I think it started off as some kind of messed up game show like the Hunger Games, or at least that's how it felt. I was released into the world in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. I entered a house and picked out a sword from a weapon rack. There was a big curved sword which looked awesome, but it was way too heavy to be practical to carry around (nowhere to attach it to my outfit) so I opted for a short sword. At one time I was forced to flee from enemies, and I had to quickly scale a hedge or fence. I also fought zombies. On the horizon I saw a stunning view of a castle on a hill (in retrospect reminding me of Beauclair in Toussaint, The Witcher 3) and I wanted to take a picture of it with my phone. However, it was so big and I was so close that I struggled to get the whole thing framed right. I think I woke up in the middle of trying to take the picture.
I was walking up some dark empty street with beige brick buildings. I'm then in a room with my father. There are two king sized beds, I start walking to claim the one in the corner, and the floor booms like I'm stomping. He scolds me, saying that there are people trying to sleep below us. I try tiptoeing to the bed, and it still sounds like I'm stomping. I am telepathically controlling some sort of saw blade. I make it fall down next to a rock pole. I move it so it comes into contact with silver coins, I miss one so it starts falling up, and I get the coin this time. I see a wooden triangle with a large H at the bottom I pass it, and go back down to cut into the H. I miss the H somehow, so I cut through the pole, and cut into another triangle with a G in it, and I manage to get it this time. I am then falling down next to the pole. I land on some ground, I have a rifle, I see a yellow fish swimming above me, so I try to shoot it. I miss, but a voice tells me about the scope. I look down it and get a pinhole view of whatever I'm about to shoot. I aim at some distant corral, I take some time to adjust the scope, but I finally focus on a clown fish and manage to shoot it. I somehow end up in some sort of store, there are people walking around, they look super zoned out. One staggers towards me and I realize they're zombies, I look down the scope which now has a wider view, and I shoot him. I make my way past the cash register while shooting several others, and I'm almost to some storage room. A woman jumps out, and I try to shoot, but I'm out of bullets. There's a stapler on the bottom of my gun, but I don't think it would do much, so I run into a bathroom, it has one door which successfully locks, but the other door right next to it doesn't, so I run into a room labeled cold storage. It's another bathroom of course, and there's no lock, the woman is probably about here now, so I decide to hide. I notice Mario in a stall so I join him, I hear the door, and see the woman, and she starts talking to us, she's actually not a zombie, and she's going to help us fight them. She leads us to a shelf full of stuff, we all grab wooden canes. I notice Mario's not next to me so I look around for him and see him at the urinal. I'm Luigi so I start using the one 2 away from him. He says something I didn't really hear, I realize one of my legs is in the urinal, and it's soaked up to the ankle. He then asks why I'm just standing there, I get annoyed because I'm not just standing there, so I turn to him and aim for the face. I ask "DO YOU SEE ME JUST 'STANDING HERE'?" He calmly says "Yes." like he's in a completely different universe where I'm not some crazy guy peeing in his face. I pack it away, and start walking to the door. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I'm in a bed, my breathing sounds a little weird, I think that the zombies will see me if I move. I decide to make a run for it, it took a lot of effort, but I pushed the blankets off and sat up. [/COLOR]
I woke up at 5:00 AM to WBTB and took AlphaGPC and Galantamine. My recall of the dream isn't perfect because I had a couple hours of dreams after this dream was over. Juliana Vs JadeGreen One (MILD) 12.06.2023 I am in a dream that is based on The Last of Us. The dream starts out with the beginning of the outbreak and gets to the point where there are survivors living in small walled-off communities. I remmeber part of the dream I was fighting a zombie with a can of beans, trying vainly to crush his skull in. Later on, it is a nice sunny day and I am outside the wall. There are no zombies around and I become lucid spontaneously from my MILD and supplements. I fly up in the air before thinking about my goals. It feels good to fly again because it has been a while. Then I remember I was supposed to spectate Jay and Hade sparring. I fly back down and find them in the road. I tell them to get ready and say, "Jay, take out your wand." She does and I say, "3, 2, 1, Fight!" Hade fires up his jets (although the fire is invisible for some reason.) and Jay starts the somatic components to cast a spell. Hade closes the short distance and sumersaults in the air so he can kick Jay's wand out of her hand. Hre wand goes flying and he follows up with a kick to her center of mass. I remmeber Manei should be here so I turn around and Manei is there. I give her a hug and turn around to see the fight is over and Hade won. I talked with Jay a bit after this but I can't remember what we said or what happens next.
