Non-Lucid Dreams
In this dream I find myself standing in an artic scenery; a flat, vast ice plain. Despite the ice it is warm, and it is glistering in the sunlight of an bright day. I stand where this ice plain meets the sea, the coastline being a low yet steep slope. I stand looking down at the water. Gripped be sudden curiosity I begin to slowly slide down the slope towards the water. When I reach it I stretch out my arm, and touch it. It doesn't sink. The surface of the water feels rubbery, as if someone has coated the ocean with a thick gel of some kind. I poke it for a bit longer, not being lucid I was marvelling at this oddity. Eventually I decided to leave. But halfway up the slope I stopped, and turned. A phenomena this strange certainly deserves a more thorough investigation, I though to myself. Coming back to the water, I decided to try and walk on it. It held for a moment, before I did indeed start to sink, even though there was a great resistance, as if I was sinking though jelly. Surprised, I found that the water was very warm and comfortable! In another moment I was below the water, and I could see the darkness of the depths beneath me. My fear for deep water kicked in, and I scrambled ashore. Yet when I got ashore I realized that there had been nothing to be afraid of, it had merely been my nerves that had betrayed me. Sadly, I awoke before I could probe the waters again. I know that those water surely held some secret of my mind, and I regret that I didn't have the courage to stare down into the depths the first time around... I wonder what I would have seen?
Last night I found a new and very weird place in my dream world. I don't know its name, but I call it the void. The void is a spectacular place. As the name suggests, it mostly an empty gigantic space. It is not dark, at least I think so, since I can see perfectly inside of it. The empty space has this faint blue luminescence that allowed me to see. I could also float around at will, merely thinking where i wanted to go was enough to make me float in the direction. It seems that the void contains fragments of buildings, soil and other things floating in patches. These patches must be incredibly far apart, for I could see no other patch from the ones I visited. These small areas are connected by some kind of wormholes, that looked like spots of absolute black against the blueness of the void. I soon learned that the wormholes was deceptive, if you go through one you end up in a new spot, but if you then go back again then you don't end up where you started! I learned that the hard way, when I realized it was impossible for me to backtrack my way to the patch I came from. I don't remember how I ended up there, together with two people who I saw as rivals, if not enemies. I had fought them, each of us leaders of a faction of some sorts. Probably a battle inspired by the unhealthy amounts of strategy games I've played lately.... One of our common enemies, a necromancer, lived in the void. He had the power to open a gateway to the normal world. Maybe that is how we ended up there?
So, this is the first dream I write down in a long time... bad me, I know. Anyway, it all started in a rural area of England. I was visiting a nature conservation area, it was a forest of breathtaking beauty! But not in perfection or order, but in raw expression of nature and life! I was travelling inside this forest by boat along rivers. Trees stretches over the water, covered by moss that showed their antiquity. What struck me the most was the smell... it smelt so wonderful in this forest, the smell of forests in all its glory! As came to a small lake i decided to dive in and swim around. It was wonderful, I felt so much at one with nature! I was afraid of leeches or other parasites in the water, but after inspecting my body I could find no trace of such creatures. Later, still in the same dream I think, i had returned to the city. A giant fire had broken out, and everyone was scrambling to get out of the city. I ran to a friend, who was at a barber shop a few blocks away. He say there was no fire, just because he could see no fire outside his windows. We (I had another friend along) finally managed to convince him to leave. We ran out towards the forest, knowing that by passing through it we would reach another city. Many others was fleeing the same way. Oddly enough, there were many races from the Elder scrolls games that was there, and instead of just fleeing they attacked us! I tried to make them stop, but had to fight through them. We fought with medieval weapons, I had a sword that I don't know where I got from...
The first part of the dream is kind of fuzzy. It involved mythological beings on an mountain island. We had arrived there with a sailing ship. I think I wasn't free, I was a slave or a captive. We talked with the beings who lived up on the mountain, they warned us about some kind of danger. I think I managed to escape, something about the ship sinking I think, and managed to swim to freedom. I ended up living somewhere down in the south of USA. I managed to get a job, but that was somewhere far up north. I had no idea how to get to this place, but I had more then two weeks before the job started so I just began walking. I started out in a big and what looked like a pretty old city. After I walked for a long time I got to a fairly big community. I got there on Monday, my work would begin next Friday. So I guess I had been walking for three days? I went to a restaurant and ate lunch. The owners turned out to be extremely nice people! We talked and I told them about where I would be going, and that if I didn't find a bus or something then I would hitch-hike the rest of the way. They said it was a shame I had to leave the same day, since every Monday they have a movie evening. They were normally renting movies, but every Monday they showed one for free. I said that I might just stay for the rest of the day then, I was weary from walking and to be able to relax for a day felt like a really tempting prospect. They were also in charge of the community's bus service, which meant that they from time to time drove a trip around the town in a big van and picked up people along the way. I decided to ride with them, I wanted to explore the town and above all find a place to sleep for the night. I got off in front of a mall that I explored, it was really big. I was amazed how this community could have such a big and high quality mall. I remember seeing a jewellery shop, and that there were fancy carpets on the floor. That is all I can remember. This was a unusually vivid dream. I kind of miss that community, it seemed like such a nice place! I think I add it to the list of dream locations I should revisit.
