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    1. Night of Friday 12/8/23 (DILD)

      by , 12-11-2023 at 11:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Hands Observation and High Jumps:

      I'm in some foreign place. There is sand, mountains, and two sets of railroad tracks side by side. I'm standing in middle of the two railroad track sets.
      There is a train coming toward me.
      There are also cars coming, but they aren't on the tracks.
      At first I'm trying to use a hearthstone (From the MMORPG World of Warcraft) to teleport away, but it isn't going to be fast enough.
      I get out of the way, and then notice there are two people approaching me.
      One of them is an older woman, and the other is a younger man.
      Neither of them speak English, and I realize I'm in a foreign country.
      Despite this, they begin to speak and I understand anyway.
      They ask me what language I speak, so I tell them American.
      Upon hearing this, the older woman grabs my arm and starts to pull on me.
      I get the impression she wants to capture me because I am American. Ill intent.
      My first thought is that I need to get out of the situation.
      I pull out my phone and look around at places I could use my hearthstone to teleport to.
      I start to think about my childhood home, and I see a pin on a Maps app.
      It occurs to me that my phone shouldn't be giving me the ability to teleport, even if I had a hearthstone.

      I realize I'm dreaming, confirming with a nose RC.
      At this point I look up from my phone and notice I'm now in a small shed.
      No longer concerned about the danger the old woman posed, I recall that I wanted to test looking at my hands.
      I hold them in front of me, and I notice there are seven or so fingers.
      I look away and back to the hands a few times, noting how the number of fingers changed.
      It did vary, but it was always more than five fingers.

      I open the door leading out of the shed, and I'm hit with a vibrant green scene.
      It's a backyard from my childhood neighborhood, somewhat resembling BM's yard.
      I make a mental note to not try anything to crazy, not wanting the dream to end too fast.
      I step out, and I notice there is another house down the way. I decide that I'm going to fly over there, and land.
      I jump up into the air, and fly over the street. I start looking down for a place to land, and struggle to make myself go down where I want, but I do land there.
      Instead of continuing to fly, I decide to sit down and observe the dream from this rooftop.
      I see a big, man-made lake on the horizon. There are three husky-dogs playing on the frozen surface, and a fourth one that has fallen into a hole in the ice.
      The huskies, strangely, are laughing somehow. Maybe it was sounds similar to laughing that a dog could make. Tough to describe.
      It's a light-hearted scenario, the dog isn't in danger. I start to laugh too.
      I'm sitting at an outdoor patio table with a family. My Mom is there.
      I've lost some lucidity by this point.
      I get up and leave the table, remembering that there was more stuff I wanted to do with the lucid dream.

      I'm back to lucidity again.
      There's a cake on a side table nearby, and I think to grab a plate and get a slice...but then I remember this is a dream and that doesn't matter.
      So, I grab into the cake with my index finger, middle finger, and thumb, grab a chunk, and take a bite.
      It tastes maybe 90% like a buttercream sheet-cake. Pretty close!
      I notice a kid watching me nearby, but I'm not concerned if he sees me doing lucid dream stuff.
      I see a house nearby and decide I want to not fly, but do some flip jumps like Goku from Dragonball Z.
      So I jump once, make it to the first house, and then the next, and the next, until I am pretty high up.
      I land on a chimney.

      I'm sitting at a table again outside, and there is a family behind me playing.
      The dad looks like my landlord, C.
      He has a son, who has a girlfriend there.
      The boyfriend jumps forward and vaults off the girlfriend. It is played off as a joke.
      I tell the boyfriend, nice jump!

      Updated 12-13-2023 at 10:25 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Monday 9/25/23

      by , 09-27-2023 at 06:39 AM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:00PM.
      All recorded at around 4:45AM. I lost a lot because life was busy today and had to wait until the evening to write this.
      Plus, my nightstand notes were not very detailed and I underestimated how dark my room would be in the early morning.

      I'm at home sitting on the couch with my girlfriend S.
      My neck is killing me. She comes over and reveals a red neck pillow she has made for me.
      It feels godly when she puts it behind my head.

      I'm playing a 2D video game that resembles something from the SNES era.
      Point of view is from overhead, like The Legend of Zelda.
      There is a plot-line that involves time-travel, and when the player traverses eras, the 'future' has a blue-purple styling compared to the standard green-grass look in the present time.

