and I can't oppose him.

      I'm hunted by a witch in my house but know it's a dream suddenly. I think about hugging her but then I think about how she could hurt me and I loose my confidence. I fly out but it's not that pleasant since I was hunted.
    5. The Witch

      by , 02-10-2020 at 05:19 PM
      Morning of February 10, 2020. Monday.

      Dream #: 19,411-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min.

      This fantasy-driven dream is full of intriguing surreal imagery and events, but I am only able to describe some of the more eventful scenes. The narrative involves a witch and her friends and a young man who is investigating them and trying to stop them. I am not a part of any scene until imaginary proprioception and the typical personification of the preconscious initiates.

      The young man has a key to a room at the top of a staircase in the witch’s castle. Before he goes in, a friend downstairs warns him that she is approaching, but he remains unseen.

      I watch a ritual where the witch and about ten others sit outside in a circle at night. The young man, from a distance, does something to cause events to go wrong for them. The people deliberately fall over to their left to become ashes in the form of a human body but are supposed to be alive again in a short time. However, two do not live again, and the witch and her friends seem puzzled. The witch and one of the others, an unknown male, now have heads that look like the bottom half of an empty hard-boiled eggshell with a simple crown-shaped circumference, yet they are still alive, and their faces otherwise look human. (The imagery is quite surreal here.) They now decide to leave and turn into crows, flying away, leaving the others behind.

      During the day, one of the witch’s friends changes into a rhinoceros and chases the young man through a field. The man jumps, and the rhinoceros is seemingly crushed by a jeep. Members of the public gather in an unknown urban area. The young man looks at the sky and effortlessly flies into the air. He soon transforms into a jet. Eventually, two giant boys, their heads reaching the sky, makes the jet appear about the size of a Matchbox car as it flies around. My dream self becomes integrated into my dream as if I am only now part of the narrative.

      My waking-life identity initiates. I recall who I am and that I am married. I walk into a grocery store with Zsuzsanna, but it seems to be closing, and the lights are out. I become aware of my imaginary physicality, and my dream vivifies as a result. An unknown male, probably the store’s manager, stepping from behind a cashier’s area, talks about a “surprise celebrity” as part of a publicity gimmick for the store, though it is not meant to occur until tomorrow.

      I walk to a hall with a door to a staircase on one side. Kiefer Sutherland is sitting near the bottom of the staircase (as this dream’s vestibular system personification, though unlike many previous dreams, I do not use the staircase to increase imaginary proprioception, though my dream is most vivid at this point). He seems hesitant to shake my hand. I eventually talk him into it. Somatosensory dynamics increase, resulting in bringing me out of my dream.

      Tags: flying, witch
    6. xvi.

      by , 08-04-2018 at 10:13 AM
      Non-dream stuff; Just some non-lucid fragments. Must have woken up at 8 but don't remember it, and then woke up at 9 again, initially thinking it was still 8 and didn't make the correct recall efforts.

      Fragment 1:
      Not sure what the location was, but I remember volcanic rocks and things like that. Most of what I remember was fighting with a witch over a pizza or something, and she had my yellow box-cutter and tried stabbing me with it. We were locked in a struggle of me resisting the knife and her trying to push it into my chest.

      Fragment 2:
      Think it was part of the same dream, I remember me and one of my siblings playing a game. I remember gyro-copters and gnomes from Warcraft.

      • The box-cutter is one I own in waking life but it's a bit old now and actually isn't very good at all because the blade often drops out of its slot.
      • The pizza was small, like a microwave pizza.
      • I can't really remember what the witch looked like other than a stereotype, with black pointy hat.
    7. "The War and the Witch"

      by , 06-30-2018 at 04:39 PM
      (man it's a long one)

      Part 1: Spider-man and Dream Control

      The first section involved me trying to help Spider-man escort some kids to a destination across the generic city that often features in my dreams. I started out using the dream control powers I'm most adept at, superhuman agility and size changing. after I was done escorting, Spider-man thanked me, and I decided to try and perform a longstanding dream goal, to see if I could switch genders.

      After unsuccessfully attempting to to conjure a potion to do so, some weird advert for a product for it just appeared in my field of vision, and for whatever reason, I found out it was in my uncle and aunt's room in the hotel they were staying at. I immediately tried and successfully gained access to their room by sneaking in. The serum was apparently a form of shampoo, and I decided to take a shower with the weirdly complicated showerhead apparatus there. The serum didn't really work, but slowly did it after I took the shower, In the process, I completely destabilised the dream, plummeting it into chaos, I false-awakened as a girl, in my regular room, wearing my ordinary PJs, after that, I decided I'd go back to sleep.

      Part 2: Shopping and Terrible Rollercoasters

      I found myself in a ]shopping centre, specifically, the model most closely tied to the "docks" area, I woke up with a few friends, one even had a simulation of a rollercoaster they built, it appeared to be a weird fusion between a industrial/futuristic-themed ghost train, and a steel sitdown coaster in the fashion of The Scorpion Express, the ride jerked you around like some amateur designed it, too many Gs with a lot of corners in the tracks. We browsed around, getting a REALLY cool Nerf gun that had burst fire and multiple secondary dart types you could shoot, it looked like a cross between a surgefire, a Spectre REV-5, and a Demolisher 2-In-1.

      The War and The Witch

      After walking home for a bit, we stumbled upon a funeral parade for victims of "the old war", a lot of things happened before the parade, I even saw Emperor Palpitine driving a flying Arriva bus with only half the wheels. I saw multiple of my dad's old milliary friends marching in the parade, hearses carrying the coffins of young children, people who had fought in the war, and multiple machines that fought in the war. I climbed into one, and was handed a section of poem to read out. I can't remember the exact text of the poem, other than at some point it was replaced by an entirely new Harry Potter book. after the vehicle got separated from the main parade, we came across a destroyed bridge that had seemingly collapsed from all the people that had crossed it. As we plummeted into the water, we found some wire that got caught on the supply vessel we were in, something shot us out of the water, and on to land. I got out and tried to walk. I walked a familiar route, past the RSCPA complex, through the industrial estate, and onto a field. The only difference now, is that I picked up someone trying to get to a section in my journey.

