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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 08-12-16 - Tigers, Ducks and replays

      by , 12-08-2016 at 11:30 PM
      Non-lucid – NoteslucidInterpretation

      “Imprinting a tiger”

      In the dusk I find myself walking into a garden. Et is elongated and narrow and towards the end there is a house. I look to my right into the hedge. At the grass I see a female duck and below her chest a small duckling that soon meets my eye. As we lock our eyes together the duckling starts a trip out into the uncut grass towards where I am now sat down. Behind it follows it’s mother, trying to establish contact with little luck as it seems the duckling has already imprinted me as its mother.

      I feel both excited and ashamed. I feel guilty for robbing the duck of the chance to bond with its off spring, but also excited and joyful of my own bonding with the creature. I look down at its little beak and let it push its body against my knees and one of my hands. Then I look up at its mother and try and stroke its chest. It lets me, but with an air of calculative anticipation and scepticism, which makes me apprehensive, if persistent.

      I then look down again at the duckling. I don’t recognise the absurdity that the creature has now transformed into a miniature Tiger of maybe 10-12 cm in length and is crawling about on my right thigh. When I look up at the mother duck again to explain that I am deeply sorry that I have stolen her chance to bond with her infant.

      When I look up mother duck is now wearing glasses and a pearl necklace, and quite frankly it would be impossible to describe if she looks more like a duck than a human. She explains “That is OK I had a clutch 3 months ago.” and frankly she sounds relieved.

      “Travelling in trains with Liv”


      I am standing on a lengthy and wide platform on a train station. It is morning and the lighting foretells of a sunny day, which has yet to breach the foggy clouds above and around. It seems like late spring or summer. I am standing with Liv and we are going somewhere. The conversation we are having is about finding the right train.

      There is more to the dream, though I recall nothing but this fragment.

      “Getting to the shore, 4 metal objects in the water”


      I am on the water. The sun is bright and the ocean water which I am on is very bright and lightly blue. Up ahead I see a beach, a wide and almost white sandy beach. I think my Dad is there with me and he asks:

      “Do you remember us being here?”

      I look up towards the right and in the distance gaze upon a little island around 50-100 metres from the shore. As the foliage behind the beach the island is covered in lustrous trees and other greenery. I remember this place, I have indeed been here before.

      (In writing this I recall a dream of way back, perhaps detailed somewhere within this journal. I am in Holstebro, where we throw our family reunions, and as I walk down the forest pathway that in waking life take you to the river in the dream it takes me to a cove. From this cove I rush across the open water to an Island, which is the one I see in this dream.)

      I jump out in to the water and submerge myself. Light penetrates the surface and everything looks very bright, if blurry beneath. I loose four metal objects I have in my pocket and for a moment worry if I still have my phone in my pocket. I check that it is empty and then sweep the sand below and pull up the objects, where one of them is a key. Then I head for the beach.

      End of dream/recall
    2. 06-12-16 Bullets and frags

      by , 12-06-2016 at 01:57 PM
      “Jumping from the roofs”

      I am in a large apartment complex with Sadist Simon. We are in an attic room that protrudes from the otherwise diagonal walls, the windows here are large and fully open and just under the windows there is a small area of the roof that isn’t as diagonal as the rest, in fact it is almost plane. We need to get to the ground and there is a fair amount of distance to the grass below. The weather seems cloudy, but dry and bright and we are going to town once we get down.

      We exit the room and get to the plane spot. At first I look down and think I can simply jump it, but then I get anxious and nervous and think I will most certainly break my legs if I do so. We are on the third (second in Danish terms) floor and the building extends on both the right and left side, sort of forming a horseshoe of the grass below.

      Simon then walks out on a very narrow black ledge on the part of the building complex extending on the right. He does a small jump and land on a wider black ledge a level down before he jumps to the grass.

      I am impressed and slightly jealous of his courage. I walk out on the plane roof – very tentatively – and weigh my options. On the left hand side there is a series of roof tops that progressively make their way towards the grass out towards the road at the end. I make a short run and jump onto this roof section and find it smooth sailing from there.

      The dream repeats once or maybe twice, with increasing levels of anxiety towards stepping out onto the plane section of the red tiled roof and Simon constantly in a confident manner making the small jump that I don’t dare doing. At one point he mentions “I just trust that I will land safe”.

      “A weed field and cops”

      I am coming out of a forest in the middle of the night. Someone is with me, it feels like an apprentice, student or disciple of some sort. It is dark, and it feels cloudy – no stars. In front of me I see a long rectangular field, that seems recently ploughed though also with sprouts of plants coming through.

      In front of the field is a road, which runs next to the field and white farmhouse at the end of the field. The road continues down through the forest from where we are stepping out. I look up and see a couple of cars driving down the road taking parking next to the field, close to the farm house. What stands out is the bright blue sirens blaring from atop the vehicles.

      “Ah the police is finally here” I proclaim to my assistant.
      “What are you going to do?” he responds in a nervous and concerned tone of voice.
      “Well I am going to go and talk to them, put the cards on the table” I say, mustering as much relaxation as I can. I am feeling slightly nervous myself, but also recognise that there is really nothing I can do aside from being honest about the situation.

      So I walk up and find a couple of officers. One of them is a woman, I think the other is a man. I feel they are tense and uneasy, so I hold up my hands in a gesture of surrender putting as much as I can into displaying a body language of truce and no-harm as possible. The officers relax a little as they approach in a cooperative manner and start their spiel.

      “You are under suspicion for growing skunk, and it seems obvious you are guilty.” He introduce. And it seems fair in all honesty. As he is talking the fields we are now waling in have changed to accommodate several metre tall cannabis plants.
      “Ah yes officer, let me assure you that I will provide full cooperation” I start out. And then I think of a loop-hole. The officers think they have struck gold, but they are only interested in skunk. What they don’t realise is that all the plants in the field are simply cannabis/hemp plants and not illegal.
      “I do have a couple of skunk plants in the greenhouse. Follow me” I say.
      They follow and we get to the very end of the indoor section of the grow chamber. Right next to a white door with 8-10 square windows in it is a small square pot of cannabis. The plants are very small and I lift up the pot and hand it to the officer nearest. “Here is the skunk. Now as for the rest of the plants they are industrial hemp plants and as such not illegal, as you surely know.” I say and while the officer look at me confused and disappointed, but also defeatedly accepting my argument. I think to myself that they have no idea that I can get more than high using the industrial stuff seeing as my tolerance have been lowered considerably since my Ayahuasca exposures.

      Dream ends.

