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    Night of Tuesday 7/30/24

    by , 08-07-2024 at 05:27 AM (131 Views)
    Habit RC:
    I'm at a parking lot at CVS. I perform a nose reality check out of habit...and either I can't breathe or I stop paying attention. I continue with a text reality check of the CVS sign and that looks normal too.
    Finally on another nose reality check I notice that I can breathe.
    I'm lucid now.
    I turn to my girlfriend and ask her if this is a dream. She says it is not.
    I go to void and try to maintain awareness but I lose it.

    I'm at dinner with my girlfriend and her family. It looks like an Applebee's.
    The table is pulled up to the steps and arranged around some chairs oddly.
    Her grandparents were supposed to show up but didn't.
    Later we leave and climb over some rocks to reach the cars.

    I'm at my childhood home at the upstairs bathroom. I have to pee, but my brother beats me too it.
    Sweven likes this.

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    1. Sweven's Avatar
      Congrats on getting lucid.
      theshirecat likes this.
    2. theshirecat's Avatar
      Thanks! It was super brief, barely even counts! Still happy that I'm getting them without sleep interruption now. The trick will be to actually remember to stabilize next time...