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    1. WILD Attempt & Zelda Prediction: It's Bad

      by , 02-25-2023 at 06:01 PM (Dreamlog)
      Up at about 4:30AM for a WBTB. No recall from earlier in the night. I've just taken the supplements below for the first time. I'll be back to record later. First impression: Choline smells terrible. Like fishy terrible.

      Update: Laid in bed for a long time. GF's regular weekday alarm went off by mistake a couple times and messed up my rhythm. Eventually I relaxed enough to start feeling WILD vibrations. I got all the way through the process of "going through the wormhole", and I could see a dream in a tiny pinhole at the end. It was my childhood home. I could see my old PC monitor with Runescape on it, but the dream was black around the edges. I forgot that I needed to 'grab' the dream and I missed my opportunity.

      I find myself in my bed and I think to do a nose RC. I can breathe through my nose so I know I'm dreaming. I start to rub my hands together, spin, and demand that the dream stabilize. It doesn't do much, and it feels very unstable and groggy. I try to leave my bedroom but the dream fades. I have a few more false awakenings with similar results. At one point I did spin and see some marked improvement in quality, but not enough to try and pursue a dream goal. I was trying to go to a forest and explore the dream environment.

      I'm in something similar to a fast-food restaurant playscape. There is a pool resort nearby. Sunny day and all that. Looks like a dope vacation spot actually. I'm crawling through the tube tunnels, and eventually come out the other side. There is a group of people playing the upcoming Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom, on an outdoor TV setup. It is lagging really bad. I'm upset about it being this bad. I wake or otherwise recall nothing beyond this point.

      Regarding the supplements. I did notice a bit of a headache during the attempt (and now still), as well as some stomach discomfort. I felt my heart beating faster but that is most likely attributed to the WILD experience itself. Nothing earth-shattering but thought I should note it.

      Hoping for better results next time. I will say that this is the first time in a long time that I've actually felt the WILD vibrations, tiny victories I guess.

      Supplements: Primary Trigger Combination (1st Attempt)
      Galantamine: 8mg
      Choline Bitartrate: 250mg

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-25-2023 at 06:05 PM by 99808

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    2. 4/16/17 (L) DILD L2- | Crowd, Running, Minecraft, Wormhole

      by , 04-16-2017 at 02:34 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1(L)-I did a nose plug RC, then became lucid. This was near a large, church-like school building surrounded by standard fence. There were a ton of DCs around, so I ran out through the open gate into the field to avoid distracting elements. While I ran, I started my routine. However, despite my efforts, DCs spawned in the field too and tried to talk to me. I eventually forgot I was dreaming. I think I was trying too hard to shun every character away without think about my situation. Since the focus was on characters, I eventually lost lucidity.

      Then, a storylike emerged about Doctor Who and the same building from earlier, except now it was old and abandoned. I had to sprint back to the building from where I was in the field, so that I wouldn’t get taken over by a skydiving alien. It was hard to run normally, so I had to pull on the grass to increase my speed. (this has happened at least a hundred times. I’m not sure why it hasn’t clicked.) I don’t remember what my task was inside this building.

      -2-I was watching Mumbo Jumbo play some Hermitcraft—he had taken on a challenge to build a vertical base entirely contained in a 10w x 256h x 10l volume. Not a bad idea, actually.
      -3-I was on a Federation starship inside a hallway or sorts; there was a room-spanning window with controls all along it. Grant Imahara was at a control panel, talking about a rare wormhole in front of the ship. I replied,
      “Oh sure wormholes are rare in Star Trek.” Something happened to him after I said that. Maybe he fell into the wormhole.
      Time: 1-2 minutes

      Updated 05-01-2017 at 12:29 AM by 67050

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Digital Wormhole (Lucid moment)

      by , 04-03-2017 at 05:30 PM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      First thing I recall is following a group of three. One of them is a girl with brown hair. My vision is going to black. I calm down and look at my feet. I stay in. The group stops. Dream trying to end?
      "Letaali? Letaali! Are you still in?!" the girl yells my real name.
      "Yeah...yeah." I answer. For how long, remained to be seen.
      "Say the phrase so I know you're in!" She continues to yell at me, she sounds honestly worried.
      Phrase? I think for a second and then start repeating "I'm in a dream...I'm in a dream..." As I do, I become lucid, at least for a moment.

      Thanks to false memory from before I was lucid, I believe I was in another dreamer's mind with the group. We used a computer to enter a digital world connected to the dreamer. My lucidity ended very fast when I suddenly fell through a digital wormhole.

      I was in a black and white world. A Finnish town? No electricity, so this was a long long time ago. It was night and there was a sauna inside the church on the hill. Town people used it. A fire spread from it. Two people yelled at each other on the street while the church continued to burn. I tried to recognize people from their surname and looks. I was just an observer. I was pulled out of the world.

      I'm in a room full of computers. My connection was severed. My team is there and the girl helps me create a new connection. They have a very complicated machine that creates a "fingerprint" for me. It's a metallic box that allows me to connect again and keeps my mind safe from attacks. While I'm setting up again, there's a dude in the room who has a superpower. His mom is in the room too. She talks about her son's power. Apparently he's some sort of "Painter" and once he unlocks his true power, he doesn't need a partner.

