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    1. deleted

      by , 09-20-2023 at 04:26 PM

      Updated 01-31-2025 at 04:09 AM by 99032

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. 22 Aug: Escaping bad husbands, changing gender, crazy train like Snowpiercer

      by , 08-22-2022 at 07:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With my parents, but in a totally diferent reality and time. it looks like the middle ages and our life is not so good. I have told them that I want to live independently and depart from their home. Apparently I had planned to sail away in a raft and it took time for them to accept the idea. Then one day, it's them who tell me I must leave for good, I guess they're upset with my choices. But it's almost night and I realize I will spend my first hours of sailing across the sea in the total darkness of the night and then I realize I did not think this through. I realize I will probably die alone and agonizing and don't know why I didn't consider all that beforehand. So I do leave, but I don't take the raft, instead I go to the docks and enlist with the crew of a big ship that is hiring staff. I go as a maid, to serve food and drinks to men. It is a dangerous position, but the owner and captain of the boat, a rich spoiled kid, fancies me and so he offers me protection. Later on he decides he wants to marry me, which I accept, expecting my life to turn around, because he is much more wealthy. And it does go according to expected, but he is also an abusive jerk who makes my life a living hell. If I run away, I'll have nothing again, so I keep delaying the decision. Thanks to my position as a wife of a rich man, I got to know a princess that is also miserable in her life. Her husband is also a piece of shit. One day, everybody is gossiping about the domestic violence that goes on in the palace, because everyone can hear her screams and desperate cries coming from a tower of the palace. I get closer to try to check up on her and I get to see her yelling at her husband because of some infidelity, I suppose. She seems to be over it for good. I make plans to meet her secretly and convince her to leave with me. At least she has easy access to jewels and money, which can make it easier for both of us and allows to start a new life somewhere else.

      Then we are on the run and find a place where we try to blend in and be accepted. I get a job but it is not going well. At the same time I want to embrace my real self and I decide to change gender. I start taking male hormones and with time my features change a little, my voice gets thicker and I am pleased with the changes. My friend/partner asks me something about my lady parts and I mention they are a bit different too and my boobs smaller, but for now pretty much I am still female underneath and plan to stay so for the moment.
      Then for some reason I am meeting back with my parents, who already know of my transition and accept it well. But my paternal uncles and aunts are also there (actually the real ones I have IRL, even the deceased ones) and I am afraid of their reaction. Strangely, they all react very naturally, congratulate me for being so brave and ask me if I always wanted it. They sound all very respefcful except for a moment I hear one of them ask my parents about the size of my new dick (which I don't have) and because of a misunderstanding of a gesture my dad makes, they all end up laughing because it is interpreted as if I had a penis the length of my leg. I am really surprised that besides that, they are being very understanding and suportive. Bu then my mom calls me to the side and tells me not to trust my aunt Maria da Luz because she is pretending to be so accepting, but secretly calling it a demonic thing and praying for it to go away.

      With Riverstone and NightHawk and I am feeling some pain so NightHawk offers to massage my legs and arms as I sit on something. I am surprised but glad with the offer. He is very gentle and I am melting away with his touch. Riverstone is getting a bit jealous, but I don't care. I caress back when our hands touch and then something weird happens, like one of his arms stretch like a tentacle and goes between my legs, under my butt and reaches my back and somehow he massages my back while I am feeling aroused by his tentacle-arm between my legs.

      I am on a train, like the movie Snowpiercer. I am trying to reach some wagon in the front of the train without being noticed by the dwellers on other wagons. Not an easy task and I am trying to do it by swinging on the outside using a rope. But at some point I really need to go through some wagons, so I infiltrate and try to blend in. There is one guy though, who knows me from school when we were young, he recognizes me when I come inside and knows that I am up to no good. I don't know what he is going to do, so I sit in a seat and wait for him to approach me. He does and he puts his hand on my leg, harassing me and making threats that he'll denounce me if I don't obey him. But I don't. Someone enters or exits the wagon and I use the opportunity to push myself into the next one. There everyone is partying and it's noisy and strobe lights flashing, so I feel it is easier to disappear in the crowd, but everyone is acting like zombies and just moving the least possible, while walking in a circle around the wagon. I join in to blend in but then I see an open passage to the next wagon, where the party continues but people look a bit more normal. The music is hypnotic and takes the best of me. I start dancing like crazy, doing really weird creepy moves, like I am possessed or a true zombie from the Thriller videoclip. Instead of going unnoticed, everybody is staring at me as they've never seen anything like it. But they all look mesmerized. Then I take it up a notch and add some extremely sexy moves and the result is like I just showed a piece of meat to a pack of angry wolves. Both men and women look at me as if they want to eat me with sheer lust for me. When the music stops they are literally like "she's mine! she's mine!" and they all chase me. I escape to the next wagon and it is their sleeping areas, with many rooms along a corridor. I hide in one of them that seems to be full of children in bunkbeds. One of the girls wakes up and is scared and wants to call for help, but I tell her it's ok, that I am hiding from actual bad people out there. She believes me and she calms down. Then from the darkness comes a big black wolf with red eyes. Not a stranger demon though. I know him and he knows me. His intentions could be to help me or harm me. At first I am scared because he looks at me like "well, well, look who we have here?" as he starts walking slowly towards me and corners me against the wall. I have nothing with me that I can use as a weapon and I know I'll be dead if he attacks me. But he doesn't harm me. Instead he is determined to help, so he takes my side by side and we tell the kids not to be afraid as we prepare to face the mob of attackers chasing me.
    3. cxliii.

      by , 08-23-2020 at 11:12 PM
      More catching up.

