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    1. Strong Lucid

      by , 10-19-2013 at 03:59 PM
      I was dreaming about jumping around in a 3-D videogame-like landscape with lots of green hills. I turned around in mid-jump and saw a huge Sasquatch-like thing. I decided to ignore it since I jumped a safe distance away and it didn't seem to notice me. It disappeared and when I turned back around I became lucid. This was a very clear and vivid lucid; I felt like I was completely awake in the dream. I told myself "I'm lucid! I'm in a dream, I can do anything!" I tried to think quickly about how I should use the opportunity before I woke up. My initial reaction was to attempt to fly but then I thought "No, too generic." so I decided that I wanted to conjure up a "mana ball" between my hands just to launch it somewhere. As if in response a wizard appeared in front of me. While I tried to conjure it I was sort of confused as to why he was there. Then I thought maybe he was just symbolically there, "teaching" me how to conjure so I could do it. I tried to make a mana ball appear by focusing between my hands until I woke up. I wish the visual quality of the dream landscape was more realistic than a video game, and that I conjured a mana ball, but the level of lucidity was remarkable.
    2. vent sneaking and hidden city

      by , 09-06-2012 at 05:54 PM
      I was at my cousins work (I think) which was in some big office building type place. Someone we were with said we had to sneak through the vents into some control room to stop them from doing something bad. I was kind of worried the vents wouldn't be strong enough to hold me, but we eventually crawled through them to the room.

      My family just bought a new house, and my room was a cave. There was a big African-American basketball player looking guy with us for some reason. Him and I were sitting at the kitchen table and we happened to bring up marijuana in our conversation. He cautiously asked me if I smoked or knew how to get any. I said I've smoked before. We went into my room that was a cave and tried to fix his bong that was broken with scotch tape. It didn't work. I noticed a narrow opening high up that went around my whole cave room just below the ceiling. We wondered what was up there, so I managed to climb up to it. It just lead to more space, so we decided to walk through it. It lead to a whole cave city, it seemed really secret and anciently significant. There was a pizza shop there that advertised a pizza flavor in the window named after my dad and I, because apparently he used to be of significance to the town. I felt like I just discovered something profound about myself and my family, not knowing about my dad before. We eventually left and turned into Finn and Jake from adventure time. I was Fin but had the morphing powers of Jake. I felt really happy, like I could finally move on with my life for some reason and kept morphing into a giant Finn and back while we were walking back to my new house. This creepy, dark figure standing on the sidewalk noticed us and started following us :disconcerted:. I woke up.
    3. cool fragment

      by , 06-25-2012 at 10:12 PM
      Two orcs charged me as I was adventuring in the wilderness. I leaned back on my right leg and put my left hand out as if to signal "stop" to put my right arm out of their view. I quickly drew a bow from my back with my right hand and an arrow with my left. I shot them both in the head in like 2 seconds. I woke up feeling really cool.
    4. zombie/ monster apocalypse

      by , 06-06-2012 at 11:50 AM
      My friends and I were in a basement living room type place. For some reason it was a time where we had to be reckless with each others lives, the fact that zombies/ monsters were trying to take over humanity probably had something to do with it. One of my friends was shooting/ throwing arrows at the wall recklessly and I think got someone in the arm . A few others were playing a board game where the looser was about to get a drill through his hand :shock:. We had locked ourselves (or tried to) into this house for the night because of the zombies/ monsters or whatever the hell was trying to take over, it seemed like it could be anything, but we also had to watch out for each other. I wanted to get some sleep but I knew I shouldn't put myself in such a vulnerable position, a girl I was talking to said it's hell and almost impossible to sleep here not knowing what you're gonna wake to lol. As a bunch of people and I were sitting on a couch in the basement room talking, we hear the door at the top of the stairs slam open, and obviously it was something huge (it kind of looked like one of those evil things from the movie gremlin but like 7 ft tall and huge). There was a closet I hid in before it could see us. I think it left or something because I found everyone trying to sneak away before I knew what had happened lol. I end up in one of the upstairs rooms late at night watching some staticy station where people were trying to get in touch with each other with radios and talk about the state of their area and what happened to them etc. I turn it off and go down stairs. I'm surprised to see one friend sleeping on the couch who I didn't think was in the house at all. He jumps up at the sound of me with a knife in his hand, but I was more relieved to see him than anything. After he realizes it's me we talk about how we were going to escape from the area, find certain people, and find weapons. Since we were low on food, he suggested that we mix battery acid and banana peels lol. I said we better leave as soon as we can. We end up at a mall type place and find someone he was looking for, I really wanted to find a taser for some reason so we ask her if she knows anywhere we could find them, then I wake up. I kind of wish more monster action went on :?

