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    1. [04-05-2015]

      by , 05-04-2015 at 08:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Meeting of wizards

      I was standing on top of a platform, high above the ground. I was a powerful necromancer, meeting with a conjurer and elementalist.

      Running away from the police

      I went out of my home. I walked for a while, and found myself in an industrial street from VIII century. Suddenly I saw a minimap on the left bottom corner of my vision, and a star indicating that police is looking for me.

      I decided to run away. I saw that they already surrounded the area. The policemen were wearing blue uniforms with strange hats. As I ran away, they shot at me. Luckily none of their shots were succesfull. I saw an old Ford car, but decided to leave it there.

      Running towards an alley leading into slums, I found a gun lying on the ground, and took it. It was getting dark. I ran towards junkyard, and found a shelter that one of the homeless built before his death. I've hiddent there, preparing for a sudden attack.

      Suddenly I saw someone coming. He was wearing black suit, and holding a suitcase full of money. When I looked at him, text saying "russian drug dealer" appeared above his head. I panicked and shot at him, but somehow the bullet haven't hit him.

      Luckily, he just ignored me. After a short while of waiting, a soldier jumped on a parachute and landed close to me. He told me that he is a great general, and that if I want to live, I must accept his offer. He told me that I'm going to be a "Head Director Paladin".

      Dark Lord

      With group of my teachers we went inside some kind of crypt, buried underneath the school. It was dark inside, and there were many skeletons lying on the ground. Suddenly I recalled that I was there before, fighting with the undead. There were skeletons with huge swords, cloaked skeletons summoning other undead, and the dark lord himself.

      The dark lord was a skeleton, surrounded by field of strong, pale blue energy. Despite having no tissue or skin, it had long, dark curly hair. Trying to survive the encounter, I fought every way possible. I ran towards small chamber, leaving most of the undead on a corridor. They had to run towards the chamber, which let me fight them one by one.

      I took a huge sword out of my backpack, and slashed my way out. There was only the dark lord left. I knew that this particular undead is too strong to kill it with a mere sword. I focused and cast a "destroy undead" spell. Then my vision returned back to the school.

      I told teachers that I was there before, but none of them listened to me. They just wanted to take any valuables from there, and seal it from the world. I estimated that all the junk they took was worth two thousand dollars.

      When they went away to sell it, I entered the crypt. Suddenly I traveled back in time, and saw that it was a school cloakroom before. I looked around, and between closets I saw a girl sitting on a bench. She went out a while later.

      I looked again, and saw that there were some cats running around. I realised that the horror had something to do with the cats. Suddenly a horrifying music started to play. For a long time I chased those cats and freed them. When there were only two of them, a weird man appeared.

      It was an old, bald man with long, white beard. He was wearing grey suit. I took another cat, and went closer to him. He was holding a carving knife, and there was a cat sitting on the table. I asked "What's with this knife?" And the man stabbed the cat to death.

      This angered me. I let the cat that I was holding before go away. I found a cleaver lying nearby. I made a long, horrifying howl and threwn it at the man. It made an arc and hit him in the foot, cutting it in half. The man started to scream in pain.

      Then I realised, that I was responsible for all the foul ongoings there, as truly I was the Dark Lord.

      FA - in home

      I was sitting in an armchair. It was dark. I looked around and saw that my relatives were sitting nearby, and looking at me. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. I took the phone - it belonged to my younger sister, and went back to my relatives. I gave the phone to my sister.
    2. Wizards, Vampires and Werewolves

      by , 05-21-2014 at 01:50 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Some dream having to do with me and my friend S forgetting our lunches at school. It was painfully boring and I'm not going to go into detail.

      I meet some girl who begins teaching me something about my home town. That there are actually three secret clans. The largest clan is the 'Red' clan is composed of Vampires. Their central hub is a large red mansion near the center of town. About a quarter mile away is the 'Blue' Clan, composed of Werewolves. Their numbers are slightly less than that of the Vampires, but their clan is considered more prestigious. They live in a blue mansion that is slightly smaller. The third 'Yellow' clan is composed of wizards. There are only a few of them and they live in a small yellow cottage on the very edge of town. The girl tells me that If I want to, I can join one of the clans.
      -Time Skip-
      It is about 2 weeks later. I have decided to join the Werewolf clan, and while I have been accepted, I haven't been made into a Werewolf yet. I am however given a moon amulet that is supposed to prepare my magical energies and make my initial transformation into a Werewolf easier. I am with the girl who introduced me to the clans sitting on the side of a grassy hill. There are large mountains covered in trees all around us and it is a cloudy overcast day. Me and the girl admit that we have fallen in love with one another and begin kissing.

