I'm with someone I know. I have no clue whether it's one of my best friends or a cousin. We're standing outside my house near our Mazda Tribute (SUV) and mom calls us inside to get ready to leave. My best guess is that we're about to go take part in some sort of holiday activity. Suddenly the wind starts to blow right before we reach the steps, we join hands and spend a good minute or so trying to fight our way to the back door to no avail. I give up go for the next best thing, the SUV. It's right behind us now and so I try to fall back to the nearest car door without over shooting. I just barely latch on and crack the door open. My companion looks at me expectantly.
"If I open the door any wider, the wind will rip it off!" I yell through the loud sounds of the wind whistling by.
I do my best to swing her around and into the car and succeed after several attempts and jump in behind her, closing the door.
The family and my companion ride in the car, my best guess is that we're on highway 183 going right through the city of Austin. The weather is dark and grave and ahead HIGH up in the sky we can see the whole of a severe storm approaching, it's very surreal.We all discuss the marvel with great curiosity and then my companion speaks up and informs us about a news report she had seen.
"It's at an incredibly altitude and lowering rapidly as it heads south east. They say it will reach it's lowest altitude and destructive force as it enters the city of [my home town]."
All I remember is feeling distressed and worried.