      13th July 2020


      Mix of WoW, Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress. (DFLN thread)

      Remember mining like in Minecraft and then stumbling into a Dark Iron fortress. Remember meeting with Hnk and some small raid group he had. Not sure what they were doing or if I joined or not. I vaguely recall some combat in a semi-open area (but still underground?).

      16th July 2020


      Few details remain. There was a small tree, a sapling, in a plant pot and atop a low wall.

      For some reason earlier in the dream I had tried to cut the sapling with a serrated knife but not like a serious one, more like a table knife. Now I was trying again because I was making adjustments to a road next to this low wall. I was marking and dividing up the new lanes for this road and my lane dividers were made from stuff just laying about.

      But as I was trying to cut this tree, two people came my way, I knew one of them from waking life but I forget who it was. The other one, was the owner of the small tree and he was a dream character. He seemed distressed by what I was doing and I tried to cover up the cuts I'd made on the tree. When he approached further as they got closer, he asked me what I was doing and all that sort of thing.

      I tried to explain that I needed his tree and now actually I only wanted a cutting from one of the branches to propagate the tree. Some of the bits where I'd been cutting the tree at looked more like they'd been lathed than cut as they were very perfect and circular (spiral?). It made the tree have a very "modern" style look somehow.

      19th July 2020


      Quite a few dreams but mostly only memorised one segment.

      Near the end of the dream, I was having a conversation with someone I knew from school a long time ago (who?). I remember seeing his face but somehow we were both near each other and not near all at once.

      For some reason he started talking to me about my relationships. He commented that I had "abandon" some of my habits, referring to how I don't look at men the same way as I do women usually. He said I was a acchrophyl or something. No idea, but it looked a made up word as it happens in dreams. (DFLN thread)

      I remember then seeing a white background and a sort of slideshow with still images depicting an anthropomorphic wolf and a person and the person had a silly face and was looking toward the camera and pointing at the wolf. The wolf was looking embarrassed and pointing at the ground ahead of him. I don't remember the rest of the slides.

      We talked more but I forget the details. Then H arrived somewhere in the van and I went to meet up with him and get in.

      I remember having passing thoughts about how this guy from school was seeming very wise in these conversations, which seemed unexpected. I don't remember anything else except that this segment was in continuation of another where I had been exploring an abandoned mall bunker with people who were possibly also old schoolmates. I remember thinking it all looked intact and immaculate and everything still worked, so I wondered why it was abandoned.
    4. Pulling Sandspurs from a Wolf’s Fur

      by , 05-02-2020 at 08:47 AM
      Pulling Sandspurs from a Wolf’s Fur

      Morning of May 2, 2020. Saturday.

      Dream #: 19,493-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min 30 sec.

      I am sitting on the floor in the living room of a unique variation of the Loomis Street house near the front door. An unfamiliar man is present to my right (closest to the door). I am stroking the fur of a wolf that is lying on his left side. For a time, everything is relaxing and uneventful.

      Somehow, I get sandspurs stuck on me, and they immediately form at least two lines on the wolf’s fur, closest to his back. I determine that they had come from an area on the carpeted floor to my left. I become annoyed, as now I have to pull each sandspur from the wolf’s fur. As I do this, I complain to the man that I had not been outside recently, so they could not have come from me.

      As a result of my sense of touch increasing exponentially for a few minutes and establishing a higher level of (somatosensory) cortical arousal, my dream processing changes to a scene where I look out at a parking lot setting from a doorway. A few unknown people are walking around, but a man with an unrealistically big head appears and dances about irritatingly. Using a combination of telekinesis and mentally willing more sandspurs into existence, I cover his body with sandspurs from more than ten feet away as I wake.

      Get the truth about my dream and some of its familiar causal factors here:

      My dream’s first scene is a unique but familiar form of a process that occurs at least once every sleep cycle. Often, the first discernible rendering is a result of my instinctual awareness I am dreaming. For example, the wolf is resting on his left side, co-occurrent with my sleeping orientation. The unknown man is to my right, co-occurrent with (in this case, subliminal) environmental monitoring (as my right side is more exposed to my real environment).

      Wolves, bears, lions, and most other kinds of animals still occur in my dreams regularly, often as an animal semblance of my reticular activating system as here. However, their nature typically correlates with the ultradian rhythm curve of my sleep cycle. (For example, I had this dream after sunrise, and wolves are nocturnal, and that is how I perceive them.)

      Despite my waking-life identity being absent from my dream, there are incidental compartmentalized associations with the coronavirus. (Even so, I have not yet had a dreaming experience with a viable recall of the pandemic. The processing factors of my dreams have not changed at all.) For example, although I have dreamt of cenchrus (sandspurs) before, they have vague visual similarity with the coronavirus. Removing sandspurs from the wolf’s fur also stems from a distortion of Zsuzsanna removing them from one of our cats (a typical synthesized distortion to prevent confusing dream content with waking life).

      A parking lot usually only occurs in the last scene of a dream in the last dream of a sleep cycle as liminality begins to increase during the waking transition, and it signifies the status of awareness between dream space and precursory waking space. One association is parked vehicles (the body being motionless in bed). In the real world, a parking lot also represents liminal space.