      I love it when DCs try to help me become lucid.
    4. Korea Wormhole College

      by , 01-05-2016 at 08:55 AM
      a fragment about being on a plane going to Korea and a hole opens up and there is swirling and I think it is a wormhole that will get me there faster but I am not sure

      I go back to the apartment. Someone has been in the apartment and has put my diploma in a frame on the bookshelf along with a graduation suit and hat and picures in frames of me on campus in my graduation suit but that is weird because I didn't even sign up for the graduation or buy a graduation suit so the pictures must have been photoshopped. I get an email from college with a directory of restaurants, libraries, and banks that I can use off-campus like I don't already know where these places are. I have a lot of mail in the mailbox. How did this huge letter even fit in the mailbox? It is some kind of xbox thing like I get points for playing xbox or something.
    5. Into The Wormhole

      by , 04-26-2015 at 04:46 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #433 - DILD - 5:18AM

      I am traveling with a group of people. An old pastor from a very long time ago was leading us. He kept saying something about getting to Atlantic City. My wife's cousin is talking about winning a lot of cash at the casino and wanted to go his own way and meet up with us later. I interrupt, "Atlantic City? Is that in Georgia?" The pastor said it's actually in another galaxy. I get excited about this idea.

      The next thing I recall is I need to change my clothes. My wife is in the room with me and as I grab a pair of jeans she tells me this is all a dream. I pause feeling unsure about it, but noticing how wavy and blurry my jeans look. She goes on, "Yeah. You should totally try changing your clothes in a dream. It would make a cool task." I look up and see myself in a mirror on a dresser and my face is highly distorted. Ok I believe her. Wow, that really cool my wife told I was dreaming! I decide I may as well try her lucid task suggestion and slowly and meticulously put my jeans on. I think about cheating with dream control, but I really want to get this. I pull my shirt off and put on a new one with some difficulty but manage to get it done.

      I follow my wife around checking out the dream environment and talking to people for what feel like a very long time. However, nothing super interesting happens here and I forget most of it.

      I see my plant manager at some point and decide to show off some dream control to him. I tell him I can levitate, but he gives me an uncharacteristically animated look of disgust when I cant do it. I see some dice on a wire rack next to us. I say, "OK then watch me juggle." I get the same look when my dice float of in various directions not matching my hand movements. I try again, "OK FINE. TK!" There are some boxes of cereal now in the wire rack. With great effort I get them to fall over. Just then, I hear a loud siren and my wife yelling at me, "It's time to go!" Startled and without thinking, I turn around and run toward her.

      We are outside now with other people, my wife is standing to my right. I am told we are about to board the space ship, but as I look at the sky I see a very bright and colorful sunset behind large fluffy clouds. I look at in it awe and the clouds fade away reveling a wormhole. I see now that It's not a sunset at all but the light emanating from the anomaly itself. My wife is saying something about entering it to Atlantic City, but I don't pay her attention. I am way to transfixed by the beauty of the thing in the sky. I ask myself why I don't just fly in there right now as I begin to levitate. I put my hands in front of me expecting to fly, but I can't move. Instead I focus on being close and I teleport to the wormhole up close. I sort of get the image of look at a digital picture up close and can almost see pixelation. I ignore this and fall in head first.

      I drift silently in a void and hope that I'm not actually waking up. I feel myself weightless and slowly flipping end over end in a fetal position. I enjoy the feeling and stay frosty like it's just another OBE episode. I keep thinking of when Cooper entered the black-hole in Interstellar, hoping for a similar experience. I really hadn't thought of a destination and now I just rely on my subC to bring me out anyplace I can. I get a brief visual of some man looking down. I don't notice now, but later I'll realize it was Cooper himself. The visual returns in flashes alternating to dark void. I focus on seeing intensely and quickly find myself laying on a floor next to a crying baby. Cooper is there tending to another identical baby. I just want the baby to quiet down so I can think and find a bottle. The baby doesn't want the bottle at first so I try it myself. The milk tastes good. My father instincts kick in and I cuddle the baby close to me and try the bottle once more. The baby seems content now. I wake up.
    6. The void

      by , 10-08-2014 at 09:55 AM
      Last night I found a new and very weird place in my dream world. I don't know its name, but I call it the void.

      The void is a spectacular place. As the name suggests, it mostly an empty gigantic space. It is not dark, at least I think so, since I can see perfectly inside of it. The empty space has this faint blue luminescence that allowed me to see. I could also float around at will, merely thinking where i wanted to go was enough to make me float in the direction.

      It seems that the void contains fragments of buildings, soil and other things floating in patches. These patches must be incredibly far apart, for I could see no other patch from the ones I visited. These small areas are connected by some kind of wormholes, that looked like spots of absolute black against the blueness of the void. I soon learned that the wormholes was deceptive, if you go through one you end up in a new spot, but if you then go back again then you don't end up where you started! I learned that the hard way, when I realized it was impossible for me to backtrack my way to the patch I came from.