      Something about World of Warcraft.
      I might be playing a new expansion.
      My friend Z is there.

      Something about my Grandma P and Uncle J.

      Updated 09-27-2023 at 06:47 AM by 99808

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. cccxc. The dark entity and waking up post-apocalypse

      by , 06-24-2022 at 01:52 PM
      2022 May 31st

      Dream (DFLN):

      I'm in Netherstorm, in Outland. It is an entirely dream-generated version of it but thematically consistent. I think about how it looks different with "the revamp" and I see people talk about it on a chat too. I go down a long path on a floating island with a downwards tilt, which seems to get steeper. The path curves around and goes into a cavernous area. There's an artificial pit that goes deep into the void and there's a presence here, who speaks. The structure in the pit here is very much like something right out of Icecrown Citadel, just sort of inverse.

      There's an ominous feel, though I do not feel worried myself. I think we discuss something about the world. Eventually, I leave, back up the same path.

      Then, I wake up as a white woman, in a bed in a room that's somewhat exposed to the outside. Some kind of global event has taken place that froze the vast majority of people in the world, who then, like me, wake up seven years later. I find out by talking to someone I think that all of us who had this happen, have become undead. More is explained to me (but I lost recall of it) and there's something about a king Henry. At several points, I question this a little, because I can't really tell that we are undead at all. And eventually my body is different/changes again. (but I don't realise while dreaming)

      Eventually, wandering the streets of this city, I come upon a group of people. They're beyond a wall slightly shorter than I am tall, but the wall also isn't that short (dream weirdness); the group of people is chanting as a group and they all look like cultist hobos. I pass through the wall like a ghost and they are surprised, and then I start shaking a pepper grinder ritualistically and they become very frightful of me and what I'm doing. I walk slowly towards them, and I comment out loud, almost laughing, "this is superstitious non-sense!" and they eventually run away in complete fear.

      Just nearby in this small street, which could be Japanese for how tight it is and some of the styling/layout, I meet Patrick Stewart by the entrance to a house. Patrick seems annoyed by what I did, but is apparently not holding it against me. We talk about something. I get the impression that he is not undead like me.


      - Writing this nearly a month later, the visuals are still pretty good, fairly memorable dream.

      - I made a sketch of the ICC pit shortly after having had this dream.

      - The undeath seemed to be like that which happens in the Souls universe.
    4. ccclxxxix. A's bags, Police drama, Mount farming, Russian exchange

      by , 06-24-2022 at 01:35 PM
      2022 May 27th


      Talking to my friend A on Discord, via voice. Eventually, she shows me a handmade skullie she got. It looks simple but nice. She looks a bit like A, H's sister. Then a bit later, she also shows me a handmade handbag, looks knitted. Again kind of simple but also looks good. And finally, she shows me a second handbag, also handmade, apparently by a friend of hers on Etsy. It has a dark tanned leather exterior and a silk-like fabric interior. It looks quite complete and is somewhat amazing really.

      Her dad seems to be there too. He's got curly hair and beard, looks kind of slim. I feel a bit bad that I know what they look like, but they don't know what I look like.

      Then, I'm there myself, but it's actually more like my old home. Soup is being made by H. He's making a traditional soup but there's no kale in it and I complain a bit.

      (rest of recall was lost)


      Half like a police drama. Sometimes I was one of the leading characters, and other times just observing. A man and a woman. (on waking, the format reminded me of Wire in the Blood, but taking place in America)

      The female character started off depressed and by the end was very jolly and happy and they lived together as a couple in the end.

      2022 May 30th

      Disjointed Dream (DFLN):

      I'm at Tanaris desert. I'm going around near the town, I think at one point I'm lacking the level for mounts but at another point I do have a mount.


      I'm in Stratholme, where I'm farming Rivendare for the mount, and it drops twice in a row. I am able to use the mount in the instance.


      I'm in Russia. Some kind of prisoner exchange is taking place. The prisoner our(?) side is releasing is a soldier, and the Russians are releasing to us a guy who I don't personally really believe deserves to be released anyway. I feel bitter about his release.

