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    Surprise Bonus Cat (Friday Night)

    by , 03-04-2023 at 04:56 PM (288 Views)
    I'm happy, but also jealous that my GF got a 20K bonus. I question my current employment situation.

    I'm at a surprise party that looks like Grandma M's apartment. My friend SG is there and she seems excited to see me. She's brought some friends of hers that I don't recognize. There's somebody else there who has a cat on his shoulder. He makes a big show of how the cat is clawing onto his back and isn't jumping off. I make eye contact with the cat, and it decides that I am the next place to sit. It comes over to my shoulder. The table is set to play a monopoly-like game.

    I'm watching some porn and my brother A catches me. This situation is embarrassing, but I own it as best I can.

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    Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:32 PM by 99808

    non-lucid , dream fragment