      Updated 06-06-2012 at 11:54 AM by 19797

    5. outstanding dream

      by , 01-28-2012 at 02:15 PM
      I had a dream where I was placed floating in some strange virtual environment. There were no clear reasons to defend myself or anything, but I was forced upon the decision to choose a weapon to fight with. Again, no clear reasons why, it just felt like I had to or was supposed to accept it as an unquestioned assumption, and even embrace/ enjoy it. I didn't want to, so I "scrolled" it seemed like, upwardly through all of the weapons feeling like I just wanted to escape this decision. After I reached the end of the list I just kept looking upward into the sky filled with galaxies. It looked like one of the Hubble deep-field images, but more vibrant and direct. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved at this view and decided I would ignore the fighting and stay there. I had the feeling that something bad would happen if I didn't help someone fight, but I was confident that my choice could help the situation somehow. The galaxies got increasingly vivid and detailed as I stared until the end of the dream. I became lucid just before I woke up.
    6. flying over landscape lucid

      by , 01-08-2012 at 11:39 PM
      I had a lucid where I was flying in a foresty landscape of hills with a road and some sparse buildings, a lot like my environment in RL. I was only about 15 meters high and could barely see past the horizon on the top of the closest hills, but they were still fairly far away and I could see them vividly. I wanted to fly higher to get a vaster view of the landscape, but when I attempted it seemed that I didn't have very much control over where I flew. I managed to fly a little higher and toward a position relative to two close hills that gave a view of an opening between them of more distant hills. While I was dreaming I kept thinking that maybe I wasn't able to get the vast view I wanted because I haven't seen it in RL yet, and that maybe I could only vividly imagine what I'm used to actually seeing. Maybe that thought hampered the possibility.

      Updated 01-08-2012 at 11:56 PM by 19797

    7. rare "fighter birds"

      by , 06-07-2011 at 02:38 AM
      I had a pretty cool dream today while napping. I was in some kind of jungle where I was sent to document a story about this kid from a native tribe. He was about my age, and he was known to have a talent and passion for climbing the trees and searching for rare "fighter birds" a set of rare species of little colorful hummingbird-like birds who were known to fight with each other in the tree tops lol. The dream started with him and I at the base of a HUGE tree, all the trees in the jungle were huge. There was a huge root at the base of the tree that was used like stairs and led to a wooden tree house around the height where the tree branches started. We started walking up and got close to the tree house. As he started to climb the branches to show me where he searches for the birds, I noticed a really strange bird to my right sitting on another tree branch level to my eye sight. The bird had the coolest turquoise sheen on his face and other strange colored feathers I can't really remember/explain but they were very vivid and textured with other visual phenomenon I couldn't really name. I picked up my camera that was hanging from my neck and aimed for it immediately. I either dropped the camera or made a click sound to turn it on, but I made a noise and it heard me and turned to me startled. I thought "great I scared it, now it's gonna fly away" but it didn't. It stared at me for a few seconds and flew toward me. I was kinda scared lol, I didn't know what this exotic thing could do to me so I jumped off the tree root I was on, which was high enough to have normally injured me but I was fine. Right before I jumped it swooped right above my head. I ran back up the root and into the tree house. While I stood at the back of the tree house, looking out the door, my dream cut to a scene of a big tiger approaching the area. Then I realized maybe the bird wasn't trying to attack me but trying to warn me about the approaching tiger.:uhm:

      Updated 01-08-2012 at 11:45 PM by 19797

    8. not much

      by , 05-12-2011 at 05:42 PM
      I was in a town that looked run down and long abandoned. There were a lot of people still in the town. I was sent on a mission to save them from being plagued by zombies or something. I don't remember much, but I remember I was followed by a big flying talking cat that gave me advice lol.

