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    1. Love Brings Us Home

      by , Yesterday at 09:28 PM (Night Vision)
      A canyon-like setting, rocky with little vegetation. I’m seeing events play out in third person. A man called Xeno lives in a house there with his wife, and others live there as well. It seems as if they’re his students or something of the sort. He knows that the area is about to flood and that there aren’t enough people there to do the necessary work to keep the house safe, and so he raises a man from the dead to make a zombie to help. He talks with the man, who doesn’t look visibly dead and seems rather like a sleepwalker. At one point, the man says, “I like unimaginative nightmares.” I’m not sure if there was a context for this or not….

      I’m standing in a long line outside of a restaurant, waiting to get in. For a long time, the line doesn’t move, and I’m just about ready to leave and go somewhere else, but then it does start moving - and pretty fast at that - and doesn’t stop, so that I’m inside just about as fast as I can walk.

      Once inside, somebody I know calls me over to her table, and I sit down across from her. She indicates the table next to us, on the left - nobody is there now, but there are a couple shopping bags on the booth seating. She says that my Aunt O is sitting at that table, and they were talking earlier. She obviously has no idea that this is not something I’d be all that happy about. I wonder - should I warn her about some of the things she’s done to me and said about me to others? That doesn’t seem right, though - like I wouldn’t be giving my friend the chance to make her own first impression.

      The dream changes to a view of a line drawing, kind of like a manga page but not really in the right kind of art style, showing a full-body picture of smiling woman. The title of the book was: Love Brings Us Home.


      I’m in a school, waiting for a colleague to arrive. He’s supposed to be here subbing for the person I’d usually be working with. I’ve never met him before, and all I know about him is that his name is Rishab.

      Through the end-of-school-day crowds, I see a dark-skinned young man wearing what I can tell even from a distance is one of the bright green company t-shirts. I wave at him, trying to get his attention. He sees and comes over to me, and I tell him to follow me to the room where we need to set up.

      I realize that we’re going to go right past where my Aunt B is, so I stop to check on her. She’s been here for a while - I couldn’t get her to go lie down. I say something to her, but she just sits there staring and doesn’t answer. I am concerned - so is Rishab, and a couple others who are in the room.


      Part of a longer dream. I’m in a school, walking students to the door to meet their parents alongside someone else. Mostly notable in that, at one point, the perspective switches to that other person, so I can briefly see myself from behind. I’m wearing black cotton trousers, a pink tank top, and a black cap - all modeled off of clothing I actually have, although I wouldn’t ordinarily be wearing it to work - and my hair is in a braid down my back. It switches back and stays that way for the rest of the dream, as far as I remember. A student’s mother is already there at the door waiting for her. One of them is called Britney, although I can’t remember now whether it was the mother or the student….

      I’m in a grocery store, or something that’s supposed to be one. It really seems more like an outdoor market that just happens to be inside, if that makes sense. Various things happen which may or may not have been interesting, but at some point I become aware that I’m dreaming. Possibly before I get into a conversation with a man there, although I think this is one of those cases where the realization didn’t happen all at once.

      He was the one who started the conversation with me, I’m pretty sure. A heavyset man, maybe in his 40s or 50s, with dark skin - so black it’s almost bluish. I don’t remember exactly what he was wearing - just an impression of bright colors and complexity.

      He expresses concern about me. (This may have had some connection to the dream, but definitely had a foundation in waking life, as I’d probably spent most of the night trying to find a sleeping position that didn’t hurt to lie in. Kind of a long story, but it boils down to a bad reaction to a food additive combining with chronic back issues and developing into neck and shoulder pain. So no, it hasn’t been a good week.) I tell him it’s no big deal. I’m not going to let it get to me, and I know I’ll be feeling a lot better if I can just get out to dance this weekend. He seems skeptical that it could really be that significant, saying something about people just going out now and then for a night dancing to top-40 stuff. I reply that maybe that’s how it is some places, for some people - maybe even the way it is for most people, for all I know - but that’s a totally different world from the one I’m familiar with. And I have no idea what’s even in the top 40 now, and I bet that’s probably true for most people over 30. He laughs, as if to say that, yeah, I’ve got him there.

      From there, the conversation turns to the Grammys, and in an oblique dream logic move to award shows in general, which I profess to be meaningless. He agrees overall, but adds that there are exceptions - he mentions actors who fit their roles so well that from that point on, people don’t think about them apart from the role. This strikes the by now definitely lucid me as having some special significance that I ought to make a point of remembering.

      At some point we get up from where we’re sitting and part ways. I walk around, just looking at my surroundings, and I soon find myself in a relatively open area, where I spend a couple minutes just messing around, running and jumping higher and longer than a person could do outside of a dream. But then I decide I’d really rather go somewhere else and walk through a wall. Usually I just go straight through them, but this one turns out to have kind of a gooey texture, a little like raw bread dough, and so I have to push my way through.

