I was standing on a rocky beach at night looking into the waves. After staring off for a bit I started walking into the water and swimming. It was dark but the water was clear. As I swam I saw first some strange looking fish. I eventually passed them by and eventually came onto a few mermaids and mermen. They were swimming like dolphins jumping out of the water looking like hills running across the surface. I followed them for a while and eventually we passed these luminescent jelly fish. I just kept swimming and eventually reached land. It had a dock with a few small rowboats and lots of barrels around. One man held a lasso in his hands and was roping barrels and swinging them into the air as another man shot at it with arrows.
I was eating outside at a restaurant with my family. I started hopping in my chair like a pogo stick, and hopping I left the restaurant and went down the street. As I was hopping along I looked out over the trees ahead of me and on the left side of the road. What at first I thought was a bird flew up from out of the trees and circled for a bit. As I got closer I was able to see that it was a golden color all over and had a four legged body with an eagles head and a long feathery, flowing tail. I kept hopping along watching the griffin fly until it landed and I kept on hopping. Eventually I hopped to a park and I explored the park a bit, still hopping in the chair of course. After a few trips around the park I hopped back to the entrance where I found my family. They walked out of the park and I followed along still hopping. I followed them through some trees and then was suddenly in a hallway at my school.
I was in my 6th period class just drinking a dr pepper and not really doing any work and then we got released. for some reason I took a different path and walked outside to the front side of the school when I normally walk around the back. I went out a side door and started walking along the front of the school. As I started getting close to the courtyard that is kinda hidden next to the library I heard people in there. I looked in and saw a couple of friends fro the next town over and a friend in one of my classes. They were kicking around a hacky sack and were all skilled much more than they usually are. I had a free 7th period so I decided to join them. We all played for a while and even I was better than normal. I eventually realized that if I stayed there too long playing I would play right through my free period and miss the bus. I mentioned that to one of my friends from the next town and he said he would take me home. We kept kicking and passing the bag, dropping it a few times of course but much less than usual, until I woke up.
A woman was moving through a house slowly going from room to room. The house had not been lived in for several years and was in horrible condition. sunlight filtered in through the windows that were so dirty you could not see what was outside. The woman went up the stairs, thankful that no steps were broken. At the top of the stairs was only a single door with an old fashioned lock, the kind where you can peer through to the other side. She jiggled the door knob and the door cam right open. The room was rectangular with another door at the other end. To the left was a large bed with poles that came up and crossed over it. To the left was a desk. On either side of the desk stood (floated) two identical female ghosts. The woman moved towards the ghosts and they started to chase her. The ghosts "ran" even though their feet never touched the ground. The woman tried to fight the ghosts and found that she could actually touch them,but they seemed to show no pain. Together the two ghosts shrieked "You Can Not Defeat Us! Only when HIS curse is ended can you beat us." Understanding overtook the woman and she rolled toward the other door. As soon as she touched the knob the door flew open and a male ghost rushed out at the woman and slammed into her full body. The room was still old and falling apart, but less so than it was a second before. The female ghosts were standing on either side of the door. This time they were different, neither looked like the two ghosts earlier (or was it later?) The two ghosts were obviously different people from eachother also. The door was open and the same male ghost was standing there shouting at one of the female ghosts. The one he was yelling at was ugly and looked like she may have even been on drugs, but the other one was incredibly beautiful. The man ghost stepped between the two female ghosts but then the beautiful one pushed him aside and lunged for the ugly one. They crashed together and their forms wavered for a second and then they melded together. The single ghost had traits of both women but was more hideous than even the one ugly ghost. It was the same as the two ghosts that were in the room when the woman entered. The female ghost split down the middle and flew apart. Slowly the two halves formed full bodies until two identical ghosts were next to eachother. The male ghost cried out and ran back in through the door he had come, slamming the door shut. Again the entire scene played and then again. On the third time the woman was actually in the room and couldn't take it anymore so she jumped between the beautiful and ugly ghosts. The beautiful ghost fell into her and the ugly ghost disintegrated behind her. The woman stepped back and could feel the presence of the ghost inside of her. The man walked, floating, toward her and then began to cry. He thanked her over and over and over again. Then the man dropped to his knees and the woman felt more as if she was the ghost than herself. He held his hand out with his palm up and a stone ring appeared floating above his hand. "Will you marry me?" The woman looked down and said yes, and it felt like a hundred years of stress fell away in that one instance. She slid her finger through the ring and it shrank to fit perfectly around her finger. Two weeks later the woman was pregnant. Nine months after that a baby girl was born. The baby grew exceptionally fast and within just a few months she was talking and even swimming. The baby girl was as intelligent as a twelve year old after less than half a year. All through the baby's development flashes could sometimes be seen of the male ghost looking down at the baby smiling. The woman also sometimes flashed with a beauty that she normally didn't possess herself. This entire dream was non-lucid, almost as if it was a movie.