I dreamt that I had bought a smartphone from a friend. I went to his place to pick it up. When I arrived he pointed to a bucket of water in on the floor. In it was the phone. I picked it up and it miraculously worked, which I thought was strange because phones and water donīt really mix. When I asked him why he had put it in a bucket of water he said it was in order to clean it. Later I went to a mall, and to a shop called Game that sells computer games. I browsed for a while until settling for a superman game. The owner did ask me if I needed help at some point, but I said I was all right. When I later played it I was actually inside the game, playing as one of the main characters. It was apparently a strategy game, where two sides fought a war. I was a super soldier and was running around killing enemy soldiers.
I was in prison. Why or where, I do not remember. The prison was made of rooms that contained small cells, 2*2 meter I guess. They were arranged in a honeycomb pattern, with only thin walls between each cell. The cells didn't quite reach the floor and had a meter gap to the ceiling, still to tall to just jump over though. I was there with a friend who was in the cell next to me. Due to the design of the cell talking to your neighbouring prison mates were no problem. But the design also meant that they could poke my feet with sticks through the gap beneath the walls, I guess it was the only entertainment they had. It was extremely annoying! We were only let out once every two months, so the prisoners did get very bored. Thankfully my cell was in a corner, which means I only had neighbours on two sides that could annoy me. We could somehow see into the prison corridor. We saw a man walking there, and we presumed he was a new arrival. My friend told him to escape while he could, for when he was in the cell then escape would be impossible. He just smiled and said he was not going to prison, he was just here to meet a friend of his. I eventually managed to escape by climbing the cell wall and reaching the gap above the cell. The other prisoners were nice enough to keep quiet while I climbed above their heads to freedom.
I was walking around in a city with a girl (that I know IRL), we were friends and had decided to go exploring. But it eventually became more of an adventure date. I remember us walking across this huge dark concrete bridge, seeing skyscrapers in the distance. We passed by a small trapdoor that read "XS (as in extra small) storage". The girl shuddered and explained she once had to hide in one of these that was on a train. She had done that since she didn't had a ticket, she said it was horribly crammed and one of her worst experiences ever. We walked across the bridge and ended up walking past an old abandoned mining complex. We decided to explore it, even though we knew it was illegal, and climbed across the fence that surrounded it. The place were painter mostly in grey, and with large 2-3 storage buildings. I remember the terrain was that of a desert. But when I entered there I ran into Nale, from the linear guild! It is a fictional character from a online comic called "order of the stick". We talked about something, and it ended with him attacking and killing me while I was trying to protect the girl. But then I loaded a previous save and returned to the point when I just met Nale! For some reason I saw the world with an UI like Dragon age 2! (probably because I was playing the game the entire other day :p) Like in DA 2 I got several choices of what to do, and I managed to choose the one that allowed me to talk my way through the situation. I don't remember what I said, but he replied "well played!" and summoned me to follow him into the building. He then called for Thog, another member of the linear guild, and he came. He was grumpy and complaining and pushed past all of us.
I dreamt that I was in an old building. I was there on some occasion, a party or something similar. I was in a room talking to two others when a ghost appeared from the wall. It was a woman, dressed in very fancy Baroque style clothing. She was completely white and slightly transparent. I recognised her, she was a very famous ghost of a British lady. Her name was Mary, I can't recall her surname though. Coming to think of it, the entire house and setting was very British, so I guess that is where the dream scene took place. I think me and the others talked about her when she passed us. She didn't pay attention to us, she just walked past us and disappeared into the wall behind us. she didn't even turn her head, maybe she couldn't see us.
I was in a military office complex. I was a spy who had entered there to steal some of their secrets. The problem is, getting out seemed to be harder then getting in... I was hiding in a office with big windows to the corridor, and when I peered though them I could see guards patrolling there. There was some kind of voice trying to give me successions on how to sneak past them. I tried but somehow I alerted the guards. But that proved to be a good thing, since they entered the office I was hiding in one by one, meaning I could shoot them as soon as they entered. This is a tactic I have used in many computer games :p At one point they were standing in line, kind of waiting to enter and be shot. With all the guards dead I was free to just walk out of there. It all felt like a computer game to be honest...