      When people speak in Russian, I can read subtitles, when I can remember to have my "real time" translator on.
    5. ccclxxxiii. Mid-level questing and guild participation

      by , 05-09-2022 at 11:38 AM
      2022 May 7th


      I'm on WoW, I'm playing as a human paladin, by the gear probably level 30ish. Model is vanilla style. I'm with a female caster, a night elf or a human, I think it changes. We're part of the same guild, one which I just joined very recently and we're doing a quest together. This is an alt for her, but this is a main for me. She has a mechanical squirrel mount. She's the same level or a bit higher and her character seems more life-like and "flowing" in terms of animations.

      There's another player nearby from the guild who is at max level. The quest me and the caster are doing requires killing an NPC that is scripted to put a certain buff on us, but I kill the NPC too fast at first. I think I apologise and get the feeling she may be annoyed by the fact I killed it too fast. A random player of a similar level appears and joins us for the quest. We do the thing properly this time and then this player leaves us again. Neither of us lost much health and I sufficiently use a holy light rank one to heal her. I think about how I wish I had flash of light.

      She quickly goes to duel the max level guildie nearby and gets very low HP, so I use some current-rank holy light casts on her. I think she's amused by all of this. She says she's spoken to management and I've been cleared (DRG intrusion) for "dungeon proc ID". I'm not sure what this means but can guess, I tell her. She tells me that she can see the raw data and where ores/herbs spawn and such like.

      Earlier. I'm with other guild members in a large communal bed thing, about seven of us I think? We're all supposedly trying to sleep. And at the foot-end of the bed there's player information, like there would be in the guild roster, but physical. I'm next to all the other paladins, I see, and many of whom are level 70, max level I think. I'm a noob in the guild. The guild has been around for seven years, I think to myself, and then I spot this paladin who's been here for five years and several months, being one of the oldest members who's still around.

      Even earlier. Something about an adventure and a town on water and natives or something. (Was not interested enough to write down recall and too tired.)


      Another WoW dream. Something about being a rogue. I'm in a forest not unlike Feralas and there are tall mountain sides near where I am. Again, something to do with a guild and a quest. I remember looking through or into a tree trunk of a large tree?


      - These dreams have two primary meanings that I'm seeing currently; one part is a sense of nostalgia for what playing the game was like, while the other part is the currently recurring collective aspect to my dreams lately.

      (Need to make further notes on this but am unable to concentrate enough at present)

      Updated 05-09-2022 at 06:56 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    6. ccclxxx. Sunken temple, character shading, fight between two women

      by , 05-07-2022 at 01:20 PM
      26th April 2022


      Something about WoW. I remember discussing Sunken Temple in chat and also being near the actual place.

      28th April 2022


      Something about drawing. I draw or notice in a character drawing, some different way of shading around the edges? (Wish I'd retained recall better)

      29th April 2022


      (Left recall too long, about two hours from waking)

      A dream bit where I'm either an observer or just watching in some sense. These two women are fighting each other, one of them is in her mid fourties or so and she's using a pole or something like one to attack the other woman. She has semi Asian features but would otherwise seem Caucasian, with a sort of gristly and greying black wavy hair.

      The other woman is in her mid twenties or so. She's white, has straight black hair. The area is like some outdoor stone steps, cream colours, modern architectural feel.

      As the two of them fight, the younger one starts growing, at first only her breasts but then all of her, proportionally. The older woman remarks cheekily on this and the growing younger woman complains that now she won't be able to go to the ball or gala (?) and in the end her breasts end up being smaller in proportion compared to how they were before the growth. She's also upset about the fact that she won't be able to get any clothes to fit her now.

      (Dream went on, rest of recall was lost)


      - Mostly some notes for the last fragment: It is not too typical for me to be present in a dream only as an observer, though it does happen. In this case however, the relation between the dream characters seems like a dynamic that might happen between some of my characters like S and N, though with a detached relationship between each other in this case.

      - The older woman had more air of confidence to herself than the younger one did, and if anything the younger woman had more anger to her. This may be a reflection of what I've found through my own conscious and waking retrospection as I've gotten older.

      - In a sense, both women were the same woman. The older woman could be said to be an altered or warped version of the younger and what she lacked in drive she made up for in the self-confidence; this seems evident from how she made a cheeky remark when the younger woman started growing, rather than being intimidated by the fact. And likewise, the younger woman's angry drive became more of a hapless confusion as the situation changed unexpectedly, her concerns turning away from the immediate fighting (perhaps because the threat appeared diminished relative to her) and onto concerns about a unspecified future (the clothes, the ball/gala).

