2 Normal Dreams and an Hour Long LD! Finally!
, 04-11-2012 at 12:52 PM (963 Views)
Dream Journal April 11, 2012
Messy Locker
I was going around school, but everywhere I went, I was going way behind everyone. I was never ready to leave any of my classes when others were, and for some reason, it seemed like my entire locker was randomly spread out around the school, so on my way from one class to another, I would sometimes find a big pile of belts, books, and just stuff ALL over the place. When I did arrive to class, already being late, I didn't have my homework done either, so it sucked twice as much.
-4:50 AM
Double Pussy Slide
Me and some other girl were going down some real long red slide the twisted and curved and looped a lot. At one part of the slide she would speed ahead of me and turn her body into like a double sided pussy, so I went through her every time I went down the slide. And I went down the slide at least 3 times.
-4:53 AM
Fell back asleep between 5:30 and 6:00
LDthat lasted an hour to a hour and and a half!
I just knew I was lucid right after a WBTB. I didn't fall asleep till 5:30. It felt like this LD lasted hours!!! I RCed SOO many times! I was in a carnival in one, carries friend was trying to hide her gift under a blue bucket, and then later Carrie flattened it. One I was in school and everyone was trying to stop me cause I went down to the gym, then out the gym door to try to sneak outside, but there was some banquet on the stage so I got caught... I think I might have accidentally killed someone, because everyone even my sister and cousin and aunt were asking me to stop. Then my sister showed me something on her droid, so I just calmed down a bit, but I was still jumping everywhere! IN one part every teacher started class by being on the toilet and I saw their legs, then they flushed. It was weird and gross. IN one part my dad was driving me places and I was telling him it was a dream, and he was like "nahhh" but then I told him to look at the clock in the car, it said 7:77! That was obviously wrong, and I wasn't asleep that long yet! There were a whole bunch of hobos in this little campground full of old cabins. All their clocks were saying weird times and I remembered, and said, then numbers on clocks can’t add up higher than 23. And then someone said something like how hard it would be to open a safe. In another part I was in an amusement park! There were a couple rides and I wanted to show people this was a dream. I went on this one where it is a big circle being held up by something like a crane, and it spun in circles. There were little seats on the circle too. I told some girls this was a dream, and only one girl stayed on with me. I started swinging the ride around and she was scared then I totally flipped it upside down and she fall of and went "Splaaat!" I hopped off the ride and saw a pile of goo. So I put my hands over it and started reviving it! Then she came back to life! I also saw some rollercoaster that went off its tracks but it hooks back on its tracks after about a 10ft jump! And there was one roller coaster that went up real high, the tracks disappeared, and it latches onto a Blimp and the blimp carries it to the other side where the tracks start again~! (Scary amusement park for people who don't know it's a dream!) In another part I was in my basement and I found something that I wanted to spear someone with, and I went up my stairs and threw it at my cousin Brandon. (It was some like toy gun that's actually a pen so it’s long and narrow.) Then I was in my mom’s bathroom and she was in there on the counter and I was trying to seduce her and she liked it. I would have to RC ever so often because I didn't want to forget I was dreaming. But every time I look away for a sec, she would disappear! And then I'd go into a different part of the house and I'd find her. Then I'd take her back, and we'd try again. She said we should try in the bathtub, but the water was a grayish-brown color and it was just dark and scary, so I was like nahh let's not go in there. I put her up on the counter sitting down and I was doing stuff then she said look in the mirror. (There are two mirrors on my counter that can open and shut, so one of them was open, making the mirrors reflect each other, looking weird.) I could see myself and her in the mirrors, but I looked away quickly just so I didn't see anything scary. (But me and her both looked normal, so it was ok! lol.) Then in the carnival place, there was some ground so I wanted to try to earth bend. It was hard though because there was that clear kind of carpet on top of the ground and there were pipes! So I tried it, lifting my hands like I was lifting the earth, but I only bent some pipes and the carpet stuff. Earth bending is really hard, haha. I need to practice that!
-7:33 AM