      The only other fragment I remember is that I was in school at night to finish an art project. I was drawing in the art room with music I put on the radio. Two girls come in the room to finish up an art project too, one sat across from me and the other sat next to me. I could tell that the one across from me was the nicer one for some reason so I said "I don't mind turning the music off if you'd prefer to draw that way" she thought about it like she didn't really mind but finally said "sure". I turned the music off and the girl next to me said "Thank God" and I thought to my self "What a bitch" lol.
    9. Damsel in distress/ brief lucidity

      by , 05-07-2011 at 08:11 PM
      I dreamt that a few people and I were in a wooden house that looked like a store, like a gift shop you'd find at a ski resort or something like that. I think it was storming really bad I can't really remember but people we're scared that something bad was going to happen, like bad people or a tornado was coming maybe. Everyone was advised to hide somewhere better than the room we were in so I went into a smaller room and found a crawlspace door, I crawled though that and found my self in a full sized hallway with more rooms, the hallway slanted down like it was going underground and I went into the room on the bottom and found another crawlspace door that again slanted down and led to one room. I suddenly heard a girl screaming all the way from the main room and figured she was being attacked. Although I felt like I had a good hiding spot and wanted to stay there I needed to help her so I started to run through the crawlspace and stopped suddenly when I realized I should probably find something hard to knock the attackers out with so I went back into the room I was in frantically searching for something when I suddenly became lucid. I woke up about 3 seconds after into sleep paralysis and tried to slip back into my dream state. I could move my dream body around lucidly so I started waving my arms around which made my dream state stronger. I could faintly see myself in a dream but I lost lucidity and lost track of memory from then on.
    10. Alligator eggs and new Zelda

      by , 05-03-2011 at 04:12 PM
      I'm reading a book in my living room when my mom, my friends mom, and her boyfriend or something walk out of my kitchen toward the front door. They say there gonna watch a movie in the guys expensive car that has 4 t.vs in it, I kind of drown out what they say about it but I can see a picture of the front cover in my mind, it's like an oil drum going into a big vortex, I say no lol.

      I'm in some kind of board game land. I'm just outside the house I'm supposed to be living in. My dog is fed these jelly alligator looking things, like dead little alligators with no bones, just a mesh of transparent red jelly like flesh and a white fatty substance. While my dog is eating it I notice that the red stuff and the white stuff become more distinct from each other the deeper it goes. I pick it up and kind of look around. I find a red heart and open it up. Inside is a little white sack. I go inside the house to show somebody and my mom is sitting at a desk on a computer. While showing her I squeeze it too hard and all these little spherical eggs pop out. My mom suddenly becomes Geddy Lee from Rush. The computer is playing a Rush video from like 1976 (which he says he gets a little self conscious about lol) and looks mad at me like I've asked him to sit here and watch it. He gets up and leaves. Then he turns back into my mom and shes like sorry I got mad these eggs are actually a really cool finding. hahaha wtf

      I'm in my grandpop's living room with some family and some family friends. I ask my mom if she's ever been in a band. She answers immediately yes. My Grandfather's band Integro (which I assume is my unconscious's best guess for "Integrity" in Italian lol) They say there's a movie about it somewhere in the house and I feel like I've seen parts of it before so I ask my dad to help me find it. I look under a piece of furniture and for some reason a pokemon game I assumed was mine (a ds version of ruby lol) was broken under one of the legs of the chair. I turn to my brother and I'm like doesn't this suck... and he looks like he doesn't care and he's like eh, while playing his own game, and I'm like yeah you wouldn't be like that if it happened to you. My dad finds some like 1950s movie he used to like and puts it in the vcr. I'm like wtf is this I want to watch the one we were looking for. He ignores me and keeps on about how its so funny. I'm like "This movie F***in sucks" and go to hit the eject button. He try's to pull me away from it and we're sitting there struggling with each others hands until I wake up lol.