      I encountered a witch on the path back to the parade, who then turned into a south asian women in a hijab, I recognised her, we had a talk, and then it all just faded out from there.
    8. 2-10 to 2-11 2018 dreams (no LDs)

      by , 02-11-2018 at 06:31 PM
      I had to do some experimenting with sleeping positions to fall asleep but eventually it worked. Before bed I did waking life recall of the previous day and some light cardio and stretching.

      Round 1 of Dreams.
      Witch Lady / Diglett attack / Guitar scales on bus / Truck into freezing water

      I forgot what happened up until here. There was some context that there was a lady who was like this witch lady and I was trying to find her photograph to click on it and then be able to fight her or defeat her. There was more before that but I can't remember like where the idea of the witch lady came from and all. Maybe something to do with playing music or that she was locking up my creativity.

      So, I was looking at all these photographs, but apparently the witch lady was inaccessible. They were all sort of decoys or secondary figures.

      Then I was at the bottom of this hill, in this dungeon room type of thing. There were these boxes I could hit and activate and then an enemy would come out. I would fight that enemy and they would explode or whatever like in video games and coins would appear. Then, I would collect the coins.

      The next phase was that the witch lady was going to roll a bunch of poor little digletts down a hill that were supposed to run me over. I started walking up the hill against the flow of Digletts rolling down. The Digletts were actually innocent victims and more on my side than hers. She was just using them for her evil purposes. I found that if I just laid down, the Digletts could roll over me with no damage.

      This was interesting part because when I say "me" and "I" what it was kind of like was there was this female video game character who was the protagonist. And then I was mixing between seeing her from outside or seeing the dream from her perspective. But I had a sense that was "me" or "I" because she was the protagonist? I don't know if it was really "me" though.

      So then "I" got to the top of the hill and the witch lady was mad I had made it up so far. She took hundreds of these poor Digletts and cast them into some giant folder type of thing on the side. This was supposed to destroy or sacrifice them. I thought it was sad but it seemed the witch lady couldn't quite kill me.

      I forgot what happened next. Maybe I fought the witch lady or maybe more other stuff happened.

      Next thing I remember, I was on this school bus. A woman I was in a long term relationship with back in college was sitting in the seat accross the aisle and one ahead. She was looking at my shirt and saying she had never seen it before. She was reading it to me. (Note to self #1*) . I was telling her that she had seen it lots of times before and I told her the proper way of saying the name on it. Then she was putting her bare foot on my shirt. This seemed normal to me.

      Then there was someone who objected to her doing that. They were like, are you really going to let her just put her foot on you like that? And I felt kind of awkward because I didn't want to insult the girl but they had a point in a way. In the context of the dream, the girl putting her foot on me had more to do with just being "uncivilized" than being rude to me.

      Either before or after that, I had a guitar, and so did a guy accross from me. I played a scale in kind of a cool way. I remembered the fingering to the major scales. 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, something like that, starting on the low E string. Well, I thought i was remembering it, but that seems off. Then, the guy accross from me played the same scale but in some super rock star kind of a way. He was using some double notes where he could play a note on say the twelfth fret but then play the fifth fret on the same string simultaneously and it sounded cool. It was way better than my attempt at playing. There was still a tone of not being allowed to play music though.

      So then on the bus we were driving down along this road. There was some building and some kind of dirt road. The people were kind of pressuring me like, are you going to spend the rest of your life with this person? (Note to self #2*) I really honestly wasn't sure at that point and felt torn, but pressure to decide.

      Then, we got to this sort of field with some small dirt hills. (Note to self #3*) There was something about having 15 minutes to get accross to the beach on the other side of the woods but not being sure if we were ready to set up this tent in the cold without having all our blankets and such. We weren't prepared for a night camping in the cold. Then the guy said he only had 15 minutes and was going to have to go all the way around. I said, no, look, there is a dirt path there you can drive on. Sure enough, he was able to drive on that dirt path and so we headed toward it. There was some ice on it but we were in a pick up truck now and should be fine if we take it slow. To the right of the path there was a body of water.

      Next thing I knew, the driver was heading straight for the water, to drive over the ice. I was thinking to myself, this is a bad idea, you won't be able to drive over the ice. It will break and the car will sink. But the guy went in anyway and sure enough, the ice broke, and we were all in the car, sinking underwater. Luckily we were able to get out of the car but it was pretty scary, especially with the water being so cold.

      I guess we sort of abandoned the pick up truck and were going to walk the rest of the way. Now there was a sense that someone was mad at us for drowning the pick up truck and would be coming after us.

      Next part I remember, I had gotten to a house that was supposed to be my Dad's. The other two people from the pick up truck were gone. My Dad was in the bathroom or something. I was in the kitchen and saw a bag of red ground beef on the counter, like a see through plastic bag. I weighed it and it was about 4 ounces. It seemed that my Dad had seasoned it up to make something for himself. I wanted to tell my Dad that if he was the person who answered the door, the people who came to kill the other people might not know that he was not one of the people who ruined the truck or whatever else. But then they might attack my Dad so I wanted to warn my Dad to maybe leave or not answer the door?

      Looking back, I realize that I was the first person they would see if they came in the house, and I wonder if anything else happened in the dream. That was as far as I could remember.

      I remember physically awakening on my left side some how, even though I went to sleep on my right side. I was kind of surprised at this. The first thing that happened when I woke up was like my mind was sort of melty or something? Like I felt like I half knew that I should be thinking of what I had dreamed but my mind wasn't fully awake yet or it was still disconnected from my consciousness. Eventually, it got to where I could grab hold of my mind and think through the dreams. So I stayed still, and thought, and nothing, nothing, nothing came until I think the detail of the red meat came to mind, then the ice water, and it all kind of flowed until nothing else would come to mind. I was able to wait long enough to pee to think back to that witch lady part and try to remember further and further back, but I couldn't get to any earlier than looking through the photos and trying to "click" on the witch lady to access her.