      - A side note here, S and N appeared as characters mostly through non-conscious manifestation, whilst their development became partly consciously adopted. So for me the relationship between these two women in this dream is of special interest because it happened entirely out of a non-conscious dynamic, which evolved on its own. I had no influence or interaction, I was simply an observer, which meant that their development was not influenced by my thought, because as the type of observer I was, I had no specific thoughts, perhaps because any part of me that was capable of thought and emotion was inhabiting the women, whilst the senses themselves were not removed from my point of view, as an observer.
    7. ccclxxii. Exploring a raid on my own, Forceful woman, Pipe dealer

      by , 03-20-2022 at 10:04 PM
      3rd March 2022

      Long dream, but I left recall too late.


      Something like WoW but with more Korean-style game mechanics; progression, levels, gear, and so on mostly like Lost Ark. The areas have a similar feel to that game but it plays more like WoW. Then, I enter some end-game dungeon on my own and tell T about it, via PM I think. I figure that the dungeon is too hard for me to do alone and with my current gear. Looking in the map, I think at first that it's a small instance, at least until I realise there are other layers which are much bigger.

      I decide to explore the starting area of the instance a little bit, despite actually intending to leave. The place is a bit like a mix of Onyxia's lair and Molten Core. I explore a small rock tunnel, with a sort of high and triangular shape. This tunnel is next to a different tunnel which was the entrance. In the tunnel I explore, I find Hellfire orc engineers and a number of their landmines which are invisible at first. Not confident about my ability to solo this, I use a number of shielding abilities and area of effect (Paladin?). The mines do way less damage than I was expecting, not even taking my shields off.

      5th March 2022


      H has a "Velvetiser" thing (his mom showed us this, recently) and H is using the machine. I can't see much of what's going on because I seem to be sitting down. In our kitchen?


      Something about H transforming into a woman and being nearby or narrating. This (other) somewhat fat woman sits naked on top of my chest and is trying to get me to put my lips on her genitals. I resist and feel distressed by the forceful nature of what seems to be going on, being put off by the fact there is an odd taste or smell. I feel abused. (This feeling lingers as I wake up)

      6th March 2022

      Left recall too late.


      (near end of dream) I am with H in an area with a few small warehouses. I think in the middle of some woods, although there is a "town" feeling to the place. It also feels a bit like a garden centre? We go into one of the warehouses. There are stacks and stacks of wooden organ pipes. We make some deal with a white man, short black hair, mid 40s/50s. Then, before we leave, I ask him at last something that had been on my mind: "Do you know of any similar dealers such as yourself, who deal in metal pipes instead?"

      He does give me a reply in full but I lost recall of it. I do recall the reply was to my satisfaction and I gratefully express my thanks before we leave the warehouse. It's possible he gave me some contact details. Inside the warehouse, it seemed quite dark apart from the fact that it was lit by hanging bare incandescent bulbs. Outside it's sunny. There's a bright chalk-ish white gravel which makes paths. The woods are fir of some kind.
    8. ccclxiii. Shopping around, Strange town, Visualisation

      by , 02-27-2022 at 09:36 PM
      22nd January 2022


      WoW, playing with MV at one point. Something about doing duo raids and so on. Some weapon racks with axes?

      23rd January 2022


      Some segment about being in a shop looking for a labcoat. Someone suggests one to me and I ask them to hold it out but I find that it doesn't really suit me and that it actually looks more like an undersized blouse.


      At a service station.

      27th January 2022


      I'm with H, we're going somewhere in a car. I think we've been at home but we're at a service station or something now. I think I need my wallet to get something to eat but I left it at home. Then, someone gets in our car after I've loaded some bags, including a bag like my laptop bag but bigger and red instead of black.

      The other person is a guy, a bit younger than either me or H. He wants to hang around with us and seems innocent enough. Something about finding a BL chest.

      (recall gap?)

      At some place like a school, before the guy appears. The place feels familiar. I go through some hidden and darker halls. At some point I need to wash my hands. I go through a creche and starting washing my hands there but stop when I remember there's a room next door with a normal (and not lower) sink.

      Some bit later. In a car with H at first. Driving up a road through or into a town. Other drivers are a bit erratic and swervy. Then eventually we're on foot. It smells like urine. We walk up to a dilapidated building. False memory of being here before. H or someone else unlocks the front door. We go in and up some stairs? Then H stays behind a little. I worry a bit and there are two hooded figures slowly moving towards him and I don't understand what he's looking at and feel worried and impatient for him to follow me.