      I find myself in utter darkness on the other side. But I know what to do in a situation like this: just keep on going, and keep my other senses as engaged as possible. I walk. The air is a little cold here, and I feel cold water around my feet, which becomes deeper as I go. I sing the first thing that comes to mind, which happens to be:

      Hello darkness, my old friend,
      I’ve come to talk with you again.

      Lyrics appear out of the darkness - not in space, but in my mind’s eye, which just happens to be indistinguishable from it right now. They appear one line at a time, spelled out in large letters in a vivid orange, and I treat them kind of as a karaoke prompt - although I only realized after waking up that what appeared weren’t the actual lyrics, and by then I could no longer remember anything specific about them. Waking up to a body in pain definitely does not help with dream recall.

      Eventually, I can see my surroundings again. I’m now in a corridor with an industrial back area feel to it. No windows - only metal doors in metal walls. I walk along and push open a door that’s already ajar. The room inside has tables set up in a horseshoe shape like an office boardroom, although it looks like some kind of storage room otherwise, and isn’t quite big enough to fit the tables comfortably. A couple people are sitting there. One of them tells me that I’m not allowed in there. Fair enough - I continue down the hallway and try another door.

      This one appears to be a classroom - there’s a long whiteboard along one wall with writing and drawings in black marker all over it, although, similar to the other room, it looks more like some kind of storage space that just happens to be set up as a classroom. Students are seated on the floor facing the board, and there are a number of free-standing shelves on the other side of the room, which is much larger than the first one. I notice a drawing on the board showing an octave’s worth of piano keys. Maybe this is some kind of music class - this could be interesting. I ask one of the men who seem to be teachers there if I can sit in on it, and he says yes, so I go in.

      I take a closer look at the shelves, as it looks like they’re not quite ready to start the lesson just yet. It occurs to me that it could be a good idea to have something to make notes with, so I make a pencil materialize, but before I can do a notebook as well, the lecture begins, so I go over to where the students are to sit down. I wake up soon after that, though.

    2. Field Trip

      by , 04-12-2023 at 06:34 AM
      Another patchy dream, really can't recall much of a cohesive story for this one either

      I'm sitting on a white bus next to a friend of mine, and we're on a school field trip. The bus has divided sections for each set of seats, like a caterpillar. I look out the window and see we're driving along a tree line that separates us from a beach. When the bus comes to a stop and we get out, I start arguing with the friend I was sitting next to about something. The next thing I remember is standing in front of a very small model house, before being told to go inside. Then, I'm locked in. I'm pretty sure this miniature house is some sort of escape room.
      The next thing I remember is opening one of the doors and a cardboard cutout of a zombie jumps out of the wall and scares me, like a haunted house. (Second dream in a row that has something to do with zombies!) Some other things that I can't recall happen, and then I remember being curled up on the floor of the starting room of the escape house, hugging my backpack and crying. I guess I really didn't want to be there.

      The next morning I wake up and realise I'm the only one still there, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere in this escape room while the rest of my class have driven back to school. I freak out and call my Dad to pick me up. When he gets there, I walk outside and see my classmates are there, even when they weren't a moment before. Something else probably happens after that, and then I wake up.

      First mostly nonsensical dream I've had in a while, I've really gotta stop consuming zombie media or else it'll be the only thing I dream about.
      Tags: dad, school, zombie
      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Zombie Island

      by , 04-11-2023 at 11:56 AM
      I wasn't going to post this because I can barely recall enough to make sense out of it, but I figured it couldn't hurt. Interpret these little memory fragments as you will:

      I'm in a red room somewhere that resembles some sort of small resting area? In the middle theres a few couches, where myself and two others are sitting. Around the perimeter of the room are smaller rooms that are separated by these cherry blossom panel dividers, inside the rooms is a king size bed and a bed side table, like a very compact hotel room. I should also mention in this dream I seem to be around 11-12 years old? And so are the two people sitting on the couch next to me.
      I'm not sure what happens between this scene and the next, but suddenly the room fills with zombies, (I have been watching a lot of zombie movies lately... not surprising), and the two kids sitting with me, who I recognise as friends, are turned. These aren't like regular media zombies though, after the initial wave they don't attack anyone else unless provoked, they just kind of hang around?
      Then a group of army men come into the room and start taking away any survivors. For some reason I figure staying in this zombie building is better than being taken by the army men, so I pretend to be a zombie, but somehow I give myself away and I'm kidnapped as well and taken away to an island.

      What I think is a lot of time passes between that scene and the next. I see my 12 year old self sitting on a dock as I watch army men march past me and load on to a boat. (As the men march past I also explicitly remember seeing my reflection in a puddle on the dock and thinking about how ugly I am, ouch!).
      I forget what happens between that, as now I'm in some kind of post apocalyptic classroom, being taught something. I have a faint memory of talking with someone who was probably a friend, and a bully. The next thing I remember is being outside in the school yard of that post apocalyptic school, talking with aforementioned friend.

