4th of july fireworks, small plane in parade...making copies and doing someone elses laundry?!?!?!
, 09-14-2011 at 08:16 PM (597 Views)
Started out i was standing by a booth along what looked like our 4th of july parade route...it looked like it was going to rain, there was thunder, and sporatic rain falling......and i was thinking our fireworks wouldbe cancelled again...(the fireworks were cancelled this year due to extremely high fire risk...irl) i turned around and a small plane landed in the street and the pilot go tout and tid a rope to the propeller and started walking the plane down the street, i turned around and my dad was running the booth, he told me to tell him he couldnt be in the parade if the plane was only self powered...so i walked over to the guy and told him what i was told, and he went over to my dad and started argueing with him...i walked up the hill behind the booth, there were like 3 or 4 other booths along the parade route..one ws in the middle of the highway! i was walking towards where the fireworks wouldbe launched, and i notidced how cloudy, windy and cold it had gotten, and it was even lightly raining this time..allof a sudden fireworks started going up as if it was the grand finale..i decided i should have video taped the fireworks for mom, sicne she was in the hopsital and could see them this time..(shes not in the hosptial irl, thankfully) i turned and started walking back to the booth, and i noticed everytime the lightning would flash or the fireworks would go off i would see the shadows of everything that could cast shadows..including my own..i became lucid this time and turned to the left and down the hill heading home....i ended up walking down a small dirt alley behind a home i lived in many years ago..i saw a long dead cat wandering around, i stopped and petted him..havent seen him in many years, and continued on my way......i saw a guy i know in town here irl, walking towards me, suddenly i realized his laundry was finished...um...ok....so he followed me into the house and i opened the dryer and started pulling out clothes..the clothes had like white gunk all over them...i told him..guess youve got to come back later...he said, i'll come back later....... i walked into the living room and there was an old lady standing there buy a table by the door..i decided to do a RC and turned on the lamp on the table where she was standing, it came on..and i observed the surrounding area and noticed shadows etc normally associated with turning on a lamp irl....but i still knew i was dreaming...RC failed! hehe... she handed me some pictures of some girl..or lady..and ask for 2 copies of each(i manage an office supply and make copies every day practically irl) i walked over to the kitchen and realized the copier was out of town....i started rummaging in the cabinets...then woke up...