      Since when did my dreams become a really crappy rendition of twilgiht?

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:58 PM by 53527

    3. My Little Ponies; Hobbits

      by , 11-21-2013 at 09:15 AM
      Original journal entry dated July 11, 2002:

      I had a dream last night about My Little Ponies and stuff. There was this alternate dimension you could go to by climbing this one cliff, but only if you climbed it along the correct path, and there was an evil wizard queen who was keeping all of them in cages, and I had to crawl through a sewer. And it was all animated.

      Then I had another dream, and in it I was with a group of people, and we were all spellcasters or something, and I was a hobbit, and I was with a bunch of other hobbits in an army and we had to drive a big Evil out of our land. Only it killed my best friend. . But somehow, before I was going to die, I got teleported somewhere safe, so I only wound up in a coma, and another hobbit who had been in the battle and survived it befriended me. So we decided that we had to seize the fortress of the big bad guy, and it was set up a lot like a dungeon in a way. Lots of stone and metal grates. But still technological. And it was actually a space ship. So we fought our way through it, only the entire time we were moving forward the badguys were closing in behind us, until we had gotten in too deeply to turn back, and a REALLY BIG evil dude who was like a vampiric slug thing attacked me and started gnawing on my guts, but my party members killed it. We kept going, except we could hear a really big SOMETHING behind us and quickly getting closer. I shut it off from the room with a heavy grate, and we somehow managed to get to the docking bay and blast off in a smaller ship right as it busted through the door. It was like Jabba the Hutt with octopus tentacle things, and it had a whole horde of smaller badguys with it. Then the ship we were in accelerated and we left them behind. And then there were more My Little Ponies, for some reason. The end.
    4. Toy Bear Show

      by , 11-10-2013 at 07:21 PM
      Original entry dated Feb. 12th, 2002:

      Last night, I had a dream that by going into womens' bathrooms and walking through a certain special wall in a particular stall, I could reach a magical alternate dimension where witches and warlocks and stuff hung out. I also collected stuffed animals as a hobby, but that was a relatively minor part of the dream.

      Original journal entry dated Feb. 16th, 2002:

      I had a dream a while ago that there were two villages of little toy-people. Like teddy-bears and stuff. There was a little village at the bottom of a tree, and a little village on a branch of the tree. The village at the bottom of the tree sent a scout up the tree to ask the village up there why they never came down to visit. When the scout got there, he found out that the reason was because they couldn't get down. All of the different villagers had little quirks - like one was always rollerskating, and another one watched a lot of Sesame Street. The scout showed them how to get down - just jump off the branch. The problem was, he had a parachute - and they didn't. So they all broke into little pieces when they hit the ground, and had to reassemble themselves.
      So one of them was, like, half of a rabbit and half of a rollerskate, and another one had a TV instead of a torso, and one had two heads, and I think two of the others were joined by a slinky thing, and one of them had heads for his feet...
    5. My Lucid Dreams, SP experiences and OBEs. Part one

      by , 04-09-2012 at 07:19 AM
      This Is a account of the Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis experiences and Out of Body Experiences I can remember. I decided to type them up so I won't forget the ones I can remember.

      I will begin with My OBE since My first OBE ( One of two) I had at a very young age and it was way before I knew the meaning of LD OBE and SP.

      I was seven or eight I believe and my family was on the way home from getting food from Walmart. We had a van much like the one we have today. It's the kind with two seats up front, two in the middle ans three in the back. I was sitting in one off the middle seats. This happened in the middle of summer and I live in Texas so It's really hot. I had fallen asleep and had a pretty insane experience. I felt myself lift out of my body and looked down to see myself sleeping in the car. I floated up and out of the car but outside there was nothing just a solid empty void. Looking down I could still see the van. The roof of which was clear like I could see through it. I could still see myself sleeping. I could also see my brother and sister and grandparents. My grandma was driving. There was music playing and they where talking but it all sounded far away and i couldn't understand what was being said. I floated back down into the car and hovered right above myself, unsure of what to do. Now inside the van I could see outside and watched as we pulled up to our house. I watched as everyone got out and took all the groceries in, making more than one trip. Finally I watched as my grandpa closed the trunk and everyone went inside. Then it got really quiet. I was still in the van. I hovered above myself. I tried to call out for my grandpa but I had no voice. It was strange though. It was like I could feel myself talking but there was no sound. I started to feel really hot. I feel trapped and unable to breath. I looked down at myself and tried to will myself to wake up. I started to panic and things got even stranger. I felt myself splitting apart and rising up through myself once again until I staring down at many of me hovering above the asleep me. (The best way i can explain this is if you face two mirrors inward at each other and look through it, the image repeats forever) By this time I feel almost like I'm on fire and there is no air left in the space. I really begin to freak. The it was almost like I just snapped. I yelled as loud as I could "WAKE UP!!!!!!" This time words formed and I could hear the sound. It was like a delayed reaction of sound and as the wave pushed down toward the sleeping me all other mes came together all going down to the true me then SLAM!! We all came together and I woke up so suddenly that I jerked the seat belt and sling shotted backward.