      Not a dream, visualisation:

      I vaguely see my alter ego at some stone steps. He's climbing and turned towards the point of view, beckoning. There's a heavenly feel to the place. This all fades quickly.

      I see my alter ego with a rifle or similar sized gun, doing some kind of heist, presumably on a bank with a vault. I see this in a series of images showing different viewpoints with extreme perspective distortion, like they're CCTV footage and with few frames per second.
    9. cccxliii. Planet, Supermarket, Murdering a Horde raid group

      by , 01-09-2022 at 05:16 PM
      24th October 2021

      Scraps: Something about a planet and an RTS-like view. Before that, with a group of people.

      27th October 2021

      Scraps: I'm in a supermarket or such like and I am talking to someone about Guinness (the drink).

      28th October 2021

      Some in-line bracketed notes.


      I'm outside, a green area, possibly a field in a rural area, sunny, bright, clear. (The location is realistic but the player characters are mostly as in-game, maybe perceived as slightly more realistic) There's a fairly large group of Horde players staging something over by slightly hilly corner of the field. I have an NPC forsaken rogue bodyguard, being a rogue myself, seeing in the usual third-person view.

      The AI for my bodyguard isn't especially clever, but when I come out of stealth the NPC does support me a fair bit in a logical way. Most of the Horde players don't react to my ambushes; I repeatedly target priests and mages, focusing each one down. Most of my targets are forsaken themselves and are wearing T1 gear. I employ the usual rogue tactics, stealth, ambush, cloak of shadows, vanish. During the dream, I presume part of the reason they don't get at me in full force is some shock or surprise factor, with some awareness that their collective looked a bit too passive for that to be the reason. (Possibly an intrusion from some classic videos I remember from way back when, where people sometimes ignored fights or were AFK standing around etc.)

      The last target is an enemy rogue who I have a small chase with and then end up using cheap shot and stun locking him to death in the dark cover of some bushes. (Think he was forsaken too)

      An earlier bit; something in space. It's a mix of Master of Orion II and other space games which are 3D. Something about starting a new game and not being able to pick previous locations in the galaxy. I remember being able to see one of my previous ships or avatars travelling through space, in a distant system while in some kind of strategy view.
    10. cccxl. Strange place with friends; With random friends hijacking a family car; Karazhan and MC raids

      by , 12-31-2021 at 01:24 AM
      Some in-line bracketed notes.

      12th October 2021

      (First and third dreams, long and bordering on epic, as well as being vivid, to the point that I still have decent visual recall of the last one even now)


      I'm outside somewhere. There's a post-apocalypse sense. It's daytime and sunny and I'm atop a mountain of sorts. There's a crashed jet that has been here a while by the looks of it. I am descending the mountain carefully. The path I need to take isn't clear. Something about O and K (H's friends) and this feeling like a survival game. They have a base together somewhere in a cliff-side and I feel they are trying too hard at efficiency. At some point at the base of the mountain, there are undead and I fight them in first-person with a knife of some sort. H helps me in some way. This area looks crypt-like, but ruined.

      (The vastness of the game area makes me think of that area in Cybermancy that takes place on... Mars? But this feels more Earth-like environment-wise and stuff looks a bit unpolished)

      Later, night time in a village of some kind. There's an inn? Context seems more normal now though.


      Something about me and two other people, maybe siblings or friends. We hijack ourselves into someone's family car. We ask them forcibly to take us somewhere out of a city. It is daytime and sunny. The place we reach is some old and small fortification. It has rounded edges and is painted white but looks abandoned otherwise. The man in the car, the driver, vents his frustration about the situation at some point, and doesn't want to leave?

      Before we get out of the car, I give his wife a teal 25 euro note, as compensation for taxying us. I remember at first the notes felt just like one, but I realised they were more just stiffly rolled together. I was going to give her a yellow 20 euro note at first.

      Out of the car. There are some external stairs to the top. Inside, there's a plain room with a door that I know to be hidden behind a curtain of sorts. My companions go in there, but I don't. I go back out and up atop.