      That's all I remember. I wish I could recall more, would've probably made for a much cooler story.
      Tags: school, zombie
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 14 Oct: A zombie attack ends up in a fight with anime characters

      by , 10-14-2022 at 08:15 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my mom's place and there is a big event going on. There are groups from several disciplines, from chemistry to politics. I am going around ensuring people have what they need. In the political group, there's this awful fascist guy who seems to have an interest in me. I hate him, but I am enjoying his attention and wondering how I can use it against him. I am picking up some of my personal documents from the dining room table by the window when the chemistry group barges in with lots of large posters and rolls of paper with formulas and in a frenzy about something urgent. I leave them be and I go around meeting other groups, when something bad in the chemistry group happens and some chemical or biological sample is released. It drives some people out of their minds and they start attacking others. Then it spreads and I realize it is a zombie attack. There is no escape from this full house, so I open the window behind me and use the rope from the shutters to rappel down the building. I enter through the window of some other house where apparently I have family or friends. They are just enjoying their rest and I tell them to gather food and prepare to leave because there is a zombie attack just starting. They don't believe me, so I go look outside and indeed many have already reached the streets and are climbing peoples' windows and balconies and going inside their houses. First we close all windows but one has some problem and I am unable to close it before having to fight off some zombies trying to come in. Finally we put some heavy furniture blocking it to gain some time and I tell the others that our best chance is to go up onto the attic and stay there with food and water for some time until the first wave attack is over. Some of them agree with me, some don't, and some girl starts making a lot of noise with her insistence in going out and I worry she'll attract more zombies. When we open the door to go upstairs we listen first if there is any agitation. There isn't, but then a couple ladies who don't look like zombies, attack us in a different way. They drop two ladybugs' bombs on us. Basically it's like two bombs full of ladybugs that release thousands of ladybug which immediately stick to our skin and orifices. I have my ears clogged. This is just a distraction, because soon after we start getting attacked by the zombies. Predicting this, I run to the kitchen to get a sharp knife and hand other knifes to the rest of the group. Then a couple zombies also bring knifes and try to get close to slash me. I fight them both and manage to stick the knife on the brain and neck of the first one. He makes some comment when he realizes I got him, like not believing I got him. The other one I think is his brother, so obviously he gets pissed. We fight and I win, but then I am overwhelmed by a constant flow of anime characters with katanas and other weapons and I don't understand why they are so intent on killing me. At some point I am fighting maybe ten at the same time but already managed to steal at least one katana from the arm I cut off of someone. On one hand the katana on the other still the kitchen knife. Then I start levitating to fight them in the air and only a couple of the have the same ability, greatly increasing my odds.

      Updated 11-01-2022 at 08:33 PM by 34880

    5. 22 Aug: Escaping bad husbands, changing gender, crazy train like Snowpiercer

      by , 08-22-2022 at 07:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With my parents, but in a totally diferent reality and time. it looks like the middle ages and our life is not so good. I have told them that I want to live independently and depart from their home. Apparently I had planned to sail away in a raft and it took time for them to accept the idea. Then one day, it's them who tell me I must leave for good, I guess they're upset with my choices. But it's almost night and I realize I will spend my first hours of sailing across the sea in the total darkness of the night and then I realize I did not think this through. I realize I will probably die alone and agonizing and don't know why I didn't consider all that beforehand. So I do leave, but I don't take the raft, instead I go to the docks and enlist with the crew of a big ship that is hiring staff. I go as a maid, to serve food and drinks to men. It is a dangerous position, but the owner and captain of the boat, a rich spoiled kid, fancies me and so he offers me protection. Later on he decides he wants to marry me, which I accept, expecting my life to turn around, because he is much more wealthy. And it does go according to expected, but he is also an abusive jerk who makes my life a living hell. If I run away, I'll have nothing again, so I keep delaying the decision. Thanks to my position as a wife of a rich man, I got to know a princess that is also miserable in her life. Her husband is also a piece of shit. One day, everybody is gossiping about the domestic violence that goes on in the palace, because everyone can hear her screams and desperate cries coming from a tower of the palace. I get closer to try to check up on her and I get to see her yelling at her husband because of some infidelity, I suppose. She seems to be over it for good. I make plans to meet her secretly and convince her to leave with me. At least she has easy access to jewels and money, which can make it easier for both of us and allows to start a new life somewhere else.

      Then we are on the run and find a place where we try to blend in and be accepted. I get a job but it is not going well. At the same time I want to embrace my real self and I decide to change gender. I start taking male hormones and with time my features change a little, my voice gets thicker and I am pleased with the changes. My friend/partner asks me something about my lady parts and I mention they are a bit different too and my boobs smaller, but for now pretty much I am still female underneath and plan to stay so for the moment.
      Then for some reason I am meeting back with my parents, who already know of my transition and accept it well. But my paternal uncles and aunts are also there (actually the real ones I have IRL, even the deceased ones) and I am afraid of their reaction. Strangely, they all react very naturally, congratulate me for being so brave and ask me if I always wanted it. They sound all very respefcful except for a moment I hear one of them ask my parents about the size of my new dick (which I don't have) and because of a misunderstanding of a gesture my dad makes, they all end up laughing because it is interpreted as if I had a penis the length of my leg. I am really surprised that besides that, they are being very understanding and suportive. Bu then my mom calls me to the side and tells me not to trust my aunt Maria da Luz because she is pretending to be so accepting, but secretly calling it a demonic thing and praying for it to go away.