3.5.2023 Old Job and Zombies [+1] Back to the old job at the hospital. I am gathering items, including a heparin IV and another IV bag. There are also a couple of things that we are looking for, not sure if we have them or not. I think about how I have been here for 8 years (in the dream). Dividing up the labels that print out for filling...Zombies come at night. It’s as though I watch this on TV. A guy spends the night in a car or truck. Lots of carnage around. The windows of the vehicle become streaked with blood. I hide my eyes while this is going on. It seems like I become the person in the movie. I wonder, what if we stayed in the water tower this next night? That seems like a safer place. We get into a vehicle, and now there are several of us. A siren starts going off, which warns us that Japan has built a nuclear bomb, or something. I get the idea that they are going to nuke the zombies, and if we can survive it will be a lot safer out. I have to do something with two telephones. Fragment 1 [+0.5] ...Something about identical twins at a gas station. Middle aged guys with curly-ish hair. It turns out that there are actually three of them – identical triplets... Fragment 2 [+0.5] ...Getting coffee at a gas station. I decide to give a tip to the clerk, putting money in the tip jar at the counter... Fragment 3 [+0.5] ...A play with a Grinch-like character...Machine with rotating parts...A Bible school-like event, which involves a toothbrush. This is going on in a basement, and I might be trying to brush my teeth in a nearby bathroom... Fragment 4 [+0.5] There is a dog that runs out onto the highway. Someone is trying to call it back with a dog whistle. 3.6.2023 Fragment 1 [+0.5] I stop at a gas station. I would like to get something to drink, but the cups that are provided with the water seem to be dirty. One has a tea bag or two in it...There are people swimming in heated pools down town...My friend R...
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Zilla had been on vacation in a remote mountain village and dared me to also visit the place. So I am hicking to the village. I am met halfway by a couple kids who accompany me the rest of he way. They even carry some of my things, excited. When I arrive at the village, the path splits in two and I am not sure which to follow, but see one leading to a panoramic deck and I go there to take photo to send to Zilla. Trying to climb onto this deck, I have to cross a square that has a sort of tank in the middle covered by a shed. One of the sides has a fence, so I can take a look inside. I get a bit scared as I see a bunch of people, looking like zombies, inside the water as if they are about to come out of it. But when I mention it to the kids and a couple other villagers, they go check it and there is nothing there. They don't dismiss it though. They act like what I said makes perfect sense and I notice concern on their faces. The adults exchange some remarks and one leaves as if he is going to talk with someone else but the kids dare me to follow them, all jolly as if nothing happened. They bring me to a large building that looks like a university and I am welcomed by some bery serious lady who tells me to wait in the hallway. I wait there, observing the carved wood statues and panels and running my hand over them to feel the extraordinary details. Then she comes back and leads me to a big hall where I am supposed to stay for the night. It doesm't feel very right, it almost looks like a library with some bunkbeds. Then some couple I meet suggests I follow them instead and stay at some other place they think is better. So we exit this place and go around to its back and find a smaller building facing a high stone wall that encircles this place. There is a small annex in the corner that seems abandoned but in good condition and the door is open. We go check it out and it is small with an entrance area, a reception desk behind a glass window, a couple labs, a small kitchen with a fireplace and a larger waiting room/ living room. We plan to bring in some matresses and sleep here instead. I notice that they observe the windows and check if the blinders work as they plan to shut them down. They don't explain much, but they say the reason the villagers are all stayin at this one place together is for safety at night. Some kind of legend about something atttacking that has returned and I recall the people I saw underwater. They are not yet sure the threat is real but they say we need to shut the windows for safety and avoid cooking or turning the fire on at night to stay incognito, and I worry that it will be damn cold and wonder if this was a good idea after all.
