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    Familiar Apartment

    by , 08-25-2012 at 01:50 AM (474 Views)
    Okay, I had a previous entry about a "familiar apartment", but that looked a lot like a cabin, this was about an actual apartment.

    I do not remember what brings it up, but I took this apartment that I owned, and made it into a house. It was big, nice, and expensive. I rented a room out to a young couple. I can recall all of this happening before the dream, and the apartment seemed very familiar, as if I had made it in a previous dream. How long ago, I have no clue. I go inside, recall some things I had done to the place: painting it, making little Bibles with different designs, etc. Apparently the couple had gotten married and had a child there, so I had been gone a while. I decided to give them the whole place. I then remember saying to someone "I recall a memory perfectly in full detail..." then I go basically back into this false memory(must be a dream memory o.O) about my dad getting in a motorcycle accident. I do not know how much of this is what happened in the dream, but I was sitting in the front seat of a car, and my dad gets out, goes into this "college"(didn't look like a college) that had some mean looking guys in their twenties in front. He comes out after a few minutes, then on the way to the bank(which we were parked in front of), they beat my dad up and threw him into a motorcycle. The dream ended after that..

    This all seemed to happen pretty quickly, it was mostly a memory of previous dreams I think. It was weird that as I recalled memories I then entered into those memories as I was telling them. Also, when in the car I was really young, I'd guess 3-5.

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    Updated 07-24-2018 at 07:01 PM by 57282

    non-lucid , dream fragment