      With Riverstone and NightHawk and I am feeling some pain so NightHawk offers to massage my legs and arms as I sit on something. I am surprised but glad with the offer. He is very gentle and I am melting away with his touch. Riverstone is getting a bit jealous, but I don't care. I caress back when our hands touch and then something weird happens, like one of his arms stretch like a tentacle and goes between my legs, under my butt and reaches my back and somehow he massages my back while I am feeling aroused by his tentacle-arm between my legs.

      I am on a train, like the movie Snowpiercer. I am trying to reach some wagon in the front of the train without being noticed by the dwellers on other wagons. Not an easy task and I am trying to do it by swinging on the outside using a rope. But at some point I really need to go through some wagons, so I infiltrate and try to blend in. There is one guy though, who knows me from school when we were young, he recognizes me when I come inside and knows that I am up to no good. I don't know what he is going to do, so I sit in a seat and wait for him to approach me. He does and he puts his hand on my leg, harassing me and making threats that he'll denounce me if I don't obey him. But I don't. Someone enters or exits the wagon and I use the opportunity to push myself into the next one. There everyone is partying and it's noisy and strobe lights flashing, so I feel it is easier to disappear in the crowd, but everyone is acting like zombies and just moving the least possible, while walking in a circle around the wagon. I join in to blend in but then I see an open passage to the next wagon, where the party continues but people look a bit more normal. The music is hypnotic and takes the best of me. I start dancing like crazy, doing really weird creepy moves, like I am possessed or a true zombie from the Thriller videoclip. Instead of going unnoticed, everybody is staring at me as they've never seen anything like it. But they all look mesmerized. Then I take it up a notch and add some extremely sexy moves and the result is like I just showed a piece of meat to a pack of angry wolves. Both men and women look at me as if they want to eat me with sheer lust for me. When the music stops they are literally like "she's mine! she's mine!" and they all chase me. I escape to the next wagon and it is their sleeping areas, with many rooms along a corridor. I hide in one of them that seems to be full of children in bunkbeds. One of the girls wakes up and is scared and wants to call for help, but I tell her it's ok, that I am hiding from actual bad people out there. She believes me and she calms down. Then from the darkness comes a big black wolf with red eyes. Not a stranger demon though. I know him and he knows me. His intentions could be to help me or harm me. At first I am scared because he looks at me like "well, well, look who we have here?" as he starts walking slowly towards me and corners me against the wall. I have nothing with me that I can use as a weapon and I know I'll be dead if he attacks me. But he doesn't harm me. Instead he is determined to help, so he takes my side by side and we tell the kids not to be afraid as we prepare to face the mob of attackers chasing me.
    6. 22-08-15 Cool Fantasy World In Post-Apocalypse

      by , 08-15-2022 at 12:03 PM
      I'm in a medieval fantasy world much reminiscent of Oblivion or Skyrim. I see one guy, wearing oddly modern clothes, mindlessly shuffling around. He looks and acts like a zombie, but no one cares. He's being used for manual labor, or something. A bit later, I've climbed a steep rock wall and I'm hanging off the side (Assassin's Creed style), looking out over what I know to be the edge of the map. I wonder what's beyond it. I reach a kind of mineshaft, or cave. My dad is suddenly with me. We're assaulted by giant spiders the size of a large dog. We make a run for it through the tunnel, and emerge on the other side. We exit into a grassy clearing, with a large, imposing forest right in front of us. The forest is full, and I mean FULL of giant spiderwebs. And of course spiders. I'm like "no way", but my dad is like "we can do it, let's go" so I have no choice but to follow him in. Somehow, we get through, because in the next scene I recall, we've reached the world beyond the mountains and the spider forest. No one was ever supposed to get this far. To our surprise and horror, it's the modern world. We're in a modern city, clearly abandoned a century or more ago. The sky is overcast and depressing. Everything is covered in rust and dust, and in a state of falling apart. I recognize one of the ruined cars as a Renault 5. Then, we find someone. A worker wearing a fluorescent jacket. He just mindlessly shuffles back and forth, seemingly aware of us, or anything else. We continue exploring, until my dad starts acting strange. He asks things like "how did we get here", and other things he should really know. Like he's having memory loss. Suddenly, I realize the truth of this place. A hundred+ years ago, something happened, some substance was released into the atmosphere (or some kind of radiation) that gradually sapped people of their intelligence - inducing amnesia, dementia and finally a vegetative zombie-like state (though they aren't cannibals). Society fell apart without the people there to maintain it. Somehow, "Skyrim valley" (the fantasy world we'd traveled from) was a special place shielded from this effect. The guy wearing modern clothes I saw in the fantasy world was probably a guy from here, who somehow crossed over like we did. I desperately try to explain this to my dad, who is getting increasingly confused as time goes by.
    7. cccxciii. K grieves for her dog, I have a dog put down

      by , 06-24-2022 at 04:50 PM
      Some small in-line notes and such.