The dream started out almost like The Walking Dead. There was an apocalypse of some sort and part of the group I was with was at least one co-worker. He was telling me that because the grid was down, nothing was pumping water when your turned the tap on, so no more water. Someone would have to venture out and find some. I said I'd do it. no problem. It was dangerous to go out, though I don't remember why. I think there were zombies. The dreams changed. I was in a very fancy theater to watch a movie. I don't remember the movie but the theater was multi-level, with stairs and nice railings that reminded me of an elite club more than a theater. I remember seeing a random pack of instant ramen someone had left on the floor, a net of stuffed animals in one corner, and I remembered a particular staircase. I had brought a new teddy bear that resembled one I actually own. And then I lost it. I think I'd left it in the theater. In the parking lot upon realizing the bear was gone, I told the person I was with to wait a couple minutes while I went back inside for the bear. I told a man inside that I'd just be going back in to look for a bear I left, not to watch a movie. He said it'd be $150 to just wander the theater given that I could potentially watch all the movies I wanted once back there. I was angry at him and almost said for him to call someone to walk with me and keep an eye on me to be sure, but I decided against that for some reason. He said he'd give me some of the $150 back upon my return if I found the bear. I slammed my debit card down on a counter and told him I'd be back and he could set his price, and stormed off. I retraced my steps rather well. Found the ramen on the floor, found the stuffed animals and sorted through them - not there. Found the staircase and climbed it. No bear. Some little kid had found I and kept it, I decided sadly. I was kind of attached to the little bear even though I hadn't had it for very long. It had been with me through a lot given that I still recalled we were somehow in an apocalypse. Water was an issue still, but someone improved. I remembered bringing the bear with me to "look at/for the transformers", whatever that meant. I knew it meant electrical transformers. My last memory before my alarm went off was leaning on a gilded railing in the theater and thinking on the irony of calling at an apocalypse when the zombies, turns out, were as sane as anyone and hadn't hurt anybody.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am taking pics and for the first time I got lucid from the always obvious dream cue that I can never take a photo. I look around and I am in a city, surrounded by lots of people. I start flying over them. I want to know if any of them is aware we are dreaming, so I tease them, but they all act like zombies who couldn't care less of someone flying, so just DCs with no reaction. I lose lucidity. In my teens, walking down the street with Big Bad Wolf, from school to home. We are adting but in secret. He wants to touch me badly, but our school colleagues are nearby and we don't want them to know. Anyway, he stops like pretending to look at something and whispers that he can't take it anymore. I touch his arm soflty and say "wait". Then he goes past me, inside a gate to some guys' farm, who sells fruits and goes buy something to take home, and use that time to clear his head. One of my female colleagues approaches me and with a smirk says "So, I can see love is in the air". I deny, embarassed, but she doesn't buy it. I keep going all alone. It's getting dark when I arrive at the main road leading home. I spot a couple rats running away and I follow them. They stop at some trash bags lying on the ground, looking for food. They find nothing but tissue and cardboard and start chewing on it. I try to stop them, worried about their health. Then I look for food in my bag, find a couple pieces of bread and give it to them. Finally at home, but not living with my parents. I am in the apartment I lived in near my mother some years ago. I recognize the kitchen, although it is like 3 times its real size and looks more like a supermarket. There are really long shelves on the wall with lots of food. I go check what's expiring, so I cook something out of it and find lots of weird foods I would never buy. Then my mom comesfor a visit and sees some cookies and powdered milk I selected and put on the table and she says she'll bake me a cake with it. Then I am looking for the trash cans and other itens in the kitchen and find a bursted water pipe leaking to the trash cans and all the trash flowing to the floor.