      I looked around the car which really was empty and everyone really had gone inside. In fact the car was park exactly where I had watched it be parked in my OBE. Then I realized that I was still burning up and i still couldn't breath. I frantically ripped away my seat belt and practically threw myself out the door. Took me a second but i caught my breathe and went inside where it was cool. I think I got really lucky that day that I didn't have a heat stroke. (DON'T LEAVE KIDS IN CARS!!)

      OK Before I tell you my second OBE I want to share the first time I had SP.
      I was at my aunt and uncles house so I was sharing a room with my sister. This freaked me out for a long time but really I'm glad because it was because of this I researched SP and that led me to find out about Lucid Dreaming (Which I had been doing very mildly since i was young but never knew it was a term)
      I guess it started as most people experiencing SP do, by realizing you can't move. I woke up in the middle of the night and my body felt soooo heavy and thought I wasn't breathing like there was two much weight on my chest. I tried to move but found that was impossible so I did want anyone would do if they wake up in the dark and can't move..I FLIPPED SHIT!. I struggled and tried to yell to my sister but my voice wouldn't come and that's when I saw him. I shadow like figure in the corner of the room. I became complete terrified, if I wasn't already paralyzed I would have been frozen with fear. I began to notice for the first time the noises and vibrations. I looked at my sister peacefully asleep and in my mind I was like "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!" I start to look back to the corner and come to a wall of darkness and it take a second for my eyes to understand what I'm looking at. The shadow guy had gone from the corner across the room to standing a inch in front of my bed. The wall of darkness is really his chest. The way I'm laying give me a odd perspective. If I strain my eyes I can look up far enough to see him leaning over me. He leans farther and farther in getting closer to my face. I get this not so odd idea that he is going to do something along the lines of bite my face off.
      Then in a instance it's all over and I jump out of bed. Needless to say it was hard to go back to sleep after that.

      My second OBE has to deal with my second SP as-well. This was after I had learned you could use SP to do a WILD.
      I woke up and felt the familiar vibrations and heard the frighting sounds and when i found myself unable to move i knew exactly what was going on. That didn't keep the panic from rising. Then I looked across my room and there was that same freaken shadow man standing in front of my closet. My first thought was "OH YELL NO!!" I slammed my eyes shut and tried to send myself into a Lucid Dream but it didn't quite work out like that. I started to feel myself slipping away only this time I wasn't floating up I was sinking down. I watched as I sank below myself and my bed and slowly into a dark void. I slowly hit a ground of some kind. It felt cold and had gleam to it. I looked up and could see my room as if the ground of it had been replaced with glass. I could see through my bed and at me laying in it. I glanced around at the empty void and got a horrible sinking feeling that if I didn't go back now I wound never be able to return. I willed myself upward and back into my body with great ease and I woke up.
      I went over to my computer and looked out a trailer on Youtube for Deathly Hollows part one (This all happened right before that movie came out and i really wanted to see it) That's when my room began to change and It became the scene I had been watching and I was now standing on top of Hogwarts thinking "What just happened". I watched wizards fly past and it was so amazing. Then I understood I was Dreaming and previously it had been a false awakening. I was so happy but then the world began to spend and I woke up for real this time.

      End of part one. I'll post my lucid dreams next time but I'm super tired now so, Happy Dreaming!
    6. Potter, Spells and Defense

      by , 10-05-2011 at 01:06 PM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      05-10-11 No intentions, not even to get lucid, though maybe with a hint of wanting to remember dreams. Stoned.

      “Underground Potterish showdown”

      I am in a Harry Potter like universe. I am Harry to begin with I think, but then something happen something about an adventure and a person shifting into a black jaguar or similar.

      I then become one of the twin brothers I think and we are supposed to go to this theatre or school and scare up the evil kids who are voting capital V. Throughout the dream when I am this brother I recall comparing my wand with my brother's, which I believe is the elder wand. Or at least something stupidly powerful.

      Mine is.. quite the opposite. It s fairly long and thick, though it seems made of plastic or candy. It is made of all sorts of transparent coloured tubes that are wrapped around the main shape to give the wand in it's entirety a rather complex look. It is flexible as fuck though, which sort of surprise me. I remember thinking “I really like this wand” although I am not a wand guy. I even thought about that during the dream “I really don't like wands, but this one..” Anyways enough of me talking about how much I love my stick, and on to how I use it!