      “Get out of my room”

      I am standing in my room. It is a rectangular space, very bright white walls from the sun shining through the panoramic window that spans the entirety of the end wall. My door is open and all of a sudden my uncle Kurt comes rushing in. I get embarrassed. The room is very untidy, there is loads of stuff on the floor and both the doors to the floor-to-ceiling closet lining the wall opposite the window are open and it is a mess in there. I step away from looking at my closet and turn to face him and as I do my father comes in close pursuit of my Uncle. I step up and start walking towards them. “Get out, OUT!” I tell them firmly as I raise my arms, stretch them out with palms raised towards my Uncle as I gently start pushing them back out of the room.

      “Your room is very untidy!!” My dad starts, but I ignore it. I feel nervous and anxious, my heart is raising and my thinking seems flustered. I see this as an opportunity to stand up for myself and claim my own space, and do with it what I want.

      As soon as they – in particular my uncle – are out of the room the doors slam shut violently. I am shocked and experience a surge of adrenaline travelling up my body and I open my eyes widely. I look about as the thought arise this must be because of the draught, and as I turn my head even further over left shoulder I see that the window is indeed wide open and I get the picture that this is the case for the entire house.

      The dream ends.

      “You are the tank”

      I am with a small party of people in a typical WoW style set-up, though I think we may only be four. I think I am both of the people having the discussion that plays out in the scenario, though it is observed from an external disembodied POV.

      We are standing in a somewhat dark living space. It may be a combined kitchen, lounge and living room and there is loads of different objects placed on the tables and other surfaces around us. We have just returned from a raid or a mission of some sort and we have had success, though there is a feeling of excitement running around, a result of our recent experiences having been hairy and risky.

      I am discussing with a tall, lean (but muscular) and black haired guy. In writing this I think I take on the agency of the other person, though still from a disembodied perspective. I am explaining to the tall guy that he actually took on the role of protecting us. He seems a bit disappointed, or maybe surprised at this and we rummage around in the space and find a shield. I hook it on a 2D figure of the guy, who is now also the person and across his chest is written something along the lines of “Focus your attention on me, I shall protect my allies” or similar. I walk about a little more until I find a helmet and put it on the figure, finalising his initiation as the tank.

      Then I walk about trying to find DPS gear, which starts out with a black leather tunic.

      The dream ends.

      “My men have it handled”

      This dream primarily took place from a bodiless observer perspective.

      In this snippet I am involved, might even be leading a band of outlaws. We are on horses and approach a transport protected by a fair amount of warriors on horses. There is of course a medieval feel to the scenario, which takes place in a fairly barren – with sporadic blotches of grass –, rocky and jagged mountain pass. It feels like early forenoon under a sunny cloudless sky.

      As we approach the carriage the dream shifts immediately into the wagon. In it is a fat, balding, hedonistic and cynical noble, lying down amongst pillows blankets and mattresses in soft warm lighting. He is dressed in a soft grey robe of sorts and he seems to be gorging himself on some sort of food. He oozes content for peasants and lesser subjects. He is approached by an advisor of sorts, who explains that the carriage has come under attack, with some concern in his voice. With some arrogance, and mild irritation at the disturbance the nobleman responds “Bah! This rabble is no match for my trained men.”

      There is a shift in narrative. I am now embodied in one of the guardsmen protecting the carriage. I am standing on the road in the jagged scenery observing the carriage and horses driving away up a fairly steep mountain road. I am with my comrades and the noble and we have all been stripped down to our underwear – which is white boxers all around. In the air a heavy vibe of embarrassment and defeat is palpable. For some reason we have to climb a vertical strip of cliff, it is almost as a wall, as on the top it is completely flat and plane. From where I am climbing up I experience slight difficulty in getting up to the flat plane. A thin layer of snow covers the edges of the precipice and aside from this the planes are covered in a thin layer of water where the light grey surface of the rock doesn’t take up visual space. The wall-like cliff side I have just climbed curves backwards to my left and I get a vision of a castle-like town over my left hand shoulder. The embarrassment arise as a result of knowing that we now have to go back and report the encounter to our leaders here.

      End of dream.
    3. Some fragments

      by , 09-23-2011 at 07:48 AM
      23-09-11 Sexual dream, almost completion, then I discover it is my sister and she goes and fetch me a sandwich or something from the fridge, I awake deeply embarrassed.

      Drew, in Bournemouth, that route that is stunning to walk, pick up some weed and smoke quite a lot, walk back to the house, stumble into Janni, hug, somewhat paranoid, but not much, sleep through and wake up to him having rolled quite the amount of spliffs for me, he is gone, walk outside in the field.

      Diabloesque thing, walk to first level, loads of books and stuff supposed to be filled with spirits and ghosts, it isn't, demon in next level, calls up and tells me to bring the police, there is a crime scene, I look through the door and throw a cleaver into the body lying in a bed, there is a demon I can see through the walls, I think he kills my partner.

      Hiding behind some bushes to catch a killer, it is all set up by the police.
    4. Death by snake bite, Seeing the stars, 2 pac and the healing non-invasive crystal

      by , 09-08-2011 at 10:47 AM
      08-09-11 I am standing in a tent on field. The field is filled with dandelions and I am starting to tear up the flowers with root and I do this quite frantically. Eventually other people start joining in until there are no flowers left. However as I go along I start pulling them up less careful about getting all of the root up.

      When there are almost no flowers left I start noticing that the earth is moving and that the empty holes are crippling with spiders. I don't get to dwell on this thought as the next I know I find myself under the water in the ocean near the bottom.

      I look up behind me and notice a sea snake being dropped into the water by an unknown entity. I start swimming towards the top and I don't know if I am kicking through the snake(s) or not. When I get to the top I find myself close to the shore of a beautiful beach.

      It is high sunshine and I am wearing a wetsuit and am carrying a surf board. I have never surfed before, but I manage to catch a pipe (don't know if this is what it is called in surfer terms) on my first ever attempt, which the person with me considers quite the achievement.

      I start feeling ill and I fall off the board and find myself in a living room right next to a door out to the hallway. Behind me there is a short haired girl who grabs me around the waist. I am in a different perspective and punch my own chest to start CPR. The perspective shifts back and I shout for someone to call the hospital. Someone runs into the hallway to do this.

      The girl pulls me to the floor and Shane of Weeds is standing over me to continue the CPR.

      My vision starts fading to grey and I am loosing it, but I hear a voice that tells me to stay here, relax and breathe. After a while my vision starts returning to normal and as I am looking up at one of my living room plants it gradually becomes green again.

      After a while longer I can sit up and I look down my leg and notice a large circle. It isn't red and the bite marks from the snake have already healed up. However now we know that we are dealing with a cobra strike and I or someone else shout out into the hallway that the person getting help should tell this.

      Notes: I remember having two more dreams after this one related to it, though without the nightmare themes. However upon waking up this morning they seem to have vanished from memory.