      I am not too angry about forgetting that part because I am surprised how much I remembered for just the first time waking up through the night. Maybe I want to use a voice recorder through the night instead of the computer screen, so I don't get so much light exposure, but I don't know how to set it up.

      Round 2 of Dreams.
      "Crash in my back yard / Talking Turkey"

      I woke up from this dream, started to remember it, then fell asleep a little bit again. So I think I lost some, but here is what I remembered.

      I forgot a lot of the beginning. But where my memory of this dream begins, I was sitting at my Nana's table with my sister. I was sitting where my Nana sits, which looks out at the whole back yard. My sister was sitting with her back to the wall where the T V is. I think my sister was drawing something and I was talking to her about it. She might have fallen off her chair or something, I don't quite remember, but it was something.

      Then, I looked out the back yard through the windows on the door and saw this giant black metal sort of thing. I was like, my goodness, that is definitely unusual. I didn't think I might be dreaming, but I was pretty surprised. I think I tried to point it out to my sister and she said, oh, its nothing.

      Then there were some police officers at my door. Some kindness came over me and I invited them inside the house, rather than keep them standing at the door. They were telling me how they came because there was a huge car crash and explosion in my back yard. We were on this big set of pink carpeted stairs, and all the police officers were all sitting around and laying down on the stairs. I kept noticing there was a table we could all go sit at, but I guess we all wanted to stay on the stairs. They were asking me when was my last time on something called "2 4 7 3 6 5". I tried to think back in my head to the last time I was on "2 4 7 3 6 5". It was morning time in this dream.

      I started to worry that once my Dad got home, he would be upset that I let the police officers in. So I hoped they would leave before he got home. They wanted to borrow his truck. Them taking his truck would cause him to miss his 9 A M A A meeting (he doesn't go to A A in waking life) and this made my sister upset. There were some jars of change on the steps.

      At some point my perception was that the big metal thing in the back yard was put there as a barrier so I wouldn't have to witness the wreckage of the car crash. But really I think that the big metal thing was the thing that caused the "crash" effect and the explosion.

      I think I forgot some more parts of the dream after that.

      Next in the dream, I only remember this part about a man being lusted after by women. He had some kind of name like Georginio'Bimbi or something like that. The initials were G apostrophe B. I forgot the rest but I think he had long black hair.

      I think I forgot some more parts around here.

      Then the end of this dream involved a scene with two guitarists on stage. I remember touching one of their guitars and noticing all the different wah wah pedal types of things there were on it. The guitarists seemed like they were going to have some kind of "guitar duel" but they ended up playing along with each other. They both had long hair and maybe beards.

      Then the guy on the right dropped down to do abdominal crunches while the guitarist on the left continued playing. The guy did abdominal crunches to the tune of the guitarists playing.

      Then I think there was a screen showing some of the antics back stage to the audience as the two guitarists did this performance. A guy came along and stole the guy's guitar who was doing the crunches. He ways sort of muttering to himself (for the crowd to hear, because he was acting) that he always wanted a guitar like this. So the "dream screen" followed him as he took it behind the back stage curtain and he wished for a car. A red recliner chair was along the side of a grey stair case and this seemed to be the fulfillment of his wish. On the chair there was a big raw turkey. On the turkey was some writing, something like, "I can have what I want." The guy either laid back on the turkey or he threw the turkey to the side before sitting down. Then he reclined back as far as he could in the red recliner chair, talking about how he was so happy to have his new car, by which he meant he was so happy to have the chair, but the chair was his "car". He was going to play guitar while reclining all the way back and he seemed so happy about it. I think the stair case would have got in the way of the neck of the guitar because it was right up against it. All this scene from the chair was seen from like a side profile view.

      So I woke up from these and began to think through them. It was like I knew something had happened but I didn't know what it was, so I kept trying to remember, and eventually, the details came up. As I was thinking about the part with the turkey, I fell back to sleep. I had a dream of a turkey singing "I'm talking!" In a deep voice kind of like Plankton's voice from Spongebob. That is not the first time I have been thinking of a dream detail from a dream I just had, woken up, and thought about it, and suddenly I was in a dream all about that dream detail. Interesting phenomenon.

      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I forgot some earlier parts of this dream. Also my dream notes were not sequential so I am not really sure what order this all happened in. I will try to put it in the best order I can. (Usually I like to put the dream in the order it happened if possible. )

      There was a part with my sister and it was her "last day visiting". I remember being unable to sleep and not really knowing how to handle her leaving. There was also a part where I was walking through the neighborhood with my sister and encountered my sister's friend's brother in a hooded sweater. I think it was on one of the roads I walk to the grocery store on because I remember the chain fence behind him and it looked like where I make that turn. But I remembered thinking I have no idea who these people are.

      So then, there was this part where I was dreaming of having difficulty sleeping. I was wondering what to do. I tried looking on You Tube and I found this one guy's video that was interesting. I don't remember the content but it was definitely pretty cool. I tried to copy paste the title of the video but I noticed it contained some parts that weren't letters. They were actually like bars that I could slide a little bar along like a volume or brightness bar to control the percentage of certain content within the video? Kind of hard to explain. One of the sliding scales was called something like "transgender". So I guess the higher I put that scale, the more of a "transgender" quality the video would have?

      At first I thought the Youtube video person was really cool but then it turned out they had a lot of issues. They were a black haired transgender person who was raging at everyone. It seemed like they were trying to stand up for themselves though. I remember they went down some stairs, and I kind of went down the stairs, too. I had to go down them backwards so I didn't hurt my knees.