      2022 June 13th

      Quick note to self, this was also the date of the appointment.


      (left recall too late)

      I'm in a mountain town or such. It's sunny, mostly clear. At some point my friend K calls me, but I think I miss her call.

      Later in the dream, something about water. Not as sunny now? I think I speak to K on the phone now, but it's like I'm also next to her too? (vague recall) She tells me that she wanted to invite me to a party before, and I apologise for missing the party. She then tells me that her dog G has died. I say that I'm sorry to hear it, and I hear her voice breaking a bit and I feel myself close to crying too, knowing very well what her pain will be like. We talk about something else for a bit.

      2022 June 15th


      I'm in a street, I have a dog with me. She looks like S but has worse behaviour and at one point "play" bites me, a bit too hard on the left wrist. I look for a wound but don't notice any, and then I think about how it actually didn't hurt all that much.


      Someone else was present in the dream up to this point, though now I think I'm on my own with the dog again, at a place that is supposed to be like a veterinary practise. A vet person gives the dog an injection. After about ten seconds, the dog is numb and she can't really move at all. I pick her up and put her on a conveyor belt thing. There's a dark atmosphere/mood. The dog is here to be put down. I feel sad, and also think that it's a shame she couldn't have had better behaviour.

      (there had been more context to the situation but these were the bits of recall I lost in the gap)

      2022 June 16th

      Scraps (DFLN):

      Many dreams. Only recall one dream where I was in a dark room with zombies. They seemed slightly aggressive, but not entirely.

      (Although I was playing 7d2d at the time, I also became ill with Covid after this)
    8. 7 Apr: Zombie attack in the 30s or 40s

      by , 04-07-2022 at 11:27 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      It's the 30s or 40s. I am staying at some very posh hotel. Maybe there is some conference, because I am at a kind of conference room with a bunch other people. They start behaving strangely. I don't pay attention at first, but then one of them turns to me and his eyes are weird and all grey. I step back, afraid of the way he is looking at me. Then all the others also get their eyes grey and start acting like zombies, following the first guy who is clearly their leader.. I run away and find out the hotel has been evacuated already, as more people turned into zombies in other areas and the survivors ran away.
      People are gathered outside, but they stop running and they don't even lock the doors to trap the zombies inside. I urge people to do so, but they don't seem worried and the truth is they aren't coming out and attacking. Then people start walking calmly to a nearby dock, where everyone is trying to get on boats to escape. I see all those people pushing each other to get on board and I realize something: we are still the majority. So I propose to those who care to listen that we actually go back and take down all the zombies before they outnumber us. But they ignore me. People just want to leave ASAP.
    9. 1 Apr: Rabid rats turn people into zombies

      by , 04-01-2022 at 12:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my mom's neighborhood, behind her apartment building. I watch as a bunch of big rats climb each tree at the hill behind the building and destroy them in seconds. I make noise trying to disperse them, but I just delay the process. Someone starts screaming and I see rats trying climbing all over her. These rats are really dangerous. I get inside my car worrried about it, but I leave as I am heading to my old univeristy. My former colleagues are all there studying math for an exam and they wonder why I left the university. I wonder to. I go talk to a former teacher and bring some papers with me. I try to explain what I have been working on and that I left university in part due to my autism diagnostic. I expect some understanding but instead I get some some ugly remarks from her. and so I decide to leave. But she trigerred my stims and I am feeling uncomfortable that others might notice it. A friend joins me and we get in the car together. We notice more situations with rats out of control. We get home, which is a kind of loft with an attic that we share with a bunch of people. From the window we see absolute madness of rats everywhere attacking people and invading houses. I remember that the windows in the attic are open, I go close them. We all stay really quiet and silent, waiting for something to happen. One of the girls comes in with a bite in her arm. She later becomes rabid and attacks another girl. Meanwhile, outside people are starting to bit other people. I realize we have a zombie attack going on and we must leave the city now. But I am really concerned that it might be too late.
    10. ccclxv. Mini water planet, Statue of Liberty and zombie, Driving around

      by , 02-28-2022 at 04:06 PM
      2nd February 2022


      A bit like DSP, travelling to a mini water planet orbiting a larger regular planet. I remember trying to build something, though finding it difficult because of not having much terrain to build on initially. Throughout this dream I recall a nice sense of scale and somewhat strange proportions with regards to perspective.


      Statue of Liberty arriving in bits for assembly, in several barges/boats. There's a wait for more parts to arrive. Some narration describing what's going on? Some ships are taking more months than they should be taking at sea and others are ending up at nearby docks, but still distant from where they should actually be arriving at.

