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    Haunted Voices

    by , 03-18-2013 at 05:41 PM (617 Views)
    I was having a pretty hard time getting away from that haunting home. I do not remember making it out. The first thing I remember was walking towards the home bathroom down the hall. It was a lonely and quiet night, I was the only one there at the time.

    I walked in to the bathroom and was scared at this point, I knew there was no way I could stand another night sleeping here. I would sometimes have to enter my dreams in this dream and find materials that I'd need to use in the first dream to get away from the demons. But even that was scary. I was determined to get the hell out of this place, even if I had to face something scarier.

    I walked back to my room down the hall and heard voices coming from around the home. I also had an intense feeling of fear. I could not know what the voices were saying nor do I remember seeing anything paranormal in the house, to me it felt like it was a nightmare while I was dreaming.

    My father walks in to the bedroom and wonders where the voices are coming from. He slowly walks over to the front window of my bedroom(the front house window) and opens the binds all the way open. I could see the outside perfectly from where I was standing. There was nothing there though. I only saw the front yard and the very dark street in front of it.

    By that time I had already told my father that there was ghosts in this house and I just wanted to move somewhere else. He didn't talk to me about it. He was more worried about how much money it's going to cost trying to get a new home. I was hopeless by now and sooner or later, the voices moved towards me.

    I felt hands in front of me, invisible hands. They were my sisters'. I could hear her voice, she's trying her best to talk to me and convince me that she is indeed my sister and that this house is not haunted. I was the only one being haunted...

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