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    My Nighttime Experiences

    1. Video Game Race/Obstacle Course

      , 07-30-2012 at 02:20 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Dream | Lucid | Commentary

      It was Christmas and me and my little bro were getting presents from the Claus up on the North side. I don't remember what I got, but Adam got some sweet computer game and I played it. I guess I went inside the game too.

      I was on some obstacle course race, and I had a gun that shot electricity, it was used to open doors. I was right in front of some girl, so I was scared she'd pass me while I was opening a door. I came to a door, and I was shotting it with my gun, but it took a second to open.

      When it opened there was some railing fence I had to run around and climb over to get past that part. I passed it easily, but I came up on the next part of the course and it was some dancing challenge. There were already about 15 people leaving from that challenge, and I knew they cheated and took some shortcut, because I was in the lead! I skipped the dancing challenge and tried to catch up to those dirty cheaters.

      I forget what happened after that, but I know after this dream I woke up at around 4:45 and attempted a DEILD, but I guess I already moved around too much to do it. So I just tried a MILD, and I don't remember any later dreams.
    2. (Lucid) Avatar and Magic Shark

      , 07-27-2012 at 02:18 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Finally had another lucid last night! Attempted a WILD but failed and fell asleep. I had a lucid, near the end of the dream so it was short.

      I was at some big lake with a giant floating building right in the middle of the lake. Katara (From Avatar: The Last Airbender) was with me, and some assasin woman came and attacked Katara. The assasin was a lady with two swords. She snuck up on Katara and slashed her in her side at least 4 times, each slash went halfway through her abdomen. (It was pretty nasty.) Then the lady threw Katara into a white cloth bodybag, which she then slashed into like 20 peices. She threw Katara into the water, but there was some magical shark in those waters that could bring people back to life. (And probably other stuff, cause it was... magic.) The shark saw the lady throw Katara in and it found Katara and brought her back to life.

      Later me, Katara (I think it was her, but it could have been someone else.), and some guy with airbender tatoos were in some camp with a big pool. The guy with the tatoos was our counselor. He could control all 4 elements, I think. He was earthbending a rock, aking it float over water, and I earthbent and flung it all the way to the other side of the pool. Katara goes over to grab it, and I swim over there too. It underwater and I want to try to to breathe fire. (By this time I knew I was dreaming, IDK how though.) I let out a small stream of fire, and that was pretty impressive, considering I was underwater! I was above water coming to the side of the pool and I want to blast fire from my mouth and hands at the same time, so I put my hands to my face and then pointed my hands and arms straight forward, blasting fire from my hands and mouth.

      It was cool, but I wanted to do the Task of the Month. I felt the dream slipping and I was thinking I could try to DEILD, but I don't really know how to do that very well. I remember I had to tip people off of their skateboards or something so I could DEILD
      , but I think I kind of lost lucidity at this point.

      I wanted to do the TotM, but I couldn't so I hope I'll get another lucid before this month ends!

      Updated 07-27-2012 at 09:51 PM by 42776

      lucid , memorable
    3. Mom Shows Her Stuff, Kid Gang, Victoria Justice

      , 07-26-2012 at 03:12 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      I started to want to see my mom naked. So I began to be nice to her and do whatever she said. We were on a bus and her straps on the camisole she was wearing started to fall to her arms, and she wasn't wearing a bra. She was joking about how innapropriate that was or something, and I told her I didn't mind. When the bus got to it's stop, my mom got off so I followed her. She went in front of a docking bay, and let her boobs hang out for everyone to see! She turned around and showed me, and said something like hers don't look good because she's old, then I told her she had nice boobs. Then we got back to our van and I got in the middle seat. Mom was packing some stuff into the trunk and the van started driving down the road by itself. I just sat there and Mom was still packing the trunk while it was going. Then when she finished, she ran by the side of the car and got in the middle seat next to me. We talked for a little while. Next thing I know, we were at home and she laid an Xbox 360 controller standing on its side on the floor. She said at 4-5 P.M. you can knock it down for a baseball card. I said we didn't have any baseball cards, so we looked around for regular cards. I found a pack of good playing cards, but before I could use them, Mom got a pack of small cards, and shot them all over the floor, all 52 of them! So I decided to help her pick them up because I wanted to see those boobies again. While I was picking up cards, there were also little puzzle pieces all over and other junk. When it was all cleaned up, Mom walked out of her bedroom, and was licking her finger seductively, and I was gonna do something, then Dad walked out of the bathroom and stopped me from doing anything. It barely looked like my dad though because he had medium length hair, not short; wore a baseball cap, which he never does; and he wasn't wearing his glasses.