      I was thinking they are so angry because they are just constipated, or that if they would walk down the stairs backwards, like I did, they wouldn't be so upset. (Note to self #4*)

      I am not totally sure of the order of events in this dream or if I missed anything. But next, some of my friends from high school were around. My friend Tom had a big game boy. He was drinking too much alcohol and then shutting the game boy around his head, so you could only see a game boy where his head was. Then, he was sitting on the edge of the table, and fell off it backwards, hitting his head really hard on the ground, with the game boy on his head. It looked like he had a brief case on his head. I was concerned that he must have been really hurt, but he got up and said he was fine! I didn't realize it was a dream.

      Then there was a part where there were two locations the dream would toggle between. It was a Pokemon game kind of thing and I wish I remembered more of it. Each location had a brown portal and a white portal. One portal brought me one place, one portal brought me back. The portals were like glowing concentric circles in the ground. Okay, so then it was some sort of Pokemon battle thing, but I mainly wanted to just walk around the level. I was seeing the "dream screen" as if it was the view point you see when you play Pokemon on gameboy (like ruby/sapphire generation).

      Then I was sitting with a woman and she was showing me some kind of maps or schematics. She sat down on my leg to show the maps or schematics to me. I was really sort of in love at that point because I guess that is definitely a sign she liked me, and usually when a female shows the slightest sign of interest in me, I fall in love!

      There was this part where these brown socks I have appeared. The woman and I were both looking at the sock and it had a hole in the back of it above the heel that looked like the hole in the hat where you adjust the width. So there was a part where the "dream screen" just showed both socks.

      Then the woman and I were sitting in some bleachers but in my living room. We were sitting pretty high up on them, towards the back. We were looking out at the beach one moment, then it was in my house. We were talking about getting jobs so we could have a life together. I was looking at a schematic and the view of the beach and saying how it wouldn't be that difficult for me to make schematics for a living. It is much harder for the people who have to actually build it or make the materials, but just making the schematic is easy, and I could do that for a living. She was talking about getting a late shift, like noon to 8 or 4 to 12. We were saying how if we both still like each other when we have jobs, we can be together. It was very loving. I was sitting slightly behind her at one point with my face in her hair, kind of holding her like a big hug from behind, how some couples sometimes sit. Like a spooning hug I guess you would call it, I don't know. It felt really like a gift because I felt a lot of love for this dream person.

      I started to worry that my Dad would get home. Sure enough, he came in the front door. My attention went away from the woman and I guess she dissappeared. He had just gotten home from somewhere. He laid down on the lowest bench of the bleachers to do a bench press. Somehow he had got 150 pounds from the floor to the bench press position without actually having spotter racks like bench press racks in the gym do. The bleachers made long benches for bench pressing. I went to spot my Dad and accidentally pushed the bar down instead of helping him up with it but he still pressed the bar anyway, so i was relieved I didn't crush him. Then I noticed it was an E Z bar, which means it isn't a straight bar, it has kind of pointy parts as it is bent at different angles. There is usually a pointy part in the very middle of an E Z bar and he was bouncing this part of the bar so hard off his rib cage that I could see his rib cage get pressed down and bounce back up. I was thinking to myself, that is so dangerous, he really should not bounce the bar like that. But he was even throwing the bar in the air and catching it, and then at the end of his set, he flung the bar on the ground in front of him. That would be a very unusual way to lift weights in waking life, but I didn't become lucidly aware. Next, I saw another barbell, but it was only half the length of a barbell. I thought of my olympic barbell in the basement and that I could get that for him instead, but then the dream situation shifted again.

      He had gone out to get a second "yard scooper" so that we would have two such shovels to use as two "shovel arms" for picking things up in the yard. But he forgot to get the second one while he was out. I was thinking of other things we could use in the mean time so he didn't have to rush back out.

      I wrote that at some point, there was a thing with Eminem lyrics, but I have no idea where this fits. It wasn't the content of the youtube video so I guess I will just leave it at that. I also vaguely remember some sort of buildings near a beach, but the buildings were like marketplaces with no roofs. I didn't know where that fit, either. I woke up from every dream with that image in mind but couldn't really think of what had happened regarding it.

      I woke up from these dreams but fell back asleep midway of thinking through them. Luckily, I didn't lose all the details. I was groggy throughout this night when it came to waking up to recall dreams. But I had enough energy to keep myself up long enough to remember the dream before I went back to sleep.

      Later on I also remembered that I had a dream where I was trying to post a dream journal entry on a forum somewhere. I was falling behind on my posts but not because I wasn't writing them. I was just working on multiple posts at once so I was going to post them all once I finished them all, instead of one at a time. I was trying to make a post to explain to anyone who wanted to read my dream journal entries that I was sorry for the delay but there would be a lot of posts soon. (This came from my idea of going back to older dreams in my DJ and posting them up in archived DJ entries. ) I was actually thinking of dreams I have actually had within this dream when thinking of the dreams I would post.

      Round 4 of dreams.

      I forgot what happened in the beginning of this dream. It was something with my sister and Aunt. My memory of the dream starts with me walking through this market place and there was a 20 percent off sale. The coupon was a piece of paper kind of ripped into a square, but then it had another square cut out of its center which I was trying to tape back in. I hoped that I could use multiple coupons, but then I realized I didn't need anything from this store, and so even at 80% off, it is still not a good expense of my money. Then there was someone, maybe my sister, or someone else, who wanted to go to the sale. So she was waiting for some guy to walk through the door so she could hand off her baby to him. He would be walking through the door at exactly 10:08 or 10:09 A M (something like that) and so she would walk out just as he was walking in and hand off her baby to him.

      I guess a lot of these perceptions in dreams of the context of what is going on around me is telepathic because usually it is not said outright.

