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    Lucid Dream 38

    by , 02-05-2013 at 11:43 PM (1018 Views)
    Date: February 5, 2013 ||| Time Block: 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM ||| Length: 30 minutes. ||| Lucidity: level 3/2. ||| Entry Type: DILD ||| Major Methods: WBTB, SSILD

    Methods: lay in bed to take a nap; performed around 7 SSILD cycles.

    The most complex dream I've ever had, I think. Involving at least 10 false awakenings, and countless events. I'm stretching my memory to the limit, here, but I'll do my best to recollect it all.

    First, like last time, I had a very long lucid dream right at the start, that I can't remember. It's very disappointing, because I know that this part was the most interesting. Anyway…

    I wake up. My memory's extremely patchy, but I remember going around the house, and then eventually thinking of trying out talking with different voices to see how different I could make myself sound. I remember being upstairs, walking in the hallway, making myself sound like a 50 year old man, then a little girl, then someone my age but just a different voice, then my own voice, then a really smooth voice, and so on. They all work, most of them very realistically, although a few were annoyingly quiet. The dream eventually fades for reasons I no longer remember.

    I wake up. I'm in my room, and I know that at this part, I had more than just this one false awakening, but I can't remember any details except that in the first few I was by myself, and then in later ones Davey was with me. So I'm going off from these later ones, where I'm in my room, with Davey, and I'm holding him as we talk. I remember I had some objective throughout this series of awakenings that I had difficulty accomplishing. Anyhow, I eventually wake up.

    Back in bed, I somehow find myself with my brother again. Many events occur, including a wind-like sensation diminishing my feel of him, but then I get it back to normal. Also, some other imagined characters eventually come into my room, though not in a scary way. (even though the characters themselves were kind of strange, I had prepared myself earlier not to be disturbed by this) The dream eventually fades for reasons I no longer remember.

    I wake up. I'm in my room again, with Davey. I try to go downstairs with him, and am doing so at first, but I go down a bit too fast on the last few, and cause the dream to fade.

    I wake up into a very realistic false awakening, with nothing unusual. I think I may have actually woken up, but I can't remember, because I intentionally went back to bed very quickly and did not do reality checks. With my head on the pillow and my eyes closed, I can only remember a few seconds of this before another dream had formed, though I don't remember actually entering one.

    I wake up. Through some means, at some point there is an iPad in front of me, and Davey is using it to get to different games. I realize it is in a dream, and am fascinated at watching Davey use it to open games that don't even exist. It looks so real, with perfect dimensions, and unique and distinct icons for each app just like in real life. He presses on one, and he opens a game. The game starts. It is a basic game, with 8 or so buttons that track with the game's objective. Which is, apparently, to interact somehow with a hippo and lion, who alternate their appearance in the game scene, which is our back yard, although seen from a game's camera as a 3D model. (you could even see the tell-tale 3D artifacts like closeup textures being overly blocky) Davey plays this, pressing the Up button, then Down, and so on, as the mechanical-like hippo, first of all, runs across our back yard towards the game camera. Gracie comes in the room as Davey's doing this, and she's thinks it's a game she plays in real life (which actually doesn't exist, but I was subtly tricked into thinking it did). I tell her she's in a dream, and more specifically, my dream, so the game is not real. (though I didn't want to tell her that she was not real) I don't remember how, but the dream eventually fades.

    I wake up. I'm in my room, and Mom and Dad are there. They're talking about something in the dream plot, but I'm not really interested. I tell them it's a dream, go out of my bedroom, enter Chrissy's room, and consider exiting through her window. At first I'm a little nervous, because it feels so real, but I do a reality check and confirm that I'm dreaming. I go to the window, unlatch it, and get up on the window sill. Just to be on the safe side, though, instead of just jumping out, I hang off of the edge with my right hand. At this point, I emotionally confirmed I was dreaming, because the yard was laid out differently. More specifically, the bamboo was over at the wrong corner, which itself was misplaced, there was grass around the bamboo that doesn't actually exist, and the grass was all a deep green, (which looked very nice, but was unrealistic). Also, my body itself just felt different. After looking around a bit, (it was really beautiful), I jumped out of the window and began to fly. As I was looking around in mid-flight, I saw a lion off in an extended corner of our yard. Realizing that to run would simply lengthen the annoyance, I let myself down to the ground, put out my hand, and just told it to bite me. It came up roaring, and it bit my hand, but all I felt was a sensation of pressure, like when putting a moderately-strong clip on your finger. The lion was apparently disappointed, and it turned away its head and walked away. I think my dream faded a few seconds after.

    I wake up into another very realistic false awakening. I don't actually know for sure if I was dreaming, because again I went straight back to bed without doing reality checks.

