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    Lucid Dreams

    1. 2024-07-10 (summer comp day 5) (LD)

      , 07-10-2024 at 07:18 PM
      NLD #1

      Some game and/or tv show and/or soap opera adds a character named after "Luis van Guido" and they have just revamped his character portrait sprite. He has X confirmed kills (or 4 hours to first confirmed kill). My "grandmother" is excited about the news since it's something the hip young ones would also be interested in and is trying to pull up his sprite on her phone to show us but is only getting the old one. I go on the internet to find it myself. He is a handsome looking man with short dark hair and a beard.

      NLD #2

      Some guy is streaming painting some plushies which each represent various internet people. Before he starts, he takes pics from an old flip phone to show chat. This includes an artist I follow. At some point he also video calls someone who cheekily answers while in the middle of driving which is alarming. During one point in the call they turn around in the driver's seat briefly and we're like "please watch the road!"


      FA? I'm in my bedroom and become lucid, nose RC to confirm. With some effort I get out of bed and leave through the window. But before I do, I figure I should look around since I rarely do that. My bedroom is an older style bedroom this time with dark wooden panel wainscoting and frames hanging on the walls. The dream is pretty fuzzy, not very vivid, but I don't think to try and fix this first.

      I head out and try to remember what I need to do for the LD comp. I end up on the roof of some building in daytime wracking my brain for some memories. I eventually remember about teleporting. I try to find a door nearby, going down to street level in this dingy alleyway, and see a door that's more like a wooden closet door. Briefly, I consider making my own door/portal because that would count as a personal goal but I figure I should start simple instead.

      I open the door and crawl inside. It's empty, there's a shelf near the top, and it's cramped. I close the door behind me and first imagine the outside changing, but then I figure this could be like Narnia instead. I imagine the back of the closet receding and feel around for a second door. I don't have a specific destination in mind, so I open it and end up in what looks like a Muji, with products on display and all.

      I am a little disappointed. I try to think of a specific setting and decide on Harry Potter. I find a properly sized door and go through. I find myself on this flight of dark wooden stairs. I squint (everything is still fuzzy and dreamlike) and try to reason if this place could be related to Hogwarts but it looks more like a regular university, like a old New England-style building. I vaguely imagine an auditorium-like setting in my head and keep moving. I don't remember what Hogwarts actually looks like, which doesn't help.

      I end up in a dollar store or bookstore with aisles of items on shelves. Instead of worrying about it further, I look around for some magic wands on the shelves and at first see something that might be it, but turns out to be some plastic toy bubble maker. Screw it, I'll make my own wand. I hold both my hands out and mimic "pulling" a long piece of wood out of thin air between pinched fingers, like stretching taffy, until I get a long wand. The surface of it is bumpy and uneven. I try to Wingardium Leviosa something nearby but it doesn't work at first. I remember I need to actually "craft" a magic tool for the competition and try "enchanting" it by imagining a dark spiral pattern onto it and pressing some purple symbols into the wood. There is an older woman behind the front desk that reminds me of McGonagall who gives me some advice about the gesture (down and up).

      (after this point I'm not 100% sure I'm still dreaming, though I don't think I feel my physical body in bed?)

      I feel a wave of something that might mean I'm waking up at this point and am ""daydreaming"" instead. Feeling a sense of urgency/doubt, I follow the woman's advice and try to levitate a product on the counter and it works (? unclear)

      I go outside after and think about what else I can do. I'm not sure if I'm actually dreaming or imagining things right now. I call out for A. just for the hell of it as I walk past a dimly lit construction site through an underpass, the right side of me blocked off by a blue wall. He actually appears around the corner, holding a plate with a slice of cake and a strange two-piece umbrella where the handle detaches. I'm surprised and glad that he's there. I feel the pulse of "something" again. I ask him about the umbrella and he says something about needing to allow or not allow some other people from using it? Unclear, but it's a mischievous vibe. I realize the cake is gone. I want to ask more but then I'm 100% awake.