      We head to the theatre and walk through the doors. I can't recall if we have any problems walking in, but I don't think so. There is a wall immediately behind the doors and we walk around this and find another set of doors. I ward myself with a spell that will nullify the first 3 offensive spells that hit me, by drawing my wand in a half circle around me and saying something in a tongue I didn't knew I know. Though I remember not what I said the language sounded dark side, and it ends on a defensive word like “defendarius” “Repeltor” or maybe it was “reflector” (though this last word I used in a later dream and I might just be confusing myself). I only become aware of this 3-spell-limitation in function later on when I am battling the kids and I think to myself “Gee I wonder how many charges are left on my shield?”.

      So my brother and I slam open the doors and find a crowd turning their heads in surprise. I can sense that I am becoming angry and I start slinging out spells, though I think I am aware of not wanting to kill anyone, they need to be hurt enough to get scared. I seem to remember some sort of slicing spell that will cut them a bit, but not kill. We are walking down a centre isle and as we get to the bottom of this and are standing around the people I say something more in my dark side tongue and take off in flight to my left, which is also where I spot Voldemort. I am not particular afraid of him though he is looking at me, and this is also the time I check up on the status of my shield.

      The dream skips a bit though this might just be due to the violent battle that ensues. In any case I find myself outside the theatre and it was apparently located on this ledge. The surroundings have a dark feel to them, unnatural dark at that. Like it is a city underground, which would explain the fragmented memories of walking around underground/sewer tunnels.

      The feel is exactly like this:

      However imagine that the platform is naturally attached to the tunnel where the POV is, instead of the mechanical “arm” that is holding it up, and on the platform is the theatre in question. I am looking at the theatre from a distance up in the air and I can see the tunnel I am supposed to go to. The place is collapsing (further) into the ground.

      I hear my cousin's voice, she is asking me “Will he survive?” she is referring to my brother, who is not as close to leaving the theatre as I am. I see him jumping between the broken pieces of rubble and fly down and grab him and his dog (?) under my right arm and reply “Sure he is” in a cheeky voice, while I pull him into the tunnel, safe from the fall.

      “Powerless Christmas, Angels and Wizards”

      I am in my parents' house in Hornslet and it is Christmas time. I am looking for some paint I used to play with when younger painting role small figures. I need to get this paint to Pil, one of my friends who needs to paint a character for a role play he is playing at the minute. I might as well grab it while I am there, as I have bought a figure myself recently, in fact quite a large one that is supposed to depict “the queen of blades” combined with some sort of fallen angel.

      The figurine I am holding is separated into two pieces, which is bugering me a bit because I have to hold onto two pieces rather than one, which is just mentally demanding. At the same time I don't really want to attach the piece if it means it will be trickier to paint the figure.

      I am walking around thinking a bit about where I have left the paint, though I am somewhat positive that it will be in a box on the attic of the main building, though it is entirely possible that it is on the attic of the added apartment building.

      I walk into the guest room and I see the light flicker. I look a bit closer and it does it again. The light is fairly yellowish compared to how the light would normally look. It flickers again and this reminds me of that one Christmas where we didn't have power (never happened) and the scenery changes to being of the parking grounds of the church, heavily clouded and with light snow falling.


      I am now in a field with a bandit group or similar and we are out collecting wood. It is still Christmas time and the group has no power either, which is why we are collecting wood. I am the second in command and the leader is not there. I get the feeling I am somewhat stupid.

      We are trying to get the wood back to camp via an alternative route that involves tying up all the wood in a bundle and sending a small monkey across a puddle of water with it. However as the monkey is crossing the water the knots around the wood loosen and the wood ends up all over the ”shores” of this little puddle. I notice the monkey sitting across the puddle with an attitude that looks like he is giving up.

      I do a little speech to my men saying that the only reason we are out on this shitty day and the Christmas is bad is because we have no power. I rally my troops and point at a theatre all of a sudden standing in the same field. “There is power right there, and I am going to take it” I say. The theatre is in fact a nuclear power plant that has been shut down for unknown reasons.

      I walk to the door, which is one of those double swing doors and the door knobs have a red diode light in the middle of them. I kick the doors in, I think I have to do it twice, but I manage to get in. I feel a sense of aggression rising again. We are faced with a wall we have to walk around (a bit like the previous potter dream) and when we are around this wall I am faced with an angel in human form guarding the door. I throw a spell that will make me immune to angelic attacks and continue past the angel, without thinking more about her leaving her speech less.