    I wake up. Through some turn of events that I can't remember, there ends up being a lady in my room with her husband, who is apparently crying about something. From what I remember thinking, apparently they had boarded in our house in another room. The reason she was crying had something to do with my being awake or not. Anyway, I want to go outside again. I'm not sure at first if my window is in a dream, but discover it is upon closer inspection, and push through the screen. I think the dream fades when I do this, but my memory is so 'sketchy', that I can't remember anymore. (that being a new term I learned from 'you guys', btw, just like 'I call shotgun' for claiming seats)

    I wake up again. At some point, those two people are in my room again. This time, she tells me that she's not sure I'm truly awake. I figure she's just a dream character trying to keep me from realizing I'm dreaming, so I check the window, and it was still opened a bit 'from last time'. I declare this to her, and she responds in a way that reveals she was indeed trying to trick me. I drop out of the window, into our yard. I expect there to be the lion again, so I try to just keep my cool, and test out my relaxation techniques for when in situations that would otherwise be disturbing. I begin to repeat the alphabet mentally with changing tones, and talk to myself in conversation style. I'm straining my ears for any sound of the lion. After a few seconds, I hear it growl from across the yard. Perfect. I now figure that my dream has lasted long enough, (like, way longer than any others except maybe the last time), that my dream will have to end soon anyway. So I want to try out my backup plan to force my awakening. I let out my breath, and hold my airways closed as hard as I can.

    At first, as in real life, nothing really happened. But soon the need for air was catching up, and I started feeling 'air hunger'. Once this began, something fascinating happened. The dream scene faded, and at each increase of intensity of my air hunger, the scene would change entirely, as if in a movie. I started out a feet feet above a set of green hills, and my viewpoint floated up slowly like a camera panning up. Then the scene changed, and I was on the African savanna, floating up from among the dry grasses of the plain, with trees in the background, and the sun on the horizon. This continued to happen, until about 10 seconds later, I heard the ever familiar sound of my fan to the left of my bed fade into my audial perception, and I knew somehow that this time I had truly awaken. You know, I think what it is is that you sense that your full reasoning ability has returned to you, in a way that it doesn't in a false awakening. But this is one of those "you won't know it until you experience it" things, since in false awakenings, you consider your lessened reasoning abilities perfectly normal. But anyway, I plugged my nose, and confirmed I was awake. And then I laid my head back down on the pillow, and have been working ever since to remember this all. I know that there was so much more, but I suppose this will improve with practice.

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    1. Zyangur's Avatar
      Nice! Seems like SSILD is working well for you
    2. Matt1's Avatar
      How many seconds do you spend on each sense during your SSILD cycles? And do you fall asleep while doing the cycles or do you do them and then think about something else to fall asleep?

      And congrats on such a long LD!
    3. Venryx's Avatar
      I start out doing them for about 5 seconds each, and then each time I extend it by about 33%. So by the end of 7 cycles, it's something like:

      Cycle 1: 5, 5, 5
      Cycle 2: 7, 7, 7
      Cycle 3: 9, 9, 9
      Cycle 4: 12, 12, 12
      Cycle 5: 16, 16, 16
      Cycle 6: 21, 21, 21
      Cycle 7: 28, 28, 28

      Of course, this is just a rough estimation, even my multiplication above wasn't accurate. In reality, I do it differently each time, depending on how much feedback I'm getting, how tired I am, etc.

      But I usually end up doing it for around 3 to 5 minutes. And no, I don't fall asleep while doing the cycles. I used to do that, but then I found out it actually works better if I just do it correctly for a short period of time, and then get into a comfortable position, relax, and just fall asleep thinking about whatever I feel like. This is nice, because I really enjoy thinking about stuff while in bed. (I like to analyze events and ideas, and in bed there are no distractions)

      In retrospect, it takes only a few minutes for me to fall asleep, and I either find myself in a false awakening, find myself in a dream and become lucid, or just have a vivid non-lucid dream, (although these are becoming less common now).

      EDIT: The hardest part for me with this technique at the start, is that I had trouble letting go and falling asleep without continuing to do any cycles. It made me feel like I was wasting time and not using it to improve my chances. (in fact, I kind of cheated and kept doing them anyway) But the cool thing about this technique is that I've learned it works just as well without continuing all those cycles, and you can fall asleep way faster if you don't do them. Although, I don't think it really hurts to, so if you feel like doing extra cycles, feel free to do so but you'll probably be staying awake longer. I guess that would fine, actually, since that way you can test it for yourself and find what works for you, i.e. the optimal number of cycles to do, by cutting it down gradually.
      Updated 02-07-2013 at 09:34 AM by Venryx
    4. Matt1's Avatar
      Thanks for explaining. Does your mind wander during the cycles (because of starting to fall asleep)? And if not, what do you do to keep that from happening?

      PS you should post this description of how you do it on the 30 day test thread, I think a lot of us are/were doing it wrong.
      Updated 02-08-2013 at 01:11 AM by Matt1
    5. Venryx's Avatar
      Does your mind wander during the cycles (from starting to fall asleep)? And if not, what do you do to keep that from happening?
      Sometimes. Most of the time, though, I'm awake enough from the WBTB to complete it all in one block without letting my mind wander. My mind would probably wander most of the time if I did it in the middle of the night like most people in the thread.

      PS you should post this description of how you do it on the 30 day test thread, I think a lot of us are/were doing it wrong.
      Good idea. It's nice to compare how we each do it, and learn from each other.