      The pieces of the statue are all already turned green. I mostly see all of this from distant or aerial views. Then I see a giant zombie rising from the ocean. It/he isn't hostile but is reckless and sinks at least one ship that happens to be in his path. I vaguely see red glowing eyes?

      Eventually the entire scale of the dream decreases and instead of a large New York bay, the scene is now a street or room, with no trace of water or having been wet. The zombie is here and is childlike, both in size and behaviour; he's trying to communicate in some way, but not with language, as he doesn't seem capable of it.

      There's a living child nearby, not sure if a boy or a girl. This child is curious about the zombie and wants to interact or play with him but some nearby adults or parents are very apprehensive and worried about the zombie child and want to keep the living child away, despite the fact that the child doesn't seem frightened or anything.

      The zombie child seems to have been able to communicate that he wants an engineer or electrician, for something to do with electricity.

      5th February 2022


      Something about having the key to the car and driving around. H is in the passenger seat and we go via some mountainous areas which makes H critique my driving, though I comment that he hasn't been a passenger in a while either. Point of view shifts a few times, between first person and aerial views? Something blends with sci-fi or space context.


      - All throughout the dream with the zombie, there was a very grungy, gritty and generally dark or overcast mood to everything. Everything felt desaturated apart from a few details like the red eyes and the green of the statue's plating.

      - The zombie figure is very clearly lacking specific skills that relate to consciousness but seems to make up for them through keen intuitive and primal instincts with regards to communication. His intents were never clear from the start apart from the fact that there was no open hostility, just a sort of single-minded tunnel-vision.
      -- There are some other clear elements of unconsciousness about the zombie character, such as the fact that he rises suddenly from the ocean, such as thoughts or images that cross the threshold of consciousness but that do not yet make themselves clear or which have their own nature.
      -- The giant attribute made me feel a mix of excitement, arousal and concern, as has always been common for me with such themes, a lot of the time. The fact that the character was undead added to the element of concern.

      - Through most of that dream, I felt mostly detached from everything, like I was mostly there as an observer, though in the second half of the dream I felt more present.

      Updated 02-28-2022 at 04:08 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    11. 13 Apr: Going to university in a zombie world and lucid fun in London

      by , 04-13-2021 at 09:03 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Clearly inspired by some episodes of "the Walking Dead: world beyond". I am traveling in a van with some friends I made along the way. Nobody knows exactly where we are going but we expect to stay together, until one of the girls says she wants to go to some university nearby and that she studied for the admission exams and wants us to take her there. We go. The procedure is a bit strange as each candidate goes to a booth with one person that interviews them and hands them the test and they do it all in front of the family and friends who sit in front at some row of chairs. Looks more like a trial. She is asked questions about her background. She is asked about her parents and she says they died because of the zombies. The examiner replies that's the case for the majority of the applicants, so being orphaned doesn't give her any real advantage. But then she tells about our group experience during our travel, hoping they'll be impressed with the courage she showed and the skills she developed. Instead, the examiner looks at us and makes some not so unveiled comment about us not being appropriate material to even enter the premises of such school and wonders if she is fit for the school. But eventually gives her the chance to take the test and she scores really high, so she is accepted. The whole group is heartbroken because now we need to leave her behind and we don't know if we'll ever see her again. We depart without her.