      I'm walking down my old houses street and find my old skateboard all beat up and worn. Next thing I remember I'm with a friend who I used to skateboard with and I tell him that I just ordered a new skateboard and he tells me the trucks I ordered make are one of the worst. I tell him that I should just return it when I get it because I don't skate anymore anyway lol.

      Next dream I remember is that I'm Link in a new Zelda game. I start at a little wooden house. There are other wooden houses in a row parallel to that one with fields of green in between. There are woods you can't go through on the bottom and the top, making sure you go through all the houses. I experience actually being Link, but I also have a bird's eye view of the game at the same time. After walking through a house with an old man in it who tells me about my journey, I see a sword in a stone with the triforce on it. I pull it out and beams of light come out of the stone. The story of the game flashes to two kids hiding in an attic type place. I experience being one of them and feel like my brother is the other. Everything was in surreal cartoonish graphics of the Windwaker. We're hiding in the mansion we live in from our ultra strict family. The feeling is really scary, like life or death depends on our hiding. We hear the maid opening the attic type door and we know we have to take her out, so right when she opens the door I jump straight on her so we hit the floor high up from the attic type place hopefully knocking her out. We find ourselves in a cellar, it turns out the "attic" was a pantry storage in the basement. We walk around the huge mansion trying to find a way out I guess and hear a bunch of people coming. We get separated trying to hide and I find a little nook between two staircases. It was a really weird room because there were like 4 stair cases kind of intertwining each other. I feared my life as all these people were passing by me. They were getting ready for dinner. A few old people passed by the nook real slowly and I hoped they wouldn't turn. A girl passed by me really exited and saying how hungry she was. Finally a big lady walks real slowly by, and sits in a chair facing my line of sight. She acts like she doesn't see me and asks why are you hiding? I promise.... something I don't remember... if you just tell me. I knew I couldn't say anything and that I had to get out of there and I woke up.

      Updated 05-03-2011 at 04:33 PM by 19797

    11. lol

      by , 04-25-2011 at 06:10 PM
      I had a dream where I woke up in my bed and tried to record a dream...
    12. blah

      by , 04-24-2011 at 04:14 PM
      Boring, stupid dream fragments that aren't even worth mentioning, shoulda became lucid and got out of them lol the only ok part was when this guy was telling me how bad his life was, he looked like an immigrant who had a really poor family and tough life. I felt empathy for him and gave him some advice to encourage him and he smiled and felt better.
    13. A bunch

      by , 04-23-2011 at 07:55 PM
      no lucids :( my dream recall is getting much better though :)

      First one I remember I'm at a small concert hall to watch my friend Dave play piano (which he doesn't) with a famous piano player he admires. Before the show a few people I know and some people I kinda knew from school who I never talked to were sitting on couches, I wanted to sit with the people who I knew were friends but this girl was laying down taking up a whole couch next to them so I asked her to move or something, so were sitting there and I have a feeling the girl next to me is getting mad because I'm not saying anything and I don't feel like talking I guess so I just lean on my side pretending to get myself comfortable to sleep, my friend on the other couch does the same and says good-night as a joke and I'm like good night and the girl and her wigger friends get mad and leave and I'm like ya'll leavin? daaaaaamnnn, there like whatever and leave,

      next thing I remember I'm in the passenger seat of my dads van with my brother in the back and my dads complaining about how george bush changed the seat belt laws to screw people over hahah we get to an apartment complex where we live apparently and go into our apartment. I start humming the beginning riff of the song Black Sabbath and my brothers eyes get really wide and hes like WHAT IS THAT and I'm like black sabbath lol

      I'm in a big house with my family and another family, like our distant cousins or something. Everyone's eating cereal and I look into one box that is all marsh mellows haha for some reason I ask them if they have boo berry but they say there all out lol Some people are opening presents for some reason, I find one that they looked over and show someone.