      I am in Holland and going into a shop to buy some weed. Someone is with me and I think I am the experienced one and need to show them how it is done.

      I walk over to the counter and tell the guy I need the weakest most mellow product he has. He immediately walks to the hash counter and tells his associate to service me.

      His associate start dishing out this pink goo onto the counter and explains that this is the most mellow he has. Then the first guy comes over and tells the associate that it wasn't what I asked for that I needed something with a bit more fly to it. He starts pouring some brownish goo onto the counter. Then the associate asks me what I am after, most mellow or something with fly and I quickly explain just mellow.

      We all laugh and I think I buy some of the pink stuff.


      Outside the shop, which looks more like a garage on the outside I run into some shady businesmen who are looking for 2 Pac. As they explain this he appears on the other side of the street wearing a long business like coat looking nothing gangster like at all.

      I stop and think to myself that he is dead and that all the conspiracy theorists that predicted his return must have been right. I think to myself that either he came back in 2007 or we are actually in 2007 right now.

      The reason they want to talk to him is because he has developed something and the dream shifts into a camera chasing him as he is running through a garden. In the centre of the garden is his invention. It is a crystal that emits some sort of high frequency sound/light combination. This invention has the possibility of performing any know surgery non-invasive.

      However it seems like it is overloading and hence 2 Pac and his assistant are running to get to cover. All the while this crystal is pulsing emitting this crystal like sound-light combination. There is loads of colours in this pulse, which is quite sharply contrasted by the grey clouds in the sky.

      I am in a Sims like situation a person is telling me that he has never seen the stars. I sort of force him to do this. He replies that he has seen them on Youtube, which I find ridiculous.

      I run up on a mountain that apparently is the highest location nearby and phone him and tell him he should get up there as there is absolutely no light pollution what so ever.

      Besides I am standing right next to Mount Everest and I don't think it would be particularly difficult to reach the top of that either.


      On a beach now still with the same mission in mind though it is daytime and he will have to wait a while. Another person/Sim is there and he has the trait that he is easily burned and will have to return for sun lotion all the time.

      The parents voice sort of explain that he will have to stop playing with me because of this. There are loads of other persons that assemble around me.

      I follow the easily burned guy into the house, one of his arms is really red and he is whimpering. He gets sun lotion applied and there is a bar that measures his degree of burntness that goes down with applications of this lotion.

      In the house I explain that he needs a hardcore lotion, maybe like one of those for babies and all of a sudden I am in a shop that sells sun lotion, after sun, sun tan amplifier and soap. Among other things the shop also sells katanas relatively cheap.

      The shop is run by WakingNomad and he tries to charge me 500 dollars for little test samples in blue bottles. I am annoyed that he charges this much because I know the protection they offer to be exactly what I am looking for, but it is stupidly expensive. I mean the bottles are like the size of small shot bottles.

      Swimming with the family along the shore of a nice beach in high sunshine.

      With the family in a house. There are two dogs that keep jumping into the lap of my dad and uncle.
    5. Native American shenanigans and a Vampire / Demon / Wizard showdown

    6. Family Reunion, Fighting Planes and False Phoenix Flight

      by , 09-01-2011 at 11:15 AM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      01-09-11 We are going to the family reunion. Besides the family there are a lot of other characters attending as well and rather than the first week of September it is for an entire week.

      I seem to be packing quite a lot and spending time in the bath room.


      on day 3-4 everyone is getting tired of it. In particular Minka, who has made an arrangement to drive home with her parents (this is odd, since she they aren't the family). She leaves for a while and comes back dressed in a short pink dress and she looks an awful lot like Paris Hilton fashion wise.

      It is raining however, so she looks kinda sad about this since it will mean changing outfit again, but she seems packed and ready to go.

      I see her mother dancing down the hallway and they are the first family to have proclaimed that they are leaving.

      The younger crew of the various families within family seems to be getting reckless and I decide to go and pack up so we can go quickly if my parents decide to bail.

      The rest of the young crew are lying around either in the hallway or in rooms. There is a general consensus to go to the bar on the opposite side of the road, but no one seems to be taking initiative.


      I am talking to my cousin about something related to leaving.

      My sister is talking, she doesn't want to be their either but she explains that it is nice to see the family join up together setting aside selfish consideration to see her daughter.

      I am at an airbase watching Stoffer fly around in a fighter jet. The plane is completely white. He has rented it with a mate for a day as it is the cheapest of the planes available.

      I am going up there with him and he is explaining that he intends to do a loop, which I am looking forward to.

      As he is coming in for landing and driving towards the spot where he has to pick me up, he makes a weird turn that almost tips over the plane and make the wings hit the ground. He asks his mate to check if something happened, but it seems fine.

      He gestures me to get in and I am getting in next to him. I tell him that I find that rather weird as normally I would sit behind him (yeah my plane knowledge is lame ^^)

      We start driving around and to be frank all I really remember is driving the plane through something like a race course. At one point we come up to two rocks and Stoffer tries frantically to turn it into the larger gap and I scream at him to take the smaller to avoid making the wings tip towards the ground and potentially hit the larger rock.

      We make it to the air though I think, but I only remember pulling back up to the base and getting out asking Stoffer if he really did the loop with me.

      “Yes” he replies.

      Rasmus SL gets in the plane and I think I spend some time talking to Kasper.

      I wake up.

      I am in Germany at the camping grounds where my grand parents live part times of the year. It is dark early morning on a Sunday and I think about hitting the golf course a few holes in so I wouldn't have to pay the green fee.

      I am speaking to a pro who is talking about hitting the course early and I reconsider maybe only hitting the approach/putting green instead.

      I sense something is up pretty much from the start and as I am walking towards the lake in the camping grounds/golf course I decide to look at my hand. It doesn't look weird at first, but I decide to keep looking and all of a sudden half of my pinky disappears and reappear almost immediately.

      I think about what to do and I have been trying too hard to get to Chichén Itzá maybe. Maybe people would get tired of me filling up the journal with crap on non-attempt nights.

      So I decide to fool around. Well I could justify my efforts as trying to master a petite form of shape shifting, at least in the beginning of the dream.

      I take off into flight and at the same time trying to imagine myself engulfed in flames. The idea is to create a hybrid between the human torch and a phoenix. This particular shape is then to be used with its inherent capability of scorching the area it flies over. In other words I am trying to become a fiery tool for laying waste.

      It doesn't go too well. There is no fire appearing and I don't sense a temperature increase, but the first minute or more is spent just flying around trying to think of fire and how it would be looking out from the inside of a fire.

      The closest I get is at one point where in my left field of vision a red glowing metal string appear (like the ones in a bread toaster). After this I give up.