      The next part was pretty interesting. I went to the end of a hallway and into this room behind a plastic curtain, like they have at gym showers. I started to notice lots of quarters on the floor and thought, maybe I dropped them there. (This makes me think there was some part of the dream in which I was already dealing with dream money but I can't remember. ) So I picked up one quarter, and then there was another, until one after another after another appeared. I looked at them, and they were silver, and seemed like waking life quarters. Some even had states on the back or eagles. Then, as I went more to my left, there were fifty cent pieces, some of those European coins with the silver around it and gold in the middle, and then gold dollar or five or even ten dollar coins in the shower part of the room. One of the quarters that was tails up, showing a bald eagle, was darker in color. I noticed this but just explained it to myself as waking life because money can get some dirt on it sometimes. I was feeling such a high from finding all of this money. The thought occured to me that it might be a dream. I think I finger palm tested a little, but eventually talked myself out of it being a dream! (Now upon awakening I find humor in that. ) As I picked up the coins, I had the sense come over me that they weren't mine. I was going to take them all anyway, and hoped that whoever they belonged to wouldn't come to get them before I finished gathering them all up.

      Then I walked out from there and still had the money in mind but there was another objective now. I had on a black shirt with some red design on it, like a red square. Everyone else seemed to be wearing this dark green science olympiad shirt that I got in high school or middle school and it still fits me. My sister was one floor up but could talk down to me. She told me to change out of my "nice clothes" before I come up, because they were using lots of cleaning chemicals up there. I saw that she was wearing that green shirt and I thought of changing into that shirt too. For some reason I proceded to go upstairs. But I had forgotten to change my shirt first and was upset with myself, because I would have to go all the way back down. Going up, I think the stairs were a little funny.

      My friend Yanni was playing a plastic water bottle as if it were a saxophone. I thought to myself, wow, I didn't know you could play a plastic water bottle so well and make such a great sound. Auditorially, I heard real saxophone music. Yanni was trying to attract a woman.

      When I went back down the stairs, I noticed they were a little different than they were going up. There were like 4 or 6 steps, then it turned 90 degrees and there were 4 or 6 more steps, then it turned again and there was a really long set of steps going down. This seemed unusual to me but I didn't become lucidly aware or thinking of checking if I was dreaming. I remember the stairs were a little slippery at one point as I went down them forwards and I got really scared. I had to catch my balance on the side of the stair well and then started going down the stairs more carefully.

      As I went down the stairs, I saw a few things. One was a grey electronic key board. I played it a little but was afraid it would get in the way of Yanni's music, so i stopped. (A lot of dreams were about a fear of playing music, which is coming up in my waking life as I consider picking up guitar again. ) I also saw this Kirby "alarm game" which was like a video game console. Also, I saw another quarter, but this one was clearly a fake plastic quarter, so I just returned it to the ground.

      I got back downstairs and now Yanni was at the foot of the stairs, still playing saxophone. I wondered how he got there again. I walked through this row of bushes into a hallway and there were these really cool exotic flowers. They were bundled really close together and looked or felt kind of like fabric. There were sky blue, goldenrod, pink or red ones, and other colors. I noticed one flower seemed different but didn't think much of it. They were all along the side of this hallway.

      I think some more stuff happened that I forgot. But then I found myself writing out what had happened so far, like I was doing a dream journal entry, but I was still in the same place. Unless I had dreamed of waking up, and forgot. I just felt like I was still in the same place.

      After I felt I had finished journaling, I got up and started helping set up for the party. As I went along, I began to have more dream memories pop into my head, so I wanted to be sure I wouldn't forget them. I found myself a white piece of printer paper and ripped a little corner off to use for notes. I looked for a writing utensil and found a colored pencil that looked different colors but said dark brown on it. It was more like a mix of light brown and orange! But the text on the colored pencil in the dream was very clear. I rotated the colored pencil around to find this word for the color on there. The tip was very sharp. I was not lucidly aware, but I was doing all of this with some level of consciousness, just not knowing it was a dream. I remember thinking it was pretty cool that dream memories would just pop into my mind as I went about my activities, so I would always have another memory to look forward to. I leaned up against a solid surface and wrote about the Kirby alarm, something else I had seen, and then I was going to write that I saw Yanni playing saxophone. I felt self conscious to write about Yanni because he was standing right near by, but I justified it like, I am writing my dream, it is not about him. Just as I wrote the name "Yanni" on the paper, he actually started to walk towards me. I was like, uh oh. Then, he started to talk to me about telekinesis. (I find it amazing how in my dreams, telekinesis is very common place, but in waking life, it is harder to notice. )

      Other stuff may have happened. I woke up and thought through these dreams, glad to recover them in some good level of detail.

      (I wanted to note that I had been setting a strong intention to practice dream recall within a lucid dream because I heard that any action performed in the lucid dream state is seven to nine times stronger than an action performed in waking life. So I figured doing dream recall within a dream would boost my dream recall in waking life. It was cool to me how immediately this translated into a non lucid dream about dream recall. )

      Round 5 of sleep.

      I tried to do a wake back to bed after the last dream by doing some light physical activity and then going back to bed. I fell back asleep after what seemed like a long time of waiting there awake, and then woke up from that sleep with no dreams I could remember. That was a little dissappointing. I tried to sleep again but couldn't. I got up to start the day.
    9. 9/29/17 - Swamp Witch

      by , 09-30-2017 at 06:58 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Swamp Witch (Non-lucid)


      I've retrieved a mushroom-shaped piece of wood from the forgotten portion of my dream directly before this. It must go at the center of the Sleeping Pond. The pond is shallow right now; shallow enough to touch the bottom with my hands even at the deepest part. I sense it is not a good idea to touch the water for too long, however.

      I use a log to cross to the center of the pond, where I place the wooden mushroom and then quickly walk back to shore. I'm left feeling accomplished yet drained of energy.

      There is a witch/swamp creature here who tries to lure people into the pond to sleep before doing who knows what with them. She is disguised as a beautiful lady. I'm trying to warn people about her, but she convinces everyone that I'm wrong. Either way, I do enjoy talking to her...