      I am in the outskirts of London, waiting for a tube that is never coming. I finally take a bus and I am looking at some notes to figure out where I am and where I am going, but can't really figure out. I check how much money I have and gather it and stuff it in some hidden inner pocket of my bag for safety. I am going through some shitty neighborhoods and people on board of the bus also don't look so friendly. Some weird crazy guy starts harassing people and a kid on his mom's lap his scared and says so to his mom, but his mom says to suck it up, because taxis are awfully expensive. She mentions a £96 cost to get home, which I find absurd, but makes me wonder if I could afford taking a taxi considering those prices. I find my phone on my bag and think I can use the gps and maps to find my way. Then I see an area that looks more touristic and I decide to hop off the bus and just make a plan from there. I go down some narrow street that has gorgeous view over a neighborhood by the Thames bank. Ground level brick houses with lots of flowers on the windows and doors. I want to take pics but I can't. The things I want to photograph keep disappearing from the screen of my phone and the camera always points somewhere else. I break the phone in half and start panicking as pieces start to fall off and the image on the screen fades away. Now I am lost and with no gps any more. I freak out as I see the evening coming to an end and getting dark.
      But then realize I am just dreaming and I don't have to be afraid. I tell myself to just have fun with it. So I keep walking to a very posh area of the city, with high fashion shops, fancy hotels and I decide to indulge. I go to a very high end mall and start looking for a dress worthy of a princess, but immediately everybody looks at me and says I don't belong there. I am wearing jeans and some shitty sweater. I don't care. I see an event where some lady full of plastic surgeries, is on some type of arena with spotlights and announcing they'll have a fashion show of the most beautiful and elegant ladies and outfits and I barge in and start walking around like a model in that arena. People are shocked and she is furious. She tries to push me away but I push her instead and she falls on the ground. I say I am sorry, that I did not intent to harm her and she insults me in every possible way, so I keep mocking them all by continuing to catwalk in silly ways. Then I decide to keep going. I don't get the dress I was looking for at first, as I am afraid will lose lucidity while distracted dressing and undressing. Also, I can simply summon some outfit. But I am no longer interest in that. Instead I go outside and see some kind of Carnival fair and I want to enjoy that instead. But it is so very dark, the sky is covered in black dense clouds that threaten to rain and besides, the darkness is making me lose lucidity. So I decide to make the sky blue and sunny. It doesn't happen right away, so I point my hands to the clouds and start pushing them away. It is getting a little bit clearer but is taking too long. So I project a vortex that sucks it all up and it works so much faster. The sky is clear in seconds and I feel proud of it. But then the vortex shatters like a mirror and all the sharp pieces come tumbling down over the fair. People scream in panic and all I can figure out is getting inside a mini car for 1 person, that I see parked in front of me. I take cover inside and hear the rumble of all the debris hitting the car. Then I get out. A couple of girls is rummaging through the debris and I check out what or whom they are looking for. Even they don't seem to know or don't want to say, but I find a bag with some dolls and clothes and ask if that's what they are looking for. Some clothes are damaged but the dolls look ok, just covered in dust. But their reaction is strange, they no longer want the dolls. I give up. Meanwhile not much to see here anymore, so I keep walking and enter some palace like building and rub my hands to keep lucidity going. It is all decorated like for Xmas and some gentleman gather in a circle chatting, with drinks on their hands. They also look at me like "who's this?" and some butler comes to me, very gently asking me to leave, as this is a private club. I declare I couldn't care less and that I am up to no good. I spot an hallway where they set up a table with all kinds of goodies and I go there. The butler is in panic and calls me "Please, please, you must leave. Don't touch that food." And I stop in front of it, defiantly, and stretch my arm to grab something and just watch his panic growing and also his inability do deal with me. I eat some hors d'oeuvres and I find it repulsive. It's some kind of pickled vegetables, but nasty. I say "How can people like this shit?" And then the butler goes from panicky to insulted. "This is a very expensive selection of fine Japanese pickled daikon and vegetable sushi." Then he tells me the names of each piece and that they must be eaten in a certain way and order. Then he goes on exemplifying. Eats a slice, by first removing a detachable part in the center and then the rest of it. He makes a face of delight and sounds of pleasure, like he is having an orgasm and I laugh. Then he challenges me to try it exactly as he says. But unfortunately I wake up.

      Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:07 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Going on a space ship into an unknown universe | [24.04.2020]

      by , 04-24-2020 at 02:35 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)

      Going on a spaceship
      I am sort of talking to a person, but I barely had a view of it. It was really weird. Then we go into a spaceship, which only consists of a few chairs in the back. I am there, along with a few more volunteers. I then hear that we will have to be in this single room for 15 years until anything can happen. I am shocked and want to leave again, but it was too late, and I open the door just to see space. There didn't seem to be a vacuum, so nothing more happened. Then I suddenly had some sort of cable, and I asked one of the volunteers to try and grab it because I want to see if I can go out and look around. For some reason, it was like in a video game, and the interaction for the cable just wasn't set up, so I couldn't do that. I saw that the galaxies were really weird, and physics weren't quite comprehensible in this universe, so there is no way I can really explain how it was.
      We suddenly arrive at a building, like an office building, which was really weird and mysterious. We all went out and explored. There were a bunch of tables with computers and paperwork, as well as mugs for coffee. On the floor was a mess of paperwork. There were a lot of windows, simply going out into space. There were zombie-like people laying on the ground. We go to explore further, going into a door in the back, on the left, and there was one of these zombies laying around, which looked like nullbodies from boneworks. There is another person behind me, and I have found a gun somewhere. Suddenly the zombie moves and stands up, and I shout that the zombie has woken back up, and I shoot it until it is dead. If I remember correctly, the volunteer then thanks me. We go into a sort of backroom, but I don't quite remember how it looked. I grab a bunch of pencils to take back with me into the space ship. Suddenly, a volunteer tells me that we have to go, in a sort of annoyed vocal tone, probably annoyed about me taking so much stuff. I run back and put the pencils into my pockets. I then want to take a mug, but it seems to be dirty. The spaceship starts flying without me, making TARDIS noises, and I quickly jump through the door and sit down.
    13. 5 Dec: Running away from the start of a zombie attack

      by , 12-05-2019 at 09:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some office or school building. It is quite empty. There is only a couple of persons with me and walking around. But we hear scary sounds and a couple zombies come through the door. We fight them with whatever we have. I pick a sturdy ceramic cup to smash their heads, but unlike movies, their skulls are thick. I hit them several times and they almost don't flinch. I am even feeling sorry for hurting them. But we escape to outside where we find hungry dogs also posing a threat, but we go up and down some stairs after throwing some food at them and we run to a residencial area. In the residences there are lots of people and life runs as normal. Someone is throwing a party with loud music as night approaches and neighbors are at the windows talking at each other about doing something to shut it down. I am staying at a house with my parents or at least they had some involvement in setting it up for me. My dad was just there to show some wall he built in the back of the house for extra protection, which comes in handy. But I still plan to look for some safer place. I grab as much food as I can and pack bags and go to a train station or airport. They don't want to allow me to take all my food with me and I complain, but as long as I can embark I am ok. I just want to leave.