      I don't remember how I ended up there, together with two people who I saw as rivals, if not enemies. I had fought them, each of us leaders of a faction of some sorts. Probably a battle inspired by the unhealthy amounts of strategy games I've played lately....

      One of our common enemies, a necromancer, lived in the void. He had the power to open a gateway to the normal world. Maybe that is how we ended up there?
    7. Wrong Story

      by , 09-11-2014 at 03:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This is a big mish-mash of stuff from the last couple days. I've been caught up with college.

      I am at S's house. But it feels more like my grandmother's house mashed with some completely unfamiliar elements. S is having a birthday party, and has invited only me and seven or eight very attractive girls.

      S is in his room all alone, and the girls are doing shots (and drunk as all heck). The invite me to try and drink the most, and give me a big glass of tequila. I take it, and when nobody is looking, pour it out the open window.
      S calls us into his bedroom, that looks more like a hotel room with two beds. He sits everyone down and we start playing apples to apples.

      My extended family (so a lot of people) are being taken to a very upscale movie theater by my cousin to see Divergent. We get there and the movie starts by explaining the post-apocalyptic setting. But then it begins to deviate from the plot some.
      Man, why does this always happen? A dream glitch occurs and I become a character the movie.
      So it turns out this isn't Divergent, but rather some other movie. The plot is as follows, and it's complicated.
      Meteorites containing an unknown alien element come crashing to earth. There are just a few at first, but slowly more and more of them begin to arrive. When the meteorites impact they create what are known as psychic wormholes. These are portals intertwining the planets of the inner solar system (that have also been hit by these meteorites) as well as the distant origin star system. The portals can effect a human's consciousness by hypnotizing them to walk into the portal, turning them into a zombie, or just trying to kill them.
      Humanity built anti-oribtal laser cannons to combat the meteorites and prevent the portals from covering too much of the earth's surface. Although a large percentage of the earth is already under the influence of these portals, there are small zones where the remaining humans live that are free from the psychic effects of the portals.
      Occasionally scientists and others go outside of the safe zones to study the portals and look for ways to destroy them. But only people with what's known as a 'psychic resistance' can leave the safe zones and study the portals.
      I can remember that I am one of the people that is going outside the safe zone. I am waiting in a field alongside others. Some people are saying goodbye to their families and hugging one another and what not, because of the people turned into zombies, going near the portals is dangerous.
      My character is however, an orphan. I have nobody to say goodbye to.
      While I am waiting in the field, I notice the surroundings. I recall there being a huge concrete pedestal in the field with a telescope observatory dome on top of it. But rather than a telescope there is this huge steel cone with prongs on the end of it. There is a red conduit going up the side. I think to myself that is probably one of the anti-orbital lasers.
      A small boat pulls up in a lake by the field, and people start getting on. That is the boat that take us outside the safe zone. I take note of how cramped the boat looks but then remember that the ride is not very long. I get on-board.
      It was at this point that I met a character called The Marshall. He was this huge, brawny man who wore a cowboy hat and motorcycle goggles. He divided everyone up into groups, each one of us was to investigate one portal. They needed as many people as possible for these missions so anyone with psychic resistance had to come.
      My group wound up being with a very young, brown haired boy, probably six or seven. An elderly woman, at least 70. And a woman with short black hair who was probably in her 20's. She looked like as though she was very experienced with going outside of the safe zones.
      I can remember the Marshall passes out a printed test to everyone to make sure that they have the psychic resistance that he needs.
      The dream skips ahead to my group walking through the streets of an overgrown city. The black-haired woman has a detector used for locating the exact location of the wormhole. The old woman, who was around before the meteors struck, knows this city because she used to live in this town.
      We end up finding the wormhole on the floor of an abandoned Cafe. It is a small blue energy vortex bound onto the floor, perhaps a foot in diameter. It seems to distort the tiles around it, making them appear to twist with it.

      I walk into the cafe, through the broken front wall, and the black haired girl tells me not to go too close. Even though I have psychic resistance, I can still hear the wormhole calling to me, telling me to jump in. I decide to give in to it, even though I could easily fight off the desire.
      I can remember walking over to the spot on the floor. I look up at the ceiling and see a small hole, no bigger than a baseball with sunlight streaming though and think about the meteor falling through it. I then jump into the portal.

      I am high above the earth's atmosphere. The moon is huge and very close to earth. Mars is smaller and visible on above the moon. I start falling toward the earth and burning up in the atmosphere.

      I am standing in what feels like the entrance to an ancient city. There are roman-styled buildings made out of a white crystal all around. They appear crumbled and in a state of disrepair but are still beautiful. There are cherry blossom trees everywhere, and the air is thick with flower petals. There are so many petals that they form a thin layer, perhaps an inch thick on the ground.
      Hands break through the thick mat of petals and grab me around the ankles, and start pulling me in. It feels like the petals are much deeper now, and the scent of them is overwhelming. I struggle and scream but it is muffled.
      I start to become lucid. I wake up.

      I am at my university. I am walking around and come across this very odd dorm building that looks like a motel. It is supposed to have really fancy dorms but looks very junky and beat-up.

