AWAKE/NOTES DREAM SEMI-LUCID LUCID I had a nightmare today, which is strange I think because I haven't had one in months. I had a bad day yesterday, so maybe that's why I had it, who knows. I am in a building and I think I am a hostage. I feel very unsafe and scared. I see an open window and jump out. If I am dead they have no use for me. The air is nice and cool, and I feel very relaxed as I speed to my death. I "respawn" as someone else. I am in an elevator with a few teenagers and I feel uneasy. They make one teenager go out of the elevator at one level and we hear him die as we go up. The teenagers laugh. We get to our level, and we have to tie some people up. I start tying a big guy up but then some people come in and we become the ones who get tied up. I am lying in a bed, tied up. I want to get out of bed and jump out of the window. There is a guard outside of my room, in the hallway, and when I try to move a pillow falls on the floor and the guard turns around. I keep still and he stops looking at me. Carefully, I get out of bed and go up to the window. I open it and feel the cool air rush in, fresh like freedom and cold like death. It is dark and I can't see what's below me but it is definitely a few stories high. I squeeze myself through the window and fall to my death… but when I hit the ground, it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would, and I am still conscious. I realise that I survived the fall, and I start running, before someone finds me and kills me. I see some police officers in the distance and I run towards them and they seem friendly, although I am not sure at first. There is one lady police officer and I try to talk to her. She seems to be busy with her own stuff but eventually agrees to help - she tells me a room number. I go into a building and try to look for it. I find my mum in a hallway, and at first she says we can stay in this building, but then she walks down the corridor, sees someone and says we should drive somewhere far away. I go get my shoes and flannel, since it is cold outside, and I try to do this quietly, but then I hear the toilet flush and I quickly hide in a room. I try to hide behind the door, but it slams closed for some reason, very loudly. I put my back against the door to stop anyone from coming in. Someone starts trying to open the door, and eventually are able to come into the room. It is a male police officer, and he has a gun. I try to take the gun or point it away from me but I am not strong enough, and I die and wake up.
AWAKE/NOTES DREAM SEMI-LUCID LUCID I had just woken up and I had a lucid dream. I decided to do the "truth spell" because I wanted to know what the truth is. My dad and I are in a car and we are going somewhere. A guy is following us. I tell dad so he tries to accelerate and stop suddenly to deter the guy from following us. It doesn't work. Then, we turn onto a street but the guy still follows us. My dad parks the car and confronts him about it. I take a water bottle and hold it in my hand like a bat, trying to intimidate the guy. The guy takes out a mountain dew bottle but with a pop top and throws it into the car, the water splashing everywhere. I think about throwing the bottle at his head but I don't want to be arrested. We talk for a bit and eventually we leave. We have a pizza in the car, which the guy left presumably. There is one slice in the little dent/place to put small things on the door and it really grosses me out. I take a slice out of the box and eat it. My brothers are in the car now too. The pizza has some weird recipe - we discuss how the guy ordered a really weird pizza. On the label its says that it is both sugar-free and double sugar. It tastes completely normal however. Next, we are walking in a shopping centre. We walk past some kind of sweets shop (it was supposed to be some kind of chain of shops in the dream but I don't think it's real). They have some kind of advertising that makes me angry. I can't remember what it was about exactly but I remember thinking that it doesn't make sense considering it's a sweets shop. Soon, we reach some really obnoxious advertising. It is Maccas. We are on the second level and we can (kinda) see through the glass down into the Maccas. The glass however is like a screen and has some ads flashing on it. We go down to Maccas, probably to buy some frappes. When we go down there we go to the toilets. I look at the signs and try to figure out which one is which. There are four doors, and whenever I look at them the signs switch.I realise that this is very dream-like and do a reality check, which makes me lucid. I start to fly up but then remember the dream goal and decide to stay in this room - it is just big and empty with the walls painted red. I try to cast the truth spell, pointing my finger like a wand and saying something like "give me the truthio abracadabra". It casts a small green orb, which kinda just hovers around and then disappears. I try again. This time, the little green orb grows into a plate shape, which turns into a green paper in shape of a circle and falls down. I come up to it, and realise that I have to peel the green part off and the truth will be revealed. I do that. There is a drawing and a big wall of handwriting. In big letters it says on the side "you are beautiful". How nice. The drawing is a picture of me, although it doesn't look much like me. I put the paper down on the ground and try to read the wall of text. I think about just taking a picture to look at later but realise that I can't take it into the real world. My little brother comes up and asks me if he could see. I want to read it before the dream fades and so I tell him that I have to read it first. He asks why - I could just read it at home. I tell him that this is a dream so I can't take it home. He smiles at that realisation and flies off. I continue trying to read the wall of text, but it is kinda nonsensical. I decide that the actual truth was just the one written in the large letters since the big paragraph doesn't make sense. Soon, I wake up. Weird how that was the truth. I wish I had that kind of self esteem in waking life lol.
AWAKE/NOTES DREAM SEMI-LUCID LUCID So this is a dream that I had a couple of days ago. I had more that night but I thought this one was funny, so I am posting this one here. I might post more funny or interesting dreams in the future. Note: this dream is a little NSFW, so don't read if you're sensitive to this kind of material. I am at uni and I am drinking some tea. I leave it with someone and go into a shop with my brother. I look around at the things being sold there. There are some knitted hats, some of which are gold. I realise that I have no money and decide to leave. When I leave, I see some strange creatures (that I presumably left my tea with) and a big one is holding my cup. I see that the tea is gone. I get really mad, and really upset, I think about smashing the cup to pieces against the floor, but it is my favourite cup so I don't. Instead I keep walking, which leads me to a beach and I notice some public sex happening there. There are two dudes, one of them Jake Bass, fucking in the sand. Out of nowhere, a giant wave comes and I get swept up. One of my shoes gets taken away by the water. I am informed that there is a service that returns your shoes, but once I try to use it, an image of Jake Bass in a sexy pose pops up with letters informing me that this feature is only for premium members. I am disappointed, but I somehow manage to find my shoe myself.