      My little sister
      (who does not exist in waking life) walks out onto the log and lays down on it. The Swamp Witch walks on the water toward her. The pond is much deeper now, with large neon-green tentacles writhing up out of the water. The log my sister is on flips over, dumping her into the murky depths. I talk the witch into helping me fish her back out.
      Tags: witch
    10. Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

      by , 12-20-2016 at 06:20 PM
      Morning of December 20, 2016. Tuesday.

      I am at our present address on W Street near the west side of our house on the public footpath. It seems to be morning. There had been signs of a light rain. I notice that the Wicked Witch of the East must have been in a storm (though not in our area, at least with any perceived backstory) and blown our way in that the NBN cabinet near our house had fallen upon her (which is not logical, as the NBN cabinet is set upon concrete and shows no signs of having been removed or damaged). I know this is true because her ruby slippers have been sticking out from under the cabinet for probably a day or two. They stick out from the right side of the NBN cabinet.

      It may be important to inform people of this. I look more closely and bravely feel the supposed ruby slippers, which are actually more like red fishing boots. They are of a floppy rubbery material. Perhaps the remains are not actually present.

      This dream presents failed flight waking symbolism, one of my most common forms of waking symbolism since early childhood, which is unrelated to waking life, and as such, does not imply any negative connotations. It establishes a form of “return flight” as related to the hypnopompic stage (which is rendered as such in over twenty percent of my dreams or 1 in 5 in tens of thousands), which sometimes induces a falling sensation (which is biological and unrelated to waking life). It is unreasonable to assume real life associations with such precursory symbolism relative to hypnopompia.

      In this case, the position of the implied body (though the body itself is not seen or touched) is in a sleeping position, a real-time dream state indicator. Once again, the waking symbolism is oriented on the right.

      The detail of the red fishing boots establishes three well-known dream state indicators simultaneously, red as a known presence of waking priority (especially in dreams which become completely red, which means I have been sleeping too long), boots that are not being worn (as one does not wear shoes when in bed), and residual water induction remnant (in being fishing boots or waders).

      Additionally, there is the implication of the NBN cabinet representing technology, communication, and intelligence as symbolizing the conscious self over the fictional dream self or the remnants of the ephemeral dream self at the waking point.

      Additionally, it is unreasonable in this case to assume the “witch” is related to waking life by specifics, for three main reasons. One, the “witch” herself does not even appear in this dream. Two, the “witch” is a fictional character from the “Wizard of Oz”, and my association validates this entire dream as primarily a real-time dream state indicator. Remember that “The Wizard of Oz” is about someone being knocked unconscious and having a dream. Three, it is fantasy, and fantasy symbolism is based on creativity, not life-relevant symbolism.

      Updated 09-10-2017 at 05:35 AM by 1390

    11. 4/08/16

      by , 10-05-2016 at 05:05 AM
      Another riveting dream from my crazy mind. This one went from intriguing to weird. Like my dream just gave up making sense halfway through and went here, enjoy the crazy...

      My friends, inexplicably, are trapped in the basement. I made the mistake of going downstairs to see what the cries are for, and they trapped me too. We're scared, cowering in the hall, lined by jail cells on either side of us. We're held by gunpoint and forced into the cells. I'm with two other people, a guy and a girl. I don't know them. I have a gun stashed in my waist, and I realize I could be our only hope.

      I shoot the leader in the shoulder and the neck, but of course it's not fatal. Thought I killed him, and I let my guard drop. He shoots me and I get hit in the side. He goes upstairs, and one of his goons comes down to tell us to stay put. I sit down and the guy sits in my lap. He's younger than me, about 12-13, and scared. The other girl and I are trying to comfort him.

      The goon shoots into our cell with a shotgun, and it hits the guy in my lap in the shoulder. He doesn't cry out in pain - he sighs and moves off my lap, more annoyed than anything. As we sit, they bring more kids down and lock them into the cells around us, chaining them in. We decide we have to escape.

      A girl comes downstairs - apparently she's a witch. She heals the guy with me and then unlocks the cells and the chains so we could free the kids. The bad guys come down and we scatter; the witch stays behind to hold them off and let us escape.

      I run upstairs and realize it's was my old apartment. My boyfriend's there, and we run out and get in his truck to drive away. We get lucky and escape, moving out in the process. They didn't see us. I realize how lucky we are because apparently I realize no one else managed it. We go to my current apartment and as we were unpacking, we realized we haven't grabbed everything and we have to go back.

      I'm freaking out, but I tell myself it's okay because if I get scared I can just wake up. This oddly doesn't send me into lucidity completely. I'm vaguely aware that I'm dreaming, but not enough to let me take control, just enough to keep me from being afraid.

      We run across the front of my apartments through the grass to get to his truck. We run down some stairs past a pond, and there were two boulders rolling around in the water (???). Floating on top like beach balls. I joked they were cannon balls and this cracked me up in the dream (I have no idea don't ask). The boulders were splashing and rolling, and water kept splashing us. We were both soaked and since I had flip flops they kept slipping off so I had to keep going back to get them. There was a party going and tons of people were on the lawn. After the third time of running back to get flip-flops the dream sort of shifts.

      I was Stewie from family guy. As I turn on the grass I'm in a suburban neighborhood, no longer at my apartment. I was sitting in a driveway and Brian (also from family guy) was standing behind me.

      He and some other people were standing around drinking, making fun of me. I got up and asked Brian for a favor. I don't remember what I asked or what he said, but he laughed me off. I was upset. I took a drink from one of his friends and downed it. I remember writing in a journal that 'I wanted to drive away and never come back. But I'm drunk so I can't. So I walked away instead'. Which I did.

      And when I wandered away I became myself again. I was back at the apartments, by the pond. I found someone's phone, with the name Tara on the screen. I stumbled around the pond and got to this bridge walkway thing. A bunch of people were rushing by. I casually said 'Tara?' to a girl running by. She didn't respond so I asked if she knew Tara, and she said no. I asked where she was going, she said 'there was a fire on___ street! My. Family's there!' and I realized that's where I'd left Brian and the others (my family still, apparently) and I rushed to go see them.