      Updated 07-29-2021 at 09:31 PM by 34880

    14. Skyrim: Bleak Falls Barrow

      by , 10-30-2019 at 08:14 PM (Lydia's Game of Dreams)
      2019, 10-30

      Skyrim: Bleak Falls Barrow

      Regular Dream - Video Game / Semi-lucid - Lucid Dream - Notes

      I am playing Skyrim VR, I am exploring Bleak Falls Barrow for what seems like the millionth time. There are bandits at the entrance and I nail them with fireballs when they attack me. To my surprise, one of the bandits actually runs away and doesn’t return to attack again. I go into the barrow and find a few more bandits inside. They have a camp set up and a couple maps, apparently these bandits have heard there is a valuable treasure somewhere in here and they hope to claim it. They attack me on sight and I take them out with fireballs just like the ones outside.

      I feel like I’ve played this level a million times, but things seem a bit different. I’m not exactly sure what is different, but something is. Thoughts of it being different slip from my mind as zombies attack. There seem to be more of them than I remember. Maybe I just set the game on a higher difficulty. Yes, that must be the difference. I fight my way through the zombies using fireballs and my sword. It also seems darker in the dungeon than I remember. Did I change the brightness settings? Well this is more realistic… an ancient crypt would be pretty dark.

      I continue through the passages, fighting the zombies that attack and finally I reach the chamber with the dragon wall. It looks mostly like I remember it looking in my previous times playing this, and I think any small differences are due to an update on a static mesh improvement mod. I read the word ‘fus’ as it draws my attention right to it and then more draugr attack. There is the boss draugr that comes out of the coffin in front of the dragon wall and three others that I don’t see where they come from. They are all especially weak against fire so I let more fireballs fly.

      When the draugr are all re-dead I find the dragonstone map of dragon burial sites in the treasure chest along with some gold. I have to take this back to Whiterun. I leave Bleak Falls Barrow and head down the other side of the mountain towards Whiterun. But I am still on the way when I wake up.
    15. 15 Aug: Wolfs and zombies at nordic hotel and visiting some shop

      by , 08-15-2019 at 08:45 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Nordic country during summertime, there is a street market with a fortune teller, some local dude becomes obsessed by me and stalks me around. There is a gorgeous natural lake with clear water up on the mountains. This local guy insists I must go take a dip. Wasn't planning on doing so before the next day but he convinces me. I go to the place where I am staying, get my stuff, and I get out through some other exit to avoid him. There is a path going uphill through a forest, it gets dark and I have an encounter with a wolf. I jump over a fence and I run back. I encounter a guy walking a big dog and I ask for his protection. He kinda mocks me although he sees the wolf at distance. Back to the venue I encounter the crazy guy who stalks me again to the laundry room. I find a back door and run through service corridors, looking for an alternative way to get to my room. Once there I still don't feel safe. I have an odd feeling that the wolf I saw is actually a werewolf and that he is around. I go meet some friends and they say actually there is something going on, but they think it is more like a zombie attack. We make a plan to escape soon, but I still I go to bathroom for pooping and I change clothes. My friends then say there is a strange lady outside looking for me. They suggest I don't talk to her, but it is Marta, cousin of my friend Carla and I feel curious. She wants to tell me about her mother dying of cancer and that she is going through difficult times. I offer my assistance, remember I heard she is sick too. She confirms she does have multiple cysts in a leg. I thought was on the uterus, she says those too, but leg is what is killing her. I tell her I am in a hurry now, but we should meet some other day and have a coffee. I leave her outside at the street market, where some lady paints landscapes based on our description of it. She stays there providing details of a forest landscape, doesn't know the name of the trees she is thinking if and I tell the painter she means conifers.

      With girl friends at some city where I will attend some teachings. On arrival we go to a shopping mall.
      They want to go to some famous brand shop. Their front is like a giant screen with their advertising and apparently no door. But right in the center there is a place to walk through across an hologram. Vera attempts to do it but fails and crashes into the screen wall, but I manage to find the entrance and go in. The feeling is strange and pleasant. Inside, costumers are doing photo shoots. I don't understand the idea but my friends say something like, the shop provides a makeover and then clients do a free photo shoot to promote the store and that is why they wanted to come. We get in the waiting zone. Meanwhile I am getting really excited that I will soon see Rinpoche.
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