      Me and some other kids (4 guys 1 girl) started a gang in our neighborhood. Our hideout was underneath a building. There was a small area of brick that moved up and down so you could lift it and get in. You would have to strech between to walls to get down to the floor. Also before you could even get on the ground you had to do something with your hands (so only your feet were holding you) then something with your feet (so only your hands were holding you). The girls wouldn't have to do that though because it would be too hard. Somehow Mr L (He's the strictest most bitchly teacher at my school who gets you in trouble for just about anything) found our gang hideout, and stopped our gang. Next thing I know we are at some festival and we're in a big tent with a restaurant in it. I see people outside the tent in a big crowd so I start making peace signs at them and saying, "Pee." (Instead of peace) Then the old lady behind the counter at the restaurant starts having problems with her dentures. They're buzzing really loud, and Mr L tells one of the guys in my gang to stop, but he's not doing anything. The lady tries to fix her dentures but nothing works.

      Victoria Justice set up a ladder on some wall and put a clear tube around it, then another yellow tube around it. She said she wanted me to go in there with her. I tried to get in and could barely fit. I did want to go in there with her (she's hoottt), but we just wouldn't be able to fit.

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 03:36 PM by 42776

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Wendy's Meal

      , 07-25-2012 at 03:16 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Me and my buddy Eric were hungry so we drove to Wendy's and got two Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and two medium fries. Then we were driving aomewhere and I at all the food except for one burger. I was getting full while trying to eat the last burger, and I said we needed some drinks. He agreed and we drove into some busy city and stopped at a mall. Inside the mall we bought some large sodas. (Like the ones you buy at McDonald's, they were empty cups which you could fill at a soda fountain.) Mine came full of water, so I poured it on the floor and got another drink.

      Also I remember sitting in an office with some lady on a computer. She was on some news site, and she was also talking on the phone. While on the phone she said something like, "Yeah I can look at SlickDeals right now."

      Updated 07-26-2012 at 10:05 PM by 42776

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Nada.

      , 07-24-2012 at 11:06 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      I dont remember anything really, I went to bed late and was tired.. I might have been standing in some line though.
    6. Vicky goes on a date, Volcano Swimming

      , 07-20-2012 at 02:59 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Vicky (from the Fairly Odd Parents show) went up to this black guy called Raphael. She asked him for his shades and he said no and walked away. Then later she stole his shades, his jacket, and a gigantic diamond from him. Then she went on a date with him at a baseball game!

      Two guys called Amir and Jake were standing on the edge of a volcano. They decided to jump in for some odd reason I guess, and about 5 minutes later, they showed up and told me they went into the lava and swam out some tunnel inside the volcano.
    7. Mean Basketball Team, Iron Man Suit

      , 07-19-2012 at 02:21 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      I was playing a basketball game. I was on the worst team, so whenever I stole the ball and tried to shoot, everyone would discourage me, saying he's on team 5, he can't make it! This happened like 3 times and I missed each shot. Well after that game I followed my friend Evan to biology class, but I forgot my textbooks, so I had to go to my locker and get them real quick.

      There was some circular roof of a building, which was surrounded mostly by hills so it wasn't dangerous, where me and a bunch of friends would hang out after school and play games. From this spot I could see my brother Adam flying around in an Iron Man suit.

      I also saw these 2 pretty sisters with lots of makeup on, but I realized they used to be conjoined, so they would be kind of gross looking without makeup. I decided not to talk too much with them.
    8. Short Dream Memories...

      , 07-18-2012 at 01:54 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      Me and my friend Logan were walking around and we saw an old 10 story brick apartment. It had a balcony at every room, and at eaach balcony someone would stand on it and it would be one of my friends.

      I slightly remember me and my friends being captured by this giant robotic alien worm, and we were on its ship.
      I had a dream where there was a missing baby at the hospital.

      I had a dream that I got a job working for Nintendo, and I got to use some new type of DS. Also I got free drinks!