      The man with the big head is a liminal association with a YouTube video I saw yesterday, supposedly featuring a caricature of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in bed with the virus (with doctors and nurses dancing around) even though it was part of the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony. The character is “out of bed” in my dream as signifying me getting out of bed after waking.

      Ultimately, despite my dreams likely seeming surreal to the average person, they are almost always extraordinarily easy for me to decode and resolve.

    5. Rescuing the wolf (almost lucid but not quite)

      by , 09-01-2019 at 10:19 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      This was an interesting dream because while I wasn't completely lucid, I was cognizant of the fact that I had control over what was going on. However, said realization wasn't because I knew I was dreaming. I just knew I had control, somehow; maybe because it took place in my fantasy world where I am somewhat of a demigod. ;D

      It was a weird combination of a story about a wolf, and the novel I'm currently working on. The wolf was getting hunted, imprisoned, and about to be killed. But he escaped. His plan was to flee in the middle of the night, but he slept until 7:42 AM and didn't flee until exactly then. Nonetheless it was still dark outside leading me to believe that it was winter. He fled to the woods. I managed to use my powers to teleport him deeper within the woods, and myself along with him. He found his lover, another wolf, there. Two characters from my novel were there, too, who were in love and promised to protect the two wolves. And other magical creatures formed a sort of barricade to protect them all.

      It was a heartwarming dream with potential to become an actual story with some tweaking/organization. The night was purple and black and orange, cartoony much like the lyric videos from Anna Blue and The Birthday Massacre. Very cool, stylized aesthetic! It's fun that my brain can do that lol.
    6. 15 Aug: Wolfs and zombies at nordic hotel and visiting some shop

      by , 08-15-2019 at 08:45 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Nordic country during summertime, there is a street market with a fortune teller, some local dude becomes obsessed by me and stalks me around. There is a gorgeous natural lake with clear water up on the mountains. This local guy insists I must go take a dip. Wasn't planning on doing so before the next day but he convinces me. I go to the place where I am staying, get my stuff, and I get out through some other exit to avoid him. There is a path going uphill through a forest, it gets dark and I have an encounter with a wolf. I jump over a fence and I run back. I encounter a guy walking a big dog and I ask for his protection. He kinda mocks me although he sees the wolf at distance. Back to the venue I encounter the crazy guy who stalks me again to the laundry room. I find a back door and run through service corridors, looking for an alternative way to get to my room. Once there I still don't feel safe. I have an odd feeling that the wolf I saw is actually a werewolf and that he is around. I go meet some friends and they say actually there is something going on, but they think it is more like a zombie attack. We make a plan to escape soon, but I still I go to bathroom for pooping and I change clothes. My friends then say there is a strange lady outside looking for me. They suggest I don't talk to her, but it is Marta, cousin of my friend Carla and I feel curious. She wants to tell me about her mother dying of cancer and that she is going through difficult times. I offer my assistance, remember I heard she is sick too. She confirms she does have multiple cysts in a leg. I thought was on the uterus, she says those too, but leg is what is killing her. I tell her I am in a hurry now, but we should meet some other day and have a coffee. I leave her outside at the street market, where some lady paints landscapes based on our description of it. She stays there providing details of a forest landscape, doesn't know the name of the trees she is thinking if and I tell the painter she means conifers.

      With girl friends at some city where I will attend some teachings. On arrival we go to a shopping mall.
      They want to go to some famous brand shop. Their front is like a giant screen with their advertising and apparently no door. But right in the center there is a place to walk through across an hologram. Vera attempts to do it but fails and crashes into the screen wall, but I manage to find the entrance and go in. The feeling is strange and pleasant. Inside, costumers are doing photo shoots. I don't understand the idea but my friends say something like, the shop provides a makeover and then clients do a free photo shoot to promote the store and that is why they wanted to come. We get in the waiting zone. Meanwhile I am getting really excited that I will soon see Rinpoche.
    7. Helping my not friend

      by , 03-24-2019 at 10:14 PM (The world of Lyseno)
      Sunday March 24th 2019

      War is about to break out and I do nothing… gah.

      I was in this weird center, just lying on the ground… got up and realized that it was actually a dream due to my weight, then went about to learn a little bit more about this place.

      Still not sure how last night went through on me leaving Lyseno and ending back home or in DW, not sure. Anyway while walking find myself back in the beast men place and it seems this center is also part of it.

      I do get to talk to a few creatures and they ask me how comes I don’t know of this place. But also assume I must be another refugee from the war.

      Apparently a lot of humans flee over here and try to stay away from war since this nation is a bit more peaceful than the other ones. They also seem to have a lot of historic records about the world before the war began, much like how when magic and beast men were found everything went crazy.

      Back to sleep.

      I’m walking around in the street, having trouble moving and getting lucid. I remember about the historical records and want to find out more about it. Talk to a few people… cat people, or dog? I don’t know. They tell me about this museum close to the middle of the city, it is a blue building so I go there.

      Obviously, me been me get lost along the way and keep asking for directions for a LONG time. But never truly find the place and eventually feel like waking up, also feel a bit stupid because I could have just used Scan to reach there, but whatever.

      Back to sleep.

      Talking to someone in a corner, they are telling me about all the crazy things they do for a living and how much money they make a cycle. I try to not mind much the conversation and get lucid not long after.

      I ask the guy about the museum and he tells me the direction, but remember I always get lost… so just use scan and find my way towards the place.