      I'm apparently on a hill because now I have to run down giant stairs to get to the houses. I mean there's like a huge foot wide gap between each stair, and they're actually mini tvs playing ESPN Sportscenter, instead of real steps.

      I distract myself trying to walk and watch at the same time and remember thinking this is why these aren't mass produced. They're doing an interview. The man interviewing is in a dinosaur costume, talking to a little girl that just got rescued from the house fire I'm rushing to. I wake up when I reach the bottom of the steps more confused than I have been in a while.
    12. [12/14-09-2016]

      by , 09-15-2016 at 02:53 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in some village, driving a bike. Someone was driving with me, we were driving towards a witch's hut. The witch was anr at someone, which made dealin with her harder.

      Precognitive dream recalled: I was sitting in an armchair in my sister's house, writing something on my phone.


      I went to school and got immediately taken to some contest of biological knowledge with other people from my class. They asked me about some shampoo, and then the contest began. We had to take a random question and answer to it. I rolled "Why do you want to learn biology?" And a dude in a black suit appeared. I said "I can't help you anymore." He replied "Really? No kidding, you still can do it."
    13. Galantamine Works

      by , 08-04-2016 at 11:46 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Yesterday I received my package of galantamine and alpha gpc. This is my first time using these supplements. I don't like to rely on supplements but I have heard good things about galantamine and wanted to give it a try. I am not very good at WILD because I take a while to start dreaming. This should act sort of like training wheels while I build up my WILD skills. The only other supplements I have tried are b vitamins and choline which simply ensure I am not deficient. Galantamine, on the other hand, puts your brain into over drive and produces more acetycholine than it naturally does. Alpha GPC is a more powerful form of Choline than what I used before because I will need a even larger supply.

      After 4.5 hours of sleep I wrote down a short non lucid dream and took 8mg of galantamine and 600gm of alpha gpc with a granola bar and some water. My WBTB was half an hour long and while I started to feel more alert I didn't feel like it was a good night for WILD so I a mainly set my intentions for DILD.

      08:00 AM
      Galantamine Works (DILD)

      I am at some sort of makers festival. Adam Savage is giving a demonstration of a home made roller coaster someone made. In the dream I am an acquaintance of Adam's so he allows me to demonstrate it for the crowd. I hang from a little seat and swing around a track and it is surprisingly fun for being such a small ride. Afterwards, I go back to an RV that I guess my dad, sister, and I are renting for the trip. I see that we left it running and now the battery is dead and it won't start. I feel tired and stressed so I decide to take a nap. I also remember driving the RV through some snow covered mountains but I don't remember if that was after or before this section.

      I wake up in an FA and I am having breakfast with Harry Potter and the Weasley family in their kitchen while the sun is still coming up. Aurthur, Molly, William, Ron, and Harry are there with me. I find myself drinking a glass of burbon on the rocks. Aurthur says what I was thinking,"Isn't it a bit early for that?" Molly says,"Oh, dear, don't drink that. You will have a nasty hang over at the wedding." I take a sip and it tastes fricken delicious. It has strong fruity notes and a spicy kick at the finish. I say, "Try this though. It is so good!" and hand it to Aurthur and Molly for them to try. Aurthur says "hm!" and Molly says,"That is good!" Percy comes in a bit later and doesn't look like he does in the movies. He has glasses like in the books and longer hair. At first I wonder if he is Charlie but he says something pretentious and I know it's more likely Percy. Things start to explode around us and we take cover. I teleport outside and hide in the bushes except instead of The Burrow it is my family home. Voldemort floats up and shoots an avadakadavra spell through the window and I see Bellatrix Lestrange running and laughing. I teleport again.

      I am on a space ship that is being boarded by another ship. I am captured and going to be taken to be a slave of The Collector from Guardians of the Galaxy. Some of us escape somehow and end up on a grungy space station. My girlfriend is there now and we go into a dark room where a crowd is watching a play. It is about the religion Santeria and I have to explain to my girlfriend how Santeria works and isn't Catholicism. People shush us. After not to long the play ends and I go up to tell the actors and actresses they did a good job. One of the blond actresses says we should all hang out sometime and insists on getting our contact information. I write my number and email on a sticky note and leave. I am in a city on some other planet now. All the buildings look like they are decaying and falling apart. There are lots of DCs walking around in this area.

      I hear a voice in my head. It is the actress from earlier. She says that she has hacked all my accounts with the info I gave her. What the heck? She says,"Thanks for putting your username and password on there too." What? I didn't put my password on there. I start running and go into a less populated area. Where am I anyways? I climb up one of the collapsing buildings and stand on the roof. The city extends very far and is just as messed up looking all over. There is an ocean nearby and mountains and the sky is very blue.

      I become lucid and feel very euphoric and happy. I jump off the building and fall for a bit. I catch myself and feel that the gravity on this planet is a little bit heavier. I start flying out over the ocean where there mountains are sticking out of the water. There are tall stone columns like in Zhangjiajie China except sticking out of the ocean. There is collorful foliage on the cliffs and a giant waterfall coming out of one of them. This reminds me a lot of the Vision of Beasts in Far Cry Primal. It feels very trippy. I remember that to get the most points for Spellbee2's contest I need to do my third three-step task which is the completely phase through something. I see one of the pillars ahead and decide to use that. I prepare myself and fly as fast as I can at it. I put my hand in front of my eyes so I can focus on making my peripheral vision move as fast as possible. I remove my hand and fly right through the pillar. It is the thickest thing I have ever phased through and makes a phwomp sound as I do so.

