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    Barbie Doll Woman, False Daughter Visit, and Karaoke Fail - Feb 14, 2015

    by , 02-17-2015 at 01:00 AM (628 Views)
    I did the Wake Induced Lucid Dream technique using visualization followed by hypnagogic imagery until I slipped into a lucid dream without losing consciousness. I was sitting at my weight bench in the basement, and then this girl walked up beside me in a grey hoodie, with the hoodie over her head, but I could see her face, and she was very pretty. She sat on a bench in front of me and faced me with a smile. I thought, “Hmmm, who’s this cutie?” I felt the dream start to fade so I leapt to my feet and started to swirl, but the dream ended and I was back in the void with my body asleep, but my mind was aware. I focussed on trying to get back into that dream, but I lost consciousness and fell asleep.

    The next dream was a bit odd, because I became lucid for no reason at all. I was walking towards an old fashion wooden staircase, and then suddenly I was lucid. I thought where the heck am I? The stair case went half way up to an intermediate landing, and then the stairs went in the opposite direction, off this landing, to the 2nd storey. I continued up the second set of stairs to the 2nd storey, but just before I reached the 2nd storey, I saw a woman walking towards the staircase on the 1st storey, so I peeked my head over the staircase handrail, right near the 1st storey’s ceiling, and I saw this amazing looking woman. She didn’t see me because my body was hidden by the staircase, and my head was right up near the ceiling.

    This woman looked like a Barbie doll. She was tall and thin, had long blonde hair in a ponytail, and was wearing a knee length, light green skirt and matching jacket. Now what was odd about this woman was her perfect complexion, and her face had no wrinkles whatsoever. It was so perfectly smooth it didn’t seem to be real (like a Barbie doll). Also, her entire eyes were jet black with no whites. She was really quite the stunning site to see. Just before the steps she bent over and picked up a small golden colored object, about the size of beetle. She rose back up to almost standing and then she tilted her head slightly as if she could hear something (she still didn’t know I was there). Then I said, “Hey, hello!” She jumped back about 2 feet, and I totally startled her. I mean she looked like she just saw the devil himself. Again, I said, “Hi!” Her mouth dropped open and she backed up about another 5 feet right to the edge of another room. Then she grew old and wrinkly right before my eyes, and shrunk about 1 foot in height. Then she turned into an old wrinkly, gray haired man, and then she turned into a grayish and green cloud. By this point I was so shocked by her transformations that I woke and voice recorded my lucid dreams. I guess she didn’t feel very safe being around me. I just wanted to talk to her, holy smokes, chill!

    I was lying in bed, consciously awake with my body asleep, and then I got some very faint vibrations. I could feel one of my legs floating around. I thought great, OBE time! Yeah! I tried to leap out of bed, but my physical body moved, and it was over, and then I fell asleep.

    The next dream was a Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD). The dream leading up to this DILD was very interesting and fun, but I’ll jump forward to the DILD. I walked into a utility room, and at the far end of the room was a pretty Asian woman cleaning something in a sink. When I saw her I became instantly lucid! I remembered my dream intent to visit with my daughter. The room had a landing at the door, and then it dropped down a couple of steps into the room. I was standing on the landing, and I couldn’t see the entire room. I bluntly said, without introductions, “Where’s my daughter?” She looked at me slightly confused, shrugged her shoulders, and said, “I don’t know?” I called, “Daughter please come, I’m lucid!” The woman suddenly looked with interest to the corner of the room, which was hidden from my field of view.

    To my surprise, a beautiful, dirty blonde haired woman came running around the corner and into my arms. I said, “Daughter, is that you?” She happily replied, “Yes, it’s me dad!”, and then she planted a big kiss right on my lips. I was thinking to myself, she doesn’t sound like my daughter, and my daughter certainly isn’t so quick to give me a big kiss on the lips. An elderly woman then walked into the room beside us and she pointed her finger at the woman I was hugging, and she shook her head side to side to let me know that wasn’t daughter. I understandingly nodded at the older woman, and then she smiled back at me. I thought to myself, well since I’m here I might as well hug her a bit longer, since, well, she was quite beautiful, and she felt pretty real to me! After about 10 or 15 seconds, I let her go, and I went off to find my daughter.

    I walked out the building and onto an outdoor, karaoke stage. There was small crowd of people, and so I decided to give it a try. I forgot about my intent to visit with my daughter. Distractions, distractions….., so I picked up the microphone, and the DJ put on an old song from the 70’s. I recognized the song, but I couldn’t remember the words, so I tried to do the best I could, but I sounded like crap and out of tune. Then I notice a woman walking through the field in red skirt and jacket, and this clued me to remember my lucid dream intent. Instantly, I dropped the microphone, and tried to fly to her, but I couldn’t seem to get any altitude, and I landed in the crowd. My vision faded and I woke.

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    1. KonchogTashi's Avatar
      For whatever reason reading most DJs leaves me cold, but yours is gold! The transformations the woman underwent are quite amazing. Thanks again!
      Tihiti likes this.
    2. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Looks like your popular with the ladies in this dream Tihiti.They just keep popping up.
    3. Tihiti's Avatar
      Thanks Konchog for reading this and commenting!
    4. Tihiti's Avatar
      Looks like your popular with the ladies in this dream Tihiti.They just keep popping up.
      Lol Dawneye11, it's gotta happen somewhere!
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    5. JadeGreen's Avatar
      Also, her entire eyes were jet black with no whites.
      am I the only one that wouldn't find this character stunning, but rather horrifyingly creepy and uncanny?
      Tihiti likes this.
    6. Tihiti's Avatar
      Lol, exactly, but she was different from us, but still very beautiful.
      RedKali likes this.