I feel like there was more o the dream but I can only remember the bus ride I was riding on the bus talking to my friend. The conversation soon turned to dreaming, and as he often does, he asked me if I was dreaming. "My head is foggy and my thoughts aren't very clear, but everything seems stable enough. I may just be tired." Even though I was kinda skeptical I decided to do a reality check because I still felt there was a good chance that I was dreaming. I reached up and pinched my nose and tried to breathe. "Can you breathe?" my friend asked. "No," I said as I released my nose and filled my lungs with air.Not satisfied with only a single check, I tried to push my finger through my palm because it was something I had read on Dreamviews. My finger didn't go through and I felt a dull pain in my palm. "I still feel fuzzy but this seems to be real." I let my head drop against the window and stared out. A large truck pulled p next to the bus and I noticed a small digital clock on the side. I glanced at the clock and then looked away not thinking much about it. I remembered what I read about digital clocks and not being stable and I looked back at it. The numbers seemed to read all 0's and seemed to squiggle a bit. I stared at the clock focusing until it read 8:01. I looked away and then looked back and the time was still the same. I attributed the initial unfocused reading to being tired, because I did feel tired, and I just stopped thinking about dreams. It was only after my alarm went off at 5:00that I realized that I was in fact dreaming.
The dream opened up and I was sitting at the edge of a lake talking with a friend of mine. My house and his house were both at the edge of the lake but all of the other houses on the street (and the whole neighborhood) were taken up by the lake. Behind me a lot of people were arriving at my house including my grandparents and my grandma's sister. After a while I went up to the house and gave a round of hugs before going in. Inside I sat down at a table with my friend's sister playing cards. I never talk to her in real life but we sat there playing cards and eating chips for quite a while. We talked about different things but I can't really remember any thing we talked about. When we stopped playing cards we cleaned up and sat on the floor for a while. he only thing I can remember her sayng was how she didn't like to eat over at other people's houses (which I don't think is true but I don't know her very much) but that this instance was ok kinda because it was a party setting.
A woman walked into a room made of stone that had places raised and lowered in a way that reminded me of minecraft. Everything in the room was made of stone. Near the middle but towards the side there was an area of raised stone that functioned as a table. Pools of water were laid out and connected through narrow strips of water. There was no light source, but the room was well lit. The woman had slightly curly, blonde hair, and was dressed in a long, blue and white dress with puffy sleeves. She reminded me of a Disney princess. The princess walked to where the table was and my view zoomed in on the table (I was watching this dream like a movie I was not in it) There was a plate on the table, with a stone marble on it. The marble had designs carved into the side but overall it was still very smooth. When she reached out toward the small stone it jumped off the plate and began to roll. It rolled off the table and away. The woman chased the marble around the room as it rolled and bounced across the ground and through water. She ran through the small pools getting the bottom of her dress wet as she chased the marble. Finally as the marble jumped out of a narrow passage of water the princess caught it. She sat down and swallowed the stone. She sat on the ground for a few seconds until the dream ended.