      Once I am there, see the guy who was with me two nights ago I believe. He greets me and asks me what I am doing there. Tell him about my interest to look into the records and he gets really excited.

      It seems this is an interactive thing that allows you to speak with the people of the past and walk alongside them and maybe change the past if you are good enough, however that has never happened.

      There are three events that he says are key, and they ALWAYS Happen no matter what, and after he saw me fight the dinosaurs he thinks that I might be able to change it if I go inside, so he takes me there,

      Back to sleep.

      When I come back to my senses, sitting in the middle of a very spacious room, the place is elegant and cold, stand up and become lucid then wonder why I am waiting here.

      I look in front and see my… companion. I don’t want him to be a friend or will miss the guy and he could die like the grandma so don’t mind it much.

      After talking to staff I am allowed inside, where he shows me a bunch of rooms and then takes me to a central room. This one is completely different from the other rooms.

      So far, the whole museum has been a place painted in blue and white with cute lighting everywhere that makes it feel somewhat cold, white light.

      This room however, is on a whole different dimension. It feels oppressive, painted in dark colors, there is a black light glowing and yellow lights atop the room. Can only see three small paintings in the place which seem to be really old.

      He explains to me that each one is a representation of the beginning of time of the three great current races, mages and cyborgs and beast men.

      It seems, a few centuries ago (Not sure how long at the time) the ever growing human population found out about some small population of really powerful mages and when they did, they disclosed to them magic and the existence of the small beast men population.

      That made them want to study through force and submission, which quickly lead to an all-out war between all three destroying what was once known as humanity and leading to humans to fuse with their machines in order to survive the war and be able to fight back, after they had pretty much self-destructed by started the war.

      Back to sleep.

      I am sitting in a corner of a round room… so dark. Stand up and get lucid, then see someone come in with a glass of water not long after. Oh you!

      He gives me the water and says I just out of nowhere fell. Explain to him something about been ill and what not, he believes me and we move on to the center of the room.

      He tells me to grab onto the little statue in the center and look at one of the paintings, so do that and look at the one right in front of me that seems to be a robed person.

      I am looking now inside of the painting, I have been transferred to the past with a lot of people in robes. They are afraid of me and say humans are not allowed him. Ask them if we are a different specie and they seem to think so.

      We talk for a bit and they kick me out, then I see that the war begins with them using magic spells to disable nuclear weapons as well as some things falling from the sky and other random weapons I don’t know much about.

      They start to bombard humanity with large area of effect spells and I stop them then wonder what is the meaning behind this. They seem surprised I can also use magic and attack, so I start to subdue them slowly and then teleport to the outskirts of their land, where I see human armies coming and massacring everyone

      I stop all the bullets and shot them back at the humans, then teleport around and take out the heads of different countries until there is nobody left and then go back, make a mirror spell that will protect them and they all seem content now… they apologize for trying to exterminate another race, as that is not their original teaching and suddenly I feel weird…

      Back to sleep.

      I am touching a statue, someone asks me how it had gone and then I look at him confused, get lucid due to my body been so heavy but still feel disoriented.

      He says that I changed the past, then makes me look at the painting and says it ejected me, as I was messing with the past and changing its course from the arche mage side. I feel confused when he makes me turn towards the humans and I get transported to an expedition… something about them finding the mages was bad, basically one of the explorers wanted to use them for his own purposes while another one wanted to leave them alone.

      They fight and are about to kill each other, I am still feeling all weird and foggy, so walk over to their fight and kill the one who wants to take advantage of it along with most of the crew, only letting the other human stay alive. He goes back.

      The dream shifts and somehow others found out about it. I am more nauseous than before. Try to think of something and then figure I can fake to have a ball that shows the future, so show humanity through internet that they will face extinction if they fight against them, but nothing seems to change. The scene keeps changing and then I am in the middle of the war, pissed off now due to feeling bad.

      Raise my hand to one of the warriors, who is now pissed that I am not fighting the other races. I proceed to kill him and everyone in the division, then proceed to kill as many soldiers as possible and deactivate all their weapons and destroy technology for humanity then get ejected again…?

      Back to sleep.

      I am still feeling nauseous so puke a bit… blood!? I get a bit concerned so stand straight and try to explore my own body, become lucid while doing this with my hands been super light and then wonder what happened.

      The other guy says he saw what happened, apparently I can still change the future but still do it through destruction so the past attacks me back. I get ejected because I am currently weaker, however for someone who changes the past the backslash should kill them.

      Ask him why he brought me here if it was this dangerous and he says he has fought me before, then starts to transform. The werewolf!

      I finally see that he is the one I fought at the time, he seems to think that I am just a random traveler from somewhere else and asks if I am even human. I tell him that in this body, I am but a self created organic being. He seems confused so I explain to the best of my abilities to explain.

      He says that what really brought down humanity was one of his elders, who after going berserk had destroyed more than 50% of humanity alone and that forced them to create their new cyborg technology and go into hiding. He seems to regret the decision of the elder and so does his people.

      He also asks me what my connection with this timeline is, as someone who can survive changing time, I either come from a different time or I must be able to use time magic, so show him. He is not impressed and asks me to go to the last place.

      Back to sleep.

      I am sitting in a grass field. I am not sure what is happening but feel somewhat ill… wait! Remember about before and assume I am dreaming, but just to be sure do my RC like normal and yep, dreaming.

      So start moving when I realize there is a huge war going on, a lot of scared families and a lot of destruction.