      I land and start walking around thinking about what to do. I walk across a road and a car is speeding towards me. I just plant my feet in front of it and decide to stand my ground. The car hits me, though it seems to do so very slowly. It's rear starts lifting off the ground until it moves in an arch above me and land on the ground.

      I decide to hone my telekinetic abilities a bit and pick up the car mentally and throw it away. In the direction I threw it there is a shop with quite a lot of cars parked outside. I pick up two of these, one on either side of me and hold them spinning slowly in mid air before I throw them through the shop windows pretty controlled. Check, first time for holding two objects at the same time in opposite ends of my field of vision.

      I pick up another two cars and pull them towards me mentally and grab them in my hands when they get close and slam them together.

      I look up and see elevated train tracks. There is a train coming in fast on this meandering track and I decide to try getting on it. I sort of know it is a dream and I could just fly, but I do something else. I throw the first car up in the air over a sign (made of concrete and fairly tall). I jump onto the sign and as the first car is almost at the ground now I throw the other one up above me and jump onto it and immediately jumping off it again so I get to the train and manage to grab hold of an edge on it's roof.

      I swing myself up on the train, which obviously is moving at tremendous speed. I jump onto it and start surfing it towards the train station (I somehow get a feeling that I have already been there). Towards the station there is a sharp turn and the train has to go into a tunnel. Although I am tempted to jump off not to get smashed I hold my grounds and follow the train a bit into the tunnel before jumping off.

      I fall down and grab hold of a metal rod running along the tunnel. and start swinging along it as a monkey. Then I land on the ground and starts walking outside when I see a black man with two children walking down towards me. One of the children is walking on his right hand side and the other is in a child carrier.

      I struggle a bit getting past them without running into them. I think it is funny I am considering their well being although I know I am dreaming.


      Night time mentation: The Lucid is the first dream I recall from the night. When I then try and fall back to sleep after the dream there is this notion that I am experiencing the world from 6 different caskets, with six different names.

      Sometimes I get pulled back to a central POV, but it is somehow different. Though I know I am lying with my head up against the wall I feel my consciousness reaching out in a huge bubble around me through the walls and bed.

      Then I would feel the six caskets again and while my awareness either dwell on these or is transitioning between them I sense a powerful feeling of being loved. As if someone “else” is in these caskets sending positive vibes towards and through me.
    7. Riot Escapes, Monster Fighting parties, walks in the forest

      by , 08-26-2011 at 12:32 PM
      16-08-11 At Annegrethe's birthday I notice a song from Thure that involves doing something with quite a lot of fruit. On the sheet of paper it proclaims that he is my flat mate and 17 years old, which surprises me in a couple of ways.

      First off I don't recall there being a song from Thure at that actual party, second of all Thure is older than 17 years old. But as I start to question these things my mum interrupts and asks if the song is from Thure, and how awfully nice that is of him.

      I am in what seems like an American city on fire. There is a background commentary on this is now we are seeing the results of the last decade's extensive use of violent computer games.

      The city is in ruins, there is rubble all over the place and where ever you see people they are carrying either hand guns or rifles. The scenario is simple kill or be killed. Shoot on sight, humanity has lost it.

      I stop myself gun in hand. I decide to throw it away and start walking around the city with caution, as far as I am aware I am the only one to get the idea that killing is baaad mkaay.

      I am standing in a driveway under a tree. It is morning time and I am speaking to someone. I soon identify the source of the voices as coming from the camper parked in the driveway.

      It takes a bit of time to convince the voices from inside the camper that I have decided to take up the path of non-killing. They decide to trust me and let me in, however I have to enter the code myself.

      This turns out trickier than just entering a combination into a key pad. The combination is to be entered under the door to the camper. There is a slit wherein a series of motives have been carved in the wood. These are not visible though, so you have to feel out for them. I can't remember all of them, but one is a freaking samurai warrior to give some hints of the difficulty.

      I am however getting verbal assistance so I make it, though I am also told during the process that the code is a work in progress as one of the voices keeps cutting new ones.

      I finally get in. To my surprise the voices of the men I have been talking to doesn't belong to two grown up men. Rather the people in the camper are all packed in a little wooden box. The voices are from the two eldest fetuses (feti?). They are lying face to face in the box with tubings running down by their bodies helping them survive in some sense. The tubes continue upwards to the top right corner of the box where there is an assortment of smaller fetuses, though these aren't sentient as the two largest ones.

      I go outside again and through the branches and sticks of the tree in the driveway I spot a woman. She looks at me and there is a small hint of fear upon her face. I hold up my hands palms outward to signal that I aint carrying and I have no intentions of hurting her, she looks quickly away and back at me.

      I don't know if this woman ends up joining the cause, but when I get to the van there is a woman, I think I met before (just noticed I didn't, but that was how the dream explained her presence). And another one that has approached her from the street, intent on non-violence as well.

      We get in the van preparing ourselves for the ride to get out of Hell Town. We take off and I am driving. I give a rats ass about red lights or otherwise traffic regulating signaling, under the assumption that if I was to adhere to these remnants of legality I would be the only one and stand out. Besides a moving target is always trickier to hit.

      When I take a right and run through a red light under an approach way to the higher free way system I hear sirens behind me. I have a cop on my tail.

      I take a right out over the harbour, except that it is a pedestrian system and the roads I am driving on are narrow as fuck. Multiple times one or two wheels of the van are in the water. I pull the handbrake and spin around and start driving back.

      The diversion worked the cop continue straight ahead and I don't allow for much time to pass before I drive out into traffic again.

      I am at a party in a two story building. On the deck below there is the bar and speaker system. The speaker system is set up a little bit weird as it is pretty much central on the floor, with satellites on the walls.

      I think Mikkel L is there (which would make sense seeing as my family and I talked about him that evening). He is somehow involved with running the party and the sound system.

      I think it might actually be my room for a short while, because someone mentions the good quality of the speaker system and I tell them that what my flat mate has next door is a hell of a lot better.


      I am now upstairs and it is a freaking nightmare. There are mainly two types of monsters up there and I believe I can only take on one at the time.

      The monsters are pretty stationary or slow. The stationary ones have a long energy tongue that looks like a vortex or wormhole if you look down it. The problem with the scenario is that if I decide to take on the monsters on their turf I am always in range of the tongue bitches.

      However I have an ability. I have some kind of rope or tentacle myself that I can shoot out of my chest that will then pull me towards my designated target. So my strategy becomes run in and get attacked from multiple sides, then hook onto a target get close and pull it to the corner I have already cleared.

      On the last trip in I am getting sucked at from 3 directions and the target I have selected is on a shelf above me, plus there is some sort of big ass cable across the ground I will have to get over. I get over the cable and take a shot at tentacle tosser, but miss. I am now standing taking hits from all over so I have to do something quickly.

