Night of Friday 3/29/24 (Comp Night 1)
, 03-31-2024 at 09:12 PM (100 Views)
I’m watching somebody play a modded version of Mario 64.
There is a central town square. It’s circular and has tall buildings all around.
Mario has been modded to be Crash Bandicoot.
He has a hammer attack and the sound clip he makes when attacking is from a meme.
The player goes down an alley and arrives in a large flooded lake area.
We are discussing some seams in the edge of the rockwall keeping all the water in place.
It looks like the beginning of the second water level in Mario 64.
Later we’re in a store from the town.
I’m physically there now, no longer watching somebody play the game.
It seems to be a convenience store, but it is all messed up.
There is a flooded section, where a wave of water repeatedly is knocking over shelving and causing chaos.
An employee is blaming me for it.
I tell them they should move product away from that section. They get angry with me.
We’re upstairs in the store now. This doesn’t seem to be meant for customers.
Daylight beams in from a window.
My coworker B is here now, and somebody else.
B is talking about something he is most proud of me for achieving, but I don’t recall doing it.
I admit I don’t know what he is talking about.
The other person claims I abandoned the people I supposedly promised to help in B’s story.