      I try to hide from all that but people are afraid of me since they do not recognize me and point at me, making the soldiers come for me.

      I run a little and jump over a small cliff, falling next to a road and then see more military coming from up front… damn! They start to shot, so jump over to them and grab their guns, then make them shot each other out before teleporting atop the mountain I see in the distance.

      From there, can see the world. Why is this one different? It feels more packed with information, is it that they have more information of their own history? Maybe so.

      Can see in the distance, the building I saw in the central city in the future but a lot more destroyed.

      Teleport to that place and find two old looking creatures.

      The first one seems like a wolf, but he is actually a tall bird, was just looking the wrong angle? He seems to have arms like a human but otherwise is a bird. Only the wings have feathers like that of a normal bird and everywhere else, it’s like a penguin with fur-like feathers.

      He looks at me, and asks me what is going on with my race. I shrug and look at his friend, he seems much weaker, this one IS some kind of family member to dogs.

      We talk for a bit, I learn that he has come to try and make a treaty with the humans and failing, he sends me to the humans and tries to get me to befriend a random student that seems to be related to the current head of the war expedition general? Or whatever his rank is, but I wake up.

      Back to sleep.

      I find myself in a mall. Walk around and see… skins, ugh. Become lucid and decide I do not want to be here when I realize that this is where the other guy sent me to, the bird thing.

      I try to find the human he asks me for, but can only find a lot of skins the humans took off the conquered race of beast men. They even boast about it which leads to me fighting some of the guys in there and beating them pretty hard.

      It seems that instead of making him my friend, the guy becomes agitated and gets me in trouble with the military, so I teleport outside.

      Forget we have technology… so everyone knows my face. I end up fighting military guys, teleporting behind them and killing them, blowing up their machines, their tanks, the airplanes and other things. I keep getting angrier as they just don’t get the idea.

      It quickly becomes night and I end up having to go to the mall again for food. While eating, some more humans spot me and get scared, I go to the other place with the bird guy and then find him screaming.

      It seems one of the humans killed his companion and he is going crazy. Try to stop him, he is flying all around the place and I keep chasing behind him. Finally stop him and we talk, we go through pretty much every hall and tell him he should calm down before a disaster happens.

      He says the humans killed him over and over, I try to calm him down and finally get him to at least talk normally to me. He explains that he had come to fight but he wants the war to stop, asks me how it went and tell him how badly it went…

      He finally tells me we should go give a good grave to his friend and we go. We are coming from a hall that leads directly to the center of the place, where I found him weeping over his friend.

      The center is also how to go up several floors through stairs, and we seem to be on the third floor and going towards a balcony so will have to fly down. When we reach the balcony however he stops and then a giant wave of energy goes around him, pushing me down and making me fall… what?

      Go quickly over to the balcony and see his friend had been skinned by a now terrified looking human, he points at the bird and me and I find that is the stupid son of the other guy, the bird flies down, takes the skin off the hands of the human along with his arms and goes to the dead body, calmly places the skin over his friend and then turns to the human, he stops screaming and is now crying.

      I allow the bird to take his sweet time killing him and then realize this is the disaster. His energy is growing and he suddenly shots onto the sky. I follow suit and recognize his despair to be the thing birthing the power.

      He finally snaps and the energy is about to start the destruction. I stop him by dissipating all his despair and then anger onto the sky as red snow, then tell him to calm down. I am a human to some degree, so I will stop their stupidity. He tries to protest when he detects I am using huge amounts of condensed hate myself and says nothing, I thank him for helping me to create an old power again and move to the front lines and obliterate once more, all of humanities forces.

      When I feel the ejection, force it closed and take myself out of the painting. The other guy seems to be pleased and says it would have been great had I been at the war centuries ago.

      He points to the front and says the statue we saw at the beginning is a memento of his great, great grandfather who had died over 700 years ago during the first war. He also says there is a second war coming right about now and I look outside but wake up…

      Back to sleep.

      I am against a balcony. Get lucid while playing there and then hop outside. Find the wolf from before and he says we are about to go to war. I tell him that I Won’t be of much help.

      He says it is ok, this is his family duty to stop this war.

      They seem to be fine until the humans use a bomb that is instead of a normal bomb, a biological weapon. Both other races can stop the damage, but only if they are strong. And unlike normal weapons they can’t stop the explosion as it moves along with air and stopping the current of air would be also disastrous.

      They are not sure what to do, but stop the normal attacks.

      I want to stay for the war and help out, but will be waking up soon. I just know it! Quickly teleport to the frontlines and grab onto the biological weapon. My body is about to splurt blood but I manage to decode the virus, stop it inside of me and then kill every single part of the virus in the air before it moves out and also destroy all the data and other bombs like this one the cyborgs have on their end, teleport back to the wolf after that and let him know I will be leaving now. He agrees and says that was more than enough, they would take care of the rest.
      Tags: friendly, lyseno, wolf
    8. 29 Jan: Underground lab, prostitution ring and my dog turns into a man

      by , 01-29-2019 at 09:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      My attic turns into an underground lab where a large team of crazy people are doing experiments with different gases. I have a little room in there, don't know why, but I leave when I start to see that their gas containers are not containing the gases and many different ones are escaping. A few are affecting the scientists and technicians minds, they laugh and make even more mistakes. I get as far away as possible, but there is a huge underground explosion that affects the entire city nearby. The gas spreads though the subway tunnels and the hole city implodes. The floor underneath me also sinks, but I am fine.