      I run under the shelf of the target and wait there, now out of range from the other monsters in the room. As I expected soon enough the target peaks out over the edge in order to take a couple of swings at me. Bad move, mofo! I now have a route to shoot at and though I aint exactly confident that my own tentacle (that seems more of a mechanical thing) is strong enough to pull it down I come out on top. I then rush to the cleared corner with the monster and kill it. I have taken up a rather unusual way of killing these monsters, I think I am actually biting vital chunks off of them.


      In the same room on the same floor I keep doing these labs, It might be during my monster hunt that I decide to take a break from the heroic parts of a heroic tale.

      There are women there. And they are have the hots for me. I notice one of these women and start making out with her. I do another lap, this time intend on finding something a bit more exotic (read nude and willing to get close to me) and find her on the next lab at the same corner I used to drag monsters to.

      I am already naked myself and I put my arms around her waist and spin her around so she has her back to me. She doesn't resist, in fact she reacts completely opposite.

      I wake up.

      Pre-sleep: I sense a numbing sensation in my body as I wake up and decide to sleep again. The hypnagoic imagery is of a helicopter view of tree tops that slowly form into an encompassing forest.

      Soon enough the sun appears to give the entire scene some lighting. I try and act and I wake up.

      I remain calm and soon enough a similar scenario arise, trees slowly moving by until the scenario is that of a forest.

      This time the sun is ahead of me and causing some extraordinary visual effects as I am looking at outlines of trees in the background as well as some dark shrubbery off to my right.

      The evolution of the dream continues till the point where I am walking with two mates a bit ahead of me. We are having a conversation and they start mocking me for not exerting control although it is my dream.

      I start explaining that the reason I aint doing anything is for the dream to stabilize, but the fuckers have tricked me into destroying it, by talking, and the scenery vanishes and I see the back of my eyelids and wake up.
    8. A magical escape

      by , 08-26-2011 at 12:17 PM
      26-08-11 Golf clubs and weed.

      Something about an ex girlfriend I get into a discussion with in a locker.

      I hug the other party in a bed, and try soon enough to disentagle myself as it was only intended as a friendly hug from her.

      Peter Scotson from Weeds is the new husband and we talk a bit and defuse the angry bitch.

      I am in a dark room with Minka, I want to kiss her and be with her and I think I am making an approach, It might get a little intense, though nothing happens. We walk out onto a grass field that normally would be massive and open.

      However at the current time it is occupied by a temporary fairgrounds. It is dark, it is night time and the only source of light around is small lights from the various tents and things on the grounds. We walk on the outskirts of the fairgrounds until we spot where we are headed.

      There is a circle of people sat in the grass, it is a coven and their leader is sat in the middle facing off against Lafayette (Yep, true blood guy). We may take seats in the circle or I just drift in without my dream body and is sat right next to Lafayette.

      Though I might be separate from him, I still am feeling the sense of agency in what he is doing. Their leader, who may be Marney (Antonia, whatever dunno if it is even centred on the vamp theme).

      The leader starts summoning a water elemental, and up until now I haven't noticed the puddle of water between Lafayette and her.

      The water is muddy and so is the elemental, which isn't big and looks a bit like a statuette climbing out of the water. When it is slightly over half way there Lafayette/me swats it and it crumbles. I am aware that he/me is the only one in the circle with the power to destroy these.

      “You will lay the fuck down with **** and ****” (remember the names I do not) Lafayette says and I become aware that he has been thwarting attempts at whatever their leader is trying to do twice before us turning up.

      Lafayette/me makes the move to finish off the leader. It is a spell and it is designed to crystallise the fluid in the cells of the eyeballs of the victim, making them burst, a vicious piece of water magic if you ask me.

      The spell is fired and I expect the leader to go down. That doesn't happen, when the spell (which isn't as such visible by the way) reach the leader a bright blue flash appears from her neck. The necklace she was wearing wasn't a normal necklace.

      The blue light manifests. The spell didn't hit the person, but the tiny faerie (What is with the fucking faeries in my dreams recently!? (btw I am not complaining =P)) enchanted into the necklace. She was immune to the spell and she has dark eyes, pretty much the only thing in her glowing body that is dark.

      This is getting out of hand. I am in my dream body now. Not sure if I have become the person that was Lafayette or whatever. I let out a shriek, to warn the people in the fair. These were the people the leader was trying to hurt, so everyone in the coven realise that this might be a prime situation to practice running.

      Luckily we are close to the edge of the grounds which is surrounded by bushes. I look out and see Minka already on her way through the bushes. I myself dart after her. It is a fucking pain getting through a piece of bush in utter darkness with human limbs flailing about. I have a plan to sort that out since this is moving way too slowly at any rate.

      When I am through to the other side I shout out “Minka!”. I think I feel having her attention and I roar. She gets the message and I see her shifting into a fast animal, I myself shift into a lion(ess?) and feel the powerful muscle (though the speed seems to be lacking a bit).

      Minka is a wolf and way ahead of me, but she sense that I can't follow that speed and shift into a lioness as well. I still feel my clothes on my body, which is hindering me a bit, but I don't know what I can shift into that will solve it.

      We are running up a hill road, a road that reminds of one in the city I grew up in right next to the town hall. I keep running looking at Minka. At the top of the hill she shifts into a bird, a rather small one, maybe a blackbird or raven (definitely a dark bird, not sure if a raven would be too big, I am a bit far away) and takes off into flight.

      I decide to do the same though I am unfamiliar with shifting into flying things. I think Eagle. I shift and leaps and get up a bit, but flying with wings is hard. I keep flapping about, but only just barely manage to keep floating.

      Until I realise that I can push forward my legs which will make my wings carry more and provide quite a significant up drive. I fly high, I mean high enough to make me think “Shit this is really high”.

      It must look hilarious the way I manage the height of my flight. I push forwards my legs to go up and pull em back to go down while flapping my wings the entire time. I fly over Minka and look down at the brick houses and flat roof tops.

      After a short while after this I land in a yard of a small house. The terrace is sort of formed like a playground and I transform into a kangaroo when I land and jump between some of the smaller platforms for the fun of it.

      Minka lands shortly after. I go to her, intending on kissing her. She doesn't allow me and says “Dennis”. There may be tears in her voice, she starts talking about how I take risks, like I just did in Eagle form.

      “If you went skiing with your dad, would you jump that high” “If you drove a snow scooter, would you make jumps” and things like that. I keep thinking when I dream I fly that high, and eventually she say “When you dream” (Nice one missing the lucidity clue there).

      “You don't understand I really care for you...” “but you just don't want me” I think to myself. There is a sense that I take too much risk for her to be interested in me, she might be afraid to get interested in me.