      I am having a fight with somebody. We both have mild superpowers. I can recall we are fighting in the parking lot. I pick up a small white car and try to throw it at him.
      I recall very vivid imagery as the car skids down the parking lot hitting another car and then my opponent. I can remember hearing one of the car's alarms going off.
      I then tried to chase the opponent who as acting like he didn't want to fight anymore.

      Updated 09-11-2014 at 03:04 PM by 53527

    8. 15 Sep: Theory of Everything

      by , 09-15-2013 at 01:27 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am invited to go down a wormhole and on the other side I find a "Wonderland" type of place. As I walk down a hallway, I encounter tiny doors, which open to tiny worlds or encounter strange living paintings that suck people into really dark places. At a gate I find some guards and some stalls with weapons and all kinds of acessories. We are to enter an RPG game and must "wear" the character of our choice. But the best weapons are gone, I look for a sabre and can't find any, nor long swords. All there's left are big knifes and whips. I grab the nicest looking big knife, a handbag and then I look at the shoes and instead of all the heavy boots, I go for the only pair of white vynil bowling shoes that match my black with white stripe outfit I am wearing. Inside the gates, is not like I expected. It's a complex world, with flying palaces and I end up in one. Everybody is dressed up like for a ball and I feel dislocated. On this palace it seems to be happening some kind of event with workshops and I find it all so odd. I decide to attend one workshop to see what's the topic and they are discussing the "Theory of Everything" and I hear them advancing the explanation for the link between quantum physics and general relativity. It has something to do with dark matter and I am wowed because it makes sense and appears to be so simple.
    9. Kissing a peasant DILD

      by , 05-22-2013 at 10:22 PM
      Date: 22 May

      Total Sleep Time: 8 hrs

      WBTB: 120 mg gingko

      Dream quality and recall: dreams were vivid, but I was very sleepy today, I guess that has affected my recall. My prospective memory and concentration during the lucid were not at their best either.

      Fragment1: the dream involved Xanos, no other memory

      Dream2: A class meeting again. It is late at night and we are discussing with the girls where we are about to go. I feel like dancing so I am totally fine with any place they suggest. I notice that they have put on some weight. My dad is over-protective and follows me around. I arrange to secretly meet with my best school friend and take her to a concert. I will buy her the ticket. On what I think is the next day, we meet in the morning and take the subway. She has moved to my city, it seems.

      Fragment3: We are eating some mix of bacon and cheese, tasted very realistic

      Fragment4: the office is closed, my dad is looking for something

      WBTB: Took gingko. Recalled dreams and did some dream incubation during which I have fallen asleep.

      Dream5: I am watching some trees from above, and want to change their color. It feels a bit like I am observing using google map. Soon I am at the place of interest, in the middle of a lake. There is an old wood-made ship close to the also quite old and dusty quay. I have a game like attitude and want to rearrange the whole place. I succeed in making more space where I want to. Then I am in the water, swimming forward, but it is not very pleasant because this lake is a bit dirty. There is also a fish nearby, and I don’t like that.

      Dream6: Instead of the normal section of a restaurant, I decide to follow a DC and go to another part. I am climbing some stairs to reach my destination, but the place is very hard to get to because the doors are smaller. I reach the third floor, where I talk to the waiter – a friend of mine. Three other DCs appear. One of them tells me that he has a Japanese geisha girlfriend and that they are in an open relationship, they are dating some other special girl. He shows me a brochure where all this is explained using some strange Japanese words. I think that he expects me to join their little arrangement, so I say no thanks.

      Fragment7: I am in a car, and the waiter of another place we were in, is now John Malkovich. He comes in, bringing my favourite sandwiches. They are perfect.

      Dream8 DILD: I am in an interesting looking town, but pay little attention to it at first. I am with four friends, one girl I clearly know, two DC friends in the background and another girl. The other girl is the girlfriend of a friend of mine, and she has come to meet me. At first, I don’t feel at ease with the two girls, even though they are friends, so I fly to the level of the first floor, and follow everybody as they are walking down the street, just above them. I think of why I am doing this and then fly back down. The new girl has brought me some presents – she hands me two notebooks, with school notes, chemistry and other stuff. Then another one with patriotic poems translated in a foreign language. Who would want to read something like that, I am thinking to myself.

      At some point which I cannot remember, I become lucid. I feel I have spent a long time exploring around. The next more clear lucid memory is me, still in that city, which looks like a medieval city, feeling happy and going for some tasks (which I don’t remember at all). Then I look around and enjoy the place, the walls of the houses around are made from a dark stone with a hint of green. It feels like an Italian city during Middle Ages. It also reminds me of a number of other dreams I had. One more recent one was in a modern Italian city. The Colosseum should be somewhere to my right, I am thinking and desire to go to that place. At the same time, I try to engage a few DCs to help me on my quest. I look ahead and see DCs passing by, I try to stop them, but they are moving really fast, strong momentum, so I cannot stop them. (The second time this has happened). I look at a DC in front of me and notice how beautiful, elaborate and medieval/renaissance-like her clothes are. I get closer to a DC woman that is not moving, she is some kind of monk, and ask her for help/directions, but she is not helpful at all (interact with DC).