      I am hostage and being exploited for prostitution, but an elite ring of prostitution. We are drugged with a blue liquid and mentally enslaved. There's a new virgin girl of only 16 years old being sold for a million. I get a nice girl as a client, we talk a lot, she tells me all she knows about the whole scheme and how she is trying to rescue us, buy she paid for me and has to keep the cover, so we have some kisses and cuddles. Meanwhile, a black girl has some kind of small explosives and tries to kill her client. She is punished in front of me and maybe killed when they take her away.

      My dog Hachi is lose and fighting a wolf on the neighbor's land. A couple of men get in the scene before I do, he runs away and the wolf disappears. I look for him, the men tell me he is hurt. I find him kind of lost in the nearest town, I call his name and he sees me but keeps wandering around for a while. Then he becomes a man, a pretty sexy guy with long hair, a bit scruffy. He finally lets me approach him. I see he has blood in his arms and a couple of horrible bites. I tell him he has to go to the hospital or some clinic and we look for it. I hold him tight, very protective of this big man and feeling very attracted to him, but he is my dog and very innocently he calls me mom and I feel awkward.
    9. lv.

      by , 10-20-2018 at 10:49 AM
      Non-dream stuff - Woke up at about 8:30 but didn't remember any dreams, fell asleep and woke up again at 10:15, initially remembering a couple of dreams that started to fragment before I got up to write on the DJ.

      I was at a computer and looking at a website; it had a plain black background and it was some sort of shop, selling plushies. There was a dropdown box and there were about 5 options. I had a dream memory or dream bit where I bought something like a crate of 200 ram plushies from some other website at a much lower price, for about 50 in total. On this website, each plushie cost anything between 16.99 and 38.99 or so.

      I remember buying a goat plushie and when I clicked on the plushie titles from the dropdown box an image changed to show a rotating photo of them as a preview. Then I saw there was a little wolf, called something like "bloodthirsty wolf" or something, and it was really cute and had really large bloodied fangs and had an open maw. The size of the mouth and head looked exaggerated on purpose. Most of the plushies looked to be exceedingly well detailed, despite not being much bigger in size than my closed fist; they were in a cartoony style. I really wanted to buy the wolf plushie too and I think I did, but I started to wonder if I should be spending so much money on plushies. Remember thinking to look at my bank balance, but for some reason my phone wasn't near me and I ended up not checking.

      It seems I've forgotten the other dreams as I wrote this one, hopefully remember them or fragments while doing something else...

      Some notes:
      • While I really do like collecting animal plushes, I haven't bought any in some time now.
      • I also wouldn't, in principle, be looking to buy them online. I like to know the quality of the material as I buy them, as when I was a child I always had a somewhat irrational fear that plushes I had would tear apart etc if you weren't very careful. I still feel like I have to be very careful with some, as I don't like the idea of damaging them.
      • There's a big connection to my childhood from plushes in general, as my room had a lot of them by the time I was a teen. Friends often made fun of it if they were visiting and my oldest sibling would sometimes mess around with them which would really upset me and almost make me cry sometimes, though he actually didn't mean it with any ill intent. I just saw things as being very fragile, while he never did.
      • A pair of plushies I last bought were two fluffy sheep. The ones available on the dream website seemed to be sheep, rams, goats and wolves.
      • I'm not sure what brought on this dream context as a whole, as I see my and my partner's plushies around the house often, every day.
      • Edit: discussed the dream briefly with my partner and he reminded me that recently we'd been working with goat and sheep leather, and that was probably what elated this dream context. I found myself immediately thinking about the leather as he mentioned this, and thinking how the fluffy side would be interesting as a material on plushes.

      Scoring thus far:
      + Previous score: 51.0

      + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 1.0
      ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0

      = Total score thus far: 52.0

      Updated 10-20-2018 at 11:23 AM by 95293

      non-lucid , side notes
    10. 3/31/18 | Florida, Snow

      by , 04-02-2018 at 01:49 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-There was a Miami sign in "Westchester", FL, which was about halfway down the western coast. It was snowing half-inch-size flakes ahead of a cloud bank that I saw to my west and southwest. All other parts of the sky were clear. Time of day was just after dusk (earlier on, it was daytime and cloudy). There was no wind that I remember. In front of me was a line of gravel garages built from logs. Beyond the line was a flat gravel lot, followed by woods. Then, I was watching an Accuweather video. Bernie Rayno motioned to the location of a Pacific system, and then to the Puget Sound area in Washington. He said,
      "This...is goin here. This is a--you're supposed to be a lucario. The approaching mass of water should support life." He was calling out the meteorologists in Washington for not doing their jobs properly.
      In a later scene, he pointed at the east coast of Florida and said "[...]I'm thinkin 8, 9 inches." Also, Florida was distorted on the map, being turned 60° counterclockwise.
      There was pizza at one point.
      -2-There was a white wolf next to me on a grassy hill. There were restrictions for something. It was sunny and there was a feeling of really wanting to do something.
      Tags: florida, snow, wolf
    11. 2016/2017 Dream: Black Wolflike Monster

      by , 10-21-2017 at 06:58 AM
      I dreamed that I saw a dark wolflike monster in the distance from me that started charging me; I was frightened and then decided to not part out cars (I had been thinking of doing this) and it passed me by without any harm.
    12. November 17, 2014 | Wolf, Store, Forest, Cliff, Web Grid, 12th Doctor, Fight

      by , 08-08-2017 at 10:37 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-This entire dream, I was a wolf. It started in a store with a gray floor, light gray walls, isles on one side, and floored objects on the other. I was sneaking around the floored objects to avoid being seen by anybody. However, I was seen by a guy that was lying down on the floor, trying to look for something, I guess. I then grunted, and quickly made my way outside. Once outside, I began to run at high speed through trees and grass. For some reason, everybody from the store was chasing me, and one of them was armed with a machine pistol, which he fired a couple times.

