yet another very old hotel..sheesh
, 09-01-2011 at 10:45 PM (505 Views)
Ive been dreaming about old hotels alot lately for some reason..heres yet another one!
I was walking through the lobby of an extremely old, very gothically ornate hotel, my current employer appeared in a doorway in the back of the lobby i was walking through so i walked up to him and he said, I have to do it, but your're not gonna like it...come on...and he turned and walked through the doorway he was standing in...i followed into a huge sitting room of sorts, there were chairs back to back everywhere, antique high back leather chairs...and i immediately climbed up on a table and onto a walkway that circleed the entire room and started looking in every cabinet i came across, and there were cabinets most of the cabinets there was bits and pieces of antique train sets, like a train car and pice of track etc.....i finally went all around the room and got back down and my employer walked out of the room so i followed him again..he stopped in the middle of the lobby and turned to me and said "make sure he follows not to closely..." and when he turned i looked towards the entrance and saw an old friend of mine walking through the door...we walked over to him and then then my employer walked to a door to our right past the freakin huge overly ornate front desk and turned and motioned us over.....i told my friend he shouldnt be here but we'll see this through.....why i said that i dont know..he just smiled..we went through the door andit was a restaurant, we walked over and sat down with my employer and we ended up getting served grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches on huge slices of bread like employer then said, if you go that way home is always an option, i followed where he was pointing and saw my old house back east i moved from like 20 or so years friend and i went to the house and started to open the door and my mom opened the door and said, "nice try, but you cant come back yet...alarm woke me up....