      I continue and find another male DC, a peasant, he looks a bit blurry. I know that this dream has been going on for really long, so to avoid it ending I come up with the idea to stabilize the dream by kissing him. He is not really ugly, I find him rather unpleasant, but still, I kiss him. I realize that I am doing something objectionable to me, yet I keep doing it. The dream feels much more stable (stabilize dream), but then someone tells me that as a result of my behaviour, I have now two children and that man is my husband. This place is my home now.
      It all suddenly feels so realistic to me that I lose my lucidity. I begin to fret about those responsibilities and that I won’t be able to leave the place now. At the same time, I know that this city is special and that there are wormholes appearing every now and then, so I can use one of them to escape. I look at a live city map, which shows the location of the currently active wormhole.

      I continue sleeping and have another dream that I cannot recall. I wake up and feel frustrated because I have no memory of the last few dreams. Then fragments start to emerge.

      Comment: Although I managed to recover some of the memory of that lucid, it is upsetting that once again I am unable to remember a part of the experience. And yet, it is much better than not remembering anything at all.

      Updated 05-22-2013 at 11:09 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    10. 1st Jan 2013 Quests, doors, nether-like place, weapon practice

      by , 01-01-2013 at 09:02 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Don't remember much of the dream start, i remember doing sort of missions/quests and there was one where i was searching something in the park i think, then there was sort of village with gorilla-like creatures.

      At some point in the dream there was some sort of intersection place, where one of the doors were hidden behind pieces of wall and other piece of wall was acting as the lock mechanism for that door, i took out gravity gun(From Half-Life 2) and started playing around with those pieces of walls until figured out how to open path properly. After that i entered the door, closed it and placed lock mechanism back in place it was. The room behind door was rather empty. When somebody else started trying to access the place, i grabbed another door out of nowhere with my gravity gun and thrown it 'through' the door and wall pieces to surprise that somebody. When door was passing through objects, it's physics freaked out like they do in some video games. I left the intersection place shortly after.

      I was doing some more quests/missions after that, one of them was to prevent someone from accessing some sort of place or something. I was in some place that looked like minecraft nether, except not blocky. There was huuuuge chasm that blocked the way and also obsidian ceiling. Also somewhere there was some sort of portal that looked like wormhole with some mechanisms around in X formation, it was surrendered with forcefields as well and could only be accessed from one direction. I used it to check where it leads and it leaded to some platform in the space, i quickly went back though. I left that place shortly afterwards in search for quest target, and probably completed mission at some point.

      Then i was in some sort of training area, there was pair of miniguns aimed pointing point-blank at training targets, a pair of heavy machine guns(i think) pointing into the distance where there was opening to the outside, and also sort of railgun/massive cannon near heavy machine guns, aimed into the distance as well. All weapons were mounted and impossible to re-target/move. There was sort of dude who was explaining how to use these weapons as well, don't think i was listening to him. I tried out miniguns and they were pretty good, then i tried railgun and was sort of disappointed with very long charge time/cooldown. Then the dream ended.
    11. Wormhole

      by , 07-02-2012 at 12:17 PM (Zoe's weird things)
      [Dream happened at 7:50AM or so... considering that a month ago i was complaining that all my LDs are after 8AM, this changed a lot these days ]
      [I was falling back and forth between fully lucid and semi-lucid states in this dream, not exactly sure why... but sadly i forgot my goals that i planned]

      As i was just escaping some kind of factory and while flying above our garden i got lucid. The dream was really blurry, so i kept flying in a circle and thinking about how the dream will be clear. It worked fast. Once it was clear i decided to move on from the garden. [These days most of my lucids start out in our garden for some reason... probably because i pass most of my time at home during these hot days].

      I decided to go to the backside of the garden and find my way through the neighbouring gardens to somewhere new. As i was flying there, i kept shifting my thoughts about my real body and my dream body and it caused the dream to start falling apart, then stabilize multiple times. I did this just for fun, but then i even rubbed my hands together to stabilize in the end, just in case, but i still woke up once.
      [I went back with DEILD].

      As i was flying in that direction, i noticed a blonde, short haired old nun. I thought that she said something to me, but i didn't care much.
      Instead of listening to her, i descended a little and landed on her head with one of my feet, then propelled myself forward with a jump from her head... she must've been angry after that...

      As i got to the end of the garden i realized that there is a huge wall of hedge blocking off everything else from the garden. I wanted to get through it, but my control wasn't on the top here... i just got stuck between the branches and leaves. I gave up on it and flew back the other way towards the street.
      I got out on the street and everything looked differently here. The road was much more wider and there was heavy traffic. Even my house disappeared as i looked back.
      [At this moment i became semi-lucid].

      For some reason i thought of angels and seen a glory floating above the clouds... I wanted to get up there, so i started flying upwards, but i just fell back to the ground soon after. I tried multiple times, but it always happened the same way. At the same time, i heard an old man's voice, who kept saying things like "You can do it!" "Don't give up!"
      I didn't see him, but since i was semi-lucid, for some reason i knew that it must be my uncle (who i don't even know in real).

