LD: TOTM--Asking DC's Questions, Levitating "Ground Hogs"
, 10-15-2012 at 05:27 PM (535 Views)
Lucid Nap Dream:
I was able today to take a nice long nap. I am mostly better, but am just mostly a little more tired than usual.
I remember going over to the Lewis's house. I was there with my mom. We were in a family room. The couch was open to a couch bed. Mom was laying on the bed and I was sitting next to her. I don't know where the Lewis's were or why we were in their house.
Mom was telling me about a doctor's appointment. I can't remember all she said. It seems confusing in retrospect. She was also mentioning my sister and aunt. Something about my sister still having problems with her hand going numb (which I seemed to know all about in the dream, but is not a real life problem). Then about my Aunt having to travel hours to visit the doctor and how she shouldn't be trying to make the trip all in one day.
Then my sister was on the couch where my mom had been. I didn't find that odd. But I then tried to get on the couch bed too, and I was bounced off the couch against the wall and ended up falling down to the floor.
I was very startled. I asked my mom or sister if they had seen what had happened to me. I don't remember what they answered because I was suddenly very fascinated with this huge clock the Lewis's had on their wall. It was huge (about 4 feet across) and brass and had all these separate circular dials that all went in different directions. I tried to figure out how to actually tell time on it. I wasn't able to figure it out.
I then walked out of the family room out into the living room area. At that moment the Lewises walked into the house. I was embarrassed to be standing right there in their room. I tried to explain to them that I had been visiting their relative that lived in the back room. But I couldn't remember their name or how they were related. I felt very flustered that I couldn't remember anything.
Then I started to feel the need to question my state. I almost didn't because I was so sure that this was not a dream. But then I gave a jump and stayed floating in the air. I was quite relieved. It all made sense now why I was so confused.
I tried to rush out of their house. But behind each door that I thought was the front door there was another room. But finally after several tries I made it outside.
I started flying up into the air. I noticed the wind and how real it felt. I even made myself fly into a tree to make sure I felt the tree and not just go through it like a ghost. As the leaves and branches scraped against me I grabbed a few leaves and flew back up into the air again.
I noticed that I was now flying over my elementary school playground. I remembered that I needed to ask someone the TOTM question. I looked down and saw three ladies standing next to some play equipment. I landed next to them. They were either Asian or hispanic and looked in their 40s or 50s. They were all tall and thin and had long black hair and had white aprons on.
I said to the closest one, "Tell me something about myself that I don't know."
She said, "You like smoking." I knew that wasn't true becasue I have never smoked in my life and planned to never start. I noticed now that this lady had a cigarette in her hand. The cigarette gave off a whispy black smoke.
I looked at the next lady, and asked her the same question. She looked at me and said, "Everybody loves you." I thought that answer was much better. She then went on to tell me about something called "dung ants' and how the different kinds of dung ants like to fight each other.
I then remembered the next TOTM the levitating a Groundhog task. But somehow in my dream I started thinking it was a prarie dog that I needed to find.
I asked the ladies to find me a prarie dog so I could to the next task. They started to go, but I could tell they were moving way too slow, and that although it was a good idea to ask someone to bring me a prarie dog, it would be quicker to find one myself.
I walked across the playground. It was now filled with cars and looked like the Safeway parking lot. I saw a girl standing by the carts. I decided to practice on her. But before I did, I decided to get a witness.
I found another girl, who happened to look just like the girl I was about to levitate. I told her, "You have to see this." I then pointed my finger at the other girl and concentrated on picking her up. My finger went too high too fast. The girl started levitating, then in a flash disappeared up into the sky.
I wondered if I should try to get her down. But I decided that since this was a dream it didn't matter, and what did matter was to find my prairie dog.
I flew out of the playground/parking lot and over to a store. It had some outdoor displays. One of the displays was a table full of stuffed animals. There were raccoons and rabbits. I decided to practice again. I pointed my finger at them one at a time and succeeded in sending them one after the other into the air. I was getting to feel very proud of myself to being able to do this without any problem. I just needed to find my prairie dog.
I looked over to another table. One this table were some live animlas. At first I thought they were prairie dogs, but then I notied the stripe and realised that they were large chipmonks. But even though they were big, I could see that they were just babies.
I did the same thing. I levitated each onein the air. But with these I carefully set them back down when I was done.
I then decided that my best bet now in finding a prairie dog was to fly out of town. I remembered seeing some areas in real life that were covered with prairie dog towns. I needed to go out in the desert and find one on those prairie dog towns.
I started flying again. I could see the edge of town ahead and could see the desert landscape beyond. But as I looked down I saw an empty lot that had little hills and holes on it. I flew down lower. I might be able to find my prairie dog here. I saw a movement. I looked down and saw a larger rodent (this was the thing in my dream that most resembled a real life ground hog). I focused on it. But before I could levitiate it, it scurried into its burrow.
And at that moment I woke up.
So I obviously didn't quite get this second task done. But I feel that I did a great job in levitating things even though they were neither ground hogs or prairie dogs.![]()