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    Night of Tuesday 6/13/23 (Comp Night 13)

    by , 06-14-2023 at 07:05 PM (168 Views)
    This was a fun one to have while flying home...

    Day-time Nap

    Painless Crash
    My flight back home is ending soon. Something is wrong.
    I’m watching us land out the window and I’m seeing a lot of greenery.
    The plane is making a bunch of mechanical and beeping sounds. Feeling some Light turbulence too.
    We are approaching the ground very fast.
    I see a large grey structure, a part of the building, approaching rapidly.
    Somehow, it doesn't hit us.
    But we keep going and eventually break into the building through some other way.
    There is a lack of collision, but I can see the insides of the building structure breaking around us. I wake up.

    Night-time Sleep

    No recall...exhausted from traveling all day.
    Meiseki likes this.

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    Updated 06-14-2023 at 10:54 PM by 99808

    Tags: airplane, crash, death
    non-lucid , memorable
