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    Dream-quest by UnknownKadath

    At least bring me a knife?

    by , 12-17-2021 at 06:01 PM (605 Views)
    All I remember is dreaming that everyone had agreed to go off to a flea market we all like, on a day when I worked and couldn't go. I was upset because I collect knives and considered giving Brother fifty dollars to bring me the coolest knife he could find for the money, but decided I didn't trust him to not bring back a piece of junk.

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    Tags: brother, knives


    1. aussiemusician's Avatar
      do you actually collect knives ?
    2. unknownkadath's Avatar
      I have a small collection that I'm growing over time, so I'm a beginner collector.
    3. aussiemusician's Avatar
      do you reckon your brother would have found a knife that would be cool enough for you?
    4. unknownkadath's Avatar
      I mean yeah, I'd trust him in real life.