      After a while i got fully lucid again and i gained back the control. I jumped high above and started flying really fast towards the sky, where i noticed a huge hole. I kept flying towards it, but it didn't took long until that hole sucked myself into it... Turns out this was actually a wormhole leading somewhere into space.

      It was an interesting experience floating in the wormhole as it was constantly moving me to an unknown place.
      Once the wormhole ended, i got thrown out of it onto a huge floating rock. My angle of view changed here and it slowly moved away from me. There were lots of floating rocks in all directions and there was only space around them, nothing else.
      As the view slowly moved through all the rocks, i noticed some amazon looking girls on the rocks and they were about to attack me for infiltrating their homeworld.
      [I became semi-lucid yet again].

      After this moment i didn't regain my lucidity fully... the whole floating rocks place turned into a videogame environment and i was controlling a character who had two green lightsabers... I fully lost lucidity soon after.

      [Well, the dream wasn't that interesting in my opinion and because of me not being fully lucid all the time, it took away somewhat from the experience...]
      [Oh well... a lucid is a lucid, even if i don't complete my goals... ]

      Updated 07-02-2012 at 12:23 PM by 54420

    12. Transcend

      by , 04-15-2012 at 08:38 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was at a daycare of sorts. We kept having many recesses in which we were all supposed to play outside together. I was being strange though, and kept stealing plates from the kitchen. I would take them outside and eat them.

      After chewing on pottery for a few minutes, I decided to take a nap. I laid on the grass and rested against the brick wall. Several groups of students walked past me before I managed to fall asleep.

      I awoke in a dark cellar. I was in the cellar of the daycare now. I walked back up to the front lawn where the other children were playing.

      Something seemed off, so I did a reality check. Indeed, I was dreaming. And of course, at that moment, everything seemed to heighten in clarity.

      I had no lucid goals though. I wasn't sure what to do in this dream.

      For a moment, I stood there on the street with nothing to do.

      I flew up into the air and into the clouds. They were so beautiful and defined, full of life even though they were inanimate.

      But no, I had done this before.

      I flew back to the ground and landed on the sidewalk, still wondering how I should spend this dream.

      And then it came to me. How would my dream respond if I asked for transcendence?

      "Take me higher," I whispered.

      Instantly, without my doing, I rose into the air.

      Everything morphed around me. Not into anything new, but into hyper clarity...that's not even the right word. Everything surrounding me became a kaleidoscope pattern, but yet nothing changed at all.

      "Higher" I whispered.

      This soundtrack began to play and I began to move forward:

      I can't exactly describe how I felt. It was similar to that of tripping - but more intense.

      I was moving forward without my doing. The street ahead of me was coming towards me.

      I was about to fly straight through a billboard, but I wasn't afraid. I simply passed right through.

      "Higher," I whispered.

      Everything began to move faster. I zoomed out of the city and in the process left my body behind.

      My consciousness was now flying warp speed through the Earth (que really fucking epic music).

      I was flying so fast through country roads, wilderness paths, and scenic highways that I could only perceive them as the rapid progression of pictures. A billion pictures flew past my eyes per second.

      "Take me higher," I dared.

      I surpassed the warp speed that I was already traveling and my consciousness was risen into the universe.

      In front of me was a massive black hole. It was beautiful.

      Holy shit.

      And I was flying towards it at warp speed.

      Could I go any higher than this?

      I felt my consciousness being ripped apart as I reached the singularity.

      "Higher," I whispered, at the last moment possible.

      The last thing I saw was a tear in either the fabric of the universe, or the fabric that held my mind together. Or both. It pulsated orange.

      I woke up in my bed at my parent's house. I felt heavy.

      But this still felt like a dream.

      I got up out of bed to write this in my journal. The time on the clock kept changing. I had known it all along - I was still dreaming. Yet, I was very paranoid about forgetting the last dream that had just occurred.

      I ran up the stairs. My mother was washing dishes.

      "What are you doing?" She asked.

      That was a really good question. What was I going to do now? I felt like nothing could surpass what had just happened, and I didn't want to forget it either.

      "Maybe I'm just going to sit on the porch and enjoy nature or something," I asked.

      "You have a lot you need to do, you shouldn't be wasting your time right now," she scorned.

      "It's a dream," I flat out told her.

      "One of these days you're just going to lose it," she warned.

      I rolled my eyes and ignored her and proceeded to the porch.

      There was a white rose growing against the warped siding. I sat down beside it. I could feel its warmth.

      I wanted to experience again what happened earlier, but every time I tried I got a blazing headache. I decided to just let it be
      , and woke up for real.