      Next thing I remember I'm outside of my old elementary school with people from school I know, we find out we can fly so everyone tries it at the same time. For some reason I feel like I already knew I could and did it before so I fly really high when there still not very high off the ground. So were just flying around and next thing I know I'm in this girls room who I remember from school who I thought was cute. We're just flying around having fun pushing each other around in the air and stuff, after a while I wonder if I should try to kiss her, I decide to go for it and wake up.

      I go back to sleep and dream about being in a water park. There's a snack bar there that is selling these hot dog type things. I'm just messing with the people working there by saying stuff to them because I think its funny for some reason haha the owner with a foreign accent gives me one of the things they're selling for free. I look at it and drop it on the floor making a big mess. I walk away and start climbing up a water slide hahah I become concerned that the people coming down might fall off because I'm there and I wake up.
    14. Cool

      by , 04-21-2011 at 06:50 PM
      Ok I had one big dream but it's sort of a blur besides a few events.

      I was in a one floor, medium sized apartment complex on a beach with my family, friends and a bunch of other people I didn't know, some who I considered friends in the dream. We we're all there because we signed up for some program, I felt like I was forced to be there though. We were all in a living room type place and people were being called to come into another room, eric cartmen from south park was next to me lol We were both called in at the same time. Theres a south park episode where they thought they discovered that eating with your butt is healthier lol and thats what the program was trying to surgically do in the other room... eric was like OOHHHHH NO, UH UH, and stormed away trying to escape and I joined him, the people we're telling us that its illegal to leave and that we had to go with the program but we managed to escape out a door.

      That night I was laying in my assigned room in the complex and decided to sneak out the window. The shore was right outside. I met up with some friends from real life and some that I never seen before but still considered friends lol. We were sitting on a wooden boardwalk type porch talking and stuff. I was talking to one girl who said she just wanted to stare at the stars and I was like no way, thats so awesome, I like the way you think. We drifted away from the group and walked on the beach. We finally got to a nice place, laid down on the sand and looked up. The stars were way more sparkly and brighter than real life, it was cool. The girl I was with said something to the effect "I like being here with you" and something about the stars maybe and cuddled up really close next to me, the feeling was awesome. Next thing I know it's morning and my brother is pouring sea water out of a bucket on my head to wake me up on the beach with some family and friends I know laughing around me, I get mad and punch him in the shoulder. I think about what just happened more and feel kinda bad but realize that the water only soaked half of my hair where the other half was sandy so I tell him to do it again hahah. I go back to my room and look at a collection of these weird little creatures that the girl and I collected, some of them creatures that don't exist like this little baby turtle/mudkip thing with really cool green fur on the bottom lol two cricket looking things escape from out of the collection and I don't mind, I just watch them head for the door. They go to the half open door, one climbs up the side facing us, the other climbs up the short side that has the lock, they meet each others heads at the 90 degree angle and turn into butterflies, I wake up.

      Updated 04-21-2011 at 07:44 PM by 19797

    15. Choosing stats

      by , 04-20-2011 at 06:08 PM
      For some reason my dreams have been really dry and boring lately. I guess part of it is because I just started trying to recall them again and can only remember like one or two fragments. I can remember the one fragment right before I woke up this morning.

      I was in a school setting once again, a hallway. It was like I was in a video game too because there were like faded inventory windows in my vision. I could choose my states by scrolling down a list of people and choosing who to associate myself with lol. I was set on choosing someone who would give me states toward my goal, so I picked a girl who was characterized by always asking general physics questions, since my goal is to study physics. I almost found myself basing it more on looks/hotness at first and was very frustrated at that part of me that could easily distract energy from my goal. The curious girl wasn't bad looking though :cheeky:
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