      I pick her up and place her on my arm and start walking inside, carrying her like you would a baby. She is still crying.

      We get inside and I see her boyfriend/ex boyfriend or whatever he is. “Darly” she says and her crying intensifies. I look at him pleadingly to take her, not because I want to let her go, but because she wants to go to him.

      “Great sleeping beauty (or similar)” he says hinting at her crying, but eventually he accepts her and take her in his arms. My niece is sat on the sofa next to him and as soon as he is occupied with Minka she starts crawling out over the sofa, but I anticipated this from before I even handed Minka over to Darly and catch my niece as she starts falling.

      I start looking at her while talking to her and they lie down for a short moment on the sofa. Then Minka says “Dennis” again tears in her voice, she seems hurt that I have again handed a love interest into the arms of another man and just let go.

      I am slightly hurt, but I channel love into the moment with my niece and try to ignore the other parties in the situation.

      She is the only person whose friendly love always shine brighter than the hurt of not being with her.
    9. Toilets, Terrorists, Teachers and Cave racing

      by , 08-25-2011 at 11:43 AM
      25-08-11 I am at a home office, belonging to my mum and I don't think my dad lives there any more. I really need to take a whiz.

      I look in the cupboard to see if the bowl is there though I can't find it, I have a moment of thinking “why is it we don't have a toilet?”.

      Ah well I might as well use the floor then, that is probably where it would go anyway. I start pissing on the floor. I have to pee, like a lot and it keeps coming.

      While I am peeing I try running around finding some towels, kitchen towels and paper to soak it all up with. I manage to find quite a few of these, but.. I have to pee, like a lot and it keeps coming.

      When I am done my sister walks into the kitchen and grabs something from the fridge, there is an open door between us and I am worried she will see what I have just done.

      I talk to her about why she is up, she replies she has been asleep for about 8 hours (I worry if she is done sleeping) but also that she isn't done yet. She turns around and walk back, she has a massive smile on her face, and she looks like she has been exercising, as her face is all red.

      I grab all the towels and put them under the desk (looks like the desk my dad made for me when I was living at home before moving to England). There is still a towel that I have put on a stack of papers and the A4 paper is now soaked as well. Besides this the urine is now starting to run down the side of this stack and into the printer, luckily it is an old printer not in use.

      I wake up, check myself, experience a brief “phew, close one” moment and hit the john.

      I am in a counter strike setting, me and my team mates are waiting in a harbour office building or something similar for the gates to open. When hey do hell breaks loose and shots are exchanged.

      Should think the setting is at the docks, late afternoon though I don't see much outside the office I do see containers though.


      I come to myself still in the building, the gate is closed (if the gate is still even there). I walk around and run into a rather large man (not fat, but rather NFL potential build), he is of the enemy team so I pull out a falchion (think it is the closest description, it is a sword that curves like a mother fucker).

      He pulls out a small knife of about 3-4 inches maybe.

      I pull another falchion and start swinging at him. He dodges, sort of, I mean it looks like he is standing still, but he sorta doesn't stand still either.

      After a bit of this he grabs my arm, turns me around and disarm the sword of that hand. I am at that moment completely at his mercy. He grabs the sword I have dropped and swing it over my arm that he is holding.

      He doesn't actually hit me with it, but the motions he is making are blurry (that fast), and would have wrecked my arm had he followed through on the silent threat.

      He lets me go and I panic.

      I run back through a door with a code lock. The door is open and then take a left to get back to the room I started in. I can see the door is open as the one I have just run through, but the man now runs out the door and blocks my escape.

      He tells me that the windows in the building are unbreakable and that there is no way out for me.

      I dash for the window straight in front of me, though I know the windows are unbreakable I can't give up without trying to get away.

      I leap and jump towards the window, I pull up my feet in order to kick the glass out and I hit a sensation of what might as well be the concrete floor I just left.

      I know my fate is sealed.

      I wake up.

      I am in school, more specifically a selected course of the university (I am supposed to take one this semester). The room looks like the top room of Falck in Hornslet.

      My teacher is Søren Pilmark and he is an ass.

      First off I haven't read what I was supposed to, which doesn't really bother me as I have had no way of knowing what it was. The teacher doesn't seem to care and is talking harshly to us all.

      A class mate asks if he will develop an application that will help with the learning. He tells him that he doesn't care much and that he would rather be with his family.


      I bitch and whine about this silly teacher of ours to someone. I also mention that it is “That actor dude..”

      I am at a race, not an ordinary race, but a race nonetheless. It happens in a cave and there are multiple finishing points. Yellow, blue, green, red etc.

      The aim is simple, get to the finishing point as quickly as possible. There is a twist though.

      For every goal there is a direct route of average challenge, this route is marked from the start so everyone knows about it.

      The goal is decided by a faerie (I think). So there are a lot of people waiting at the starting area and awaiting the words of the fae.

      “Green!” And people start rushing off to the green tunnel, except a rather smallish blonde girl (she has long blonde hair, and she heads for the yellow tunnel. I am hovering above her at this time looking at what she is doing.

      She is ascending a steep narrow grassy hill and at one point she has to crawl down and use her arms to get upwards. At this part of the track there are houses and portals(?) on either side of the pathway.

      She gets to the top and then falls back and let herself fall into the portal on the left hand side. I follow and we are pretty much right at the goal.

      I think she goes in and wins it and none of the other competitors are anywhere near. I try and get an overlook of the tunnel system up, but the only thing I manage to figure out is that the original route is wicked long compared to what she just did.

      There are multiple portals in this room and there are two guardians guarding the goal or something. One of them starts making it's way towards the girl.

      It looks like predator, though it has something on the back of its skull, missing all the “tentacle hair” always associated with them. Besides this its head is much smaller and it doesn't seem to posses quite as threatening physique. It is wearing a white robe or similar.

      I jump up to it, I get the feeling that I could take it if it came to a fight, but I try cunning instead. I have for the past couple of moments looked at my experience sheet, and I am positive it says I have “38900” (or close thereto) out of the same number, or in other words I am at the exact level up point only need a bit more.

      I ask the guardian if I can quickly show my sister my experience sheet before they continue fighting. Unexpectedly the guardian agrees and waits. I say, “Hey look at my experience!” and then I see that I am actually 1000 short “Ahhh”, I tell the guardian, “I thought I was actually at the level up number”.

      Then I ask him if there is a place we can go and kill some monsters so I can get the last bit I need. He agrees and escorts me into a toilet and explains where the different monsters hang out.

      I think to myself I could just kill this one, but he is actually rather helpful and likable, plus it would just be lame to sucker punch him when he is only trying to help.

      Speaking to someone if they are bound in the same way to words as the Sidhe.

