Night of Thursday 12/28/23 (DILD)
, 12-29-2023 at 04:29 PM (195 Views)
Glitchy Holodeck:
I'm sleeping on a couch at DR's house (where I actually am).
The room's lighting looks darker than usual.
I reflect that since I am sleeping somewhere relatively unfamiliar, maybe I will be more likely to become lucid from my body being more alert.
It occurs to me that I haven't done a RC for some time.
I plug my nose, breathe, and realize that I can breathe through it. I'm dreaming.
I hardly believe it at first, but I repeat a few times to confirm.
I have trouble getting up from the couch, feels like moving through thick mud, but I get to my feet.
I recall wanting to travel by pretending I am in the Holodeck from Star Trek.
"Computer, send me to the forest!" I say outloud.
Nothing happens. The dream fades.
I "wake-up" on the couch again, but I immediately do another nose RC to keep lucidity.
I repeat the same steps but have no success.
Eventually I wake up and the RC shows I am truly awake this time.