      After roughly 20-30 seconds of running, I came to the edge of a ‘cliff’. It was more like a steep hill, so I thought that I would return to it as an escape route if all other options proved to be undesirable. To the right of me was a forest slightly downhill. I started to run alongside the pseudo-cliff until I got to a ledge overhang that was too high to safely jump off of. Just then, the people caught up with me, so I was trapped. Fortunately, they didn’t want to kill me, but I still wanted to get away from them. As a result, I jumped off the ledge to my death. I clicked respawn, and woke up.

      -2-This dream started with a hole in the wall closed off with a rectangular piece of fabric and a zipper. Opening the zipper, I crawled through the opening to find a room with a step ladder and unfinished walls. Above the same ladder were some paths(3 of them). I can’t remember which one I took, but eventually I found a similar room with a step ladder. After observing this room, I headed back to hallway from which I originally entered.

      Suddenly, the 12th Doctor showed up and told me to reopen the crawlspace, because apparently something was following him. This time, I closed the zipper behind me, and we ventured on. First, we came to a small room that had clean, vertical cobwebs, all exactly the same length spread across the ceiling in a perfect grid.

      Next, we found ourselves in a church with no chairs, and Link fighting with something against something. The Doctor said that we needed to fight with swords. Eventually, the small creatures we were fighting ran away into a room in the northeast corner of the main room, which turned out to be some sort of medical room. The two creatures jumped up onto the beds. Neither of the nurses/doctors suspected that anything was wrong.
    13. October 5, 2014 | Perception Filter, Guard Dog, Lawnmower, House Damage

      by , 07-30-2017 at 07:55 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      The dream started out with me trying to use the bathroom, but me teleporting into my younger sister's room instead. <-almost became lucid here because of (LOGIC).
      [Scene Change]
      I start out as me, although apparently with a perception filter, because to others, I was a wolf. A cutscene triggers, and it goes like this:
      1. A wolf gets chased by an unfriendly “domestic” guard dog (wasn’t even the right breed). This guard dog looked like a fully-grown bernese mountain dog, but with white as the main color.
      2. The wolf leads the dog onto some train tracks. (did I mention it was early morning here?)
      3. There is a train incoming.
      4. The wolf runs off the track with the dog to follow, but goes through tall grass, and doubles back to the tracks, and crosses them just barely before the train passes.
      5. As a result, the wolf gets away, and the dog trots south along the train, after it has stopped. The train itself had all blue containers.
      [Slight Scene Change]
      I was trying to find a vehicle to drive and get out of here. I found a cross between a red lawnmower and a track. I then found the keys, put them into the ignition, and tried to make some sense out of all this. Instead, the vehicle turned all lawnmower and no truck, so it began to mow anything and everything in its path. Trying to avoid everything other than grass, I looked for something that would disable the blades, so I could drive this thing out of here. Instead, I caused quite a bit of damage to some plants outside a farm house. Because of this, I ditched the vehicle.
      [Minor Time Skip]
      It was a few minutes later, and 2 people had woken up. The father and his daughter. My uncle was there too. We were inside the house, as the father ate some breakfast, while the daughter and my uncle surveyed some damage on the kitchen counter (which, apparently, I dealt, but nobody knows that). Looking out the window, I saw the plants I had destroyed. I knew that I had to get out of here. Luckily, just then, I had my opportunity, as the father left the house on the south side (plants were on the north) to go to a building to the south. I then casually left as to not raise suspicion. Then, I woke up.
    14. An Innocent Child, An Innocent Cub

      by , 06-06-2017 at 12:59 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 06-05

      An Innocent Child, An Innocent Cub

      I am in a place I don’t recognize. I look around and I see that there are wide open grasslands all around me with some patches of trees that break up the monotony. I have no idea where I am. I walk for a little ways as I try to get oriented and figure out where I am. I am thinking maybe I should do a reality check when I hear something behind me. I turn around and see a child come running out of one of the patches of trees, heading straight for me. He is being chased! Not far behind the child I see three men on horses, they look like knights, riding after the child. I wonder why they are chasing the child. The child has almost reached me, he is calling for help. Then I see the knight riding in the lead take out his sword like he is going to just ride the child down and cut him without even getting off of his horse! He catches up with the boy as the child is passing me, and I act quickly without really thinking. My right arm forms into an Alex Mercer blade and I dive between the knight and the child, intercepting the strike meant for the boy and blocking it with my blade.