      In the hall I see a wizard standing on my right hand side, I think it is the brother from the previous dream. He is about to react so I mumble something dark side again (this time the ending word is “...Reflector” which will make any spell he throw at me return in his face).

      I keep walking down the centre walkway towards a band playing down in the bottom of the hall. I know I can pick up the microphone stand telekinetically and this is the point where I think “hang on a minute..” Loads of people are panicking and trying to get out of the theatre/powerplant. Some are running past be back the way from which I came and others are running further into the building, maybe towards exits unknown to me.

      I put out my arms in a defensive, yet apologetic gesture and say “Whoah, whoah, whoah... Lucid... Lucid” in order to get the people to calm down and realise it is just a dream. It doesn't work. Then I see someone that doesn't look like a DC run past me and I grab him asking him if he is another dreamer, he say yes. I ask his name and he tells me it is “Shakira” which makes me suspicious and I say “Shakira, really!?” “Tjakira/Tchakira” he corrects me. His appearance has now changed from a blonde man with short cut hair to a man with long grey/black hair.

      I leave him and head back out again. I fly a bit after having thought about why I am walking about like a looser, but I decide to not fly that much any more anyways. Back towards the entrance I am faced with the wall I had to walk around to get in. I decide to fly against it and through it, but end up slamming right into it, though it happens really slowly and without pain.

      Someone behind me is laughing at my efforts of going through the wall, but I don't really care. I just drop down and walk around. as I am closer to the exit the dream starts fading. So I, quite aggressively, slam my hands out to either side and start feeling up the walls, which feels like tile, wet and cold as well as breathing through my nose. The air is equally cold.

      Slowly the dream comes back and someone, maybe one of the twins from Hornslet, is walking in the building. Outside the weather has changed quite dramatically. It is pissing down and windy as fuck. I feel how the rain is slamming against the side of my face, the cold strong wind making it really annoying.

      I think to the dream “Is this a way of telling me that the dream is really unstable?” and start throwing pathetic fireballs the size of shirt buttons to cookies into the sky. The way I throw fireballs is by charging them between my cupped hands at my chest. They don't even look that hot and the last one (think it is number 3) I can barely see. Now I can only see the rain.

      I wake up.

      Notes: I am starting to put up wards around myself, which I suppose is a good thing when it comes to dream travelling.
    7. Native American shenanigans and a Vampire / Demon / Wizard showdown

    8. Random bathing

      by , 06-28-2010 at 03:17 PM
      I had found out the name of an anime I hadn't heard of before. It was a scary one. I think I watched some episode and it seemed very nice.

      Then I was in some bathing house with about 40 others unknown people. It was like an ocean at the same time because you could see the horizon and it got deeper and deeper the further out you got. I swam out a bit where I couldn't reach the bottom and then suddenly got paralysed. I realised that I could drown, but somehow I didn't really care and I just relaxed. Then the paralysis went away and I swam to the surface. Apparently everybody else was paralysed as well and I tried to save as many as possible by dragging them to the surface.

      Then next day, 9 people was missing. They had drowned in the bath.

      -Memory loss-
      I remember only fragments of going to the real ocean, something about some evil wizard and some game that had something to do with space.
    9. #84. Character Creation

      by , 06-21-2010 at 06:01 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      A wizard violates the laws of nature when he creates human beings from scratch. And then there are zombies.

      There's a shabby old farmhouse on the plain, over the crest of the hill. No roads lead to it, because in this time, there are no roads. If there's a hint of civilization in this place, it's what's been carved out of the land by its few inhabitants.

      I knock on the door.

      The door swings open and a middle-aged man with longish black hair answers it, the corners of his eyes crinkling with a smile when he realizes who I am.

      "Amon." I say, "It's been a while."

      He leads me inside, beaming. The inside of the house is bright and warm and filled with people. I notice the eight people in the room, most of whom are cooking and doing various odd jobs around the house. Amon is rushing away to go help with something.

      I take an empty seat beside a kid who looks to be in his mid-20s. "I'm Eli," he says, "and the scary-looking guy across from me is Mark."

      Mark glares menacingly from across the table.

      "So, Eli," I say, "How did you come to be here?"

      "Could ask you the same question." Mark interrupts.

      Eli continues like he hasn't heard him. "I was a civilian consultant for the military back home. It's a long story, but the same thing that pulled all of us back here somehow pulled me in. So really, I'm from the future," he says happily.

      Neat cover story.

      "So, when were you from?" asks Eli.

      "I need to talk to Amon." I say dismissively, and kick my chair back.

      Mark stands up too, his pose threatening. "I don't know who you are," he says, "but you're not one of us. If you try to hurt any of these people, I will kill you."

