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    LD: Maggie Robb and Flying

    by , 02-03-2015 at 07:05 PM (590 Views)
    I just had my longest lucid dream in months. I had it during a little power nap. It was slightly unstable, and I knew my time was limited. But I made it last a lot longer than I thought I would be able to.


    This actually took place in my current house. That never happens. I think this is the first nonWILD that I started at my house. I was standing in my hallway. There were two little girls in the bathroom. The door was open and I saw them come out. I noticed that one of the little girls was Maggie Robb. At first it made total sense that she and her friend were there. But then I told her that I had recently seen one of her pictures on the internet, and what a cute picture it was. Then I started questioning why Mags was in my house. As I looked closer at her I could see that her skin was much darker than in real life and her hair was dark and wavy. At that moment I knew I was dreaming. I was excited. I ran to the computer room. But I could tell the dream was unstable and felt myself wake up.

    I found myself sitting at the computer feeling sad that my dream hadn't lasted. I got on and started to look up something. But I had a lot of trouble getting the computer to work. And I also had this funny dizzy feeling like I was sideways even thought I was sitting up.

    I suddenly had another suspicion that I may still be dreaming--that I had just had a false awakening. I ran out the back door. I was on a back deck that didn't really look like the real thing (but I didn't notice that). I jumped up on the railing. I had this thought that I should be careful, in case I was really awake. But I could tell I was lighter, so I just jumped right off the edge and started flying across the backyard. The first thing that came to mind was to either find Tom DeLonge or to find a radio so I could listen to Angels and Airwaves on. Both were on my to-do list. But I could tell I wasn't fully stable and that my time was limited. I didn't think I had the energy to summon anyone. I decided to look for a radio, but after a few moments of looking decided to abandon that quest as well. I decided to fly up higher. I could see low fog around the city with the early morning sum trying to shine through in places. I flew up and over the neightborhood.

    I finally found a backyard that was full of people. I flew lower and decided I would find someone to interact with. This part is somewhat fuzzy. But I seem to remember finding someone and wanting to fly with them and had trouble keeping them up. I think they complained, because I remember explaining that this was the way I always carried people with me when I would fly. If holding their hand wasn't enough, I would get behind them and hold them under their arms.

    The next thing I remember is looking for someone to kiss, but no one looked like the right person. I ended up going inside someone's house and seeing stuff for making pizza on the counter. I remember grabbing a handful of shredded cheese and pepperoni and stuffing them in my mouth.

    And at that point I woke up.
    Tihiti likes this.

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    Tags: eating, flying, food


    1. Tihiti's Avatar
      I think they complained, because I remember explaining that this was the way I always carried people with me when I would fly. If holding their hand wasn't enough, I would get behind them and hold them under their arms.
      Ever wonder what happens to the dream figure you're holding when you wake-up! Lol

      That sure sounds like a fun lucid dream.
      Twoshadows likes this.
    2. Twoshadows's Avatar
      Thank you, Tihiti. Your comments mean a lot. My DJ has been a lonely place for the last few years. When I first joined Dreamviews there was a great group of us that used to all comment on each others DJ's. Most of those people are long gone. And I miss that.

      Haha..and your comment on the dream figures when I wake up.... It's funny because even in some of my most lucid of lucid dreams I still often think that the dream characters are real people and that they are just visiting my dreams. It actually makes the dreams more interesting than the dreams where I realize that everyone is just a figment of my imagination.
      Tihiti likes this.
    3. Tihiti's Avatar
      Hi Twoshadows, I really enjoy reading the DJ's - and yours! It's inspiring! I find my LD's have become much more frequent and enjoyable since I started treating the dream figures with respect and appreciation. A dream figure told me that lucid dreamers are basically wild wolves that need to be domesticated before they'll invite us into their home. So, I took the advice, and it's actually opened an entirely new dreamscape for me. What dreams really are, I'm not too sure, but they're nothing short of amazing!
      Twoshadows likes this.
    4. Twoshadows's Avatar

      Wow, wild wolves, huh? That's cool. I'll have to think about that when I have my next LD.
      Tihiti likes this.