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    The Dragon of Time (Sunday Night)

    by , 03-06-2023 at 06:26 PM (300 Views)
    A vortex howls in the gray sky above. I'm standing on the ruins of a neighborhood. Behind the vortex is a dragon the size of a mountain. He is the time dragon. I'm running to a house nearby where I need to find a gold-plated book called the Domini. The dragon claims that change isn't real, and that all will return to the way it was. He is loud and commanding, like a god. I think about how a Pizza Hut building on my street had changed. The dragon doesn't like that, and comes closer to me. I'm transformed into a tiny dragon, and I'm now in a side-scroller type game. I had an abilities menu on the left side of the screen. I had a dash move. The vortex from before was on the right side of the screen, pulling me to it. I resisted. I used the charge ability to push back to the left but it isn't enough. I'm consumed by the vortex.

    I'm searching around a house that has two floors, vaguely resembling The Burrow from Harry Potter. The dragon tells me to find the Domini book. While searching I find a work-from-home math booklet. I have been dreading working on. It has thin-paper, and sub-booklets for at-home exams. I also notice a letter from my GF about bills.

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    Updated 03-08-2023 at 06:09 PM by 99808