      I just reread through that again and I have to admit that my description of that dream does not do it any justice whatsoever...
    13. I Enter the Void, I'm an Assassin

      by , 04-12-2011 at 05:10 AM

      The Void
      Lucid 80%

      I was in my childhood home and realized this was a dream sign! I shouted “this is a dream!” and my much younger mom, aged appropriately for the era, looks at me like “What?” I run outside as a little kid and then age up to my present age as I run for the street; I can make great wormholes here on the flat surface. I pointed but nothing happened. I flicked my hand and bam there was a small black wormhole on the street. “Oh crap I have no idea for what I want to do!” I try to think of my dream goals and the wormhole vanishes but I try to think some more while keeping hold of the dreams lucidity, kind of like dribbling 2 basketballs at once. I dig and come up with a memory of summoning myself and flick another wormhole but this one is deformed looking like spilt ink. ‘Summoning myself on any other day would be a cool idea but I want something less me, more mind blowing, I got to think!’ “I got it! I can look for something to do with my career path” and I flick open a perfect wormhole and stand on it.
      I get sucked down into my wormhole and I see blackness then out of the void pictures start rolling by from left to right. All are big pictures with maybe a perfect tree on one and the next has a motorcycle on one [btw I saw this same motorcycle in the last wormhole I created and have no interest in motorcycles]. One picture has a lot of words in boxes connected by lines and then the next has a girl blowing bubbles into the air . They all seemed like they were representing something. They seemed pretty endless so I latched onto one by touching it and was sucked in and wound up in a well lit hallway with wooden bookshelves on either side. A woman, blond in her mid 20’s in casual business attire, said to me forcefully “Well now that you’re here we can get down to business.” Then they all (the 3 other women of about the same age and dress) started walking for the office at the end of the hall so I joined them. Once in the office I sat in one of the plush and comfy leather seats and she asked me what my other offers where, caught off guard by this whole thing I said nothing (hey less than a minute ago I was out on the street outside my childhood home!). She took my quietness as stalling and said “well we have a pretty good package here and have connections.” I got a thought from someone else in the room that the connections were political and Bill Clinton might be involved but this was not talked about openly (yay for telepathy!). She walked behind the big desk with tons of stuff on it from different people and lots of papers. The office looked cool to me, I love so much detail in these nonphysical places. She sat on the corner of the desk (I got the idea it really wasn’t her place to be sitting in the seat) and said, “So ok let’s talk.” I felt too much on the spot and had a good enough time so I pulled out of the dream and woke up to happily record my LD.

      Once awake I realize how tired I really was and waited a second to recall my dream before I recorded it.

      lucid 50%

      I am in a holding cell with a Plexiglas wall. Me and this other guy are in this one cell and we are assassins and our skills are going to be tested. There is a woman in the other cell by herself so we 3 will be tested and only one will get the assignment. The guy in my cell wonders if I can take him but I know this is a dream and he doesn’t stand a chance but I keep hearing his thought “can I take him?” I decide to school him a bit. My mind goes into hyper fast thought, realizing he is too far away to start on him with my hands I kick my chair at him and jump thorough the air at him. I land as he catches the chair and holds it as a shield as he falls back onto the floor. He is strong and using his hands and knees to hold the chair up so any force going down is not going to do much so I push the shielding chair in the direction of his head just a bit so I can step on his groin. I didn’t step hard just enough to get a needed reaction, he lowers the chair over his groin and I bring around my hand using my thumb as a small knife to prove my point as it stops just outside his neck. He looks at my hand and knows he has been beaten and would have been dead in seconds had a real knife entered his carotid arteries this way.

      I wake up and this time write stuff down!

      Updated 04-12-2011 at 05:21 AM by 36469

      lucid , memorable
    14. Wormhole - Sleep Paralysis

      by , 01-08-2011 at 02:06 AM (Dreamjumper)
      Sleep Paralysis Wormhole

      Originally Occurred - February 2003

      So I wasn’t quite sure what to make of all this. I had quite an interesting experience. When I was in bed, I felt that I was astral projecting, and it felt more extreme than it ever has... However it makes more sense that I was LDing, I think my mind was just playing tricks on me, because the landscape seemed much more to me like a lucid dream… just the most amazing lucid dream ever (Because I had such an aware state of consciousness)

      I had the notion I was astral projecting because of the incredible energy buzzing sensation that I was having, and it wasn’t something I had felt in my dreams before. I was light as a feather, and I was floating around my room… although I forgot to try and look at my bed to see if I was still laying there.

      Anyway my level of consciousness was bizarre, because I was so AWARE… and anything I would think about would happen. Anything I was afraid of, or thought about, manifested. Like I felt a loose tooth, and got worried that my teeth would fall out, and they did. I could reverse the process by tricking my mind into being worried that my teeth would go back into my mouth, and suddenly voila! And for some reason, the thought of vomiting just crossed my head, I wasn’t feeling sick, or anything, but just the idea of throwing up came to me, and immediately I did, all over my floor. I knew that things were totally off, because when I’d look down, there was no vomit or teeth on the floor at all.