      I am in a place like Karazhan but even bigger. I think I tell H about it, do not recall reply. I'm with a 25-man group and HW is here I think. There's a boss that's accessible on an outdoor rampart. It's gloriously sunny and bright outside, almost over-exposed and white, but the boss is actually in a room past the end of this short-ish and curved rampart. The raid group is behind me in a hallway and someone has to go pull the boss, I say I will.

      I run in the darker flame-lit boss room and get in aggro range, then using evasion and sprint away back to the main raid group. I have cloak of shadows ready to use at any moment and I let the tank take the boss off me and the end of the hall room the raid is in. I start to deal damage, very slowly and cautiously, but nobody else does the same. I use feint regularly and the rest of the raid group starts attacking but even despite all my caution I am starting to gain too much threat. I vanish at least once to clear it off but quickly builds back up. I get targeted and end up dying.

      Somehow, in the end I still did the most damage and am revived after the fight. For some reason a few others also died but not from pulling aggro.

      My class seems to be a mix of a rogue and a paladin. When I am revived I buff with greater blessings as appropriate, which as always I find somewhat annoying to do. We go into the darker areas of this enormous alternate version of Karazhan. We walk for quite a while and go up ramps and such. At some point we come out at a bit that is like the interior of Blackrock Mountain but even more vast and a bit of a blend with some general areas of Molten Core. I realise I can mount at this point and quickly take a detour near some pouring magma bit, and take a quest there from an NPC I think.

      Then I rush back on a swift grey ram mount towards the next area's entrance. This is much more like MC now and the next boss is some kind of golem.
    11. cccxxxvii. Glaring sunset at the desk, WoW self-mailing, With an away team

      by , 10-31-2021 at 02:27 AM
      1st October 2021


      I am in T's room. We're sitting together at his desk, which is facing the window. The curtains are open and it's a sunset outside. The sun keeps glaring in my face and I struggle with the brightness. At the same time, I can't get comfortable at the desk. I have a square monitor and my arms and wrists hurt with the way they rest on the desk, partly because my chair is too short. T says to do something about it then, and I get some pillows to stack on the seat.

      In the middle of all this struggling, I end up at first missing the fact that the sunset is now over and the light is on now, but the curtains are still open.

      (recall gap, the following are scraps from the same dream)

      In WoW, I am mailing an item to myself. Some kind of developer marriage is interrupted by fans.

      I am then in a Star Trek universe and am with an away team. End up in a room back on the ship where I try to use a replicator but I end up pooping myself in the room's bathroom or something.


      - The Star Trek locale was very reminiscent to the sets and layouts of Voyager, which I've recently been watching.
      -- In that part of the dream, I remember feeling confused at several points and many things were going against me, in terms of events playing out. I think I may have been confined to some quarters. The replicator I tried using didn't function properly, at least for anything I wanted, but I can't recall what that mighthave been anymore.

      - In the WoW segment, I was mailing an item to the same character I was playing and not an alt, something that's never been possible.
      -- I have a faint recollection of the locale being some altered version of Stormwind.

      - During the initial segment of the dream, I am struggling with issues that typically T would be more likely to struggle with, at least in regards to his room and layout. I would not have so much of an issue with the sun and would probably be appreciating it, in waking life. In a way, this dream moment is a window into my perception of his experience, on some level.

      - The experience of struggling against the glaring sunset reminds me now very strikingly of the time I was walking back home with mom, at a time of a sunset but during which I hit my head on something metal and started bleeding, all of which was caused by struggling against a glaring sunset directly ahead.
    12. cccxxxv. Gruul's lair raid with NPCs, Space stuff

      by , 10-13-2021 at 05:33 PM
      24th September 2021

      Left recall too late.


      I'm in Gruul's lair, it's mostly like in WoW but something seems more realistic in detail, characters maybe? Me and a raid group kill Gruul rather quickly. It's a 25 man group but oddly most of the characters aren't actual players? I remember talking to someone too.

      26th September 2021

      There were other dreams but recall was again left too late I think?


      One bit where I'm in space with an Avorion spaceship. I approach one of those concentric asteroid ring formations. Something later about dad talking to me about a mission or a bet which is worth sixty eight million. I am dismissive.


      - Maybe the realistic character details come from recently playing Conan Exiles.

      - It may have been that I was speaking to L in the Gruul's lair dream but I cannot recall. There seemed to be some kind of backwards logic to the raid progression.

