#146 - Museum expedition
, 11-02-2015 at 01:49 AM (496 Views)
Had to write this in the afternoon after my exam so my brain is fried and I can't recall it too clearly anymore. On the upside: no more uni!
Dream - Museum expedition
This was quite a vivid dream, I was wandering around a museum with my friend John. He was off somewhere else while I was looking at some bronze weapons and jewellery. It transitions to a different museum now and I walk off to an area I was interested in looking at: more bronze jewellery and weapons. There were also plates and other bronze-age ancient look equipment. I saw everything in hyper detail, everything was displayed on a wall (all the walls were modern and white looking). A pretty blonde girl walks past which I notice, the dream world has been very realistic and mundane at this point but starts to take a more abnormal turn. John comes over and we turn to our right and go further into the museum. A huge mining equipment that looks more like ancient siege equipment is in front of us. It's in front of an old mine shaft that's absolutely huge (like 15m high?) so that the miner thing can get inside and, well, mine... The rock it was used to mine is malachite, a type of copper mineral that's distinctly blue-green. The outcrop is rough looking and I spot some pyrite ores in it too when I look at it close up (once again in intense detail). A professor at the museum shows up by chance and invites me and John to come check out the interior a bit and we end up on a mini expedition. I remember thinking how there could be treasure buried around here like rare items or something (is this an RPG?). The professor has 2 assistants, one is a guy and one is a girl. I get the impression that the guy has a crush on the girl. The girl is apparently somewhere getting us tools I think, so me, John, the professor and the guy assistant head off. In terms of the dreamscape we literally just walked next to the mine-siege-thing and turned left onto some stairs that seemed to circle around it. Then we climbed off the stairs next to the mine-siege-thing on to a dark mound that had a black-sludge pool in the centre. This is where the treasure is supposed to be it seems. We set to work trying to dig it up, I remember there being some kind of dish-shaped thing we used to scoop the sludge away. At one point the guy assistant got too close to the edge with his back turned while he was squatting and talking to the professor, I tried helped him but he fell in and seemed a little annoyed. The girl assistant comes back around and the guy assistant is a little flustered.
There were quite a few moments where there was a lot of detail, I think this relates to ADA making me pay more attention.