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    Night of 3/14/23

    by , 03-15-2023 at 04:39 PM (166 Views)
    Ignoring Work and the Jungle
    I'm at my desk at work. My coworker D is sitting next to me explaining something. Others nearby are listening intently, but I decide that it isn't important and ignore him. I tell him that. He thinks it is funny. No hard feelings. Dream feels lighthearted.

    I recall a muggy jungle with maybe some drizzle but not much else.

    Potential Influencing Factors:
    Exercise - 1 hour of walking.
    Meditation - About 15 minutes of visualization.
    Diet - Ate heavy meal at Panda Express.

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    Updated 03-15-2023 at 05:25 PM by 99808

    non-lucid , false awakening