      So I did some tests to see what realm I was in. I plugged my nose, and found I could still breathe, and that time was irrelevant to any of the machines that ‘produced’ it (CLOCKS, bitches!) and I even tried experimenting with the physicality of things, which was basically a fucking illusion, because I could put my hands, arms, and my whole body through walls like butter. So the more I reflect the more I feel it was a lucid dream, that I may have just interpreted as astral projection, or an Out of Body Experience. So I decided to have some fun, and jumped through the wall and made my way a few houses down to this house of hot girls, who happened to be having a party. And the only thing that kept giving me the impression I was astral projecting, over lucid dreaming at this point, was the fact that nobody could see me, or feel me…

      but it went both ways because as I was trying to cop a feel on this girl Molly, my hands would just go THROUGH her tits, which weirded me out. Then I realized, I should move my intent from perversion to something a little more constructive. So I focused my energy on bringing a friend to me, and it worked! My best friend showed up, and god… I focused all my energy to try and make him lucid in my dream too so that we could co-create… but I couldn’t break through to him… I might have just gotten over-excited, and bit off more than I could chew.

      This was one of first of the most conscious control of this ‘dream’ . If there was an object I wanted, or a place I wanted to go, all I had to do was basically turn around and EXPECT it to be there, and it was. And when I was outside trying my movements, I would imagine that instead of running, I was on a conveyor belt that just took me to places, and my FUCKING GOD…. That thing was the most intense thing I’ve ever been on in my life. It was like a goddamn ROCKET-SHIP. I felt the buzzing energy the faster and faster I traveled on the conveyor belt to my friend’s house. It was awesome, amazing, and beautiful, and I had to share it.
    15. Dream Within a Dream + OBE

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:50 PM
      Dream Date: 5/8/10
      (This dream was from a few months ago...)

      8:30 - awake and said goodbye to my Fiance, who is leaving for the day..
      9:30 (ish), laid back down to rest.

      Blue = Dream
      Red = Lucid Dream - level 1
      Dark Red = Lucid Dream Level 2 - The OBE

      As I drifted off, dream-like visions faded in very quickly (not typical dream cycle, this happened within 10 mins of me lying down)...early on, there we 2 guys conversing, the exact subject I can't remember, but their whole conversation was very clear at the time. Eventually I was 'dreaming' that I was at work, in class, but we needed to pull a girl from another class to help out. I was walking around looking at student's computers and their work...up to this point, it was very much like a dream...I was merely a passenger to wherever my dreams would take me. Then suddenly I was very aware of the moment, and I could feel first hand everything that was around me. I turned to the girl and said quite normally "It's pretty bright in here" (and it was, all of a sudden. Blindingly so.... and I squinted my eyes to see)...she asked me to repeat myself, and as I started to speak again, the sound of my own words blurred and faded out, as if time was slowing down, and without any control over what was happening (but yet, I WAS the dream body) I began to slip away, as if I was suddenly passing out. There was a moment of concern, but it felt peaceful and i didn't offer resistance. My consciousness shifted "inside of myself" (myself being the dream body), but could feel the 'dream characters' hovering around my 'dream body'. I was aware of everything - that my 'real body' was lying in bed, safely harboring a 'dream' of my second body, which had gone into a deeply vivid 'dreaming' state', in which I was extremely lucid, and could use that second level of dreaming to host my "lucid dream". This was different than a lucid dream though...it felt more like an out of body/lucid dream hybrid. I felt my consciousness 'physically' leave my dream body, and my 'real body' and I was moving around the room (a little clumsily, but I had some control over it nevertheless.) I remembered that in an OBE you can turn and see yourself...I could not. I tried, but...controls were difficult, and I was in someone else's room. It was a child's room...almost everything was white - white bed, with white ruffled comforter, white walls, and sun shining in through windows adorned in white. There was a Winnie The Pooh doll in the room...I never owned Winnie The Pooh anything, so i knew right away this was night my room. I continued to "stumble" around (I was floating, not walking)... the room changed, and it felt more like the room my 'real body' was in...I saw and felt the door, and somehow managed to open it, but the other side was not a hallway like I expected, its...Another door i believe. Or rather, a door warped strangely, like 2 wooden doors that had grown together...somehow. There were many illusions. I decided I wanted to see if I could find my fiance. I found myself at a place that almost resembled a night club, and i was higher up looking down at the people that were there. I moved over the reception area to the main room and found my fiance standing talking to friends. Soon my legs were wrapped around him from the side, and I was stroking the back of his neck, and hugging him. I had resumed my 'dream body' at this point, so I could feel him, 'physically'. He was not aware of my presence...(note: I was not seeking him out within a dream, I was seeking him out in "reality"...so I believe if this was merely a lucid dream, I would only be able to find him within a dream (his 'dream body' manifested by my mind). But since this was more of a Lucid Dream/OBE hybrid, I had a link to the 'real world' and could seek out his 'real body'.

      Interestingly, before I woke up earlier this same morning, I had been dreaming of a very "Alice in Wonderland" type world. But the world began to break apart, with nothing but darkness surrounding the stepping stone pieces of the "reality environment". We were hopping on, from one piece to the next, as the world broke apart. Between 2 pieces, there was a sort of vortex, that one of the dream characters I was with said was (a worm hole or black hole, I can't remember which ).

      Sidenote: I did happen to watch some videos on wormholes before bed, which definitely influenced this dream?

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 06:00 PM by 36096

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable