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    The Oneironaut's Odyssey

    #121 - Hero kind of dream

    by , 10-04-2015 at 01:05 AM (526 Views)

    Dream - Hero kind of dream
    I seem to have entered a warehouse in the dark of the night. The place had some lighting from the moonlight outside. It was quite open and spacious with a ground floor and upper floor (not separated by a floor, more like iron bridges and railings). I felt like I was a batman-esque type character who had infiltrated the place to fight evil. There were 2 other characters there, one was sort of like the joker, his style was to plant fireworks as bombs in order to kill you. I don't remember much about the other person, only that I think it was a girl that resembled Catwoman. I run up the stairs as I enter the warehouse, I think I even spar with the joker a bit. He's laid down some traps at the top of the staircase which explode mercilessly. I survive pretty easily, almost like nothing even happened...
    The jokers weakness was that he couldn't do long drawn-out battles or close-combat effectively. So as soon as I cleared his fireworks and moved towards him I immediately had the upper hand. He was low on fireworks and started panicking. For some reason I think the warehouse was starting to collapse and we all had to make our escapes, I jumped back down to the ground floor and turned left to a tunnel underneath the staircase. I think I just remember running down the tunnel and then waking up.

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