      Something about 50 cent or U-turn in a golf cart not being happy with my admission to the school, might not have been a legal arrangement.
    10. Shortcut through trash/air vent, beer can/bottle

      by , 08-24-2011 at 11:17 AM
      24-08-11 I am Going to a swimming stadium, though I am not taking the planned route. The planned route would be swinging by Stonehenge, about a 5 km drive.

      Instead I go through some sort of air vent in a large building. The passageways are really narrow, dirty and dark.

      It takes about 5 minutes to get there.

      I hang about in the swimming pool for a while, it is dusk time and there are some other kids there. I decide to take off and walk over to the wall.

      In order for me to get to the vent I will have to remove some of the panelling, not only that but I will have to stand on the exposed piece of wood that was holding the panel, which is screwed into the wall.

      There isn't much space, but I seem to recall having done it before. I finally get the door open to the shaft.

      Before I can go through I must put a hand into the shaft and empty it for trash. The trash is some black stuff from farming I think, as Henrik can explain how it is made. Seems like a mixture between coal and dust.

      It just falls into the water, but I have a feeling it will be OK and it isn't exactly a new procedure I am doing.

      A woman, might be my aunt asks me if it is worth it. I ask her if she has to take the 5 km route past Stonehenge, she confirms and I tell her it will take me 5 minutes to get back.

      When most of the trash is out, it seems to take longer than it had before, I am looking out over a horizontal window as an access point, which I remember thinking is a bit weird.

      Sitting at a coffee table with a beer. It is a beer can, but there is a bottle inside prodding up out of the hole of the can.

      I sit and marvel a bit, how the fuck could anyone get that bottle down there without removing the top of the can.

      Then a person on my right explains that there they are fairly rare and if you manage to collect 9 of them, you would win 9 k DKK.

      “Ah then I shouldn't have given the last 3 to ….”

      Something about time travel in order to make sure to obtain the right ingredients for a particularly tasty meal.

      Physical time travel (done by placing hands on top of each others) means that you get a fraction of your dream powers with you to the physical realm though (WEIRDNESS!)
    11. Fragments - very disrupted sleep

      by , 08-09-2011 at 10:31 AM
      09-08-11 Frags:

      In a sofa with Kaiser, lying with our heads in separate ends. The sofa is far too small for us. Naomi comes by and walks through a window door, someone is with her. She tugs us in starting with me. Then Kaiser. He texts me who she is and who Gispo is, it is the guy walking in with Naomi, but otherwise I know nothing of him. The dream is very dark.

      Running into Sine on the central train station. She has become a mother and her demeanour is very relaxed and blissful. She is walking towards an escalator and I ask if the baby carrier can handle that and she say yes. I try to initiate helping her out, but...

      My Niece is talking and Minka is sat right next to her. She says something along the lines of “This is how I not speak” I look towards Minka and see a surprised look on her face. I then look towards Mette and without saying anything check if she herd that. She says that it was just random sounds. Then my niece repeats herself, and Mette proclaims in astonishing surprise that it is quite a feat to be talking at 6 months of age. The dream takes place by one of the larger doors in the arts class of my high school.

      I am at a station switching trains. However I realise that all the trains from this side of the station is going towards Sweden and Germany (WTF!). So I tell my sister that all of us, we are quite a large group traveling will have to go back to Copenhagen Central station and change to go to where we are going. There is a few complaints as it is quite a large diversion from our planned route, but there is nothing to do.

      I realise I have forgotten a thing or two and I quickly scan the station to see if I can find it. I find some of it which apparently is a rather long rectangular black and red casing to hold a guitar. But all my notes and white bags are missing.

      I bring up my phone and call my sister and tell her that she should just continue on the train and that I will have to catch up to her later. I am going back towards the central station, but the time it has taken me to scan the station means that the train has been and left again so I will have to wait another 20 minutes.

      She doesn't sound sad or surprised, but just reprimands me to pick up the missing stuff and get back home. I am a bit disappointed that she doesn't sound sad or offers to help, but hey.

      I am at my old high school and I am running into one of the old red brick buildings on the left of the entrance. I am looking out for the changes they have made.

      The changes primarily consists of adding reclining walls to the stairs section meaning that as you get closer towards the end of the flight you have almost no room to spend on the stairs. I take the first couple, but after a while of trying the last one I give up as I am too frightened.

      I turn around and see Anders H sitting outside by a window with a book. I explain that it is a pretty stupid solution they have made for these stairs. He agrees. There is much more conversation but I don't remember it.

      I go out into the yard and head over towards my class room, which is the old art class. I run into a girl I know and tells her the new changes are quite rubbish. She agrees and smiles at me. I then go on to boldly admitting my fear of stairs with narrow steps. She laughs a bit, but not in a mean way.

      I continue towards the Art room and when I get down in the cellar where it is supposed to be I realise they have painted the hallways dark pastel green. Furthermore they have implemented quite a lot of walls to increase the number of rooms down from the one large that used to be the place.

      I find Cyrille walking around apparently also looking for something. I tell him I am happy that I am coming here a day in advance, at this point the idea sort of crystallize for me that it is Thursday and that our classes have been planned so we have the entire day off. The reason I am here is to pick up some papers that I have left. (Have a strong feeling it is the same papers from the previous dream) but I know they aren't here, they are somewhere else I can't remember.

      As I am walking into the room that is my new class room Cyrille mentions that there is playing going on. Which I notice and let him look through the doors first. There is a boy there playing the violin or guitar, but class isn't in session.

      I don't seem to be the only one confused about the new layout as lots of people, including the teacher, are missing. I somehow know that the confusion is to blame.

      I briefly speak with a girl before the dream ends.

      I am looking at a monitor and in one of the corners of the otherwise white website there is a video. There is also a narrator proclaiming that this is the famous Stephen LaBerge documenting a lucidity experience.

      The video is essentially just recordings of someone's feet. I realise that they are my feet and that I am dreaming. However I am not in my dream body completely yet and the video is almost halfway through.

      I manage to turn it into full screen and enter my dream body and sit up. Prepare to get off the table I am sat on and play. But I know the video must be nearly over by know and the scenario ends. I try desperately to bring it back and manage to cling onto a very small part of it.

      Namely my body posture. I can feel myself sitting up and trying to will the dream back.

      This section might actually be a continuation of the above, but if so I will have lost my lucidity.

      There is a smallish woman standing in front of me by a river. Her hair is black and she is rather good looking. She tells me she is Stephen LaBerge, but in the country she is from her name is something else something beginning with a “P”, pretty sure the letters “I” and “T” are also included.

      She is taking me up a river on a slow moving boat. The sun is shining and at one point she bends her head towards the water and allow for one lock of her hair to form a half circle against the reflection of the sun in the water.