I was part of a group of archaeologist. We were going to do a archaeological survey in a ocean. The strange thing was the way we got to that ocean. Because the first thing I remember is us falling towards the ocean surface and then diving into the waters. So either we arrived by flying there or by some kind of portal or something else. I could see the horizon and sky, so it was not underground, but I have a vague memory of it still being in a different place then our normal seas. A different world even? When we hit the water we dived into it immediately, we did not have much choice anyway since we were travelling at quite a high speed. The water was actually pretty warm and it felt nice diving there. I remember that I saw that it was very deep: The waters were so clear that I could see 100 meters straight down but still I couldn't see the bottom. All I saw was darkness...and some distance from me a rock pillar, shooting up through the darkness. I swam towards it, and when I reached it I realised it was only a decimetre beneath the surface. I climbed up on it and signalled the others that I had found land...even though it was just a few meters across. I began digging there and found piece upon piece of gold items! This treasure was just what we were looking for! This dream is actually very similar to another dream I had recently: Salvaging in a underground ocean
I was driving down a dirt road in a forest. It was a very old forest, with very thick vegetation. I was not just driving any car: I was driving a old three wheeled racing car. It was red and shiny, I had taken real good care of it. As I was driving I saw a woman walking along the road. I thought "who the hell walks here in the middle of nowhere..." But then I realised it was no ordinary woman, it was the queen herself! I was really confused at that point of why she was in the forest, but I stopped and talked to her. I don't remember the exact conversation, but she was very interested in my car. She was apparently a car collector herself and owned a car just like mine. I think we agreed to race each other later. After that I went to a house that I apparently had bought from the queen (I suppose during that conversation?) and made myself comfortable. It was already furnished so I could move in right away. It was really big, felt like a small mansion. I only got to see the living room and kitchen before I woke up, but at least they were really big. After a while some of my friends came visiting.
Updated 08-11-2013 at 10:23 AM by 59125
I dreamt that I was a dwarven merchant in the Dragon age universe. I was in a city called Kirkwall (the setting for dragon 2) and standing on a wide paved street next to a huge pile of candy on a table. I had been planning an expedition, and the candy had been part of the supplies, but the expedition was either cancelled or a failure (can't remember which) and now I had to sell all the candy. I was complaining about this to someone, and told him that they were really hard to sell.
I dreamed that I was part of some kind of event that took place in a house, a house that during some dream scenes looked just like my family home! Me and the others who were part of the event were staying at that house for a few days and doing all kinds of activities. I remember going outside and a friend of a friend were there and had just built a outdoor bed, it was like a combination between a bed and a shelter. She asked if I wanted to try it out with her and said sure. We lay there, there was only one blanket so we had to sleep very close to each other, and eventually we started cuddling. We started cuddling more and more until I finally I put my arm around her. When I did that she moved away a bit and took of her t-shirt. "You don't mind me being topless do you?" she asked me and I said "no, definitely not" with a smile on my lips. I remember everyone was eating a breakfast together in a huge tent outdoors and I was eating together with that girl. We were having porridge with raisins, something I ate almost everyday morning during a period of my waking life. Maybe my subconcious want me to start eating it again. Anyway, we got into trouble since we took our food right away, when there actually was a list saying who should take food first depending on how much of a hurry they were in. A leader had been shouting "Ok, we are out of food here, who took their food to early!?", and I immediately admitted it, saying that I had totally forgotten about it. After that I wen and bought my own food, just so I wouldn't do the same mistake again.
Most vivid dream I have had for quite a while! I was part of a group of divers, the group was a mix of my friends and family members. We were on an island that looked Mediterranean, with beautiful blue water. The island was made up mostly of sand, with some rock and hardy vegetation here and there. I remember exploring it, but I can't really remember what I did or if it was before or after we were diving. I do remember a great staircase, winding its way to some peak in the middle of the island, and some kind of park. We jumped into the water, our goal was to salvage an old ship that was on the bottom. But actually it was on the lower bottom: First we dived down to the bottom and down there was a hole that lead us down even further into an underground sea. And on the bottom of that sea I saw her: Half embedded in the mud was a old world war one steam powered ship. A real beauty even in her condition. Something happened down there, I can't remember what, but we got in a real hurry. Three of us picked up the ship, which was actually quite light, and began lifting it towards the hole. Only when we reached the hole did we realise that it didn't fit, actually it was barely enough space for the three of us. We decided that, since we were in such a hurry to get to the surface, to leave the ship behind to make another try later. We crammed together into that hole because we all had to go in the same time, it was like an elevator. And eventually we reached to higher ocean. On our way to the surface one of my friends were attacked by a jellyfish, and started complaining that he was in pain. We laughed at him, how could he be hurt by such a small thing? But an older person that was with us told us not to laugh, they might be small but they hurt like hell.
Once again, a dream from the previous day and once again because I was to lazy to write it down yesterday. In this dream I was on vacation. During the first scene I remember me and a friend, who is into climbing, was climbing a very steep hill. Halfway up the hill there was a road carved out in the hillside, and as soon as I got there my mother would pick me up. I saw the entire scene from a great hight, like I was a bird looking at myself climbing. During the next scene me and some friends were dining in a restaurant. I was still on vacation so I presume it is the same scene. A friend of mine said that he had planned to go travelling with another of my friends. They do not know each other in waking life though. Anyway, the guy he had planned to go travelling with had abandoned him in the last minute. When he told us about it he broke down and started crying, saying that his vacation was ruined. I tried to comfort him and said that I could go in the other guys place. During the third and last scene me and some friends were playing magic the gathering. I asked them if they had a ring of Valkas that I could trade with them, it is a card I need to complete one of my decks in waking life. They said that no, they didn't. Funny thing is that one of these friends is a guy I have been trying to introduce to the card game, but he has not wanted to.