      I turn back to the mainland and see the dead city sprawling before me. Only one building looks normal. It is a redish brick castle on a small rock island right off the coast. That must be where my dream guide is. I fly down to it and land on the highest tower. I stick my hand back and feel a hand take hold of mine. I start to wake up though and loose visuals. I am determined and maintain the feeling of the hand. I pull it forward and feel the rest of the arm too. I feel a dress that feels like the one my dream guide wore the first time we met. She jumps up and hugs me with her legs wrapped around me. I still can't see anything. I hold her up and compare our heights. I estimate that she is about my height but taller than me with her heels on. "Dream guide?" I say. I try and see her face and I am a bit startled as my vision comes back suddenly and a bit distorted. She doesn't have a witch hat on this time and I try and see the color of her hair. It starts out red but as the dream stabilizes it becomes dark purple. "Hi Monkey." she says with a kind smile. She looks slightly different than last time with dark hair I think but it is definitely her.

      My dream journal says the first time I met her her hair was probably dark purple although I had a hard time remembering for sure. The second time it was definitely red. A few weeks later when I saw this wallpaper for Runescape. I knew that was almost exactly what her face and hair looked like. Now that I pull up that wallpaper in photoshop and make the hair purple it does in fact look how she looks in this dream!

      "I'm sorry. I never asked your name when we first met." I apologize. Somehow a name comes to my mind, however. Juliana Is that a false memory? Did I ask her name in a previous dream and forget until now? "You don't remember?" she says. "Well, actually, now I don't know." I reply. "Go ahead. Say it." she insists. "Juliana?" I ask. "Bingo" We start walking toward a walk way along the castle walls. "Where have you been this whole time Juliana? I don't mean to be rude but you haven't exactly been much of a guide." I ask her. "Where have I been? It's not like you haven't been absent too. I'm a busy lady. This last couple days I was captured while fighting against the Darshana. Aleins that are working for ?????? I don't remember the name here. She starts to explain more stuff but I stop following her and say "Wait, before we get any further, will you follow me around till the end of this dream?" "No" she scoffs "Your following me. I'm the guide." "I just have to ask that for the Task of the Month." I explain. "Fine" she says and we start to walk again I see that we are walking up some steps toward some sort of dome structure. "You sure are spunky Juliana. Oh, also tell me a secret of AndresLD's." I ask. "Andres? Hmm." she pauses. "Stay away from him for a while. In your dreams I mean. He is still recovering from a dry spell and has something he needs to work through first." She goes back to explaining how she escaped from the aliens and ended up here sort of like how I did. I ask her what is this place and she says it is a planet called "Drywall". The aliens work for her nemesis, an evil witch. She seems to imply that I have met her before. I have another one of those vague memories of a blond witch. "But wait I'm friends with a blond witch. That isn't her is it?" I think. Juliana asks, "Don't you remember?" . I have a hard time telling what memories are real and what are false. "Wow my dream memory can be really shit sometimes huh." I say.

      We are entering the threshold of the large open dome. It may be some type of observatory. "Juliana, slow down real quick. Where do witches get their powers anyways?" She starts to explain but it goes a bit over my head and is hard to remember. I start to wake up and try to DEILD but fail.
      I wake up in my sister's house in Fresno although it isn't really layed out accurately. I get out of bed and the sun has come up but my brother in law is the only one awake. "Hey, It's been a while hasn't it?" he says. I wonder, how long has it been. It can't have been more than a couple months. I think this must be a FA so I do a nose plug but surprisingly no air gets through. That's weird. I go to the window and there is a large pumpkin bounce house. I do two more RCs and they both fail and I wake up for real at home.

      After waking up I felt a euphoric feeling both from the galantamine and from the fact that I completed a goal that has meant a lot to me since 2011. I had a barely perceptible jiteryness in my arms that comes with taking higher doses of galantamine. I also felt pretty wiped out from having such an intense dream and didn't feel capable of going back to sleep for more. I am definitely going to take 4mg next time so that my body can get used to it. I won't take galantamine more than once a week and reserve it for special occasions because it can build up in your system and mess up your sleep schedule. I have to say though it was very successful!
    14. Chase in Tehran

      by , 06-30-2016 at 12:45 PM
      I was awake. then closed my eyes and then I imagined that I am near the gate of on the subways in tehran <4rah'e Veliasr> Then My imagination became true (WILD) and I went to dream in there. Then It was lucid. I entered to Subway station and then after a while I was in a train station with 2 beautiful girls. I took their hand and I walked. then I looked my back. There was a witch that was chasing us. I afraid and flied with 2 girls and near there I descend in a farm land. I imagined that this land be my mind and start to grow increase some Mind Development Material in it.
    15. Witchcraft

      by , 02-04-2016 at 11:16 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a field with a middle aged, thin blond woman. The sun is high and ther's just enough wind for the grass to shiver. We start running, going faster and faster. She takes my hand and we start floating about the ground, zipping above the grass at high speed. A large tunnel appears in front of us, the woman with me asking me to slow down. I go faster instead, rising us a little more above the ground so we don't touch the long, low bench in front of the entrance of the tunnel. A blue wall made of pure nergy shimmers in front of us for a split second and we go through, reaching the inside of the tunnel. The woman let go of my hand and we slow down and fall back on the floor. I land on my ass and my head feels floaty from the speed. The woman helps me up and give me a cigarette on a holder, lighting it up for me. I take a puff, feeling the hot smoke going down my throat, coating it with ashes. It taste like breathing in the fumes of firewood, with a hint of spiciness underneath, like four spices roasting.*
      I look around in the tunnel. The ceiling is vaulted, and all of it is covered in metal plates, some kind of purplish stainless steel. A man in a labo coat come closer to me, saying that I passed the protection like they weren't there. I understand that I'm some kind of witch, here because of it. I throw away the cigarette and go deeper into the complex. I reach a place that looks like a lab, with gleaming, white ceramic tiles everywhere. There's cars here; very old one. I come closer to one of them; it's bright red, with golden accent. A young man is fussing with it, calling it his baby. It roars to life when I come closer, wiggling like a dog. I pat it while the young man looks at me with a bemused look on his face. I start to walk away, but the car follows me, much to the chagrin of the young man. I give him a smile as an apology and fly off to the surface, climbing out in the same field.
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