      The sight reminds me of how I would imagine a portal to look like.

      All of the time I have a feeling that I am waiting for the perfect time to realise I am dreaming, but that I am not quite ready yet.
    12. Fragments - Better than no recall I suppose :/

      by , 07-20-2011 at 08:13 AM
      20-07-11 Fragments only.

      Something about dream bombs, and how I am using charges of those to make stuff happen. I am less effective when I am out of charges.

      My lower front tooth becoming extremely loose and nearly falling out. It also looks a hell of a lot wider than normal. I am talking to someone about that this could mean that I am extremely low on confidence at the minute, which isn't a lie.

      Something about the washing powder I use being highly unsuitable for the clothes I am washing.

      I am sitting in front of the computer and I notice I am in the process of rolling a cigarette and the unfinished death stick is lying on my desk. I pick up the pack of Golden Virginia and wonder why it is so full. I know I have stopped smoking and I can't remember having bought a new pack. Maybe 15% of it is gone from the top corner of the tobacco and some of it has gone slightly dry.
      dream fragment
    13. Computer Games - Long fragmented NLD, with loads of scenario changes

      by , 07-18-2011 at 09:56 AM
      18-07-11 I am playing some sort of baldur's gate. I am looking at a guie for the ending fight. I am getting there and although I could have explored bit more I decide to just go for it. I seem to be a wizard of some description and the final fight is me vs. a council of other wizards. I primarily use timestop and sommoning spelss and AoE to try and interrupt their spell casting as much as possible.

      I am in some weird scenario that incorporates three different tv shows at once. I know actors from all shootings and eventually the seperate shows merge into one because the various actors move from one set to the other. There is no script for this, so the director tells the actors to simply improvise.

      I am also getting married to someone, it is somewhat arranged or being kept secret though I think I am happy enough with her. It could be that I have met her on the internet.

      We are walking across a narrow bit of water, over to two girls. They want beer and Daryl tells them that he can provide that so we go back and get them. We start with giving them half a crate in a cardboard box and talk about the fact that we can get them more if needed. They would like that and I am supprised they haven't asked for the price yet.

      There is a magician and he is sort of demonstrating an aldo cardtrick besides the point that he does not include someone from the audience or use a full deck. The instruction goes on how math is used to complete the trick. However he is always in dialouge with the audience and he seems to slip up a couple of times although I have the feeling that it is intentional. Towards the end he is setting his sofa oin fire and asks someone to come and blow the smoke. I volunteer, but unfortunately I wake up as I am making my way behind the couch.

      Notes: Haven't slept well at all over the past couple of nights. This one is no different as I spent probably half of my nine hours worth of sleeping on being eaten by mosquitos (Which inevitably lead me to move sleeping spots and generally being awake trying to fend them off).
    14. Party, in a movie with Stratham, WTF

      by , 07-16-2011 at 10:56 AM
      16-07-11 I am on a strange beige sand coloured fort on an island, while one there it becomes apparent that there are two opposing teams. We are going down to see the dungeon and we get locked in there while someone set the thing on fire. We can't get out although we need to get neil to the bottom as he can't handle the smoke, he looks a bit like Orlando Bloom. The funny thing about this fire is that down in the bottom of the place it is actually flooded. I see Neil in the shape of Orlando Bloom hugging someone and although he is the one in the most danger he actually seems to be calming the girl down he is embrasing telling her it will be alright.

      The two teams are lead one side by the major the other side by Jason Stratham and his girldfriend who also works for the major maybe in some sort of prostitution role. This is discovered when the dream take on the first part of the film and you see stratham appearing on the island with a big mustage and guns ready to go.

      I am with Mark Rahbek and we are actually looking at this particular fort. We are on the island, but at the same time we are in Hornslet. I tell him that it is the fort they used in the recent stratham film and that we should go take a look at it. He seems to be willing enough for that.

      I am at stoppestedet, except the entrance is towards ALDI this time and Åse is still owner and manager of the place. I am with my father and my sister and we are wearing working clothes, in particular painting outfits as we are getting ready to paint the bar. As we arrive people come out to greet us and you can hear Åse in the background with her charactaristic laugh, then Tenna makes an appearance and she comes to me. I remember she is pregnant (she isn't) and I hug her lovingly and stroke her back. She embrace it and hugs me back, and is really pleased with the warmnes of my hug. I ask her if she shouldn't be relaxing a bit being pregnant and all, she smiles and agrees, but tells me something aboiut she had to come here.

      Another person comes out and tells me the council is ready for me. I suddenly remember that i have to stand trial before a Dresden style white council of wizards, thiough I know there to be only 4 senior members. I also wonder about the fact that I could forget about such an important thing. I Tell my dad that this council business is uber important and that I will have to go an attend to it before I can help paint. He is really supportive and tells me to do what I have to do. I get a feeling that I don't quite know if I will be coming out alive from that council.

      I have some sort of lead role in organising a party. The party seems to take place at Kaiser's parrents' place although it is also a big school with a couple of sports facilities. This particular dream is all over the place, fuckloads of location changes and characters.

      We are getting drunk at Kaiser's place and I give my keys to his mother, just to keep them safe till the morning when I will come and pick them up. I end up leaving everything there, wallet, mobile even my iPod.

      During the night I meet up with a couple of black guys who are somehow related to me. They play a fairly significant part of the dream, but I remember little of the actual interactions between us, though it was always oriented around the family theme.

      Towards the end of the side story with these guys we end up driving out to the guys' place and having some dinner. I tell my cousins that the only thing they can get to eat there would be mushrooms so they might as well just start thinking about how they want them.
      She spots me on the way over there and although I expect her to be mad she is quite happy. She informs me that I had asked her to keep hold of my keys the night before and gives them back to me. She then accompany around the house to gather the remaining lost objects of mine.

      We meet up with Kaiser who is also helping out with the cleaning. He looks around and tells us that it will probably take a couple of days before they are actually finished with tidying.

      We make some holes in the floor (bear in mind I think these holes are actually made in a dream prior to this I can't remember) and some of the holes are a bit difficult to get across. At the time when I see the holes in the floor again, my mother is there and there is a woman there who I think is the one who has rented out the facilities, and she isn't happy. Hpowever my mum just engage her in conversation and tells her that it is neither her, nor our problem. When I look at these floors again though they seem to be easier to get by and a lot deeper than I remember them.
    15. Frags of old work

      by , 07-14-2011 at 11:09 AM
      14-07-11 I run into Mark, we do the standard ”well it has been quite some time etc.” so how was it at EIMS. He replies that all the old ones have gone, Johan is on the run cause he has done some shady stuff and Tim Smith has died. I tell him well at least he is doing well with his new job.
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