      I turn back to him, considering. "Duly noted."

      I catch up to Amon outside. He's leaning against the wood siding of the house, staring up into the sky.

      "So," I say, leaning against the wall beside him, "They're self-aware."

      Amon pulls away from the wall a bit, turning to face me. "They are." He confirms. His smile becomes wistful. "Aren't they beautiful?"

      "Your own perfect little creations." I say, frowning. "You know, there's a reason the creation of human life is considered a forbidden art."

      "Those laws don't apply here," says Amon. "And of all people, I thought you would understand why those rules are arbitrary."

      "I care little for conventional morality, Amon," I say, warning in my tone, "But this is dangerous. As my student -"

      "You taught me to choose my own path," says Amon. He gestures at the door. "This is what I've chosen. These are real people, ---." He lowers his voice. "I won't abandon them."

      I can't stop a smile from creeping onto my face.

      One of his creations comes outside to tell us that dinner is ready. The man is smiling and holding a bowl of potatoes and a wooden spoon. I try to ignore it, but I can't help but notice that his hands are shaking.


      Over dinner, I keep an eye on the man with the potatoes. His name is Darryl, and he's a carpenter from the 1950s. At least, he thinks he is. In reality, he's a construct whose artificial soul is straining at the bonds keeping it in place. I'm surprised the others have lasted so long.

      Eli keeps trying to draw me into the conversation, but I keep one eye on Darryl throughout the meal. He's getting progressively more pale and shaky, I notice, as Eli introduces me to a pretty woman in a dress, called Solara. She's either from an alternate, apocalyptic future or a rich family in the 19th century. I'm not paying much attention.

      Because Darryl is stumbling, backing away from the table into the wall, and as he collapses, a wave of energy pulses outward, knocking over every construct at the table.

      I calmly set down my fork, then stand up and walk over to Amon. "I hate to say I told you so," I tell him, "but it's time to go."

      "No!" says Amon, knocking my hand away. He staggers back to the other end of the room, looking over the scene with horror. "I have to help them."

      "Amon." I say, approaching like I would a wounded animal. "There's nothing you can do. We need to leave before you're affected, too."

      "Yes." he says, eyes wild. "Yes, yes, I can't help them," He looks straight at me. "But you can. You can fix them."

      "No." I say flatly. "This is a bad idea."

      He's already started the process before I can protest further, pulling soul energy from a well deep inside him, gathering it up.

      I can't stop him.

      "Take care of them, ---," he says, struggling to hold together the colourless swirling energy he's holding in his hands. "Please."

      The soul energy hits me at the same time I feel Amon vanish from existence, gone as if he'd never been there. The energy is a rush, but I control it effortlessly, and spin around to confront the automatons that are his legacy.

      The thing that was Darryl comes charging at me, and I telekinetically smash it into the wall next to me. Its feet are dangling in the air as I examine it. Gari d'amon ex hadris, I chant in nonsense Latin. I let the body fall, boneless and broken to the floor.

      Mark is still half-standing, leaning against a chair for support. He's been watching with the glazed look of a man in horrible pain, but he's still somewhat alert.

      I approach him in much the same way I did the zombie, cautious. I nudge him back toward the wall with a tendril of energy, but I don't lift him from the ground or slam him into the wall.

      "This is going to hurt," I warn him.

      Mark nods and lets his head fall back against the wall, eyes closed. So assured, I grip Mark's artificial soul, pulling it into a ball from his chest. I twist my wrist, watching his hands clench into fists, and let trickles of the soul-energy I absorbed from Amon sweep into the artificial soul, strenghthening it.

      I don't have time for anything more elaborate. I push Mark's soul back into his body, forcing it to slice through his veins in one swift motion, sticking it there. If he could get any breath into his lungs, he would be screaming.

      I leave Mark on the floor, stepping over him to the other bodies. This just might work.

      In the end, I only manage to save five of them, Eli and Solara among them. The other two, I simply put down, severing their nervous systems and absorbing the very last of their energies. The once cozy farmhouse feels oppressive, haunted by the wild energy that echoes throughout. We need to leave.
      "You have water?" I ask a woman, whose name I don't know. She nods silently, looking back over the farmhouse.

      "Well?" says Solara, gathering up her skirts and hiking out into the desert, the opposite way I came from. "Let's get going then."

      Amused, I follow after her, followed, in turn, by the rest of the group. Mark stays close behind me, though I doubt it's to watch my back. More likely, he just wants to keep an eye on me.

      Eli jogs to catch up, panting as he keeps pace with me. "So, what happened back there, exactly?"

