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    Champion of Change in Roman society [non-lucid]

    by , 10-12-2010 at 06:50 AM (454 Views)
    non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

    12-10-10 I was in the time of the Romans, although there were a few inconsistencies in the form of a present time English pub, military humvees and shotguns. I cannot recall the chronological playout of the episodes entirely, but then again I didn't write it down as I had the dream.

    It starts off in a city rising to prosperity through the means of enslavement, which is considered normal and fair. Not to me. There are few rich people who exploit the rest of the population by paying them way under the standard (so I suppose they are not technically slaves, but still). There are two people I get to know who is participating in town establishment projects. One is a black man off the streets of Rio (yep, I am sure that Rio existed in the time of the Romans!) who's job was to infiltrate the criminal circles in uncivilised settlements to keep them in order. He was assisted by a white military man, who was supposed to slowly introduce Roman law enforcement and rule.

    In the pub there is always a young man reading the paper (Oh yes, the printing press was invented by the Romans “nods”) preaching change and revolution, but never actually doing anything. I believe it is here I get to speak with the patron who is exploiting my friends and where I discover who serious this exploit is. Something that would be equivalent to 1 cent per 500€ earned by the patron is paid off to the worker (meaning that when the worker himself has made 500€ he gets one cent, not when a project has earned 500€) so pretty serious exploitation.

    As I got to like these people I went to visit them as they were removed from the city I was in to establish a new Roman town. They were on a tropical beach somewhere and as I got there I met the white man staggering confused (confused enough so his condition warranted clinical treatment) and I struggled to make much sense of what he was saying. I didn't get to see the black guy, but in the end the white guy managed to convey that he had received an honourable promotion. I was not satisfied however as I knew he was still receiving nothing compared to the rich patron hiring them to the job, sitting safely at home doing nothing. I promised them a change!

    I confront the patron, might have killed his guards (this part is unclear), what I do know is I kick the living crap out of him and tell him that he will learn to respect people and at least provide a 10-20 % pay rise (which in the dream seemed significant), which was meant as a starting point for equalising the differences. He doesn't like it and come to see me in the pub later on. He doesn't know exactly who to find, but have been given three names of revolutionaries. He checks the first two and comes to my name (which might be Skreetcher or something).

    I can't recall how we get there but I am in the view of the patron and a goon pursuing Skreetcher in a humvee. They manage to run him over just before he gets behind a tree (his name is above his head battlefield 1942 style). Satisfied with himself the patron starts looking out over the lands. Skreetcher gets up chokes him from behind, whispers something in his ear, before he blows his head clean off with a shotgun.

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