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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 5 dollar a gallon gas, brahma bull riders, healers, old ladies, africa...and strange streets...

      by , 11-19-2011 at 09:34 PM
      5 Dollar a gallon gas, africa and bullriders and healers...

      It started I was driving around some town and came to a gas station on an otherwise deserted corner...I noticed the gas was $5.25 a gallon, and i was shocked! I kept saying tio myself, "i reslly should take a picture of this..nobody would believe me otherwise" I stood there staring at the multiple price signs over and over again, then an old lady walked out of her car and said to me..."you need to go to Africa" all of a sudden, dream shifted, I was in africa...and i was helping uinload a large truck full of african kids of all ages...as i helped the last one out of the truck, i suddenyl noticed a small flat box sitting infront of me..i picked it up and handed it to the kid and he smiled and did a silly dance and ran away...weird... i hopped off the truck and saw 2 guys riding brahma bulls running in my direction, then i noticed they were chasing a regular cow calf.....the calf looked at me and ran behind the truck between the truck and a huge warehouse that wasnt there moments ago.....and it crouched down ontop a big pile of blankets and was watching the two bullriders under the truck...they looked at me and i shrugged and they rode away..as i turned to check on the calf...i was in a holet room somewhere and there was a witchdoctor/healer type guy there and he was chasing me around the room he kept telling me to move my arms in certain directions etc..he also kept saying he could heal my bad arms..over and over again (IRW i do have messed up shoulders..) he then showed me a video of myself running around an odd obstacle course and every so often i would pickup a log over my head and throw it.....interesting cure =)

      dream shifted

      I was walking down a city street somewhere and all the shops and businesses etc were below street level, you had to walk down a flight of stairs to get to every door on the street, i walked by a place that had only a movie theater type ticket window sticking out the front of the building and there was an old lady sitting in the booth and there was a small crowdof people standing around the booth and one guy had his head tipped down so he could speak through the little opening in the bottom of the booth window, and he kept asking "so where DO we get our mail" woke up...
    2. chasing old friend around in forest...

      by , 07-21-2011 at 12:13 AM
      just a fragment this time, i was walking through a massive forest, i came out into a small clearing with an old cabin against a huge cliff, and a friend of mine i havent seen in some 22 years was standing there with a bunch of papers in his hand, and i said "hey! whatcha got there man?" and he started to walk away quickly and i gave chase and i kept trying to grab the papers but he kept avoiding me, and i couldnt even get close, i chased him into a small openeing in the woods and ended up standing on a huge cliff, and across the seemingly bottomless drop below, my friend was standing on another cliff maybe 1/2 mile away, and i said "damn, I wish i could channel in thei dream!" them i awoke....channeling, in case you guys might not know, is an ability in a series of books i'm reading now called, "the wheel of time" by Robert Jordan....be a cool ability to have!!
      dream fragment , lucid , memorable