I was in my school library and school was about to be released. When the bell rang I went outside and it was raining. It wasn't raining very hard but the principals still made everyone go back inside. We hadn't had rain in so long that when we finally did they wouldn't let us leave the school. I went back into the chool and went to the restroom then went to sit in the library again.
I had a blue cloak that had yellow strips in various places on it. Strapped onto each arm was a foam shield. The right arm had a larger more ornate shield while my left arm held a small round buckler. There was a large group of people all dressed similarly, standing in rows behind me. Everyone was armed with some type of foam weapon or shield. To my left was the leader of our group. he was dressed like the rest of us but wore a red, leather pauldrin on one shoulder. The entire group was standing in a room with two doors leading out to a field. About 40 feet down the field another group dressed in mostly brown and black stood. "He called us lazy!" our leader shouted. "We are here to defend ourselves! Are we lazy?" "NO!" came the loud response from the crowd behind me. "We are here today to show them that we are strong and willfull!" With that he raised his sword and stepped out of the door closest to him. I followed behind him and the rest poured out of the two doors behind me. All of the people with only shields ran forward first from both groups and pushed against eachother. I locked my larger shield against an advancing group and punched out with the buckler. As i was getting pushed back allies came from behind me and started pushing with me. I couldn't punch with my buckler anmore because I was too cramped between allies. As we were pushing everyone with swords came rushing out to stab down over our heads at the other groups shield carriers. After the group I was blocking were "killed" I started to run forward when a friend of mine on the opposing team ran up and poked me in the gut with his foam sword. I fell over and waited for the battle to finish. I don't know the outcome of the battle but after everything was over we had a Harry Potter quiz.
I was in what appeared to be some kind of arena, but it was dark like a movie theater would be. To my left was my mom and past her was other members of my family and a friend I haven't seen in a long time. On my right there was only some kid I didn't know and his dad. I wasn't paying much attention to whatever it was we were watching I can't even remember what it was now. instead I was talking to the kid beside me and my mom. I had 2 boxes of cracker jacks and I was about half way finished with the first box. I was pretty excited about having them because I haven't had any in a long time and they are really good. At one point the friend down the row from me got up and past behind me to go get something. I tried to say Hi but she just passed me by. For some reasons I moved up two rows in seats with my mom after I finished my first box and then I opened my second box. The last thing i remember in the dream is eating cracker jacks YUM!!
Updated 07-26-2011 at 10:17 AM by 35303
Im not sure if it was two completely different dreams or just a huge change in one. The first part I can barely remember but I was riding in a truck with some friends going out to a field party or something similar. As we were arriving we heard a radio broadcast saying that marijuana was legal for one night as long as you were out doors with it. I was walking through the field and i had one guy offer me a joint but I passed it up. The dream changed (or a new dream started) and I was at school. I was walkign around for a while talking to friends and teachers. While i was walking down the main hall I noticed that I didnt have on a shirt. I stopped and said "well since this is a dream I can make clothes appear." (It must have been a VERY low levl of lucidity because it was only a breif mention of dreams long enough to fix a problem and I wasnt really aware) I started miming that i was grabbing a shirt on my body until one appeared. I continued to talk to people until I woke up.
I remember being at a party hanging out with friends (they werent friends in real life they were just random DCs). I was talking to them when they took me over to meet this girl. She introduced herself to me by one name but I recognized her as someone else. We talked for a while and then 4 of us went into a room and talked in there where it was quieter. Eventually the dream changed and I was in a police station. Some of the people from the party were there but not all f them. I wasnt arrested so Im not sure why I was there. The cops were grilling inside on the first floor. Upstairs there was a lounge area with a few peopole sitting around. The cops were sometimes randomly pretending to arrest people then letting them up. It happened to me at one point and embers from the grill fell out and burned me. I was let up and I walked around for a little longer just hanging out until we heard a radio message about people getting close. There was apparently some kind of riot or rebellion going on. One of the officers mentioned something about how they had already gotten to his house which was close. We all went outside and loaded into trucks and one officer passed out flashlights. I dont know if anythign haopened after that.