The environment is dark colored and I'm with a party of grown ups. I'm able to choose a companion that will help me out and I scroll through the selections. They are all grey looking and pretty boring but with different shapes. One is formed as an egg, one is a bit scary, one is looking very tired. I look at about 15 of them until I am interupted. A party member's zombie is eating her up. The zombie is streching its mouth really much so that the whole head fits in its mouth. I'm in my brother's bed and I'm sick. Every time I breathe out a green round rubbery candy with white powder on it rolls out. Some older people from the last dream walks in. They are telling me I have some kind of disease and they seem a bit disgusted. I taste one of the candies and they are pretty good. Notes: I hid in my brother's bed yesterday. I notice it's a dream and fly up. I hit a cloud wall and fly through it. I keep on flying and hit another cloud wall. I keep on flying and see the third cloud wall but the dream becomes unstable and I can't remain.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:13 AM by 97565
I've dreamt about zombies hunting me the two last nights. I got eaten alive once which always hurts. A dark coulor theme in the city with survivors following me. I have a gun and shoot a zombie that is about to eat my shoulder from behind but my gun turns into a toy gun and doesn't have any effect. I'm on an island with some people. My family is there and we are about to explore. A man says that he claims this part of the island and that we have to go away. I feel bad because he is the boss and I can't oppose him. I'm hunted by a witch in my house but know it's a dream suddenly. I think about hugging her but then I think about how she could hurt me and I loose my confidence. I fly out but it's not that pleasant since I was hunted.
I'm in a big room looking like a library with two other people. They are decrypting some evil books. They try to open a gate of some sort. They find some notes that teach them how to do some kind of spell. I already know it is avada kedavra but it's like I'm more of a spectator to the dream. One of them do the avada kedavra spell against a shelf but fails. I think to myself that it is because he doesn't hate enoughly to do the evil spell. Voldemort teleports into the room and kills the person who tried to do the evil spell with his own avada kedavra. He does some kind of magic and the books in the shelves become green and red and change positions with each other. I know that he is doing some kind of clue to us that we are supposed to figure out. I think to myself that we don't need to solve his riddle. It would take a very long time judging how many books he swapped positions on. He teleports away and the "good persons" come in just to see him vanish. I'm defending against zombies with some other humans. We don't take it seriously and some people get bitten while everyone just kinda laughs at it. They who are bitten doesn't care either. We reach a shelter with other humans. I try to lay comfortable at some pillows but another person pushes me away and takes my seat. I'm in a big basketball room. I'm a member of a team and we are just about to play. My team consists of some nerdy characters and the other team has some good looking sportsmen. I look at some of my teammates who have some special characters. One of them can only focus on the ball so he doesn't hear while another teammates run next to him and scream "pass the ball!" with some kind of panic in the voice caused by his disorder. He has to focus on the ball because he is really bad at bouncing and he almost drops it even though no one disturbs him. He tries to jump up and dunk the ball into goal. He has the right height but goes to the left and misses. The one who screamd "pass the ball!" is kind of disappointed but still impressed by the jump. I'm now actively in the dream and am able to bounce the ball on my own. I try to pass my teammates but the ball always flies of to the right or left so someone from the enemy team takes it instead. Their team is about to throw out the ball and I am pushing a smaller blonde a little bit with my shoulder. He becomes really disturbed and even though he is small he is able to push me away effectively. No one of us gets the ball. Suddenly the basketball is two big lego pieces in a plastic bag. I hold in the bag and am about to shoot it away. I try to do it over my head like a basketball throw but because of the wind friction it just drops to the ground really fast. The other team throws the ball with all their power and I think that it is cheating. When I see my team throwing the "ball" too I join them. I'm able to run next to their hoop and try to make a goal. I throw it but miss. I'm about to throw out the "ball" but nets are being rolled down in the middle of the plan. I see Magnus (math teacher) walking against me as if he was the one who ordered the nets to be rolled down. I walk away and meet a small woman that starts to talk to me. Filippa comes and interrupts her mid scentence and I tell her to be quiet so that the other girl can finish what she would say. After she is finished Filippa tells me that she has to go away because of some kind of friendly party. She hugs me and I hug her back. As she walks away the other girl also hugs me and we say good bye. Notes: When I play sports in my dreams I always suck. I can't kick or shoot the ball without it doing some kind of weird detour.
