Two Dreams: Attacking dog and Crashing Flying Truck
, 02-11-2015 at 09:31 PM (516 Views)
I'm behind again. I do have a couple pages of notes by my bed that I need to get printed up. But today I will start with last night's dreams.
Dream 1:
I don't remember how this started. I know that the point where I start remembering was well into the dream.
I looked out the back door into a backyard. There were several dogs out there, but one was meaner looking. And, of course, that was the one that charged me. I was able to knock it to the floor and step on its neck and hold it still so it couldn't attack me. At some point the dog turned into my friend Robert. I told him not to change into the dog again and attack me because I would step on his neck again.
Dream 2:
I was standing outside and heard somthing in the sky. I looked up and saw a flying white truck. It was only a few hundred feet up. I could tell that the engine was having trouble. I could see the guy inside trying to fix the problem. Then to my horror, I saw the truck burst into a small explosion start to crash land. It was close to so many houses. But the driver was still alive and able to crash into the street missing the houses. It skidded up into the driveway of the house on the corner. At that moment dozens of people came running out of their houses to see if they could help the driver.
I looked over and saw Jeff, I said, "Hurry--you're an EMT!" I then realized that it wasn't the Jeff I thought. This was a different Jeff. This one had darker skin and I knew he was a medical doctor. I corrected myself and said something like "You can help him. You're a doctor!"
And that's all I remember.