Had my first two shifts at work yesterday. I dreamed I was still working and that there was a basement where guests could visit too, getting offered drinks and such.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Riverstone is showing the house to his professor and I haven't met him yet because the house is big. Actually, some 4 floors, including a whole restaurant on ground floor. I realize the professor is leaving and they are at the restaurant, so I go down there. He asks me how I am and I complain that I hardly have time to visit parts of this house, let alone clean it, but I need to work on the computer to make a living. When he leaves, I look at the restaurant and think "why don't we rent it to someone?" Really good idea, but then I wonder "Wait, when did we buy this house?" And I realize it is only a dream. But I lose my train of thought to some story about a murder of a kid in a medieval town. There was a couple who used very incipient forensic techniques to investigate crimes and they were trying to investigate this case, but the mostly ignorant people thought they were actually serial killers with a fetish for corpses and didn't understand their observations and collection of evidences and samples. One day a mob attacked their carriage and they died stupidly. I am sitting at a library table, reading about these stories and I am disturbed by a guy who is sitting too close to me on the bench that runs along the table length. I ask him please to move away and he behaves irrationally, keeps harassing me. Then he farts. So then I decide to do the same to him and start moving closer and pushing him away from the bench until he almost falls to the ground, and he gets pissed and goes away. Some kid passing by sees all my forensics books and goes ask an adult what the hell is taxidermy and why I am studying those disgusting things. I feel them looking at me with the same type of incomprehension I believe that couple from the past probably experienced. Then I visit a friend who just started working at some food processing plant or big supermarket with food processing. She is sleep deprived and something happened that she was scolded for and she is crying. But a couple colleagues come to praise her, aware that she is working overtime as she is replacing two other people who left. So they also get teary while thanking her for actually having brought some relief to them, who were previously taking up that workload. I feel bad for them, because I work from home, make my own schedule and sit on the computer and definitely don't go through that level of stress and exhaustion. I tell them I wouldn't trade places with them, and it comes out not the way I intended, so they give me a blank stare, but then they admit they could not do my job and it is what it is.
8.20 I brazenly walk into a power station - DS (well Ed's version of a power station...all large dark spaces - DS) A women at the entrance looks suspiciously at me but I brazenly carry it off and I'm gone like the grey old shadow that I am in my dreams. I flit from area to area through a maze of pipes (which, if I had only become lucid, probably didn't even connect to each other) I dodge workers (DS)... even the 2 who are conducting some sort of obscure data-gathering exercise within inches of me. I lay perfectly still in the gloom as one works literally alongside me, apparently unaware of my existence like you get in corny TV adventure progs...early Dr Who episodes were notoriously bad at that (the actors must have had tunnel-vision.) I enjoyed this dream. So...I instruct my brain that any workplace or fellow-workers are dreams signs "because I'm old and I simply don't work anymore...it's ridiculous"...and how does my brain interpret that? It sends me into such places covertly I'm undercover so it's alright to be there. It may just be my foxy old grey matter but I clearly have to choose my words carefully because, like Oscar Pistorius's defence council it latches onto any loophole in my instructions...anything to avoid triggering the magic words "its a dream" Of course it might just be that I'm currently as aware as a lump of granite. I'm already cautious about the sheer volume of night-time instructions...keep it simple...now keep it unambiguous...boy do I need some little sweeteners. I was researching Ayahuasca (which is apparently an "MAO inhibitor" what wouldn't the Americans have given for that at the height of the Cold War?) Don't think I'll bother with that...the last things I need are inhibitions. Avanti!
5/1/14* I remember thinking that I got #140, so waking memory was present in several spots during the night hinting at some good self awareness in spots including waking memory of a recent event in the last few weeks, but for the life of me I can't bring back the whole LD, just the "outline" of it. Usually I have no problem remembering LDs (unless I have forgotten a lot more than I realize) but on a few occasions in the past I have had the feeling that I had an LD during the night and then it would all come flowing back to me, remembering the details. This one must have fell into a false awakening I am thinking because of the recall issue and if I actually woke up from the dream I am sure I would have recalled more. All I know is that I was in a work environment when I noticed something weird and realized that I was dreaming. I remember taking off flying and ending up in a void and flying different directions while trying to imagine a new scene and at some point I was thinking that I got to LD #140. That's all I can remember for now. The other waking memory was of someone who left my company a few weeks ago and in the dream I realized that he no longer worked there but the dreaming mind created the scenario that he was just visiting. I even thought about whether or not I could get in trouble for letting him be in the building but seeing that other authorities saw him as well, I decided that it must be fine. Also interesting to me is that all 3 of the people have "g" sounds in their first names. In another dream(?) in work scenario "S" from office was pointing out why a particular request couldn't go out yet due to (bc) not being completed and that made complete sense in the dream and IWL reality. Other dreams include some self-surgery on the bottom of my toe, impatient with the doctor who had another patient in the room - a naked woman being examined. I removed too much tissue. Another dream I was on a spinning amusement park ride that was indoors and spinning quite fast with lots of "G's." For some reason I had the idea that FryingMan was on the ride as well and I remember joking around that "we're all gonna die!" like something was wrong with the ride and I remember one guy's face looking very concerned and I just laughed. At the end of the ride, the girl behind me was with another guy but she was touching my arm behind the cover of part of the ride in an intentional flirty way. I also saw a college couple having sex and the particulars gave a strong indication that this scene came about due to incubation. 140
Cora, Keely and I are working behind the scenes at a university of some sort. In the main area I see Tom Waitts. I joke around with him and he leaves. I think I made him uncomfortable. The girls and I ride a strange elevator up to a hay colored loft area. We talk. I tell them that my uncle rocky invited me to this concert and I haven't even been inside yet. We go back down and I get a bit of vertigo. I sat on my butt for the decent. The university area is a really big and confusing. Cora and I leave and go around the corner. There is a very steep hill. I go for it at a run. I make it almost all the way up when I see car lights and turn a quick right into some major astral wind. The people I passed don't seem to be affected by it. I worry that they're looking at me funny. I do some swimming motions and make it finally. Im any raised, patio of some sort, that borders the main arena/university. There are many iron gates and green shrubs. I find Cora and we are in the hallway. I get the sense that this hallway is for staff only. We are sitting along rounded hallway. The kind that circle an arena. There is a girl next to her, along with various other apparent coworkers. The girl is dark skinned with gray blue and black dreadlocks. She bends Cora's head into her lap and begins to passionately kiss her. At first I am surprised but after a while I am just bored and somewhat anxious. Cora tells me something about her mystery girl, it is something along the lines of " I don't think I can live without her, I'm so grateful to have her in my life." Suddenly unconcerned about someone I need to keep in contact with via cell phone. I reach for my phone and by the time I'm looking at the screen to dial/TEXT it is pouring down soft warm rain. I'm mildly concerned for my phones well being but I soon forget. I am wandering now but have a definite goal in mind. A beautiful woman is around. She looks like Halle Berry and I know that she's kind and powerful. I find my way back to that patio/courtyard. Someone is leading me to a table surrounded by very special people these people are the ones whom this whole production/concert is for. I know that I'm not supposed to be worthy of their presence but whoever is leading the insist that I belong. " How could we possibly begin without you?" They say to me as I take my spot around the table. Note: at some Point I find myself and alone lit room and the university I'm talking to an older professor. All of the doorknobs are defective.
Updated 10-13-2012 at 04:48 AM by 40320