      "Amon was a necromancer," I say. "He wanted to create life, so he came here. He created you." I keep my eyes on the horizon. "He couldn't sustain himself along with all of you, so he sacrificed the rest of his soul to keep you alive."

      Eli blinks. "Okay, that's completely unbelievable."

      I look back at him and say without inflection, "The wormhole that brought you back in time dosed you with massive amounts of radiation that was going to turn you into zombies."

      "Thank you," says Eli. "Why didn't you just say that the first time?"

      Eli tries to catch up to Solara. I turn back to Mark and shrug. What can you do?

      I could swear I almost see Mark crack a smile.


      The next hill brings us the view of a tall, white-panelled manor not too far off. I wonder what could have made it; we're supposed to be in a universe devoid of all sentient life, after all. The rest of the party is just relieved to see a trace of civilization, so I suppose that it's worth the risk.

      We trek up the gravel road (another oddity) to the house that shouldn't be there. Eli and Solara are running inside before Mark and I have a chance to check it out - which Mark isn't happy about. We meet them inside. Solara is twirling in circles over the hardwood floor, a smile on her face as she admires the high ceilings.

      I'm trying to examine my surroundings on a deeper level, but something is blocking my senses. This place might seem like heaven to Solara, but something is very wrong.

      Mark's dividing us into teams. He wants Eli and Solara to stick together on the main floor, watching for any signs of life (anything to keep those two out of trouble). He sends the two nameless constructs - people - off to explore the rest of the main floor while the two of us head upstairs.

      "If I didn't know better, I'd say you didn't trust me with the others." I say in a low voice, out of earshot from the rest of the group.

      "I don't!" says Mark, turning around to face me on the stairs. I calculate a four foot height advantage. "You show up and suddenly, four of us are dead! What the hell do you expect?"

      "If I hadn't shown up when I did, all of you would have been dead." I say, meeting his angry gaze.

      "Do you remember what I told you, earlier?"

      I tilt my head, walk up the last few steps until I'm standing far too close. "You said you'd kill me." I smile, and Mark takes a step back. "Would you like to try?"

      We hear a scream from the main floor. Mark is rushing down the stairs toward the sound, shouting "Solara", and I follow behind at a more modest pace.

      Solara has collapsed on the floor. Eli is backed up against the counter, faced by a wraith-like creature with rotting skin. Eerie green light seems to flow from its features, making the sunlight streaming in the windows seem colder somehow. Its flowing white dress seems to flutter in a non-existant breeze.

      Revenant, my mind supplies me with, as it turns to face Mark. Controls illusions, typically feeds on travellers. It hasn't noticed me yet.

      "Do you like my home?" the revenant asks Mark. He starts forward, but it reforms into the shape of a Chinese woman with long dark hair and modern clothing. It's someone he seems to recognize, and he freezes on the spot.

      The revenant approaches him, raising one hand to his face -

      I attack with a right hook to her jaw. I spin and lash out with a kick. I've left myself open. The revenent strikes with her claws, tearing my throat out. I laugh, the liquid splashing my clothes, and continue to strike at her.

      Hang on, that's not fair.

      What isn't? It's right on my character sheet; I'm immortal.

      You should at least need some time to recuperate.


      Oh, come on, you get banished to the basement...

      I take a moment to adjust to my new surroundings, dark and damp and distinctly underground. I'm in the cellar. I curse revenants in general to hell and back, but I'm not too terribly concerned with the constructs, either. Mark should be able to handle himself for a little while.

      I take stock of the food in the basement, a lot of cereal and a working freezer - hey, Neapolitan ice cream. The others will be happy about that. The overhead light starts to flicker and I sigh. I see movement in the corner of the room, feel hairs raising on the back of my neck.

      I spin around and catch the revenant by the throat. She's flickering back and forth between her wraith image and her human one, and I force her to the ground, crushing her windpipe. She claws uselessly at my arms, but it's too late, I've got too good of a grip on her. Unfortunately, revenants don't need to breathe, either.

      There's a short flight of steps leading back to the kitchen, and I drag her up by the throat, letting her white dress drag over the dusty steps. I step into the kitchen, where the five survivors are standing around in a circle, trying to figure out what to do next.

      Mark looks up first. "We thought you were dead." He accuses.

      "I don't die." I say.

      I throw the revenant onto the floor, where she scrambles back along the tile, surrounded by six very non-human travellers. "Now," I say, tilting my head to the side and smiling down at her, "How do we go about killing you?"

      Character Creation. Scare Factor: 3.

      There, I'm done. Finally.