I was playing in a stream that ended with a waterfall into a deep but not very big pool. Two of my sisters were with me. I went over to the waterfall and jumped off into the water. When I came up I turned around and stared up at the waterfall and I thought something like "and overlapping sheets of water cascaded down onto my head as I floated in the deep water at the bottom." I was trying to think of the best way to write it but I wasnt sure why I wanted to write it down. I wait for my sisters to come down the waterfall but instead they climb down the rocks at the side. I swim over to the edge and then I sudennly realize that I am dreaming. The first thing I did was tuying to fly. Nothing happened I stayed right there in the water. Well if I cant fly I guess I could try to play blitzball Ive always wanted to do that. Almost as soon as I had the thought though it left my head as I tried to fly again and failed. "Well even though I dont have any control at least this dream is still lucid and pretty vivid as well so I know I will remember it when I wake up" I thought to myself. As i hung on the rocks around the water the waterfall started to shrink back and disappear. The grass and reeds also started to thin out until they were gone as well. The rocks sank down to below the water level and turned into concrete. The bottom of the water came up to meet where the rocks went down to which was about 2-3 feet deep. The edge of the pool turned into a blue inflated material. I was now in an inflatable kiddie pool. I started to look at the new surroundings and it seemed that I was in Six Flags over Texas and the pool was where a ride should have been. The park was almost completely empty except for people who worked there and just a handful of others. An old man who worked there for some reason came over and told us to get out of the pool. We did and I grabbed my regular clothes which was somehow by the pool. I laughed at how my clothes ended up there even though I knnew that I wasnt anywhere near the place just seconds earlier. As I was standing by the pool an old friend walked up to me and said hi. I thought about how the dream was great because it showed me someone how they used to look. About a year ago irl the girl was trapped in a fire and burned horribly but in the dream she looked like that had never happened. I said something to her about how She wasnt burned and she got mad and walked away. I walked around a little bit and noticed that the dream changed again. Now I was in like a commercial barn or something and there were cows all over the place and a small workshop to one side. People at the other side were filling bags with a red dust and then putting them into the back of a truck. Through dialouge in the dream I found out tht the red dust was made from cow manure and it didnt smell once it was turned into the dust. I couldnt really test if it smelled or not because everything around me smelled like cows and poop. I just walked around for a while observing until the dream ended. I dont know how or when the dream ended but when I woke up i wasnt on my bed. There are two beds in my room and I was on the one that I dont sleep on when I went to bed on the one I always go to bed on.
Both dreams were non lucid. The first dream was a false awakening in which I was having trouble getting to sleep. I decided to mess with my next door neighbor a bit since I couldnt sleep. I walked over to his house and opened up the window to his bedroom to climb inside. I shook him awake and told him that he was dreaming. Shortly after waking him I jumped out the windoww and went back to my house to go to sleep. In the second dream I was walking to a friend's house. While walking I decided to fly but when I took off it was more of a glide than actual flight. I had to take off many times because I would crash into the ground if the wind wasnt just right. I walked and glided next to another friend that was going the same place I was. When we got to our friends house I went inside and told him to come outside. We stood there talking for a little while and then I started gliding again. I caught a good wind that brought me up high above the houses and I stayed up there like a kite for a while. The dream ended before I came down.
The dream started and I was with firemage (this wasnt a shared dream though we have been trying to share dreams) and we were standing at the end of our street (in real life we are neighbors) and we started walking around the neighborhood. As we walked the neighborhood changed and each street we turned down seemed to put us in a different place. After just a few minutes of walking it was night time and we were standing outside a house with a motorcycle parked in the street in front of it.As we were standing in front of the house a cop drove up and got out of his car and went up to the house. he knocked on the door and a man that seemed to be about in his early or mid 20s answered. When he realized that it was a cop he tok off running and jumped onto the motorcycle and started it up before the cop could react. He drove away and the cop ran to get into the car. I dont know what happened after that.