Jamie dreams First thing is a dream about making out with jamie. Second is just us walking somewhere in a house or something and she's walking beside me and she seems happy. I miss the longer more detailed dreams about Jamie. Living room. i was in a living room with lots of people. We were watching tv or playing video games or something. A blond girl that seems familiar (maybe a co worker?!?!?) starts trying to kiss me and complains i've never made any moves on her. I say, "I'm just to shy unless a girl really lets me know." or something and we start kissing. I suddenly can't breathe while kissing her and i panic myself awake. weird Okay before this dream I was watching star trek Picard. I was dreaming a dream from soji's ( a character in the show) perspective. She was in a house or something and kept seeing oeople that looked like her out the window. The most startling was when she looked in a mirror and someone who sort of looked like her was in the mirror. Crazy A dream about the blond girl again... this time it was clearly my coworker. She seemed overly flirty or something and offered me a ride home from work, the only condition being was that she was going to spend hours visiting random guys. I said, no that's okay i have to be home sooner and I'll just take the bus, because I have to take care of my dog. to that she seemed overly offended, was really mad at me and stormed off. She was taunting me throughout the dream. i was later on a mountain ina village or people on the side of the mountain. A bunch of people were possessed and acting evil, including the girl. we then somehow put them all on a truck and drove the truck off the cliff to kill them and the evil. I was still paranoid the evil was still lingering. Then the sane people lost their minds and started acting like zombies. then I woke up.
My family and I drove to a odd looking place with nice yellow lights around it. As we walk in, we see very ill people who seem to wandering no where. That's when they notice us and started trying to attack by biting people. They were like zombies, I manage to run outside only to bump in to one. Once this happen I knew I was screwed as he grab my arm and began to open his mouth. Alarm bells were going through my head and got me to realize I was dreaming due to the intensity of the situation. I first thought to myself that I should have never watch that movie recently about zombies since the main character did die. It was just like this scene on how he got infected. I then began to fly very fast to break his grip and was going up in the air. As I continue I started thinking how am I able to fly this well prior to last time? Which caused me to lose my ability to fly. Below me I could see the original zombie flying as well to catch me. As I am falling I could feel someone grab my foot. It was the zombie, I told myself I had to believe in myself in order to fly higher. All of a sudden I was flying much higher than before but the zombie was still following me. I use some kind of air pressure to disrupt his flying and force him to fall all the way back down. That's when I decided I wanted to wake up.
My sister is picking me up from this place near the mountains. We go to a gas station and I go to the counter. I freak out a little bit and fall to the floor. I get up and think that I'm sort of losing it and my sister looks a bit concerned. We go back to that house and I think there's now some zombies there. I'm in this open space that has a hill with a temple/building at the top of it. It feels like we're in a videogame. In the distance are these roads leading to another place. I think it's good vs. bad and there are teams of people. I fly down off the hill onto a road. I remember thinking I was gliding very far and I had done this before. This place felt really old and familiar. It felt like we were years in the past. On the other side of the map is this factory building. The bad guys are in there. I think they're horde but it's just a large group of people. They're flying into the building and I'm hiding on another side of this train. The train is actually surging and jiggling me around as I'm trying to hold on and hide from the horde. I go back to the hill and there are a lot of people surrounding this temple. I'm calling out to a particular girl thinking her name is KSHMR which IRL is a guy DJ but in the dream it's a girl. I start to fly up in the air. There are these tennis courts or basketball courts with giant black gates. I'm flying around sort of like spiderman jumping off of these giant black gates while yelling out to girl KSHMR. I was wearing my pink/white kimono.