      Updated 08-13-2015 at 05:34 AM by 31096

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Old Dream: Sunken Ship, Black Hole

      by , 08-13-2003 at 04:12 AM
      Aug. 7, 2003:
      I woke up after what I know were most likely some pretty strange dreams, some of them about Lemmings, with a vague sense that something wasn't right. I still have that sense that something isn't right, but I can't put my finger on it. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, when my house is a smoldering pile of ashes or something. In the meantime, the Lemmings beckon.

      Aug, 12, 2003:
      I had a dream that I was a moogle, only I was some sort of strange, aquatic moogle. I basically spent a lot of time looking for treasure and bringing it back, particularly archaeological treasures that were impossible for other people to reach. I dreamed that I found this stash of rare pearls and stuff in a really ancient sunken ship. The catch to this was, even though I was aquatic and stuff, I was more like a penguin and a fish: I still had to breathe air. The wreck was perched on this really unstable shelf of rock, or something, and I was breathing pockets of air in the wreck, when something happened and it started sliding into the crevasse, so I had to make a split-second decision as to whether or not to take the treasure with me. I knew that people would probably exploit or wreck something so rare and beautiful, but I couldn't bring myself to leave it there, so I decided to bring it with and escape. I exited the room I was in, on the ship, and suddenly I was in some sort of little bedroom, and my aunt was there packing stuff up, to get it all out before the ship tumbled into the crevasse. She helped me pack the treasure, and then we escaped.

      So then, the dream continued... God only knows why... and there was some sort of sorceress, or evil, or something, taking over the land, and there were a bunch of mages I hung out with at this academy and they were practicing their fly spell, only one of them flew off-course and was attacked by some higher level enemies, so we had to go and help him.

      And then there was something about a big explosion and a matter-crunching/black hole sort of spell, and the apocalypse. There was lots of lava.
    11. Old Dream: Libraries and Alternate Dimensions

      by , 04-30-2003 at 04:08 AM
      April 22, 2003:
      I know I've been studying too much when I have a dream that I live in a library!

      April 27, 2003:
      Every time I close my eyes, I dream that I'm studying - or I'm in a library, or something. The insomnia's worse than the dreams.

      April 28, 2003:
      All night I had dreams about exams - that as I was going to take my exam, a huge tornado hit, and I had to go and hide in one of the offices. For some reason, my old Geography professor was doing paperwork there. I was supposed to fill out this form explaining that I couldn't take my exam because of a tornado. Then my brother got hit by a car with these 2 annoying prissy girls in it. They broke his leg and they kept trying to compensate us for it by giving us makeup... my mom was really pissed off, so was I, he didn't seem to give a damn, and Mom told them she'd see them in court. Then I found out that I'd been exempt from the exam to begin with - EXCEPT that I was supposed to have turned in ANOTHER form verifying that I was, indeed, exempt...

      April 29, 2003:
      I had a dream that there was some sort of alternate dimension, and we were on a film project to film it, or something. And it was just a huge movie, and all of the people in there were actors - they knew they were actors, and would go to other dimensions to "star" in them (like movies). So there was this one, and he had really long black hair, and he was supposed to be like the antihero/supervillain type, and he starred in this one dimension as a swordsman (a la Highlander) and then hopped to the next to become an evil sorcerer. But he didn't start out as one - just as a sort of twisted, misguided sorcerer. Then he got into a fight with this humongous hairy beast, and it killed his son, and he got all angsty/dangerously insane, and created a dimensional bubble where he screwed with reality. Then he turned into a woman.
    12. Old Dream: The Stone of Greater Discounting

      by , 09-27-2002 at 04:05 AM
      Original journal entry dated Sept. 26, 2002:

      I had a strange dream about shoplifting toddlers who ran around in costume all the time. It was... strange. And there was a dog in it. I can't remember much about the dog.

      I had this dream that this one guy who looked a lot like an animated version of Hero from "RPG World", was leading all of us ([college friends], and I) on this one journey to collect these mystical stones. Everything was going VERY badly. We had to go to this one underwater Atlantis-like city, which was actually the ancient ruins of some advanced civilization of aquatic druids, and we all got a specific treasure item that was neat-o cool. Except one of my friends lost hers, because we got into a battle and she didn't get a chance to pick it up before some stupid mage cast a spell that teleported us about 50 miles out into the ocean, where we may have subsequently drowned if not for a passing ship. Anyway, we completed that quest, but she never got her item. On the next quest we went on we had to pass through that area again so we went back to kick some mage ass (on principle) and get her item. It turned out to be a Stone Of Greater Discounting. It allowed her character to buy rare and expensive items at FAR below normal price.

      I had another dream that I had a camcorder and was videotaping a train ride I went on through the Rockies when I was about 14. The train ride actually happened, but I've never owned a camcorder, and as far as I know, in real life mountains don't breathe.