      - I haven't actually been playing much in the way of space games.
    13. ccxviii. Underwater space and Discord messaging, Adventure group at some ruins

      by , 08-29-2021 at 03:56 PM
      16th August 2021

      Left recall too long. Some in-line notes.


      Some bit that initially takes place underwater but then it becomes more space-like, in a seamless way.

      RT messaging me on Discord. (but about what?)

      17th August 2021


      (near the middle of a dream)

      I'm in some kind of space station (implied) but it's also like a hotel. A character that looks like Major Kira (DS9) lives here but some other characters she knows are unaware (of the fact that she lives here?). Something fast-paced is taking place.

      There was something else relating to me, but details gone.

      (some later segment)

      Outside at some ruins. It's dusk or something alike. There's a forest, maybe a pine forest. (I'm vaguely reminded of Hunger Games scenery, which I think at the time of this dream I saw MoonageDaydream had mentioned somewhere). I'm in a party group with MoonageDaydream and a random dream character. Moonage is separate from us at first, but then she comes to find us when I spot two solid chests (WoW) and tell the group to roll for the chests. I pass on rolling; I see the random DC's roll in a chat log.

      Another three-person group approaches us. They take one of the chests, which I find annoying; I don't think we can do anything about it because they're not hostile. I think we guard the other chest until Moonage arrives, because it would be hers to loot I think. (On waking I realised it would have been a better option to open the chest without auto-looting and keeping it open until she got there)

      (When I first spot the chests I think I wonder why I didn't have my treasure finding racial on. And all of this segment took place in first person but with UI elements present.)
    14. cccxvii. False position, sword in the water

      by , 08-29-2021 at 03:46 PM
      14th August 2021

      Had several long dreams but recall became very fragmented.


      In a tower or castle of sorts. I have a position of power or influence, but whenever I try to get anything done find that my position is just a facade and a farce. At some point I'm in a treasure room of sorts. There are illuminated displays (did I mean display pedestals/stands?).

      Then another bit, something about a sword in water, in a sea but nearer the coast. Looks a bit like Azshara. The sword is unique in some way and belonged to a female character?


      - I think the sword thing and possibly female character may relate to thinking of conversations I'd had with OccipitalRed. The dream theme reminds me of some medieval trope (Warcraft is a medieval-style fantasy too) and the water/sea most likely relate to their non-conscious symbolic aspects.
      -- Interestingly I associate Azshara both with the land of that name and with female Naga in general. There's a lot of close associative linking going on here.

      - At the time of the dream, the position I had in the dream seemed relevant to something relating to waking life, but I cannot recall what anymore.
    15. cccxiv. Underground cult

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:41 PM
      4th August 2021

      Poor recall, didn't feel particularly motivated to write initial notes either.


      First I'm in some kind of hidden little place. It reminds me of a chapel. Arabesque. There's a woman and she helps me in some way? I stop some psycho in our midst from killing someone because I already knew he was going to try something, as I saw a hidden blade in his hand, but I wait until I can catch him in the act.

      There's some context of a cult. Cho'Gall makes a brief appearance, we speak or maybe I eavesdrop, not sure. At some point I'm getting ready to leave and everyone is wishing me goodbye. I have a lot of things to carry, two backpacks and some other items, plus my old boots to carry in my hand because I'd put away my newer ones in the backpack by mistake. I feel pressed so decided I should swap them later on.


      I'm outside, at the entrance to that place. It's a little secluded cove bit, with sand, water and so on. It's sort of below a bigger hotel complex that is on top of a reinforced hill. (certain aspects remind me of old home but details are gone)

      At some point, I start jumping from place to place, over the water. I find some secret collectible books and think that they are quite obvious finds and that they need to try harder. At the edge of town(?) or something, there are some ancient ruins, half Greek, half Elvish. On some level, I dismiss this as part of an asset mismatch or incorrect loading (as if this was part of a game).

      (another dream later on but recall was lost)


      - It's peculiar that Cho'Gall appeared in the dream. He's not a character I've ever had any particular attraction to but also not an unmemorable character for me. Considering his intellect in lore, I feel that his symbolic meaning may relate to brutish wisdom or some part of hidden wisdom, a concept a bit reinforced by the fact that he is a cult leader, both in this dream and during certain events in WoW lore (i.e. Cataclysm for one?).

      - There was something familiar to the architecture both of the hotel and the "hidden" chapel place, reminds me of some hotels I remember we stayed at when I was a kid.
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