Former classmate says she is going for a stroll with another person. I ask if I can go with them, because all I have been doing last few days is just watching TV and being mad at myself for not going outside. So we go and I'm standing on a bank of a river in my hometown. It's really muddy, carrying lots of downed trees and branches and going super fast. I comment on it and watch it for a while. My friend decides to go for a swim and with a few backstrokes, she gets close to the middle where the current is very fast. I yell that to her, but too late, she is getting swept. Next thing I see, is two bodies bobbing up next to her, biting her and dragging her down. She comes up few more times with more bodies around her. Finally she gets to the shore, I grab her hand and pull her out. We start running and a zombie is chasing us. We get to the house and I'm about to slam the door in zombies face, when I realize she is closer than I thought and she bites me in my left shoulder. We get to the main room. Everybody is calm, and more zombies are coming in, but they are all acting human. We have an option to clean the wounds by burning them or something else. I chose burning, so I grab matches, light them and I touch them to the wounds on this main zombie. He is showing me all the tiny scratches. Someone is burning my wounds. DREAM 2 Some candy has gone missing at my workplace which doesn't look like my real world work. Trying to find out who did it, then it turns out it was one of the guys.
Dream: I was watching kids play ball hockey in what seemed to be my grades book gym. I must have been the coach because one of my kids scored to win the game so I ran into the court, picked up him up side ways and pretended to ram him through the rest of the players like an battering ram. All the kids were laughing. Our team was gathered together celebrating the win when I noticed a kid weeping. The rest of the team noticed as well and the mood changed from happy to sad. I asked him why he was upset and he said something like he didn’t feel included. I took him outside the gym to talk so he wouldn’t be embarrassed. I gave him some words of comfort and said something along the 'swearing is fun' to cheer him up. He laughed so I picked him up but he was heavy which I told him and threw him in the snow. Now that he was all cheered up we walked back to the gym. As I enter the gym I notice it is an ice hockey arena with grown men playing hockey. I can see their faces clearly when suddenly everything transforms into a football game. The players play as though it’s rugby rules with constant lateral passes. The surrounding area now turns into a tropical beach with the outskirts of a big city and an ocean a few yards after a small cliff and a rock plateau. I noticed my friends were gone. I also noticed at least somethings moving along the plateau a large (they turned out to be crabs) rabid man ran to the front of the pack and snatched one to eat. I turn back and realise I don’t know anybody. There’s a man sharpening a knife under a long tarp near the street. I can tell he’s bad. I offer him something to look through like a telescope or binoculars but when he opens the casing to look through his face his shot with this thick beige mold like really thick oatmeal which I hope kills him. He starts laughing maniacally. I realize I had gotten that strange material from my friends who were trapped under the surface of the ground but had turn to zombies with purple and blue shiny eyes. My attention returns to the man sharpening his knife, but now he’s crawling on his stomach as if he has lost the use of his lower body. He’s purple, silver, and shining. I’m trying to walk away but it feels hard to do so. I run into the city which is decaying except a place possibly called “Waysayckers”. I ask the guy if I could train martial arts there 24/7 but he tells me there’s no way he’d let that happen. I see a kid with small stickers or patches polka dotting across his go doing front kicks. Fragment: Moving into a house with roommates from my 3rd year of university and partying, smoking weed, drinking. Fragment: Sleeping in the same bed as Steve, looking at photos of me cut-out and dressed in real cloth. Fragment: Preparing soup lunches on the floor for my family Dream Sign Count Inner Awareness = 1 Action = 0 Form = 3 Context = 1 Total LD's/Dream = 0/4 = 0% Please comment and let me know if you think I missed some dream sign classifications in the journal entry!
Updated 06-05-2018 at 03:05 PM by 95100