• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    by , 07-26-2013 at 05:38 PM (389 Views)
    I haven't been bothering with my Dream Journal lately because my dreams have been uninteresting and I never remember much.

    This dream was kinda weird. All I remember was being with some other people in a library. We came across this ride sort of thing. You would get on the back of a model MLP character (it wasn't an actual character, and I think I kinda knew that; it kinda looked like a dragon version of Fluttershy) and it would bounce REALLY high up in the air a bunch of times until it lost momentum.

    I woke up at about 10 in the morning, but I decided to go back to sleep. I was in the library again. Oddly enough, I remembered the ride when I saw it and ran up to it again. One of my friends from my old school was there and I flipped him off as I was bouncing.

    I've been watching a subliminal video for lucid dreaming (not from here; I can't download the ones from here), but it doesn't seem to be working yet. Then again, I haven't managed to fall asleep until an hour after I watch it.

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    Updated 07-26-2013 at 09:52 PM by 63938 (It was Fluttershy, not Pinkie Pie.)