      The transformation makes the knight do a double take, and spooks his horse. The horse rears up and the knight falls on his ass, the horse takes off running. The knight is scrambling backwards to get away from me, asking what manner of creature I am. I am angry. I say forget that, why the fuck was he riding a child down on horseback with clear intent to murder?! The knight stammers and then says the boy ran. I say no shit, he ran! If he hadn’t run he’d have been skewered a lot sooner! Now why is he trying to murder a child?! The boy said he didn’t do anything! I ask the boy where his parents are, he says he’ll show me if I protect him. I say I will. I tell the knight, his two friends are with him now, that I’m escorting the boy home safely, don’t interfere. I change my blade back to an arm. The boy leads me to a castle with many tents set up around it, as well as many wagons and horses and more knights. The boy leads me to the blacksmith’s wagon. The man there is relieved to see his son and calls him Mikah. Mikah is saying something, but I briefly wake up…

      I do a DEILD (Dream End Induced Lucid Dream) and try to go back to the same place, but I somehow miss the mark. When I become aware of the dream again I am in a long hall with a few people and numerous guards. At one end is a very fat man with a crown seated next to a woman with a crown, they must be king and queen. A young girl and a man are in the middle of the room alone, from the way the man treats the girl I think he must be her father. The queen immediately earns my dislike when she says she wants an animal’s hide. The king says that will be impossible since they have no wolf. The queen says they have a wolf and gives an evil smirk. The girl in the middle of the room gets immediately upset and says Lady didn’t do anything, she’s innocent. The queen says this wolf shall die in the place of the one who bit her son. I feel I was already mad, and this pisses me off. I blurt out that she can’t be serious about knowingly murdering an innocent animal when she knows perfectly well the animal has committed no crime! She asks who I am, then says she wants me arrested. I tell her I won’t let her kill an innocent animal, and I’d like to see her arrest me. Some knights close in around me and I form a force field to keep them at a distance without harming them. They are baffled by the invisible barrier.

      I go outside, my force field forcing knights and guards out of the way as I go. I don’t know where I am going, but I want to find the wolf that the queen wants murdered. The little girl comes running out of the large tent I was just in, I now see it is a large tent, and she’s crying. My force field lets her pass. She grabs my arm and asks if I can protect Lady. She says she loves Lady, but will accept that she can never see her again if only she knows Lady is safe. I can’t let them kill Lady! I tell her yes, I will protect Lady, assuming that is the name of the wolf. She points in the direction to where there is a wolf chained to a heavy pole. The girl says please keep Lady safe…

      People come from the tent and tell the girl to get away from me, I’m dangerous. I keep moving within my force field, which lets the girl out, and I reach the wolf called Lady. The wolf is sitting very quietly and looks like she wouldn’t hurt a fly. I reach for the chain carefully, speaking calmingly to the wolf the whole time, calling her by her name. I use my enhanced strength to break the chain as if it was cardboard. Lady looks back at the girl, who is on her knees crying. Knights and guards are surrounding me. The queen says there is no way for me to escape. I tell her that’s what she thinks, and there I wake up, effectively disappearing from sight as far as the people of that world can see. Note: Q has informed me that the wolf Lady is actually a young direwolf, still really a cub, and she is now living safely in my inner world.
      Tags: deild, rescue, wolf
    15. Healer in the Night

      by , 06-05-2017 at 11:01 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 06-05

      Healer in the Night

      I am walking outside at night in a place I don’t recognize. I look around and see I am on a path near some trees. Something about the whole situation feels strange, and that leads me to do a reality check. I pinch my nose and find I can still breathe, so I know I’m dreaming. The first thing I do is try to fly and I succeed. I fly up over the land that is mostly dark except for what the moon illuminates. I also see the occasional light down below that looks like it comes from a fire. It is a bit chilly, but I ignore that. I keep flying and I feel like I could fly forever. I soon spot a structure that the moonlight reveals to be a castle. That looks like an interesting place to check out, so I fly straight towards it. I briefly think I might freak some people out if I show up flying, but I don’t really care so I keep going.

      I fly in over the castle and then fly lower. I look down and there aren’t many people out because it is the middle of the night, but I do see some guards on patrol. None of them are bothering to look up, however. Then I am inexplicably drawn to one of the towers. I go with the flow and fly over near the tower. There is a window near the top that stands open. I fly to the window and I feel compelled to go inside. I silently land inside a bed chamber where I wait for my eyes to adjust to the dim light from a couple oil lamps. There is a boy in the bed apparently asleep. But somehow I know he is not asleep, he is unconscious, maybe in a coma, due to injuries. Injuries that the people in this realm may have no way to heal. I know I must heal the child. I take a quiet step towards the bed, but I stop when I find I’m being growled at. There is a large dog or a small wolf standing protectively over the child. I speak to the animal in a calming voice, using telepathy to try to convey the idea I am here only to help, I bring only healing. After a bit the animal calms down and just watches me as I approach the child.

      I focus healing energy on the boy lying in the bed, focusing on the song Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack for the healing task. Light energy forms all around the boy and then flows into him as the song plays softly in the room. It is a bit disconcerting when I hear strange cracking noises from under the covers, sounds that sound disturbingly like bones breaking… or setting properly perhaps so they can fully heal. I am thankful that the unconscious boy isn’t awake to feel any pain. As I am finishing up a man enters the room and does a double take. He demands to know who I am, and I realize he was supposed to guard the child. I tell him I’m a healer, and the child should awaken soon. And he is lucky that the boy’s dog is more on guard than he is. He says that is no dog, it is a direwolf. I say then the boy’s direwolf is a better protector. I figure if it is a direwolf then it must be still a cub. The guard again demands to know who I am, and I see the boy in the bed stir slightly. He is waking up. The direwolf cub goes over and starts licking the boy’s face. Everything fades to black as I wake up.
      Tags: castle, healing, wolf
      lucid , non-lucid
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