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    2 WILDs with little effort

    by , 01-26-2011 at 12:06 PM (590 Views)
    non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

    26/01/11 I was with Ronja and realised I was dreaming, I take the chance and turn the dream sexual. She is glad I have finally made a move and take me outside.

    She is teasing me and as we walk over a lawn she asks me if we should make love in open air or in a tent conveniently located on the yard in question.

    I wake up and go back to sleep, after a couple of seconds images start appearing and I turn on my senses to stabilise.

    I start flying through windows and floors. I encounter a few issues, but quickly gain confidence to overcome these and the problems are no more.

    I start experimenting and manage to evocate a tornado under my control. I also make lightning flash in the background and feel pretty satisfied.

    I also manage to summon 2 water elementals, that later start looking like water balloons in humanoid shapes.

    Notes: I had natural awakenings prior to the dreams and I didn't even have to try to initiate them. One is probably more a DEILD, which is a first for me, so all in all a productive evening!

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