      Updated 07-10-2024 at 07:42 PM by 100243

      non-lucid , false awakening , lucid
    2. 2024-07-08 (summer comp day 3)

      , 07-08-2024 at 10:49 PM
      Death and Pterry

      I'm in some classroom with bluish lighting, either playing a game or actually physically there. I see a couple of small black bunny statues on top of the hanging fluorescent lights and remember I'm supposed to click/collect them to get points. Between some of the bunnies I see a miniature Death from Discworld talking with a mini Pterry - I accidentally make both of them decade or two younger because I use something like a magnifying glass on them. Someone comments that they've never seen that before. I guess Death isn't a skeleton in this case? I get concerned and try to reverse it but it eventually doesn't matter.

      There's more to this but I don't remember.

      FA Chain LD

      (some of this might be out of order because there were quite a few FAs but should be roughly correct.)

      I wake up sometime in the night and try to WILD. Eventually I do the nose check and yup I'm dreaming. I get out of bed and open the window and leave. As usual the window is accessible compared to IRL where I have a desk in front of it. The window slides upwards instead of to the side.

      Somehow I find myself indoors in some vast shifting building. I try to remember my DV LD competition goals and recall one about hobbies. I find a whiteboard on a wall and take one of the dry erase markers nearby and start drawing. There's already a bunch of writing and some doodles on it shifting around. I see a doodle of an anime face on it and try to do the same. It's difficult because with every stroke the dry erase marker changes color and the drawing "wiggles", turning into something almost but not quite the same. I manage to finish a very unimpressive drawing. I think it's the face of a girl with two small hair buns.

      At some point I try to fly but gravity gets in the way as usual and I slowly fall down, though this time I'm decently bouyant.

      Next I look around and think about trying climbing. I try to manifest some climbing walls as I scale upwards but all I get are sections of mall-like areas / food courts, dark blue and orangish. I'm pulling myself up the walls that I can reach -- they're made of some soft netlike material and are not quite vertical. Some sections are more like stairs. The indoors is more like an escher painting with nonsensical architecture than a regular building. I don't get anything more done when I wake up.

      I'm disappointed that my LD was short as usual. I decide to write down my dream on my phone before I forget in my usual notetaking app, which is correctly in dark mode with purple highlights, but there are weird outlined blocks of text that keep reappearing in my notes even after I delete them and I can't make much progress writing it down. I think this is a bit weird. Shortly after, I try RCing and it's actually an FA. I pull myself out of bed and exit through the window.

      I decide to make my way through the city like Spiderman. I make the web shooting sign with my hand and shoot webs to swing around a couple of buildings/skyscrapers and remember possibly talking to a friend about being able to do so in an LD. It's pretty fun though not as vivid as it could be. Eventually I find myself in some city streets.

      I call out in the street for A. (one of my characters), and some stocky latino guy with a buzzcut comes around the corner. He asks for my name first and I tell him. He says his name is Emilio [something]. I ask if he knows if A. is around and he says no, unfortunately not (with the implication that he's not in the dream world at all). I say it would be nice to get to chat with him. As we talk, I spiderman up a building and he follows, hauling himself up a metal awning with pure physical strength. I'm about to ask him further, but I wake up.

      I do the nose check again, realize it's an FA, roll out of bed. This time I grab the handset of a corded phone on a desk next to the window, or pretend to do so with the phone hand sign up at my ear. I don't call anyone specific, but an older woman responds. I ask for A. as I leave through the window and she says, one moment, can you put yourself on mute? I pretend to do so by "pressing" a button on my fake phone and making a "beep" sound. I have no idea if it works. It occurs to me (absurdly) that if I take a corded phone outside, the cord would get caught on the window and have a distance limit, so I switch to pretending to hold a smartphone instead. I walk around while waiting for the woman, ducking under some scaffolding. It's nighttime. I wake up again before I get an answer.

      it's another FA. I try to pause this time before leaving to try and stabilize the dream. I don't think it really helps but I look outside the window and it's a busy city street at night, with a bunch of residential brownstones across the street. There's an ambulance traveling backwards, possibly floating. The air is cool against my skin. I glance to my left and right -- I'm a couple stories up in some red brick apartment building. I half expect some other person to be leaning out their own windows at the same time, but there's no one in the adjoining apartments. I call out for both A. and E. (another character) but don't get any response. A group of people pass by below me and one of them is N. (an IRL friend) with longer hair than usual, his hair half up. I hop down and talk to him and say that I like his new hairstyle. He's about to respond when I wake up for real.